How to fix "nvidia installer cannot continue" and "nvidia installer failed"

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so in this video i'm going to show you how to install nvidia drivers on a system where it's not recognizing the hardware you know you have nvidia hardware but the package the driver package won't recognize it and you can't get it installed now for most people after you make an update to the driver package you're going to detect the hardware install it and move on with your life for the rest of us we're going to have an extra problem which was making me pull my hair out which is why i even created this video both as a reminder to myself what to do the next time i run into this and also to save anybody else from having the problem that i've had uh trying to get this driver installed on my system now i have a laptop and acer 7720 something like that it's from 2006 and i've been able to upgrade it and actually that's what created the problem i upgraded it to a video card that i bought off of ebay and then i found out later that the video card like it was a demo video card so i had to update the firmware or something and that way the system that was the only way i could get the system to boot in the first place then when it once it booted and i tried to install the driver to make everything look good then it was saying it couldn't find the hardware so it's been a long evolution of problems leading up to this video but of course you would go and you'd run the package and then of course it would try to look for the compatibility and it's going to fail on that part it's going to say that can't find the hardware which is 100 true the driver is only designed for certain uh hardwares i guess and in my case it didn't there was probably a special graphics driver for the demo version of this card that i had so of course we get here you're pulling your hair out i was and let's go ahead and try to fix it now the first thing we need to do is go into the device manager in order to in order to figure out the details about the device so that we can make the correct changes in the um in the inf files which is what we're going to be modifying so once you go into device manager right click on it and go to properties actually here let me show you how to get into device manager if you're on windows 10 i right click the start button and device manager easy so bring that up expand your display adapter here's mine we're going to go to properties and the details pane we're going to drop down the property drop down go to hardware ids and we're going to be working from this primarily this this dev of zero six four nine is really important and the subsys is what really uniquely identifies your hardware to the system zero five seven zero five six seven ten d e in my case so go ahead and minimize this and let's start modifying the files so when you first you know install the package it's gonna extract to your c drive by default wherever you put it go ahead and drill down into that folder and then you're looking for the display driver folder so let's go in there and we need to modify like i said inf files now the question is is which one well it doesn't matter i think um that's why i'm making this video to kind of show you a way that is successful but the way you make it work may be a little bit different so for example when i did this back in 2006 uh not 2006 i did this about a year ago two years ago i'd say about two years ago and these files were nvam or something like that and they've changed as this has gone on and if you're watching this in the future looking back uh you may have different files here but basically just follow this method and it should work for you because like i said it's worked for me for a couple of years this system i've rebuilt it a bunch of times because it's kind of like a test bed for me so let's find the first one and open it up now we're looking for this grouping this dev number we're looking for this grouping of this four numbers zero six four nine years are going to be different and uh basically they fall under one of these headings right so here's version here's something and we're gonna find zero six we're going to find this grouping in one of these files and we're going to start from there to use it as a template so 0 6 4 9 is not found in this file so like i said there's a bunch of files and yours might be different so just go to the next one i'm going to go to nvaai 0649 didn't find it okay not getting discouraged i'm moving to the next file all right zero six four nine here we go so now i found the grouping of zero six four nines right and uh we're going to use this as a template in order to get installed so let's go ahead and select any one of them it really doesn't matter which one and it doesn't matter where you put it either so just for simplicity i'm going to put it underneath and now like i said we need this subsys number it's an eight digit number zero five six seven ten d e and we're gonna start modifying this zero six four nine the grouping and then this was a zero five six seven ten d e right let me double check that zero five six seven ten d e and we need to modify this portion of it as well just the last eight here zero five six seven ten d e all right so we're setting up a pattern and now i'm gonna go ahead and uh you know copy that and now i'm gonna search for more of these zero six four nines now if your curse is here when you do it it's gonna jump around and you're gonna get a bunch of these because you're still in the zero six four nine uh grouping right but when you finally get out of there you're going to get to the next grouping which is under a different heading like i said there's these different settings this says set a devices i think they end in like six one six two six three or something but the point is we need to find the zero six four nine before we were in section thirteen now i'm sorry section twelve now we're in section thirteen of the zero six four nines so let's go ahead and take that that part that we copied before and paste it back in there we've already done the work here and here but one thing that i found success in and i haven't tested it the other way but i changed this to section 13 to match these other sections right i think that's necessary so just go ahead and do it because i've had success now we're going to go and find 0 6 4 9 again and of course if we were in section 12 before and then section 13 just before now we're in section 14 so we're just going to jump in here any place and put that in here change this to 14 i'm happy with that so now we're gonna look for zero six four nine again and see how i'm bouncing around i'm still in fourteen but when i get out of zero six four nine here in section fourteen it's gonna jump to fifteen so now i'm in section 15 and anywhere in here section 15 and i'm going to change this and then you know get out of section 15 and now you're looking for sections uh not a section but you're looking for zero six four nine again now you notice it jumped into something that's different right so uh here's where we found zero six four nines what we were copying looked like this which is totally different that's because we're in a different heading now this heading is called strings we need to modify a string so there were four of these that we there were four headings that had four of these that we modified right so the first one was section 12 then we did 13 14 and 15. now we have to modify uh the strings so what we're going to do is the same idea we're just going to copy something that was already there we're going to use it ourselves but now we have to modify it again again the subsys 0 5 6 7 10 d e 0 5 6 7 10 d e you'll see people that are messing with the spacing here you don't it doesn't matter i could leave it i could delete it doesn't matter so now i'm happy i'll go ahead and close this and save it and we're good so i can close this out and i can close this out and also those strings let you know what type of video card that you have so to display properly rather than saying like a microsoft one all right now you may be tempted to run this file again this is the installer file we don't want that that's that's that's where we started we want to go back into the pc and go into the nvidia folder that the default location where it was extracted because the file that we modified was under this international folder right but under international for this particular driver this is the setup when i run this setup it's going to run those inf files so let's go ahead and do that and it's going to prompt us now for 90 percent of people i'm going to guess this is all you're going to need to do you're going to modify the driver it's going to match your hardware it's going to install and you're going to be off to the races and playing left 4 dead in no time and here you go so now we're going to actually be able to click agree and continue and everything's going to work the way we expect it to someone go ahead and click next and here you go so the driver fails to install now like i said ninety percent of you people probably won't have this problem but for the rest of us we need to figure out a solution and i finally uh came up with one when i was thinking about what i know about driver installation now in windows there's a signature verification that occurs in the background and i was starting to think to myself did this fail and then i was thinking the other times i did get it installed didn't i just do this but i just intrinsically knew what to do so i never documented it and i ended up pulling out my hair about it so what i'm going to do is go ahead and in order to fix this problem with driver signature gonna go ahead and restart this system and disable driver disable driver signature verification now this is a per boot setting and what i'm doing is basically saying don't worry about it this time but every time after you reboot your computer you go back to driver enforcement it's a security thing so what you got to do at least on windows 10 and kind of on windows 8 is they decided that for some fun reason it'd be cute to bury a setting that used to be very prominent or when you rebooted the system you press f8 to get to advanced settings they've buried this reboot setting to disable driver signature enforcement way down in there actually i'm going to go back just so i can tell you where to go again i went to start settings which brought up this window and then i go to update and security in windows 10 and now i have to go into recovery and now i have to go down here this is why windows 8 failed is because they change things around for no reason for you to be able to do the exact same thing you used to be able to do with far far far far far fewer clicks and now what we're going to do is we're going to hit restart now so we're waiting for this menu to pop up now and we're going to select troubleshoot and then advanced options and then startup settings and just hit restart here so it's startup settings you're going to press 7 to disable the driver enforcement so now that we're at the desktop we can go ahead and run this file one more time and this time everything's going to work as we expect so let's see need this setup all right so this is the really important part now that we've disabled uh driver enforcement it's actually asking us what we want to do in this case i'm pretty sure this is the part that was silently failing so of course now we can go in and we can say install the driver software anyway and then finally we have the driver installed despite all the problems that we had so i hope that helped you and if you got any questions just leave me some feedback in the comments
Channel: You brake, I honk.
Views: 1,405,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nvidia (Venture Funded Company), how to, tutorial, pc, Personal Computer (Video Game Platform), Device Driver (Software Genre), Microsoft Windows (Operating System), windows 7, windows 8, windows 8.1
Id: HKwFHU8ka5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2015
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