Fence Post Repair for $7.50

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okay hello my name is jerry i live in east san diego and i'm with my wife diana of 50 years who's going to be taking the video hi diana hi jerry so take this and i'm going to show you the problem that everyone has for the fence and time these poles uh they're four by fours they go down the ground and concrete but over time they shrink water gets along the side there they rot and eventually break and see how this whole fence the only thing holding it up i've got a rope over here pretty loose so you can dig this out put in new concrete new posts take this all apart it's gonna take you a good probably the whole weekend maybe longer it's gonna cost you a fair amount of money i'm gonna show you how to do this for about seven dollars and fifty cents so how let me point out a couple quick things so you'll see kind of a problem here is a lot of people will build a fence with the rail like this some do it vertical well in this case it's a little more difficult because it's horizontal this one's not you wonder why is that even there my fence is seven feet tall you don't run across a seven foot tall fence very often so it's a little taller than normal fence keep coyotes out of the yard so anyway we have two horizontal um rails that we have to worry about let me show you how i'm going to do this so cheap first let me show you what you would often use you've probably seen the post daddy uh i think it's a good product it's 30 inches long it's got holes in here for screws that'll mount against the post but i have to show you something far stronger in my opinion superior and way cheaper this will run you about 29 for a set of two if you just buy one that'd be shipping and taxes so about 14 bucks a little over 14 dollars a piece this one is a steak a steel steak at home depot didn't even know about i've already used several of these in my yard home depot has these steel stakes that they use for uh concrete forms it'll hold concrete you put forms around it hundreds a thousand pounds of concrete it'll support that so it's a far superior steak but look at it let's get a close-up here you can see the post daddy's i put a micrometer on both is uh about 200 thousands uh wide and the home depot stake is half again has been big almost uh 300 thousands and look at the width considerably more steel post daddy is one inch home depot is a inch and a half the um put it on top of it see what put this one on top of it oh okay all right that's a good idea so you can see it's uh quite a bit bigger if you actually measure the cross section it's over double so in the same length and 30 inches if you had 30 inches of each you would have twice the steel so i've discovered when i've used this uh already on several other posts i can get by with using one of these so i can do the whole job for about seven dollars and fifty cents it's going to go alongside here unfortunately this uh there's a simpson tie under here so i'm not going to be able to just pound that if it were like this i could get it in there but this i'm gonna have to take that simpson tie off so what i'm going to do well one other thing let me show you this first of all you're not going to put this stake in with this hammer you're really not going to put the stake in with this hammer you might line it up and go down six inches you're really going to need this hammer a sledgehammer i think it's a 10 pounder it's going to take that to get this down in the ground i would say that's the only disadvantage of this heavy stake is it takes a lot more pressure to force it down in there but it also seems to have a more secure base so what i'm going to do is take this simpson tie off unfortunately it's underneath so it's a little trickier try not to destroy the whole thing okay well we pause the video all right it looks like we're gonna have to cut it off unfortunately the the nails that hold it all over head i've got several out so i'm gonna i'm gonna go ahead and cut it off i'm gonna cut the nail on the [Applause] some backside i'm gonna go ahead since we're gonna have to when we put that stake in we need to swing that big hammer and this is gonna be in the way so i'm going to cut a piece of that off as well now maybe initially i'm going to try it with that i'll leave it on there temporarily now i can use this hammer if you don't have any respect for simpson ties you will after you try to take them apart they're incredibly robust and strong okay we got that off step on that one of the things uh drawbacks on this heavy stake is you do not want to start pounding it out here because once you get down there you're not gonna it's gonna be very difficult to move over so this particular steak you wanna keep it as vertical as you can where the post data you can bend it out and actually bend it back this is a lot tougher to do try not to trim that now almost all stakes i've discovered they tend to wander didn't it depending on the concrete and the dirt you have down below so i'm going to try to keep it as vertical as i can i want to go between the stake the post and the concrete so i need a little bit of an angle to start i want to keep it as center then as i can but like i say it's sometimes they tend to want or once you get down the waves you're just stuck so i wouldn't worry too much about if it's not perfectly straight looks like we can get around leaving that board and i'm worried about to cut it out i'm actually just wanting to see look at that it's wanting to move i'm gonna try one more time okay pause for a moment here okay it's probably good that we see some of the problems that can rise like i said these things tend to wander so how do you get the post out you could use a c-clamp i've discovered that this will work hard on the right tip fortunately it wasn't that awfully deep it was down there too far you're just pretty well stuck so it's wanting to come this way i'm gonna go a little farther the other way and if it does we'll probably just have to live with it i'm just gonna get hugging the board i'm going to bring it over as close as i can pretty good this time i'm pulling it over i'd say don't let it go out much further than that see it's still wandering this way i don't think there's a lot we can do well i'm doing the very thing i didn't want to do is have this come out very far but i need to put a lot of pressure otherwise we're going to be at a 43 45 degree angles okay i'm gonna stop the video i'm gonna have my wife come hold this like that well i pound it down into position so we'll take a pause here well i was able to get it uh pretty straight and i've left it out a little over 12 inches i really wouldn't go any less i think the post post body buddies only nine inches uh so need about 12 inches the problem with whether to use this system or this is that that post is rotted really bad maybe for 12 inches or longer you're not going to have a real solid i noticed this one as i got down deeper was fairly soft so i think the initial couple feet was a foot and a half or so was pretty good but the fact that the ground down below was soft and it i could probably pound that all the way level with the ground it's not gonna be as strong as i'd like but it's gonna be considerably stronger than what it was okay one um just a second okay so once the steak is all the way down it actually had come out maybe three inches and it's uh so there's a lot of stress on there so what i do is take this hammer and hit it fairly low and that will help straighten that a little bit so there won't be quite so much pressure on it and the other thing is i would go ahead and level this post well not i guess you'd call it plum but you want to make it vertical but because the fence is tending to lean this direction all the rails are on this side it's going to want as soon as we release all the tint it's going to want to go that way so i would strongly suggest you actually bring it this way perhaps an inch at the top even a little more it's not going to hurt over time it's going to want to go that way so let's start right off the bat you'll see about how far with the level that is you can see the bubble all right let's call it plum you can see the bubble is not level that once the fence starts to go that direction which is probably about an inch up here at the top it'll it'll be vertical so initially i want to have it actually this direction the weight of the fence is going to pull it that way and it'll straighten up in a short time so to mount something like this uh 2x4 you could use a rope almost anything and then i'm going to take these nails or screws rather i would recommend using a screw like this with a star head even a square head a phillips head is just going to round off even these will round off so let's start at the top here these are three inch by number 10. okay stop there i need i don't know if you can see this but even these star special star sockets that go into the star screw and they're very tough but i've put in probably 30 or 40 of them they gradually wear out once they begin to round off you can't put that in so what we're going to do we're going to go to plan b actually this is a good way to go these are the simpsons nine and number nine they're galvanized they're not gonna rust uh they have a special socket they're not gonna strip out putting them in we're gonna put the rest of them in with that and believe it or not they fit the hole perfectly on this stake so you don't have to drill the stake out at all turn this down a little and these would be fine could have gone that way to begin with but i like the screws but if you don't can't get a good grip on them around one and i have to tell you the the thing about the the post daddy is that the screws are not only they're really close together and you can tend to with so many in a row i really think you could split the four by four and they're better off being a little farther apart so i prefer the um home depot 593 version let's get one more down here i think where's that there we go so we've got two three four five six seven let's take that post off see what it feels like okay but okay i put a two by four about a two footer here brought the big guns up tired of screws i've got about ten of them in there we got a simpson tie on the end this is what's gonna hold this rail to that post since we had to cut that off so i'm going to go this direction these are incredibly strong simpson ties i really like them i'd make sure i use a number nine it's a little smaller diameter won't split the wood i'm just going to reach over this rail i got one on each side is all but should be all we need i'll go ahead and put four on this one i love these square sockets you just you just never strip one of these and they're galvanized and they generally don't split the wood okay all right that's nice and solid you'd be surprised this rail connected to these vertical slots and the pump really gives it a lot of stability be surprised so we don't have anything holding it compared to where we were i can move the dirt out so slide this way we'll go on the other side okay i went on the back side and put a nail uh top middle and bottom and all these boards really it's giving it a lot of strength this is really really tough with just one one steal post from home depot seven dollars and fifty cents or less you could do this but i hope this has been helpful and may god bless you
Channel: jerrybenson
Views: 75,005
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Id: hXNBf7ymXwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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