Scratch Made Bologna! | Chuds BBQ

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what is going on everybody welcome back to Chad's barbecue my name is Bradley Robinson and today I'm going to show you how I made this beautiful delicious Smoky scratch made amazing homemade baloney that's right folks I made this baloney from scratch turned one into cold cuts and the other one I smoked to make this amazing gooey cheesy sandwich coming up this is some meat foreign and what I got here is about 10 pounds of meat five pounds of pork butt and five pounds of brisket this is the point half of a brisket and I think this should work out just fine so like always just going through and cubing this up this pork butt came in a nice little pack of pre-cubed stuff they're still a little bit big for the size grinder I'm going to use I'll probably Cube those up a little bit so that's because we want to make sure these freeze nice and quickly and fit down our meat grinder without clogging anything up because when we grind these they're gonna be partially frozen and if they're too big and Frozen it'll Jam the meat grinder and then you get a bunch of meat stuck in there and it's a big pain in the butt so smaller the better and although this is my first time making it it's pretty much the exact same process as making hot dogs just one gigantic hot dog instead of a bunch of tiny ones but it's something I've always wanted to try and just like that all cubed up and into the freezer we go well we went for that meat to chill let's go ahead and get our spices together starting with nice and plump sausage starter mix because believe it or not it's got a lot of things you're typically going to find in hot dogs and or bologna including the milk powder and kosher salt and some garlic and other things and each packet is rated for five pounds of meat so because we're doing a 10 pound batch if my math checks out two of these should work out pretty well where else gonna go in with some pink curing salt some white pepper some ground nutmeg and some coriander and just get that all nice and mixed up beautiful you're cold through the grinder we go I'm going through the course die first and we're just gonna send it through [Music] [Applause] beautiful crumbly ground and for our second pass we're going through the Small die crushed with the blade on first and just like that all of our Force it's nicely ground up so now we're going to go in with our spices and just give that a nice little quick distribution as well as some cold water as our liquid and just get everything nice and mixed up and at this stage I'd love to keep mixing this until it's nice and tacky but I can tell that it's starting to get a little too warm so I'm going to pop this back into the freezer for a little bit so we don't break our meat and fat emulsion all right folks and now for definitely the worst part about making emulsified sausages we're going to send all of this in small batches through the food processor that's going to turn it from this pebbly coarse ground meat into a fine paste it's going to become one hot dog like brown color and be completely homogenous and it's tedious and it's honestly kind of gross [Music] that's pretty much what we're looking for folks a nice emulsified meat paste where you can't see individual grains of meat or fat it is just one United moose I don't know so now we're gonna repeat with all this making sure that this all stays really cold otherwise we're going to break the Emulsion which we definitely don't want so as long as this is under you know 35 degrees you should be good to go so I'm gonna be popping this back and forth in between here in the freezer to make sure everything goes according to plant and we'll check back in when this is all ground up after quite a tedious process of going through the old food processor our farce is complete and looking nice and homogeneous so now it's time to case it up very sticky stuff definitely want to try to avoid air pockets on this one smelling pretty good though but I tell you one thing if you've never made an emulsified sausage the amount of dishes is rough this stuff sticks to absolutely everything makes you respect bologna a little bit more though tell you what beautiful I really wish I brought my bigger stuffer home but it's at the judge shop so we're gonna have to do this through a couple different passes as for casings this is a baloney casing it's a red fibrous casing 124 mil which is just under five inches wide and I believe it's two feet 24 inches long so this is the biggest horn I could find for this thing I think the other one's also at the chud shop so we're gonna do our best to stuff this thing as plump and as full as possible minimizing air gaps and making it as tight as we physically can I also had the soaking in cold water for the last hour or two just to make it a little more flexible all right let's oh yeah that's going to work out just fine putting a lot of pressure on this casing to make sure it stuffs really full and because it's a fibrous casing we don't have to worry about popping this thing theoretically starting to look like a chub the old chug chub all right time to reload it is kind of nice doing one giant link instead of like a thousand tiny ones feeling like a nice log I tell you a couple of twists if I can oh that's thick oh wow that is girthy how you doing all right folks I took a little bit of string tied off the end this one already had a string on it probably gonna hang it this way because I know it's really tight on this end and I also know that that's string is probably more secure than mine so at this point we can just admire at the earthquake that is this chud chub right here feeling nice and plump nice and tight and yeah it all fit perfectly there's a little bit left over but not enough to make another link or something out of so I'm gonna make a weird sausage hot dog Burger out of that but other than that into the fridge this goes I'm going to try and hang it just so all the gravity helps get this thing nice and plump and we're gonna let it go overnight to let that cure do its thing let this casing dry out a little bit and we'll check back in tomorrow one overnight later this thing is looking pretty much exactly the same a little more dried out it's a little looser up top may have untwisted or may have compacted the way I was hoping see a couple of air pockets in there but I think that's gonna be just fine so now it's time to get this thing smoked off and because I want to continue to hang this thing options are pretty limited but I think I figured out a way to make this work on the mini chud box still got these little hooks on there we're just going to reach right up through and drop it down that's right I hooked it right onto the old smokestack here and there we go plenty of clearage not touching the bottom at all perfect and we're going to give this thing a good old-fashioned cold smoke with the smoke tube got this full of Oak pellets put that off to the side fire it up foreign coming out of there and because it's a cold smoke generator we're not going to have any temps in there other than whatever temp it gets up to today but we should have plenty of smoke pouring through there getting this thing nice and Smoky for the next probably four or five hours and yes that casing is in fact smoke permeable so we'll check back in later all right folks so this baloney chub here smoked in that mini chud box for about four or five hours which is how long that smoke tube lasts for I then pulled it out and I popped it into this vessel with a sous-vide attachment in there and cooked it at 185 degrees for about two hours until it came up to an internal temp of about 155 but I put it in just like this didn't wrap it up or anything like that and everything's looking just fine to Temp it I just stuck my probe thermometer in there no fat leeched out or anything like that and once it came up to Temp out it came I dumped the hot water out filled this with a bunch of ice water and gave it a nice chill and one's completely cooled down this is what we are left with and looking at it now it looks like there's a few air pockets in there but all all it's feeling really sturdy and really strong and I think it's time to slice in and see how it came out moment of truth I think this is a proper time to bust out my big baloney knife we're gonna just go right down the middle here man I did not make that cut straight and there it is looks like some bologna to me definitely got a couple of air pockets but all in all that is a nice firm looking emulsified sausage very happy about that but yeah definitely didn't cut it straight I was looking at the camera that's my bad let's peel some of this back and see how it looks there we go that's what I'm talking about that is a big chub of some bologna that is incredible if you get a little slice nice and thin that was a very successful slice look at that holds together well nice and floppy but still holding together great bind on that look at that homemade bologna let's give it a try like a fourth grader well that's phenomenal wow that's good nice and Smoky that nutmeg is coming through giving it that little bologna je ne sais quoi but wow that's tasty nice pink Hue to it that's really good nice and Smoky perfectly seasoned tell you what that beats any bologna I've had from the store looking good to me there we go even thinner I want to stick that to a roof oh that was good oh I like it nice and thin and there you go a classic bologna sandwich I haven't had a bologna sandwich like this in a very long time not bad tastes like prison a lot better than I was expecting it's got some real nice Smoky flavor to it pretty successful experiment if I do say so but I think we can do better than this [Music] that's right folks we're gonna smoke this side nice even scores all the way around do a couple scores this way now that it's all nicely scored we're going to go ahead and oh yeah we're just gonna slap this thing in mustard yeah nothing feels weird about this how you doing buddy and then to finish it off some good old-fashioned chud rub tell you what folks I've seen a lot of smoked bologna videos on the internet but I've never seen anyone do it completely from scratch before and maybe there's a reason for that this is a little bit ridiculous and there we go chug chub fully rubbed and on the pit we go I have got a brisket and a rack of ribs cooking so we already got this pit fired up we're going right around 275 degrees and we'll see how long this chud takes to break open a little bit heat through and get nice and smoky after about two hours we've got ourselves a beautiful little smoked bologna chub let me just look at that thing love it oh this is feeling nice and Barky nice and crusty it's looking good let's go ahead and take a big old slice out of this thing oh yeah that's what I'm talking about double smoked bologna nothing wrong with that got the old chud press fired up got some nice buttered bread get that toasted off beautiful throw a little butter down in time to fry our bologna gotta love that sound might as well give it a press God it smells so good so that is some good looking bologna let me come on oh yup double stack now that is a true smoked bologna sandwich and there it is folks bologna Mountain got some cold cuts got a nice cheesy sandwich right here with a double stacked layer of griddle double smoked bologna I gotta dive on in that's something I would buy every day of the week just looking at it wow damn I mean anytime you get some Martin's Bread Butter toasted on a flat top on the chud press that is with some Smoky meat and melty American cheese a little mayo little mustard you know you're gonna have a good time that is phenomenal um better on a different planet compared to the prison sandwich that we did earlier this has got me rethinking baloney I don't think I've actually bought bologna ever in my life but this this is a whole new thing oh oh yeah oh yeah this is definitely one of those labor of love videos where uh this isn't something you're going to casually whip up on a Tuesday night but at the same time 10 pounds of baloney will last you a good long while especially if you're going thin cut like that if I had a bunch of kids I would have a bunch of that on hand I tell you what but like most things I do on this channel I do it just for the experience right if you've never made bologna which I don't think most people have made their own bologna if we were to do a survey so it's cool to be one of the few that have and it definitely pays off it's like Gourmet toddler food so good but with this final bite and without further Ado I think it's time for the official taste test that was a quick one bud want to try this one scratch made homemade baloney I highly recommend giving this one a try if you've got the equipment because sure it takes a long time but it's really easy to make and other than that really messy food processor stage it comes together pretty quick and sure there's a lot of dishes but I mean if you're in the sausage making game you're already used to that and also it's a really cool experiment I'd love to try this again maybe make a jalapeno cheddar one or something stuffed with like olives or pistachio or something weird like that but either way if you make this recipe I think you'll be impressed and you'll have a whole new respect for baloney but all that being said if you enjoyed this video let me know by hitting that subscribe button let YouTube know by dropping a like on this video if you do this recipe a try for yourself be sure to tag me on Instagram at chuds barbecue I'd love to see what y'all are cooking big shout out to all the patreon members thank you for supporting team chut and allowing me to keep making all these videos and until the next time I see you please go cook something outside please
Channel: Chuds BBQ
Views: 125,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bologna, bbq, smoked bologna, homemade bologna, bologna recipe, fried bologna sandwich, brisket, ribs, sausage, barbecue, sandwich, texas, texas bbq
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2023
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