Nvidia Installer cannot Continue ERROR . Nvidia Driver fails to Install on Win 10. FIX 100% Works

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hello guys so in this video i am gonna show you how to install an nvidia graphics driver when it fails to install on your pc now i have an alienware m15x with 970m 6gb so what happens is when i try to install a newly downloaded graphics driver it fails to install and it's unable to install on my alienware m15x so here is the driver i have downloaded already so let me just show you what happens i'll just double click on the driver and it's going to extract on the c drive and nvidia folder so let it extract so this alienware m15x first originally came with a gtx 460m so later so later i upgraded this to nvidia 970m 6gb i didn't when to buy a new laptop because this laptop is just fantastic you can upgrade the processor you can upgrade the graphics card ram hard disks wi-fi cards so still it's really good okay so it has extracted so it's going to now begin the installation of the driver here it goes here comes it's checking just checking the hardware compatibility still going on so now you can see that the driver unable to install so what are we gonna do now to install this so let me show you what exactly you have to do now this driver is the latest driver at the time when i downloaded this driver so i'm just gonna show you what you're gonna do so what you're gonna do is you're gonna extract this driver on your desktop okay use your unzip software to unzip the driver on the desktop like i have already did as you can see and before that we gonna check some details on our laptop so what are we gonna do is just give me a moment okay so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna go into device manager and you have to open your graphics card go to the properties and the details tab choose hardware id so this is what we need the second line is going to be the important one take a notepad out and take the numbers as i am writing down we're going to play with the subsys and the 13d8 the series of our hardware id so let's note it down okay so close this and we're going to be using these inf files here okay just open it and choose 13 d8 now this is the hardware id of your graphics card so let us search in this file if that is available put in control f enter it press down and click find now as you can see that it is available here so suppose if it is not available here you're going to close this file and you're going to so do the same thing in the next file okay so like here you have all the files so you're gonna do exactly what i'm doing if you are unable to find your hardware id in this file so what we're gonna do now is copy this file copy this line okay press enter make some space between the line paste this line again and now we're going to start modifying the file so what we gonna do is 13d8 is already there so what we gonna do is modify the rest and at the end we have to enter full subsyst of our hardware id okay now once it is done copy this line okay so now we are in a one particular section okay so you're going to copy this line keep 13 d 8 in your find and press find next so you're going to see there's going to jump in some other section if it jumps in some other section like 11 and you are currently updating 10 then you should be updating 11 also so as you can see i'm jumping around okay so now it has come to a different section here it's a different format so what you're going gonna do is copy this line press ctrl c make space between the line and start modifying the line there you go 0 to a2 that's it okay so as you can see the rest are same so we don't have to do anything here you just close it and remember to save the file that's it and now we're going to try again installing the driver so remember run the setup of your extracted file not the driver that you had downloaded okay you don't have to run this driver you have to run the folder extracted from this driver okay so now we're going to double click on the start setup.exe and it's going to begin the driver installation so let's see if that installs it okay so it has starting to check the hardware compatibility so now you can see that it has taken the driver but it has still not started installing the driver so here you have two options one is you can install the graphics driver with g4 experience or you can choose just the graphics driver so i already have the geforce experience installed so i'll just choose the driver and start beginning the installation of the driver so so now it will begin to install the driver okay so it has now started to install okay it's installing can let it go through still going on still trying to install come on come on it may take some time still going on so now you can see that the driver installation has failed now why this has happened because the driver signature of windows is enabled so when you modify this file you have to turn off the driver signature in the windows 10 operating system okay so let me tell you what exactly you have to do in order to disable the driver signature in windows 10 okay so in order to do that you have to restart your pc now when you restart your pc you have to press shift and click restart okay or else it will not do okay now when you press restart with shift it's going to open up the boot options for you okay so here goes press down shift press restart it's going to restart okay so now here you have to choose troubleshoot okay choose advanced option and startup settings now here you have to simply press restart so pc is now restarting okay here comes okay so now here you have to simply press the number against disabled driver signature enforcement i have seven so i press f7 and let pc restart okay so now i'm on the desktop again so we're going to bring in the driver installation once again we open the folder start setup.exe once again press yes okay so now you can see it is starting to install the driver okay again as you as your choice i choose only driver installation i choose express and let the driver install okay so now it's starting to install okay so it's going on still installing the driver still going on is it moving or it is freezed now it's moving okay it's installing still installing okay it's stating it's taking time but should install come on come on okay here it comes so here's is the message when you disable the driver signature in windows 10. so here you have to choose install the driver software anyway okay so i'll just go ahead and click this and let the install continue so always remember when you have modified the driver installation file you always have to restart first disable the driver signature and then begin your driver installation okay it's installing it's installing okay so now it has almost completed the installation and now you can see the driver has been installed okay so now we're gonna check it's really installed or not so we go to nvidia control panel let it open and here you can see the driver installation is same as the the driver file that we had modified now go to the system information you can also see that it has been installed okay so this is how do you install nvidia graphics travel when it fails to install on your laptop or a desktop okay so thank you for watching and click like and subscribe
Channel: GAMER AM
Views: 23,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nvidia Installer cannot continue, Nvidia Driver fail to Install on windows 10, Nvidia Driver Installation, Nvidia Driver Failure
Id: Ca8hbBjPh8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 3sec (1143 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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