How to Fix Latency in Adobe Audition

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[Music] hello there I am Mike Russell from music radio creative comm and this is another live stream where we talk about audio and I answer those burning audio questions that you may have this is a brilliant one comes in from fritz I'm Hein in the US a and is ask me Mike can you please do a tutorial on how you deal or have dealt with latency when recording in Adobe Audition maybe some possible courses and solutions would be really good to get into I agree with you fritz yes it's something we come across from time to time especially when we're in the multitrack and trying to record and you hear your voice back so what is latency latency is the kind of round-trip time it takes for your voice to go into something like a microphone and then through your audio interface into the computer and then back out into your ear through something like these headphones and obviously there's a little bit of latency on everything there's nothing that is absolutely perfect no audio interface no internal sound card that you can get that is completely latency free certainly not as far as I'm aware you will have at least a few milliseconds and you know anything up to five 10 milliseconds is probably not that noticeable when you start going to 20 30 40 50 millisecond latency then you will definitely notice it and I'll show you how bad latency can get in this video the show today is brought to you by my pro podcast presets if you're a podcaster you like recording in real time but you notice you get latency - this video may well help you find some solutions if I start a brand new multitrack session and select here in the templates Pro podcast presets you will see the template that I use to produce podcasts all the time track here for your podcast host Auto ducking talk over music a place for your intro and outro your co-host and also channel with adaptive noise reduction for Skype guests get rid of all that Skype crackle in his another guest Channel and your sound effects and a couple of buses and the master Channel with lots of stuff going on to master your podcast so it all sounds at one constant volume it's great takes care of loudness level so you can just mix down and upload the mp3 if you're interested in these pro podcast presets then do head over to MRC FM / PPP that's MRC dot F M / PPP now this is a common thing I've actually had an email before about this particularly latency related to the pro podcast presets because you will notice if you go to this channel here the podcast host channel and you start to record so say I slept my inputs here as my analog 3 which I know is my microphone and then hit record like this I'm just gonna fade Adobe Audition down for the moment so you don't hear any feedback record okay now you'll see my levels popping up here but then you'll see a little delay on the output Channel see that that's funny now I'm gonna fade audition up and you'll hear the latency ready for this here we go hello hello that's latency that's latency and that's rather big and that's rather big that's a lot of latency now why is this the case in some recording instances in Adobe Audition not others I'll show you what I mean so this is untitled session 1 my pro podcast presets there bit elacin to see when you try and record but if I go to file new and I start a new multitrack session and I'll select the template has none so this is your vanilla adobe audition template we'll click OK track 1 again same input my microphone here and make sure it don't be audition has faded up start to arm to record hello hello that's good hardly any latency what you might hear if I fade up audition a bit more you're here like an echo almost like I'm in an auditorium can you hear that that is latency but we're talking about milliseconds of latency it's not that bad and I can still talk and do a show without being distracted now there should be ways that you can switch this off I obviously disabling on for a call can do that if I go in to audition preferences here I've got a feeling you can do stuff here let's start off in the multitrack area here and have a look at what we've got now I've got a feeling if we enable smart monitoring if we switch that off if we tick that off but leave input metering on let's see if we still get that feedback let's try again how hello hello hello aha nothing nothing in my ears there so there is your first solution if you're getting distracted by latency that's something you can do I'm just gonna go back from this vanilla template now to my pro podcast presets where there's considerable amount more latency on that to record hello hello ello yes and as you can see it's monitoring me in real-time and I mean that is really real-time those those levels there if I clap you'll see the levels sink to my clap yeah perfect no problem there so it's when we go in to audition see see preferences multitrack and we enable smart monitoring that we start to get this kind of feedback loop again listen they blitz hello hello now let me show you what's causing this because we want to get we want to get to the root cause and I know Andres from Puerto Rico Thank You Andres as well for reaching out in addition to fritz so this is a show that I know a lot of you will want to really pay attention to maybe watch the replay of and discover what's going on back to my vanilla template here with no effects in the effects rack hand hello hello hello yeah just that lovely auditorium echo so what's causing it well it's the amount of effects you put into the effects rack so as you can see I've got speech volume leveler de-esser scientific filter dynamics processing parametric EQ let's go over to this vanilla template arm to record and start adding those effects in okay and see what difference it makes first of all let's add in to number two the habit speech volume level ah hello hello whoa whoa okay so the moment I had a moment I get that it's delay it's delaying me switch that off switch that off and hello hello you'll notice notice the delay stays there even even less to leave that back to normal latency now even when I disable the effect which is really interesting right let's try some parametric EQ which is a simple effect and again this parametric EQ does not cause much of a change in latency go back to default there let's really increase the high end sweep down whoa in real-time I'm now sweeping along you can just about hear that so parametric EQ not too guilty maybe dynamics processing oh yes you can hear more latency now so as you can hear the more effects you're adding two additional compression my voice in real time they're more like to see you're getting or we could chain it up with an echo this is gonna get so confusing me off whoa yeah hey okay this is really confusing but speech volume level oh really ask the latency listen to this hello hello feedback okay so let's get rid of that so speech volume leveler is extremely guilty and there we go no latency anymore one more thing I was going to do because I know Andres from Puerto Rico bought this up it's the fact that if you have noise reduction running in real time let's do this and click OK it is CPU intensive ok hello hello sometimes that can cause clicking and popping even if you've got a really good spec set up so worth to pair this all in mind those are the causes of your your latency now there are some solutions unfortunately with Mac this appears to be a known problem from all the research I've done online I have found that yet latency increases the more effects you enter the chain with Windows you can do something apparently so I can't show you this bike and I can give you an idea of where it is going to audition preferences and you want to go to the audio hardware and you'll notice device class now here on Mac I only have caught audio but over on Windows you have something called an a sio2 vise that you can select there apparently if you select that it's really good for reducing latency so Windows users you might want to try that I've not tried it myself but I've heard that it works core audio though is all we've got for Mac and it does not matter in my experience what input and output kind of wot interface you're using I've tried this on the the built-in input and output on my Mac I have tested it on the Soundcraft signature mixing desk the scarlett 2i2 audio interface I've got from Focusrite and all of them on a Mac produced the same results that large amount of latency so to wrap up disarming this for recording going back into this multitrack session how can you avoid this latency while recording well first of all switching that on oh my goodness first we go into preferences multitrack drag and disable smart monitoring okay ha better and now we don't get any of that latency feedback which is possibly a good thing unless we click monitor input it's back so smart monitoring disable that that'll be your first port of call I'm just gonna re in a belay and show you something else where were we multitrack enable that smart monitoring as we didn't there it is now I'm just fading this down so it doesn't confuse me if I start disabling these effects it will have no effect listen effect look everything is disabled I've still got the latency you have to actually delete the effects which I'm doing now and you'll hear the latency gets less but of course I've still got effects running in other tracks so I need to remove them and that all of these here and all of these and as you can hear the latency is now getting less and less and less as I remove all the effects but obviously this is not ideal so disabling smart input monitoring that's your first port of call maybe having one template that you use to record and then you move the files over into a post template to work for your a see all your presets and your production and your post editing that might be another way yeah but latency it's annoying thing it really is and I also should mention at this stage very very important not only hardware software related sorry but yes absolutely hardware related take a look at what wise you've got running between audio interfaces and mixing disks for instance I know my sound craft signature 12 mtk uses a USB 2.0 if it was USB 1 oh my goodness you'd have an even more latency Thunderball connections are really good firewire used to be good but it's kind of phasing out now so Thunderball obviously again is his Mac only I could not find last time I went shopping and a USB 3.0 or at least not in a good budget kind of mixing desks or digital audio interfaces maybe you'll have better luck and you can leave a comment on this video and let me know if you discover something that can reduce latency because that's what we're all about in audio recording in real time hearing results in real time and very little latency good luck with it leave a comment on the video to let me know how your journey goes and I'll catch you on the livestream same time tomorrow from 6 p.m. UK time [Music] Hey
Channel: Mike Russell
Views: 115,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: IvXoB_jyJVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2018
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