NVIDIA Cant Find Compatible Graphics Hardware FIX!! WINDOWS 7, 8, 8.1, 10

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what's up guys today I'm gonna be showing you how to fix your nvidia installer when it says the graphics driver cannot find compatible graphics hardware I came across this when I uninstalled my graphics driver and when I reinstalled I got this message so it's gonna take a little bit to do it but if all the guide you should be able to fix it with no problems so to start off you're gonna need to get the device manager you can do that in two ways one by right-clicking the bottom of Windows and going up to a device manager if that's not an option you're gonna Windows key and are at the same time and after doing that you can go ahead and type in dev MGMT MSC and that will pull it up as well the thing you want to be looking for is display adapters your graphics card will be under here even if it doesn't say the right name that's okay because what you want to do is you want to right-click on it and go to properties after you go to properties you're going to go to details and then click on device description and go down to Hardware IDs you're gonna be looking at this one at the top now if for some reason it's not showing you the name of whatever graphics card you have and you're not sure of that for there is a ID lookup you can use using the VIN number and the dev number and I'll put a link to that in the description I can pull that up as well so you can see what it looks like all that is is you can click on PCI devices and then here you can use it to look up which graphics card you have and such so you're gonna want to what I found easy was opening up a text document and copying this into it because it will make it a million times easier and to do that you can just go ahead and right click and hit copy and then just paste in we'll save that for later okay so now that we have that copied into notepad what when you do is try and install the drivers of course you already know what's going to happen but when we install the drivers Nvidia is gonna put all the files that we need in there that we're gonna be adjusting and it's gonna leave them there because if you click close after saying new buddy installer can I continue it does get rid of all those for you and go ahead and pull that up real quick when you're installing it keep note of where this extraction path is going to be this is gonna be the normal path for it but just in case yours is different just remember where that's gonna go this is what we really really want so at this point it's getting all the files and it's putting it into that directory that it mentioned to us right before and then we're gonna hop in there and take out some files that we can use yeah basically what's happening is it's not finding your your graphics card so all we're gonna be doing it's just going in there and putting it in there ourselves it's not too hard just takes a little bit of digging so now this is popped up mine is gonna say it's either already installed or it might try and go through with it but after it's done with that don't hit cancel just go ahead and left click on it and you can leave it there because if you hit cancel it is gonna take out all the files from there so after it gives you that little error message then we can start looking in that directory so usually it's in the C disc nvidia display driver and then whatever whatever numbers where you're installing and then this is just your you know your operating system and then you want to go to display driver it was gonna be a bunch of information files in here you can choose any of the information files I did choose this one right here if you want to follow me with the same one you can't but they're all pretty much gonna have the same things inside of them so what you want to do you want to right-click it you want to make a copy of it to the desktop so what you want to do you want to make a copy of it to the window so on the bottom left it is giving me a little error not the same one that most of you guys are probably seeing but uh that's okay good move some stuff around and in the top right I just gave an extra one that's just so I didn't get it confused anything like that so you want to open it with notepad or if you have any other kind of editors you can use that as well and then you want to just scroll right down until you see this right here so this is what it's looking for when it's looking for supported devices and you can see the DEF numbers as well as the other thing that we copied earlier now I already added vine in there but I'll delete it and we can go back over you're gonna just use the same format just go ahead and make your own and put that in there so here's the one that I added in so the first part is gonna be the same for everyone it's just the percent Nvidia underscore Deb after you have that dot this is when you want to add in your different number we can just pull back up that other notepad that we made and here's our dev number you just copy that and put all right there but right there you don't have to worry about this extra stuff this is when you have multiple ones of the same one as well as this stuff at the end now if you do have another one in there that has the same developer number you're gonna add in no.2 or if there's two before it you know 334 no.4 since there's none that are like mine that I'm putting in here you put in an O one you just add a percent at the end so you don't have to worry about this and then just laughing an equal sign the section we're gonna use whichever ones are closest so there's two sixes 266 is we're gonna add that in there in the comma and this is when this really comes in handy this notepad cuz all you're gonna do is just copy this except for this and RAF part copy that whole thing and paste that in there okay and then after you've done that you should go ahead and save it to the desktop you don't need this anymore so you can go ahead and delete that and then we can go ahead and change this back are you gonna do is replace that file after you place that file don't hit the downloaded one do not hit this or it's going to get rid of all the progress that you have just done you need to go back into that folder click on the setup that ax e that will allow you to install it so it's not gonna try and get the files before because if you do click on the other one beforehand it's gonna check all the files in the directory it's gonna get rid of any changed ones and putting all the new ones and you're just gonna get the factory ones that it came with so you'll see nvidia software license agreement it's gonna let you install it hey shake agree and continue go and install it I would recommend doing GeForce experience as well because that usually does help you keep updated on the newest drivers out but other than that you should be all set you guys do have any other problems with it just leave a comment down below and if I have some free time and I can get back to it I definitely will but other than that thanks for watching guys go ahead and subscribe leave a like if it helped you out thanks
Channel: Mindful Tec
Views: 155,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nvida, error, graphics card, fixfixed 100%, fix, fixed 100%, windows 7, windows 8, windows 10, windows 8.1, graphics card wont install, nvidia cant install, cant install, not compatible, hardware
Id: YXr6FUicy8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 28 2018
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