How to Make Pork Loin Deli Ham

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deli meat pricey overpriced I don't like it um so what I'm going to do is take this uh crazy big pork loin here and I'm going to try to make a a deli ham out of this essentially that we can have on sandwiches and all kinds of stuff so come along for the ride so this is a four and a half kilogram pork loin here nice sizable which results in a lot of awesome meat my first step is just to pop it out of this bag and I'm going to uh get rid of this bag here get this all padded dry with some paper towel and get it onto my cutting board so I've got this all padded dry and that's really just to kind of help make it so it'll make a big mess of everything here now it's funny this was like less than the length of this cutting board before and now that I've got it out it's really sort of stretched out a little bit try to cram it together here um now this is dry I'm going to go ahead and just remove it's kind of sad to remove this fat but it's concealing some silver skin and tissue in here that's just really not going to be pleasant in a finished product and I don't want to have any kind of weird chewiness here that's taking away from the experience that I'm after so I'm just going to use this really nice long sharp knife of mine here to clean all of that off you see right here this is a good example of where I put up pulled away a little bit of that fat and now we've got this uh silver skin on here then under here that is just it's chewy it doesn't break down and we're not actually going to be cooking this anyway so it wouldn't even have an opportunity to do so all right so that will do it for that and I'm just going to go ahead and cut this into half because that will make it far more manageable I get this into vac concealed bags to cure quite a bit easier so I'm going to get a quick weight on both of these so that I can measure out my cure and my seasonings and spices so we're keeping the Cure really quite simple here I'm going with point two five percent of cure number one or Nitric cure or Prague powder number one it's the sodium nitrite carrots one for for quicker turnarounds I'm going with 2.2 percent of salt you can go with either kosher salt or pickling salt as long as there's no iodine or anything weird like that in there any additives I've got uh two percent of brown sugar I'm going with golden brown sugar this time around and then I'm going to be firing this into a spice blender I've got .08 of uh juniper berries in here I have .06 percent of dried whole rosemary and then 0.3 percent of some black peppercorns and they are just going to go right in this former coffee grinder here pop them in just because I want to bust those berries and everything up there and it doesn't have to get into like a complete powder but I'm getting fairly close just for a little bit more even distribution throughout so we'll put that into there and then I'm just going to give it a nice mix and this is going to go once this is all mixed up we're going to get it all over our pork so we've got our nice beautiful cure blend here I'm going to go I love using the meat tub for this because you can go ahead and make a little bit of a mask you splashy with it rub it all in and then still scoop everything into the bag when you're done a nice coating over all this meat and over the ends just ran out scoop some here get it all over that and then we've got our vacuum bags I'm just going to slide this over here and you can't really see it all that well with the angle we're using but we're just pumping that into a vacuum bag awesome all right once that's in the vacuum bag I'm just going to get as much of this cure blend over here again because everything's being done by weight it's awesome because it's not possible to over cure a time-wise awesome just going to go ahead put that in fabulous okay so I'm going to quickly do the same thing with the second piece of meat here and then we will vacuum seal these okay so I also try to take this like the extra cure that's in there and kind of shoots it around just a little bit in here so it's all not just one big pocket somewhere leave this vacuum bag I also like to double seal the bags here boom boom just to prevent any possible leaking situations because that would be a mess foreign and I do like to cut this off just shy of making that really tight vacuum in there because that gives just a little bit of wiggle room for the the juice and the curing stuff to make its way around um during this curing phase over the next while so now that both of these are sealed up I just went ahead and wrote um what I've got on here as well as the date and these are now going to go in the fridge so it has been three and a half weeks um yeah just over three and a half weeks of curing time which is more than I needed time wise for this meat um however just kind of work out for my schedule and it uh you can't really over cure with time um when you're doing this equilibrium clearing method of weighing everything out right to the ground very uh very precise not only with your salt but most importantly with your cure so I'm going to go ahead and rinse these off the nice thing too about leaving a little bit longer is like all of uh all of the extra seasonings and herbs and stuff in here um just have that extra time to really hopefully penetrate the meat so now I want to rinse everything off here okay I'm not worried about getting every tiny little scrap of uh pepper corn or or whatever off of here it's really just to make sure that you're washing off any of that cure juice and what have you so now I'm going to get these out I'm going to just dry out this tub I'm going to Pat these all nice and dry and then we can let a little pellicle formation take place now these are padded dry I've just got them on this rack in the meat tub in my garage I'm fortunate enough that uh over the next few days this garage is going to be essentially a refrigerator temperature which is perfect not only for this time for pellicle formation but then also for off-gassing after I go ahead and smoke these I also have a couple extra pork loin chunks here that I'm using just to make my pork loin hams just the regular hams that I like to use and cook up and have a scalloped potatoes and fun stuff like that so I'm going to be making great use of the cold smoke process tomorrow the next morning I've got these hams here in the brick smoker and I'm going to get my pellet tube smoker going here so that we can get these some cold smoke so that tube smoker is fired up here and I'm using a computation blend of pellets it's Oak Hickory and Cherry which I think will be really really nice on these hams so time to let them sit after about six hours of smoke coming out of this pellet tube smoker I've just reloaded it and I'm going to give these hams another round my buddy dropped off one that he had made here as well so now we got three of these Deli hands going awesome after just about 11 hours of smoke here these hams of both varieties are ready to come out so I'm going to take them and just get them into the meat tubs and we can let them hang out overnight in the garage after night in the garage I've got these hams here and for my next step I've got this big vacuum seal bag I've got this double seal you want to do that at both ends I'm just going to grab [Applause] line here slide it on in it smells so good beautiful and smoky I want to eat it right now it's not quite ready so I am going to throw a second seal on this here in just a second but I'm going ahead and doing this because we're going to cook this ever so gently in a hot water bath with my uh Precision cooker it's sous-vide time and I'm going to be cooking this pork loin ham here at 140 Fahrenheit and I'm going to be letting it do that for right around three hours or so and the idea here is to be able to go ahead and cook this get the texture how I want it while still retaining maximum moisture because with this sous-vide process it's going to lose very very little by way of its moisture that it currently has so I'm just going to go ahead and tint this with foil and give it a few hours three hours have passed I'm going to pull this out and I'm going to just chill it down get into some really cold water here and then get it into the fridge this loin was in the fridge overnight it's nice and chilled down firm I'm going to cut it open and I can see like there's some of that liquid and stuff that did come out of the pork during that fun little hot tub experience so I'm going to actually grab some paper towel I think it's going to lay it down here and and I'm going to clean this off it's a little gelatinous the stuff that came out of there but let's see whoo smells delightful nice and smoky cannot wait to see how this tastes so I'm just gonna keep uh patting this off here getting all of that liquid off I was tempted to maybe rinse it off but I think we'll get away with it just just like this rather than taking it to the sink these little marks from the smoker rack all right I think there we are okay let's get this on the slicer so you missed my Cry Of Joy when I just cut this loin in half and uh sell what it'll look like on the inside that looks looks perfect now what I'm really curious about here is the texture and the flavor so I'm going to use my aventco slicer here I want these to be a little Cur I think put on the two setting and see what that looks like [Music] just like that yeah okay so let's let's have a little taste Please Don't Judge my amazing November mustache here um okay first of all let's take a look oh held together quite nicely definitely different texture than than we see with uh like the store-bought Deli had because that's like packed full of water and phosphates and who knows what else yeah mmm so I find this is reasonably similar to the the pork loin hams that I like to make just for cooking and eating with I'm going to keep eating this with scalloped potatoes it's really nice moist it's just just enough smoke that um I find it super delicious and the kids are gonna going to really enjoy it it'll go super well on on sandwiches which was really the point of this okay so him hmm okay I'm done eating um I'm going to go ahead I'm going to slice up enough of this that I can package up and the kids can eat this um for the week and I think then what I'll do is I'll take the rest the rest of the ham and just uh of both of these lines and go ahead and vacuum seal it in chunks and then I think each week I'll just pull it out slice what I'm going to need up for the week and that way it'll just kind of keep easier and probably be less likely to dry out and stuff like that so I'm going to slice them up here and there we are nice little pile of meat I'm going to calculate and figure out how many I need for the week and uh go from there I'm going to go ahead and call this a win I couldn't help but lay this out all nice and pretty like here I think this is a great way to take this really quite inexpensive cut of meat make a super nice lean but moist delicious ready to eat sliced meat product meat product that sounds delightful that you can go ahead and make some awesome sandwiches out of the kids are thrilled and yeah I'd say definitely give it a whirl if you have a chance and until next time keep it Road 11.
Channel: This Dad Goes to 11
Views: 208,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meat, sandwich, sandwiches, pork, ham, deli, lunch, smoke, smoking, cold smoke, cold smoking, sous vide, anova, precision cooker, precision cooking, pellet smoker
Id: 6i92YKonyb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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