How to Setup Microphone Levels in Adobe Audition

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[Music] [Applause] hey-hey-hey-hey I am Mike Russell from music radio creative comm and you are on the music radio creative livestream where we talk about everything to do with audio anything you could imagine from producing radio jingles to editing podcasts creating intros and outros all of that good stuff how to make your voice sound better every kind of tip you could imagine for voice artists and just yeah just we have great fun I answer questions from the community a community music radio creative compost yours now and very simplistic kind of tutorial on today's episode I'm just really gonna go into the basics of how to set up microphone levels inside Adobe Audition this is something you commonly have when you either buy a new microphone or you're setting something else up or you haven't used it for a while you want to make sure things are good so the first thing I would do when I open Adobe Audition is I would go over to the preferences and audio hardware first of all and make sure the correct inputs and outputs are selected so in this case I have a mixing desk which again introduces different things like I've got Gaines and faders that I can work with but yeah you you choose whatever you want so it could be a built in microphone or whatever some microphones the USB microphones actually have games on them like 60 DB boost or something but with this one I'm just gonna take my microphone and show you what we can do here so audio channel mapping analog channel 3 on both left and right there is my microphone I'm speaking into now and to get a bit of level I can either start recording here and get a bit of level like that and you can see I'm peaking quite low and around minus 23 and the best thing is it sticks there for a while before disappearing so you can see where your levels are if you want to even clear a representation of microphone levels right click and then we have static Peaks and what this is going to do when I change this over the yellow bar will not disappear and I'll show you where your peak is in your speaking what okay now I have a static peak meter so I can see exactly where my audio is peaking just below minus 20 so static Peaks very good there on the levels indicator for seeing where your peak is I'll go back to dynamic test that's how I prefer it so obviously I could increase this microphone in volume a little bit if I want to do that I've got a gain gain kind of on my mixing desk that can allow me to do that so if I wanted to I could turn the microphone right up oh that's super loud sorry for blowing your ears out you see you can get levels like that now if you don't have the the privilege of being able to do that you might want to look into other kind of stuff that can allow you to do this and I will give you a little idea it's actually an idea I picked up from Ray ortega who's from the podcasters studio podcasters studio calm and let's have a look at this right here this is called a FET head FET head and it's from Triton audio you can boost your microphone and it works for ribbon and dynamic mics and it will give you 27 DBS of clean gain on your mic see it looks just like that FET head Wow fantastic stuff so easily boost the volume you can do that with a forehead that's very very clean amplitude gain if you're having gain problems like you can see mine is quite quiet at the moment with my recording levels behind me there in Adobe Audition so Fathead brilliant clean solution to do it otherwise grab yourself an audio interface like the scarlett 2i2 if I stop this recording you'll see I actually have a scarlett 2i2 in my setup audio hardware setup it's really really good you can set levels again on that and that can help you get levels just as a point of reference really rather than peaking at minus 20 as I was doing so here really you can afford to pick anywhere between minus 6 and minus 3 I say so definitely set up your static Peaks there on the levels meter make sure that the most Agosto is about minus 3 just to give yourself 3 DB of headroom for later editing and that's it see how you would set up and get good microphone levels you do not want to make sure that your microphone is peaking at zero because then you could peek over so essentially I won't do it with this microphone because it set up to quiet at the moment but if I was to just delete this actually that's not a new new audio file let's change over our audio inputs and outputs so we'll go over and record the file PR 40 I just got over the other side of the studio start a new file here call it Heil and right that's gonna be this mic over here hello hello I know boo boo boo boo boo and you can see this is so loud it Peaks whoa so if you're peaking at that red section there you want to be turning your microphone down or maybe getting a little bit further away from your mic until you get a reasonable level so yeah something to bear in mind definitely don't want to get anywhere near the zero mark because that leads to horrible things like digital distortion sounded like this and you can see this is so loud it Peaks whoa yeah not nice at all so I hope and Ray and many others watching this channel right now that helps you a little bit go over to slash music radio creative I would love to have you as a subscriber to my channel so you never miss a live episode [Music] okay
Channel: Mike Russell
Views: 74,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: J1Ql7MlxJPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 1sec (361 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 28 2018
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