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[Music] all right then go this is a real quick video on how to fix via driver installation areas so if you're getting a pop-up when you try and install your drivers that looks like this where it's an nvidia installer failed with all your components not installed or failed or if you use GeForce experience you might get a similar pop-up when you try and update to the latest driver I've spent the last couple of days trying to figure out how to fix a pretty monumental error that I've had where I haven't been at a rollback drivers or install anything so hopefully this works and I'm just going to go through it real quick so first things first you need to download display driver an installer from guru 3d you want to click on the newest version for example download your East Coast so if we download this one for example starting five seconds it's a very cetera the usual things so get that downloading we're going to open that I use WinRAR I think most people do the same simplest thing for me personally is if you just drag this to your desktop you have this year and using 7-zip me personally I just extract it to the desktop so you then have all these files you just need to open up your display driver uninstall so what this is basically going to do is uninstall all the drivers you currently have for the Nvidia stuff you currently had to allow for a really fresh install they said I recommend safe mode etc I personally just do it in normal mode launch up the program to may take a moment by the looks of thing here we go all right so once it's open up we have all these options and texts and stuff don't really need stress too much about it if you go into options and click that you remove see and busier driver folders and remove Andy as well I suppose if you just run a MV or still Rene M DV and I looking first in my solution and then click close so what that's going to do is literally completely and utterly wipe any in video software drivers GeForce experience from your hard drives and your computer and full you then can click clean and restart I'm not going to do it because I've just managed to fix it so I don't want to go through and redo the process but once that's started you're commenting this log box with the process and eventually we'll say it's completed and it will start to restart your computer now then you can if you want to try to install your and beer drivers I personally wouldn't use GeForce experience so you can just get it Nvidia drivers and download the driver that's appropriate for you so select your product I personally have a GTX 780 and an you quick search and we'll find the appropriate drivers you click download and then you click the green download so that's how most people update their drivers these days because GeForce experience is pretty garbage no offense Nvidia I like your other stuff but don't like GeForce experience then all you have to do after that is you can try either installing them so for example if I go to my downloads and you see that I have been trying a lot of different drivers from different versions when it was stable etcetera etcetera you can give one on them ago so click on it open it up it'll create a video folder in this so if that doesn't work which it didn't for me personally what I did was iron the display driver uninstaller again went for a complete clean install then you click you want to restart your computer what you want to do that's quite important and it's hold down your Shift key and you click it so what that does in Windows 10 is boost into basically your repair screen or whatever and gives you the option to then boot reboot slash restart into safe mode once you're in safe mode then you want to install the driver this worked for me perfectly all my drivers are back up and running no issues at all so I hope this helps someone else out there because it was a monumental effort to try and try tons of different things that were recommended online and eventually this is the only thing that worked which was the combination of a few different things I was told so give it a go let me know whether you have any luck with it this is working as of the 29th of the 7th of 2017 or I don't know how you said in America 7th months 29th day 2017 for those of you that don't write dates the same way as I see em under anyway thanks for watching guys as I say post down below if it works if it doesn't work and became here and subscribe for more so Cheers
Channel: The Wiggin
Views: 104,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NVIDIA, nvidia, driver, error, installation failed, NVIDIA DRIVER INSTALLATION ERRORS, NVIDIA DRIVER INSTAllation failed, graphics card drivers, gpu drivers, gtx, 1080, 1070, 980, 970, simple, easy, 2017, fastest, quick, tutorial, guide
Id: HR7XepUQeGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 27sec (327 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2017
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