How to fry egg in stainless steel pan

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all right good morning guys how you doing today I'm just I'm gonna be doing something that a lot of people have asked me questions about and it's mainly about stainless steel pans they for some reason they can't make a fried egg in a stainless steel pan and one of the big problems is you've got to make sure that you pre-heat your stainless steel pan very well and you got to make sure that you have enough fat or oil or butter or whatever you're going to be cooking with help flavor it when I make my eggs I like to use butter I'm preheating my pan right now you want to make sure it's at your cooking temperature or a little bit above because when you put the cold eggs in it it's going to drop the pan temperature down you don't add your butter or your oil or your fat that you're using until your pan is hot enough and you're ready to cook a lot of people make the mistake of putting it in early it melts then what happens is everything sticks to your pan at that point because the pans not hot enough to fry the egg when you first put it in there it just basically adheres to it kind of like a meat does on a grill but the egg doesn't release any oils out of it to release it off your pan so this morning it's just going to be a real quick video on how I get my pan nice and warm I start a minute or two before I start cooking and make sure that my pan is plenty hot enough and then after I put my butter and I make sure that I get my eggs right in on top the melted butter to help cool the butter down so it doesn't burn and so it kind of regulates my temperature for me so let's see if this is gonna work go ahead put my butter in swirl it around a little bit make sure it notes you can see it's melding but it's not actually getting to the point to where it's burning which means I'm probably just about the right temperature to put my eggs in now when you put your eggs in you want to make sure that you put them in on top of the butter you don't want to avoid the butter you want to make sure that the butter is gonna do its job so you take your egg you put it in its sizzles let you know that it's cooking you can see that the eggs almost automatically turn white at the bottom that lets you know that they're cooking right off the bat as soon as you put them in you can say if I shake it a little bit the egg over here is moving so I know that it's not stuck to my pan sorry for my voice I've been sick for the past week so we just want to make sure that they fully cook through you want to make sure they get good and brown around the edges you can see how they're bubbling which means they're coming up off the pan so that will ensure it to me that they're not sticking my pan might be a little hot you can see that the butter is burning a little bit on that side so I just slid the pan off to center my eggs over the heat in the pan so that way I won't continue to burn the butter now when when I make my eggs will the yolk I'd like to flip them for a second or two just enough to you know get all this limey area out I don't like slimy eggs at all so and that also fries the top of the yolk a little bit and it kind of holds it to make sure that I don't break it when I pull it back out of the pan and it also gives you a real nice fry taste on that yolk it's almost like a hard-boiled egg flavor with butter so now we're going to check it and you can see how I can get underneath of it not a problem you can see it stuck a little bit over here in the pan but they should be fine I'm going to wait for another second they're almost done on the top so this is where I like the flip mine flip it over I broke that yoke flip that one over make sure the whole top gets gets cooked just wait a second take the eggs out look them back over on your plate take your pan off the heat and there you go you have eggs you still have a nice yolk in them except for the one I broke obviously but that's not a pan issue so there you go that's it just remember guys every day you are encountered with problems or something that you have to deal with and the best way to deal with that is knowledge that will be your edge for every day thank you very much for watching and see you next time
Channel: The Board Woodworker
Views: 922,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: all clad, stainless steel pan, fried egg, cooking, tutorial, help, enjoy cooking
Id: TcTaq8tV4Kw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 55sec (355 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2017
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