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today we're going to be patching up the holes left by our bullets when we shot the Tesla cybertruck if you remember while we were shooting it the 9mm bullets did not go through neither did the 22 but the 17 223 and the 50 cal all made some pretty massive damage in the stainless steel sheet and today we have to fix that since there is no paint or primer or anything else we should just be able to weld stainless sheets right onto the stainless steel body using using a welder powered by the Cyber tru's battery for how weird this machine looks it is actually pretty darn useful one thing I did notice however after shooting the Cyber truck is that while all the exterior buttons worked and all the buttons inside the cab the only buttons that did not work were the buttons inside of the door the 50 cal bullet ripped through one of the indoor wiring harnesses this was pointed out by West one of the Tesla Engineers over on Twitter which is fantastic customer service and I'm going to try to splice that wiring harness back together to get the interior buttons working this button right here still works but none of the buttons inside I'm sure Tesla would be able to fix the door in one of their service centers but since we have the tools I kind of want to see if we can do it ourselves there's been rumors that the stainless steel on the Cyber truck is rusting which I don't think is the case nothing that just can't buff out however one place that is rusting is inside of my wheel which is kind of a substantial amount of rust for only 2 weeks of ownership to be fair to Tesla though I'm sure this rust would occur on every $100,000 vehicle that ships without hubcaps we could replace this entire panel oshcut has brake presses that could even make those bins but I kind of like the way that these 9mm holes look so the only thing we really need to patch are the 50 cal the 17 and the 223 but before we can do that we need access to the inside and I'll have to disassemble the interior so it doesn't start on fire when the Sparks start flying to get access to the interior panel first we're going to remove the upper section of the door which looks like it's just held in place with some blue plastic Clips once those are popped out we can drop down the white soft soundproofing blanket and disconnect two wires which look like they're connected to the ambient lighting the lower portion of the cybertruck door panel is held on in a very similar way except this time around we have three 8 mm bolts holding down the lower portion and once those are removed the little blue snaps can be popped right off with the door panel removed there's a few wires left one of which goes to a computer module which I'm super glad we did not hit with a bullet and the other one goes to just the rear passenger door speaker not quite as important you can see where the bullets came through this one was the 50 cal hole and the 17 and the 223 hit in about the same spot over here barely missing the computer module and then this is the motor for the window and then I'm not sure what pulley this is but we just barely missed that and this little guy here at the bottom of the door is the emergency release handle so if the electronics or the battery ever dies inside of the truck you can still exit by pulling this lever 8 9 10 11 being the first people to take apart a Tesla cybertruck door means we don't really know what we're looking for there were 11 8 mm bolts around the inside of the door paneling but once those were removed we still could not get out that Central plastic piece turns out that there's two more additional bolts holding a clamp that attached to the window glass and once those bolts were removed we could slide the glass directly up and out the top of the door all right which means that if someone breaks their rear passenger glass window Tesla could swap out the entire panel in about 5 minutes which gets a huge thumbs up for repairability from me now with that glass out we should be able to remove two more additional 6 mm Allen bolts and then pop out the interior plastic paneling which will then give us access to the bullet wounds that we were hoping to find about an hour ago nice this is where the window motor is that moves these cables and the Poley where the cable wraps around and heads up to the glass we were so close to blowing that to Smither it's interesting seeing the bullet holes from the back side of the door some pretty massive bumps from the 9 mil and then when the bullets came through it broke off this aluminum covered rubber sheet talk about that in a second but up here even though they were just bumps it like blasted up the aluminum foil now you might be thinking to yourself hey Jerry why would Tesla stick rubberized H foil on the back side of the Cyber truck doors let me show you so it turns out sheet metal is actually really noisy it acts as a Gong so when Tesla puts that rubberized tin foil on the backside it kind of dampens the sound of the metal so instead of ringing it has a dull thunk to it which makes it a lot quieter driving down the road and it's actually a pretty cool invention the rubber dampens the noise the reason we pulled the Cyber truck into this particular Warehouse is because we're going to patch the bullet holes with lasers this video isn't sponsored I've just been friends with the guys over at oshcut for a few years now and they let me use their massive metal laser cutting machines for a few projects well I mean technically anyone can use the machines and that's the whole point we decided to use a cyber truck shaped piece of stainless steel to patch the stainless steel door of my cyber truck we upload the drawing into OSH Cut's online portal and within about 3 seconds worth of laser time and about 25 bucks my stainless cyber patch is ready for my cyber truck the patch just needs to be large enough to cover the 50 cal hole the 17 hole and the 223 hole since my Superior grouping ability put all three pretty close together we can get the entire job done with just one patch I'll trace the patches shape onto the surface of the door and then surgically extract the damaged material to make room for our new plug I decided to leave the 9mm divots just because they look super cool and make for a good story when people see us out on the road [Music] [Applause] [Music] with the cybertruck shape cut out of the cybertruck door we can insert our cyber Tru patch I've been prepping for this moment since I was a baby and now it comes time to weld them both together welding stainless steel however is more of an art form it takes a very highly skilled person to do so luckily I have my buddy Jacob who's going to be doing the welding for us he was also one of the guys who shot the 9 mil at the door how you feeling about it Jacob fingers crossed should be interesting I don't know if you've ever welded on a stainless steel truck before no I've never done Automotive I'm a pipeline welder okay here we go since welding is not a service that oshot offers I brought my own welder and we're using using the 240 volts worth of onboard power supplied by the Cyber truck's battery extremely handy wer is pluged in got the grounding [Music] plant welding thin metal is actually pretty tricky thank you since the extreme heat coming out of the welder can War the flat plate we have to weld in very small sections and let the metal cool down enough to touch in between between the short welding bursts and since this metal is thin enough to get red molten hot on both sides we have to Shield the pool of liquid metal with a noble gas called argon argon not to be confused of course with the noble Aragorn air to the throne of Gondor if the liquid metal reacts with the oxygen in the air it gets compromised you know instant oxidation so this Argon gas fill back Purge floods the immediate area with argon displacing the oxygen just long enough for the stainless to solidify back into solid form where it doesn't need any more protection from anything and coming around to the other side you can see the discoloration of the stainless as it gets to different temperatures it kind of like oxidizes and different ways kind of like how we've seen titanium change colors in the past and I think Elon floated the idea of making the entire truck out of titanium at one point way back in the early days but I'm glad they went with stainless instead now we're going to grind down the weld beads and kind of flush out this surface so we can wrap it later nice work Jacob thank you it's better than it used to be it's a low bar I think it turned out pretty well if I do say so [Music] myself and now the welds are ground down completely complely flat and it almost makes me want to do the whole truck like this that is a super cool finish minor uh at least this part is flat getting the door putut back together was super easy with the closeout panel in place and the window regulator back in we can drop the passenger window into the door opening incredibly simple and easy to repair design that Tesla absolutely nailed something I absolutely nailed however was the door trim wiring harness that got yeeted in half by a 50 cow bullet and now we have to splice those wires back together if I ever want to use the buttons again Tesla did make this slightly more difficult by using the same color wire for multiple switches but I'll let that lazy cost-saving maneuver slide since I did the exact same thing on my EV hanvey and Tesla has gone out of their way to provide the complete inner wiring diagram of the Cyber truck available for free on their website pretty much unheard of Tesla's free repair guides are the most detailed I've ever seen in my entire life I could can check for continuity between the pins and the tips of the blown up wires and I can use Tesla's pinout diagrams to get all the interior door buttons put back together again and functioning with the wires spliced back where they belong the door can be rebuilt good as new what we've learned so far is that the Cyber truck is indeed able to be patched fairly easily however the surface finish of the stainless steel is near impossible to imitate so if you are trying to repair any scratches or bullet wounds there is going to be a visible patch in the surface however this doesn't matter much to us because we're getting the whole thing wrapped the bare metal industrial dishwasher aesthetic of the Cyber Tru is enticing to be sure but with how many people are taking pictures and videos of this machine while driving I might as well turn the flat-faced angular surfaces into a mobile billboard I'm working with a company called Lux Automotive here in Salt Lake City Utah they're the same people who wrapped my wife's model X and did the on my rivan certified by both Tesla and rivan they are the obvious choice to install my bright blue 3M not a wheelchair vinyl for the most part wrapping a cyber Tru is easier and faster than most other cars thanks to the extremely flat surfaces theive smells pretty good yeah but for each flat stainless steel sheet the edges are all visible and wrapping those edges are the most time consuming part we also put on a layer of self-healing clear transparent paint protection film from Lamar this Lamar ppf goes over top of the blue vinyl to physically protect it as well as help keep the blue from fading the self-healing part comes from the heat of the Sun or a heat gun in our case any scratches or divots from Rock chips will just disappear and it has a crazy 10year manufacturer warranty personally I think they should be building phones out of this stuff cuz Extra Protection is always a good thing I'll show how we worked around the bullet holes in just a second one downside to owning an EV is that even when they appear to be turned off they are actually always on monitoring and controlling the battery temperature to keep it healthy if the cabin gets too hot the AC will kick on automatically to make sure the battery stays within its optimal temperature range if we were to take out a heat lamp and a BTU meter we could see that the lamp puts out about 350 BTUs worth of heat and about 57 of those BTUs pass through the front Factory Windows into the cabin moving to the back windows about 51 BTU's worth of heat get in through the dyed rear Factory glass combine that with the glass roof and the glass windshield of the cybertruck it's just a gigantic solar oven on Wheels however once we had the Strat ceramic window tint every piece of glass those BTUs that are able to enter into the cabin get cut down to just two this means that the automatic AC and Battery coolers won't turn on as much giving us more overall range and just keeping the battery healthier over time aside from just looking cool a ceramic tint is especially functional on EVs and finally to make this traveling billboard a reality we used a third layer of reflect Ive white vinyl for the not a wheelchair logo to get the vinyl to wrap around the stainless steel edges of the Cyber Tru a bit better Lux uses a lighter flame goes a long way to warming the adhesive and getting the edges to wrap around and grip the corners and of course in our case sink into the curvaceousness of our bullet holes minata wheelchair company manufactures the least expensive off-road wheelchairs on the planet and in a few months thanks to your views and support of the channel we are also releasing the most affordable custom rigid wheelchairs on the planet Plan called the Paradox project all made right here in the USA more information will come out in a later video of course but would you look at that the billboard is already working thanks Elon and at night the reflective decal pops especially well huge thanks to Lux automotive and Lumar for the RP if you're ever in Salt Lake City Utah and have a ride you want to protect definitely check them out and thanks the time for watching I'll see you around
Channel: JerryRigEverything
Views: 913,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tesla cybertruck, cybertruck, tesla, electric truck, stainless steel, welding, bullet holes, bullet proof, rivian, tesla truck, cybertruck gun
Id: eiape5LWcvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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