How to fix a broken leaning fence post without paying an arm & leg!!! DIY

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I'm gonna show you what I got uh going on here with my fence my posts have broken right here barely hanging on broke here where it meets the country and I heard a lot of people have these problems towards is breaking but I'm gonna use this easy Mender this thing is uh I heard it was good so I'm gonna do a temporary fix or some people use it as a permanent fix and I'm gonna show you what I'm gonna be doing and like I said right now it's going to be a temporary fix for me but some people use it as a permanent fix but uh I'm gonna walk you through everything I'm doing right here first I'm gonna take this board out the way get it out my way and what I can do the best way to do this is to put these on the side right in here on this side and put one on this side but right now I'm gonna do a temporary fix I'm gonna just put one right here and I'm gonna nail it down and I think I got kind of lucky because my concrete isn't way out here right in here so we're gonna try this out foreign ing on me so I'm gonna go ahead and take these little nails and nail this up but like I said it's temporary my neighbor's gonna get it fixed in a couple of weeks so I'm getting ready to do some traveling so I just want to make sure it's stable and you can take some nails put the nails right here in these holes but I'm not going to do that right now like I said it's going to only be up here for about a week we're going to replace all of that see all this dry rot as you can see the fence is stable you know really the only thing we have to do take all of this down and just put two of these Menders one on that side and one on this side and that'll stabilize it in that way or you could put four one two three four and they're not that expensive they're not that expensive look really stable it ain't going nowhere all right thanks for watching
Channel: Welding and stuff
Views: 1,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: E-Z Menders, How to, How to repair a fence pole, How to repair a leaning fence, How to temporarily fix your fence, Fixing your fence, Easy fence, fixer, Easy mender, How to fix a broken fence pole, 4 x 4 fence pole, How to fix a 4 x 4 fence pole, Welding and stuff, Weldingandstuff, Fence post, How to repair a fence post, How to repair a broken fence post
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 0sec (300 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2023
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