How To Cook Eggs in a Stainless Pan Without Sticking – Bruno Albouze

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hi there today I am going to show you how to cook eggs in a stainless steel pan without sticking so what about non-stick pans well most don't Edge well indeed a scratched or dented non-stick pans can be exposed to potentially toxic chemicals so try to avoid them whenever possible so if you are able to cook an egg flawlessly using a stainless steel pan you can cook everything first place the pan over medium heat then wait for 2 minutes next pour a thin bit of water over the pan and watch what happens and if it turns into pearls it's ready to go let's do it to listen that is pretty interesting isn't it [Music] so when the pan is ready but still not too hot add the fat and I like to cook eggs with olive oil and butter oil stop butter from burning now here is a great trick season the pan with table salt not too much that will create a non-stick effect and when it begins to smoke add the eggs lower the heat if needed and let cook and Disturbed for 5 minutes no rush season with your favorite herbs and spice and fill the cell go easy on salt remember the bottom of your sunny side up eggs it's got some salt already turn off the heat and let sit for a couple of minutes and slide onto a plate Bon Appetit I hope guys you have enjoyed this how-to episode please give me a like and don't forget to subscribe have a gorgeous day we'll see you very soon [Music]
Channel: Bruno Albouze
Views: 117,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eggs, sunny side up eggs, nonstick pan, stainless steel pan, DeBuyer, how to cook eggs
Id: GrxQ3ej95dI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 9sec (129 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2023
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