Mom + daughter tiny house - might be nicest Tiny Home ever!

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hey guys welcome back to my channel  where i take you on tours of tiny homes   and showcase people living alternatively  today's tour is of a gorgeous tiny home   built for a solo mom who is redefining  her version of the american dream home   so we're going to meet jen learn why she  downsized and hear about how much she loves   her new tiny house lifestyle the end product was  better than any picture i gave them hands down you see when jen downsized she was able  to sell her large home and use the money   to put in a few high-end luxury items  that you seldom see in tiny home builds if you like these kind of videos make sure that   you subscribe and hit that bell  so that you get a notification   every time i post a new video but right now  let's check out this mom's amazing tiny home hi everybody i'm jen and i'm so excited to  show you trailhead tiny my not so tiny mansion i was living the american dream i was married  i had two kids 3 000 square foot house   i got a divorce three years ago and the question  comes into play how do i afford a home on a single   income i knew about tiny houses definitely there's  a draw there to simplify your life i could do that   my kids are going to be gone soon and i could  follow them anywhere they go i thought well i'm   going to have money from the sale of the house i  might not even have a mortgage if i like find the   right you know kind of fit for me we found the sky  on craigslist and i got really excited about it we   started planning and i bought the shell and then  a lot of time passed and nothing was happening   because my builder was just a guy on craigslist  who i didn't vet in any way shape or form and   then i realized i need to get the ball going here  so i started emailing other builders in the area   mitchcraft tiny homes in fort collins totally  saved me answered all my questions had so many   ideas for me helped me figure out financing even  things that i didn't think to ask he really helped   me through i signed a contract with them he  went to pick up the house i gave them a ton   of ideas i made a visual thing for them to go by  so they knew what the end product was going to be the end product was better than  any picture i gave them hands down my kids are actually going to be out of the house  in a couple of years they're teenagers graduating   high school and my daughter was going to be the  only one actually living with me so really she   was the one i had to win over she and my son came  to help me move in they actually hadn't seen any   progress on the house so when they walked in the  day it was delivered they were like what like they   did not realize how nice it was gonna be it's like  any other house on a small scale and you get to   customize it any way you want to but your parents  don't have to spend like 80 years paying it off i was expecting to spend about 150  000 it was a couple months after   the pandemic shut everything down things  were delayed things cost more it was another   20 grand which was a surprise but i got  my house it's perfect it was worth it all i can't wait to show you all my  favorite things on the inside come on in welcome everyone to the inside of my tiny house  sometimes i call it a tiny kitchen on wheels   this is the whole reason i decided i could go tiny  if i could have my dream kitchen on a tiny scale   i was sold and it is by far my favorite part of  this house when people come in the look on their   face always makes me so happy because they say  first of all this isn't what i thought you meant   when you said you were going tiny second of all  your kitchen definitely has more storage than my   kitchen one of the things i love about the space  is all of the windows and all of the natural light   that floods this area i rarely turn on a light  until the sun goes down in this house it's so   well lit the skylights above are solar powered  one cool thing i love to show off when people   come over i call it my party trick is i have this  nifty remote control and at the touch of a button   i can close my skylights it's very jetson i love  it it's nice to cool off the space on a hot day   i actually love this circle shaped eating slash  work area before the project went to mitchcraft   i had actually hired an architect to help me plan  the space and he came up with this round idea for   me i eat here i work here when people come over we  have happy hour here and we can all see each other   i work from home full time so it was  really important for me to have a space   to put some office things like a printer papers  my computer electronic stuff both of these drawers   slide out and there's even a hidden outlet right  back there so i can print i can do whatever i need   to do i can put my computer here take it out when  i'm printing and when i'm done it slides back in   and it's out of sight this kitchen was originally  supposed to have butcher block countertops   but towards the end of planning i said hey what  would the cost difference be if i went with quartz   because that's kind of the look i'm really going  for and he said it's going to take so many man   hours to craft the butcher block it actually  wouldn't be much more if you just went with quartz   i also have this great open shelving that my  architect came up with it feels like it really   sets the mood for the farmhouse theme i can set  out all my little you know my glassware and my   friend actually calls it my bar because i do have  my whiskey that i have to use when i'm crawling   under two axles to attach my water hose moving on  i love this section here with my farmhouse sink i   will say though this particular one is fire clay  and if you drop something in it the fire clay wins   so just know when you get like a real good sink  make sure you don't have any casualties when i was   planning the space really i was waiting so long  for it to be completed and i was excited and i   was trying to visualize what a morning is going  to be like waking up in my loft and i had this   vision of like i'm gonna come down my tiny stairs  every morning and i'll have my coffee station set   up here and i'll have my lovely little kitchen  to wake up in and i do that every day i love it i do not have a green thumb at all but my daughter  loves plants she's constantly bringing plants home   and when we moved into this space my land host  came over with all of these vine plants that   were 15 years old no pressure for me to decorate  my space with and i thought oh my gosh it really   brings the space to life and my daughter  started putting in in these high places   where she thought they looked so great so she  gets the job of walking across the counter top   every few days to water it it's kind of  funny but it does keep the space looking   a little more colorful and gives it some  life so i like it i do have an off-grid   unique propane stove it's run by a little battery  down here and my propane tanks in the back and   i actually only have to fill up those tanks like  every three months or so it goes a good long time   i'm five eight ish my daughter is five ten and my  son is six feet so when they come over to look for   food they it's low they basically are like sitting  all the way down on the ground like little kids   looking fruit it cracks me up every time it  gives me a chuckle but really this is all i   need for food in this space it's worked out great  for me storage stairs are where it's at it's all   hidden away i had no idea what the configuration  was gonna be and this is what i have it is the   most functional pantry i've ever seen because  i can get all the way to the back of my pantry and if you ever thought you needed  to go down to three pairs of shoes   in a tiny house i'm here to tell  you you do not have to do that voila welcome to the crown jewel of my tiny house the  bathroom or as i like to call it the tiny spa   an absolute must for me in  this house was a soaker tub   as i went to research actual tubs and try to  find a small one they were crazy expensive   but everyone has these cool trough tubs now and it  fit my aesthetic and it's the best little soaker   tub and the first question i had was is it going  to retain heat and the answer is yes you're going   to come out sweating it's amazing after a long  day on the trail i love this thing this is my   washer dryer combo which i love especially because  it will go straight from wash to dry and i don't   have to come back home or stop what i'm doing to  switch the load it's pretty great that way and   it actually faces across from where my clothes  store which often is a really handy way just   to put things right where they go straight out  of the dryer super efficient i love my separate   toilet like everybody says there's no smell  but i still have poo pourri because it's funny come on up to my master loft and  i'll show you what it looks like i knew wanted to have a king-sized bed in this  space it's super handy to have all of the space   when visitors come my daughter sleeps with me  they get her loft there's all kinds of ways to   reconfigure this when visitors come over i'm  on a journey by myself but should i be in a   relationship and have to cohabitate here i wanted  a king-sized bed i want a little space up here so   that is why it's king size i also have all these  great cubbies bumping it up that extra little bit   gave me the added top row that perfectly fit  all of my trucker hats that i wear on the trail i do love this skylight above my bed the  first night here i felt like a little kid looking   at the stars i i just sat there gazing out but  that's all magical until the sun comes blazing in   at 5 a.m in colorado so i was thinking about how  am i going to do this i do have an eye mask that   i put on and i often give visitors eye masks when  they come so they can sleep in if you want to know   how to cover your windows and match your bedroom  it just so happens that king-sized pillow cases   fit the bill all i did here was get for my windows  little curtain rings and tension rods and hung   them up and they happened to be the perfect size  i was so thrilled with that and this one actually   also was the perfect size all i did was get some  little sticky hooks and it's a perfect solution   i'm not going to lie when i stood in this space  i felt like i forgot how small it was going to   be and i kind of panicked and i didn't think  anything would fit here but it's amazing when   you define the space how it suddenly works so  i had mitch put this great fireplace in for me   that was on the top of my wish list it kicks  out a lot of heat has some little vents here   if you feel like changing the color if you're  into that hey it does that too if you feel   like changing the color of the rocks it's a disco  fireplace my kids get a kick out of it is a little   cheesy it doesn't matter it's a fun conversation  piece and it makes me smile anything in my house   that makes me smile i love i have a 50 inch tv  that can swivel out so that i can watch something   watch the news while i'm cooking or making my  coffee in the morning he put these little shelves   in for me so i have book storage and have a little  knick-knacks that are off the floor and i have so   much space in here that i actually can roll out a  yoga mat i can do my feed up trainer i can do any   of my on-demand workouts in here it also meant i  got an actual sofa a nice sofa and has a foot rest   also i have a hanging chair because i keep seeing  them in tiny houses and it's such a great way   to add an extra space when people come over and  it's one of my favorite spots in the house at the   end of the day or between meetings i like to  sit with coffee or glass of wine and hang out   i was really happy that it actually fit right in  the space between my storage stairs and my sofa so   it's completely out of the way when i don't need  it the storage stairs leading to my daughter's   loft are super handy i've got room for sunglasses  and keys this is a coat closet it could also be   a regular closet and my daughter loves  that when she comes back and forth   between my house and her dad she can like take  all of her clothes and put them in these and   not have to carry her heavy bag up and down the  stairs um and this is spider and this is skelly   and skelly has fallen on us twice today and  we're we're getting in the spirit with this one   welcome to my daughter's loft  which she decorated herself   her number one requirement when i asked was  to make sure she had space to put plants up   above the cubbies and the wall divider so she's  got all kinds of little plants up there that   she's managed to keep alive so far she keeps a few  clothes and personal items in there and she even   put a rug up here to make it feel a little homey  she's got her own artwork and things she stays   up here most the time when she's here she's like  on her bed organizing things she loves the space this is the outside of my not so tiny mansion  it's very modern farmhouse inspired i had seen   this crazy good chevron that they did on another  build and i thought what if we put that around my   french doors this section of the house just brings  it to life it would be so boring without it really the trailhead comes in at 34 by 10 feet  wide with two pop out lofts that make it 36   for the extra one foot on each side she has a  total of 18 windows if you include the french   doors and four skylights across the top two of  which will open all the way to the roof for access so because she's a big house  she is on a triple axel   trailer fun fact right here is where the  water hooks up to my sink which is right here   and in the winter when my water froze on entry  i had to crawl under the house right there   and shimmy under two axles to hook  it up myself and i've never felt so   powerful in my abilities as a homeowner um yeah  not so fun but i could do it myself and my tip   to you is don't hook up your water behind your  wheels a house this big also has big storage on both sides of my house i have the same   amount of large storage i have room for  all my toys what more could you want you can survive on one income  no matter how much that income   is you get to define your lifestyle now i'm  at a place where i don't have to compromise   i can put my foot down on things that matter and  i don't have to be in a relationship to afford it   i decided i'm at a place where i've gotten  married and had kids and had dogs and had   the american dream that didn't actually work out  it can be whatever i want it to be this is what   it looks like your house can be a school bus your  house can be a tiny house your house can be a van   and that does not mean oh you're cramped up  inside this little crazy thing because your   life is not inside your house your life is going  places your life is experiencing new things and   people and seeing things you can't do that when  you're anchored to a mortgage when it works for   you you're going to be happier and you're going  to live your best life like you get one shot thanks for watching this week's video  make sure to like share and subscribe and   i will see you soon with another tiny house  unique home or alternative lifestyle video you
Channel: Tiny House Giant Journey
Views: 1,282,216
Rating: 4.9404426 out of 5
Keywords: tiny house giant journey, tiny house, Tiny houses, tiny homes, tiny house tour, trailhead tiny, tiny home tour, solo mom, single income tiny house, single mom tiny house, mom and daughter tiny house, beautiful tin yhouse, affordable housing, affordable tiny house, mitchcraft tiny homes, small house, small home tour, tiny house tour 2021, halloween, small space design, mother and daughter tiny house, mom and daughter tiny house tour, tiny houses
Id: _m997oklpKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 29 2021
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