I FLEW ON A YAK-42! Flying on a Russian Airliner to Siberia with Izhavia!

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what's up guys i am here at Moscow's Domodedovo International Airport's at the rather wonderful air hotel it doesn't sound the best and to be honest it's not that fancy but it's a really nice hotel it is about a 10 minute walk from the terminal here at Domodedovo Airport which is perfect for me for the next few days because I'm going to be flying in and out of this Airport all the time let me just give you a quick look around this room I mean seriously you cannot beat a room this size it's quite its own separate living room you've got a view over the airport there a bedroom over there you have to walk about ten paces to get to the bathroom which is up here it really is quite a nice hotel and it's only costing me something like 120 quid and night or something like that which is not bad at all really so after my rather spectacular failure to get on board a russian-made Yak now in Ukraine in the last few days I have been drowning my sorrows here thanks largely to the free minibar offered here at the Air hotel and also looking at my options of how I can go about doing this and I have found an airline called Izhavia who operates a fleet of yak-42 s in and out of Moscow's Domodedovo Airport as well as st. Petersburg from a little town about two hours of flight east of here called Izhevsk now I have no idea where this place is what it is or anything but I do know that they operate two flights a day using a yak-42 from right here head Domodedovo Airport so I have decided to book one of these return trips with Izhavia cost me like 40 quid for a return trip two hours each way over to Izhevsk in the middle of Siberia I think kind of a myth about nothing that my deal is there we'll see when we get there but the important thing is that we can fly on yak-42 s in 2019 not many airlines fly in them these days it's not a yak-40 I know that but it still is better than no Yak at all so let's head over to the terminal building and go and see how we go about getting on these yak-42 s with Izhavia over to Izhevsk in Russia well look more yeah 42-day really looking forward to this I'm also really really really cold it's minus 12 here in Moscow at the moment and I haven't even bought a hat and gloves or a scarf or anything like that but I could really do with over here but maybe or something I get today in each ask it's really called the traffic heading into the terminal over there it's absolutely insanely busy so it looks like it's a very busy time of the day here at Domodedovo I've slept pretty well every few minutes you hear something land we'll take off on the runway but you can't see it because over there behind those are the buildings but everyone right let's head into the terminal and have to adjust on the edge area yak-42 Moscow Airport was pretty busy at this time in the morning so once I checked in I headed straight through to the departure lounge but first of course coffee was needed the gate area was really crowded and there was barely anywhere to sit so I decided to go to the Shostakovich premier lounge I got into the Shostakovich lounge using my Priority Pass membership Priority Pass is a great service that I use that gives you access to over 1200 airport lounges around the world regardless of which airline or class of trouble that you're traveling in it's all for a small yearly fee and if you check out the link in the description below they'll give you an awesome discount with them I didn't have long hair today so I just grabbed a couple of drinks and a bite to eat before heading back to the gate the time was finally here and I made my way down the jet bridge to the waiting yak-42 the first time I've ever flown on a yak aircraft I was super excited at this point the boarding door is super tiny on the up 42 and I felt it was a little bit like climbing into a space craft the cabin felt a very retro and it was very Russian indeed stepping onto this aircraft was like taking a step back in time my seat today was in row 19 is second row from the back of the plane I was really hoping it will give me a great view of the front of the engine and the back of the wing I wasn't disappointed with the view one bit as fuzed from airliner windows go it doesn't really get much better than this in common with most Russian Airlines the crew came around handing out mints before we push back from the gate we'd push back from the gate right on time and the three lot RFD 36 turbofan engines all powered up above me a short taxi out to runway one floor left here at Domodedovo when it was time to take off on my first ever yak-42 flight here we go I almost felt like a Russian cosmonaut as the engines poured back and we entered our orbits over the Russian countryside as we head east from Moscow above the clouds I mean if you a quick overview of our group today we flew East out of Moscow climbing to an altitude of 29,000 feet we flew towards Nizhny Novgorod over towards Kazan and then a left turn up towards Izhevsk flight time today one hour 31 minutes I decided to get up and have a walk around I just wanted to savour every single part of this aircraft the Yak 42 is unusual in that it has stairs at the back of the aircraft so that you can board the aircraft through the tail I was really hoping to be able to get on board the aircraft and this really unique way today however I didn't get the chance to do that time either of the flights that I did 20:19 oysters three back it wasn't long before the cabin crew started their in-flight service first up was drinks service once the drink service had been completed it was time for the food to come around again with the breakfast service not really fancying the fish dish that was an offer I decided to order the sausage it was let's just say a little bit interesting but on side the rather anemic looking sausage was a snack box containing a fruit bar and a bread roll the sausage well let's just say it tasted like no other sausage I'd ever eaten I was pretty certain that there was in fact more meat in the seat cushion underneath me than there was in the sausage that I was eating hot drink service started shortly after coffee today was in the form of an instant package of coffee that I put into my cup and they just came around and filled it up with hot water I notice it was getting pretty chilly towards the end of the flight the inside of the window frame is now covered in ice. Before too long we commence our approach and landing into Izhevsk as soon as we touch down two of the engines shut down which is something that I've never had before on any flight in my life it is a really strange sensation we landed and taxied into the tiny terminal building here at Izhevsk. Just like the Tupolev 154 I'd flown on before half the seats had collapsed on landing I stepped out into the cold Siberian air and enjoyed the sight of all of the Yak 42 s sitting out on the ramp so I'm here in Izhevsk in the Udmurtian Republic of Russia it's about two hours to the east of Moscow on board the yak-42 or Aeroflot also fly out here it's a very small town and probably many people haven't heard of it because before the fall of the Soviet Union Izhevsk was called a closed city which means basically nobody was allowed to enter the city if they were from outside of the area and that's because it was quite a big important city in the arms industry the factory of Kalashnikov was here where there may be a 47 amongst many other things so it's quite a lot of history in that respect but it's a relatively unvisited city in a non-decision part of the world needless to say that people here don't really speak a lot of English if you do come to this part of even in Moscow I found actually many people that are speak English as you would expect because it's Russia sure it's not the UK a few words of Russian really does help and even my handful of words in Russian doesn't tend to help that much and we end up having conversations using Google Translate like I just did in the taxi talking to the really nice friendly taxi driver and we actually had a quite a decent conversation in the taxi using Google Translate so it's pretty interesting so I'm gonna go and have a wander around the city see what there is here what about another four or five hours until my next flight back to Moscow on the Yak-42 with Izhavia Airlines I have given in to the cold in the terminal for the museum so I wandered around I'm in a park at the it's very very cold not many people about perhaps they're all relatively more sensible than me we decide to stay in in this really cold weather rather wandering around town with nothing to do for a few hours it was freezing cold here and I really felt for these soldiers in the cold all day it's just testiment to how cold it is finally giving into the cold I decided to head inside for some traditional Udmurtian cuisine I headed back to the tiny airport of Izhevsk which was like something out of the former Soviet Union inside the terminal is very compact with just a few check-in desks and a security checkpoint to take you through to airside there's just a few flights a day from Izhevsk mostly to Moscow and a couple to st. Petersburg check-in opened about an hour before the flight there's no online check-in to these remote parts of Russia so you just have to go back to the olden days and check in and get paid the boarding pass at the check-in desk once there sight there's just a small departure lounge there isn't really much to do here but seeing as you can only check in for the flight and now before you don't really have to waste much time sitting around it wasn't long until we were called for boarding and we made our way down to the bus that would take us across to the Yak 42 to the would bring us back to Moscow my ride back to Moscow was the very same aircraft that brought me over in the morning this particular aircraft is 24 years old he was originally delivered in 1995 to China general aviation somewhat frustrating in this really cold weather they only let a handful of passengers brought the steps as a sign it spent quite a lot of waiting around and in temperatures of minus 15 at the moment it was a really cold wait finally after what felt like hours it was time to climb the steps and enter the warm cabin of the Yak 42 once again tonight I was down at the back second from last row in row 19 we departed into the night from Izhevsk our route tonight took is pretty much straight back toward Moscow we flew to the north of Kazan overhead and eaten in Novgorod and then over towards Moscow where we flew quite a strange holding pattern to the south of Moscow before making our approach and landing into Domodedovo Airport our cruising altitude for most of the flight was twenty-eight thousand feet and the flight time tonight was two hours and 13 minutes the onboard meal service once again was rather interesting this was the glass of orange juice that I ordered which looked at tasted suspiciously like tomato juice the main meal was a choice of chicken or beef I helped over the beef and for some reason I got fish still the language barrier was a bit of an issue on this flight and I wonder if some of this had perhaps got lost in translation either way the food tasted pretty dreadful to be honest as cool as it is to still be able to fly on a yak-42 I don't think Izhavia are going to be winning any awards for onboard cuisine anytime soon just like on the outbound flight earlier that day it's not specific really cold on board and the window froze over on the inside before long it started to get really bright outside and it was clear that we were overhead in Moscow making our approach and landing into Domodedovo Airport once again two engines shut down as soon as we touch down onto the runway here in Moscow it's a really strange sensation here in the engines shut down on landing but pretty much all you can here then is the noise of the wheels on the runway we taxied in partial rows and rows of s7 Airlines aircraft in their luminous green color scheme don't forget to check out my trip reports of S7 Airlines on my flight from Moscow to st. Petersburg once again half the seats in the cabin had collapsed on landing it's all part of the experience of flying on a Russian jet I said goodbye to the crew and made my way into the terminal here at Moscow my team my head as I left the aircraft of course so I am back here at a very windy Moscow's Domodedovo Airport after what was an awesome couple of flights with Asia via on their yak-42 aircraft so cool to be able to fly on these aircraft today in 2019 it's fantastic and when I was on the ground in these chefs they actually counted six these Chevy a yak 42s on the rump so it's clear that they haven't got any plans to get rid of them anytime soon which is fantastic and it just goes to prove that if you go out of your way just a little bit you can still fly on some okay so perhaps I was being a little bit brazen filming this right outside the terminal just in front of the row of the police officers let's try this again and it just goes to show that if you just go out of your way just a little bit you can still fly on some really rare classic soviet metal even in 2019 this morning's daylight flight from Moscow to Izhevsk is now available in a full length to our patreon supporters and supporters over on Facebook as well as a ton of all the benefits you get from doing that please go ahead and check out out if you'd like to see that and of course all the for the for my videos are on there too all that remains for me to say is thank you so much for watching this video I really hope you've enjoyed it take care and I'll see you next time here on inflight Video you
Channel: Noel Philips
Views: 167,556
Rating: 4.8932357 out of 5
Keywords: inflight video, flying on a russian airliner, flying on a jet plane, russian airliner, flying, russian, flying to siberia, russian aircraft, russian airliners, russian airlines, russian airlines review, russian aviation, izhavia, russia, trip report, tupolev, yak 42, soviet union, flight review, window view, yakovlev (aircraft manufacturer), yakovlev yak-42 (aircraft model)
Id: kQmGQk81ync
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 27sec (1767 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 23 2019
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