How to fix fence post with the EZ Mender

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okay diy nation today's spotlight production we have a fence as you can see it's leaning needs a lot of mending here i don't want to spend the entire afternoon doing this notice the lien here yeah this is where it's supposed to be that's where it is well i went to the big big big big big box store and i said hey i want something easy so i said well we got you covered we got easy mender and i'm like hey anything with the name easy in it is made specifically for me but here's what you do it's pretty thick gauge metal um the idea is you're supposed to slip this see i've got this concrete footing here which i was fearful of that this thing might not work it's supposed to slip between the post and the concrete footing but if you notice this is tipped back when i tip this forward i lose that little gap so i am hoping that my easy mender lives up to its name and i can take this and slip it right through there with the bfh there it is and uh boy that would make my life my saturday at least a lot easier beautiful weather though here in the midwest minnesota we're going to be like 72 degrees on easter weekend but here's what i have today so get a far picture of it here one of these things i've been staring at all winter i didn't want to come out here in the winter months obviously and do this and now it's time to uh answer to this so easy mender we're gonna find out i'll keep you posted here okay everybody we are talking about the easy mender and let's take a look so far where i'm at here so far it's living up to what it's supposed to do you take this as it says easy mender slide it between the concrete and the pole it actually worked a lot easier than i thought so kudos so far but i'm going to finish uh pounding this in it's got to go about flush it's got to go flush right about here and i'm going to my cameraman come in and hold the camera for me so we'll get a feel how easy the easy mender goes in so far my saturday well worth uh now the point is you have to start hitting it right here which this knob doesn't come out quite far enough i wish it would come a little bit further it was easier hanging up on the top and now that it's worked its way up against the 4x4 i don't have a clearance that i once did so now i have to come back down here and swing more at an angle i don't like this but the old easy bender bang see i'm not really making good contact but it's a much slower process but you see how it is working its way between the concrete slab here or the footing and the uh 4x4 post doing everything it proclaimed to do and all i have to do is get this flush with the concrete then i'm gonna put a leg bolt in there so i'll continue to do this and we'll be back all right everybody we're just wrapping up installing this easy mender it's a fence post repair project i'm doing today by the way i want to apologize for the sniffling no i do not have colvin i have seasonal allergies and it's really i was watching that video a little bit and i heard myself sniff sniffling the entire time i thought it's kind of obnoxious but as i was talking about this easy mender living up to its name i put a couple of them in you have to wedge it between the 4x4 and the concrete and it went in fairly easy i had the video portion of that so i'm not going to bore you with that next i'm just going to take a drill do a little pilot hole here for my um leg bolt that i'm going to put in to secure this properly i don't want to go in too far because i want to make sure that we do have some bite by the way i love this ryobi stuff i'm switching over i've got about a three and a half inch leg bolt and uh i'm gonna put it right here obviously a little bit further look at that just pulling that thing in man ah the easy mender does everything it said i was going to do it's easy i didn't have to spend an entire saturday i've got one more pulse to fix and then i'm on to the next project thanks for watching
Channel: John Ficcadenti
Views: 4,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #YouCut, #fence post repair, #ezmender
Id: XbydDK1oXPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 3sec (303 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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