How To Fix A Valve Guide That Moved. Epic Fix!

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pterodactyl here and you're probably tired of seeing these ads but the problem isn't going away anytime soon every year thousands of neglected old parts are melted down for scrap and for one these parts they didn't do nothing to no one it's not their fault the manufacturer discontinued their models rendering these parts useless but somewhere out there someone still needs these parts and that for you come in for 9.99 you can adopt a part and save it from being thrown away like a piece of trash or melt it down for scrap here's some testimonials from some people just like you who adapted so hard I don't even know what part this is but what this thing even fits but knowing that I could save this little guy from the scrap hopper makes it all worthwhile and he's my best friend I just love this little cylinder head adopters today $9.99 that's nothing to save the life of an old party you kidding me it's a no-brainer dude adopt today you can make a big difference with your small contribution of only $9.99 adopter park today stupid old parks nobody wants [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] do something good a doctor part today you'll receive an information card where your parts name on it and a random old part from my parts shelf you can save a part from going into trash now there's your dinner today's how-to video is going to be on this here john deere g4 4 5 with the f7 30 v Kawasaki engine and the problem this once happened is right underneath this cover mower came in had no power was running out one cylinder pull the valve cover off this is what I found two bent pushrods and the problem is right here looks like the valve guide moved see how the guide had moved out and it's restricting its travel so when this thing can't move it can going around the camp says well if you're not moving I'm going to keep going and if something's gotta give and that thing is little misters push right he's the one that gave up but it didn't top both sides so I'm gonna go ahead and pull this cover off take these bolts out take this screen up pull this cover off we're gonna see what's underneath there maybe it's all packed up with grass and it overheated now on this kind of sake cover you don't have to take these cover screws all the way out you just gotta loosen them up because this is on a slot its slotted so you get the bolt past this part you just pull this off so here's why our bounce fail right there air-cooled engine cannot cool can't cool there's a bunch of crap Pat Duff looks like fluffy strikes again he's making me money now I need to take the intake manifold off take off this cooling shroud and we got to remove the exhaust so ten millimeter bolts over here to take this out there's four of them now this lower ran a full bolt in here is kind of tricky to get at so I'm gonna use a universal and I'm just gonna loosen these bolts and I'm gonna try to get this hat off and then the top one I got to get what a ratchet wrench and I think if I just loosen it that'll give me enough room where I could slide the head off I'm gonna go ahead and remove this vent line get that out of my way and then I'm gonna go ahead and zip-tie this stuff out of my way well now now I'm going to take this cooling shroud off I may have to use universal joint probably sure to use a set up a deep well sure to use the shallow socket [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] unfortunately they're not gonna they're not gonna warranty Fluffy's handiwork if their voltage regulator there this thing is plastic though I can probably just hold it out of the way I'd like to take it off see how hard it would be to take this thing up and then this stupid thing came off be aware that this is not under that screen there's your voltage regulator pull them wires off it's like we got a ground wire here I'll pull that off see this will be out of our way then so I removed this ground wire it was 5/16 or 8 millimeter and then they got all this stuff zip tight here and then now you can get this off so that was zip tied to hear these wires three of them the voltage regulator or the alternator wires and these other two wires they're all zip tied to that cover Oh get that cover out of the way makes it easy now I got to take them up Knopf now of course pumpkin cover off and if you notice there was a big guard back here but we took that off ahead of time [Music] in seven we got that off then you're gonna need a 12 millimeter deep well to get at these bumpkin manifold bull or not because the other ones back up underneath here and a deep well works good the right length so just go ahead and take the four nuts off then you can take them up Knopf so now we're gonna remove all the head bolts that hold the head on in there fourteen millimeter in order to get to this one here you see doesn't really get in there good so we have to remove this so that's ten millimeter and this has got a different way of setting the valves which you'll see when I go to put it all back together this valve adjustment is on a like a camper if you notice see how it moves up and down you know it's moving back and forth it's not an eccentric and that's how you set your backlash but we'll cover all that when we put it all back together first I gotta get this out come on out so the first thing you know you remove the nut from the other side I spun it backwards and I spun it forwards and then it came out so it was a little a little stuck in there but you could see see this bolt it's got like flat marks on it three different flat spots and then it's got this spacer and the spacers got a slot in it so it's got a whole different way of adjusting your valve so we don't want to lose that nut and now we can get to this bolt which is 12 millimeter so we can take this out now I can get at that head fold there's a head bolt there there's one here there's one here there's one here there's one over here so I went ahead to make it quicker and hooked up a universal joint once I got them loose depending on what this engines on you might be able to get straight at them with an impact oh wow that got curled back that's the head gasket that's from the that's from the pushrod valve look okay I've had some of these engines come in where these valves that snapped off I'm gonna look down in here everything else looks to be okay pull the other rocker arm off now with my valve removal tool let's take this valve out this exhaust valve there go there go sometimes you got a tap on the top I'll put a socket over the top of the the valve before I put this tool on kind of tap it with a hammer because you know these keepers are on a taper sometimes it gets stuck sometimes I'll put a socket that's that size on there and give it a whack kind of free pre dislodge it so you can see how high this guide is let me go ahead and pull the other side off and I'll show you what I mean about this lajjun that now that we're gonna do this so you can find a socket that fits pretty good on there and then you just give it a tap see it already started to pop them out there might be able to do it by hand you know let's use the tool and get those little little valve keepers out don't lose them you know me I'm gonna drop them on the ground so look look at the difference see here's your valve your valve seal which is on top of the guide see where it's at and looking where this is way up here because this doesn't move cause it's only pressed in there and it looks like it destroyed it to that valve guide seal yeah it's all the rubber parts all gone the seal part missing so I could probably drive that out of there again probably use a socket oh there's a little washer on there oh that's on here that's not the rocker arm I'm gonna drive this thing out all right I wouldn't got me a punch a big punch about the diameter of that guide [Music] and I grow it out and lost it here dick no it's covered in sawdust so there's your guide and of course I kind of ruined it but I can clean that up now an automotive heads they cash deal Luda men or the aluminium they cast it around the guides within these small engines they press them into the head so I drove out the guide and of course I kind of damaged it a little bit but I cleaned it up see it's good just a guide all its gonna do is guide the valve up and down so you're probably thinking well how are you gonna fix that Carole what you gonna do put locked I got well I could put alot tight on there but chances are it's on the exhaust side it's gonna get hot and then over time it's gonna break down so I drilled a little divot in there just so I could check to see how hard this guide is and it's not very hard so that means I'm going to be able to drill a hole in the head and tap it so I'm gonna drill and tap 10:24 and I'm going to use a 10 24 set screw to hold this from movement and use a number 25 drill bit or 5/32 as the closest fractional drill so what I did is I put a center punch mark right there and I'm gonna grow and tap that first then I'm gonna go ahead and put the guide back in and set it to where I need it set it to the right height and then I should be able to see the guide through the hole that I drilled in tap and then I'll take the drill and I'll throw a divot like I did here just my tusk divot I'll drill a divot into the guide and then I'll put the set screw in now I'll probably lock take the set screw in so I'm gonna go ahead and drill and tap that hole I got the hole drilled and then ice it made up my tap socket on the end of my nut driver so I can get in there easy since it's only 1024 [Music] we'll try your set screw make sure it goes in oh yeah alright so now I got to drive the guide back in and set the height now on this guide there's a little step on the bottom so it went in like this so if this happens to you be aware that there's a little step in there and the little step is in here and the top is just round I'll probably use a piece of brass so I don't egg shape this again and then I'll get my little scale like it's nothing yeah I've got my little scale no doubt a little more all right I got the depth all set and I was gonna drill it to market but I thought now I want to do that it might might heat up my new threads and that soft aluminum so I got a 5/32 transfer punch now you can buy these transfer punches pretty inexpensively it's a good tool to have around you can use them for all kinds of stuff I think I got them at Harbor Freight so I'm gonna use the transfer funds and I'm gonna mark where I want to put that divot and then I'll just go ahead and pull this back out now if you want you can always take a wizard wheel and cut some grooves in here and you can flip Loctite on here or just you know like a just in case to hold it in there even tighter so you know what I think I'll do that too so there's Mike here's my Center punch mark so I'm gonna go ahead and drill that so the head of a head of the set screw will sit in there and then I'm gonna take my wizard wheel and I'm gonna cut some grooves in here and then I'm gonna use some green Loctite I know I said well you can use like tang but then the light will get hurt hot and then it'll come out well I'm gonna use green green is for like bushings and bearings and stuff and you know won't hurt to use it a little Loctite so there's a divot I started with a 760 force drill bit and then I went up to 3/16 so we got a nice divot for the set screw to go into and then I put a real thin blade on my wizard wheel and now I'm gonna cut some grooves in there [Music] as you can see I grooved it up a little bit and the grooves are for the Loctite to go into that's for the Loctite to grab hold - and I got the green which is retaining compound the green is real good you know have any green you could use red but you said not to use like tight arrow a few minutes ago now you're using last I don't know what I said listen to what I say not what I said does that make any sense listen to what I say not what I said and then it's your divot lined up [Music] there it is there's my little divot [Music] I'll put some of that green oh you're some you're some green here's some green that came off with a guide push some green on this watch here okay and this will be cheaper than buying another head this is gonna save the guy some money oh man that's nice get it nice and tight all right now I got order the gaskets I don't have any of the gaskets I'm gonna get a new valve cover gasket new intake manifold gasket head gasket exhaust gaskets since I took them up get off and then we can reassemble oh I'll do a valve job I'll clean up the valves on the wire wheel clean up your valves since this one's only got 177 hours on it I shouldn't have to reface them I'll just lap them back in but if your engine has more wear on it look for little grooves in the face of the valve if there is from the from the seat maybe you can take them to a little auto shop machine shop and they can put new faces on them for you but I'm just going to clean all the carbon off Oh a new valve guide feels - I gotta get valve tight seals valve cover gasket exhaust gasket intake gasket and a head gasket and then fire it up fire it up fire it up fire it up fire it up we got the parts from our local John Deere dealer those are great guys over there Mike and Roger hi Mike and Roger you can't see them but they're waving back at the computer screen right now so we have two sets of numbers here's the Kawasaki part number and this is the John Deere part number in case you get yours from Kawasaki troll Parts Direct dotnet is where you can get them or your local John Deere dealer so there's a pushrod number here's the exhaust gasket there's the deer number with the M and there's the Kawasaki number valve guide seals same thing time a sake number john deere number with the em and take manifold gaskets there's the m mi you that's an i not a one valve cover gasket comma sake number john deere number and the head gasket time' sake John Deere so there's your part numbers save you a little time I cleaned up the bells on wire wheel cleaned up the head everything looks good again this has got low hours one hundred and seventy seven hours on this motor we'd help I put the valve in the race so a thin layer of lapping compound on the face of the valve and then you want to go back and forth then I I usually do this it helps spread the compound along and you'll hear it and feel it change any red [Applause] and we got a good good nice ring around there so again you're gonna want to clean that compound off real good because if we leave some on there it'll lap that valve to death and then we'll do the same to the other side next I'm going to install the valve guide seals and they just simply push that top you just push them on top now we're going to install the valves but first we're going to spray a little gel lube on it which we sell in our online store this is good stuff it's sticky spray a little on there put the valve in now we'll put our springs on and our caps now we've got our spring tool on there we got to collapse now we're ready to put our keepers on and if you notice the keeper is tapered you want the tapered spot down now you can put a little grease on there that'll act like glue and hold it for you because they're kind of tight you want to get that keeper that little Ridge that's on that keeper that little raised pop you want to get that into this recessed part of the valve at 30 keeper goes so see that grease holds it in there for you now we can woo gotta be careful now we can start to loosen it and there's your dinner now we'll do the same to the other side so we cleaned off the old intake gasket now you got to make sure you get all of it off the gasket material the head and off the manifold now this gasket doesn't have any kind of adhesive on it some gasket manufacturers have a little sticker you peel off and you could stick it on there and hold it in place for you so since we haven't taken our manifold completely off we're gonna want to kind of stick this on there so there's a couple things you can do you can get some of that a high-tech gasket sealer that I use or you can use a couple drops of superglue or crazy glue because you just want to hold it in place so what used to crazy I'll just put a couple of little dots we don't have to cover the whole thing and the gasket goes on there like this and then we'll let that set a few seconds so I was inspecting the head and we're the pushrods failed and bent it kind of raised this up a little bit so you always got to inspect all your parts like a lawn mower detective so I want to file that little raised area down just to make sure it doesn't interfere with anything a little radius on there with a file and then I'll blow that all off and spray some carbon spray or break clean around there to get all them little particles out of there I got that and it goes on here on those locating pins and then I made sure that you clean all this real good I used two scotch brite on there now we can install the head find those pins and there we go and then I'm gonna take one of the manifold bolts and just get it started kind of hold it in place for me oh oh look who it is it's fluffy fluffy how you doing I got played muskan killed you oh you're Fluffy's twin brother what's your name fluffy okay well you and your family your kinfolk make me a lot of money so go out there and make me some money we got five headphones three long ones two short ones but one of the short ones goes under here the other short one goes here and then the three long ones go here so I'm just gonna run them in I'm not gonna tighten them down just till they stop then we'll go and torque them 34 foot-pounds 3/4 foot-pounds 34 so we got three like this and two here so I'm going to start here in the middle and then I'm gonna go on a cross pattern and then you want to go in little increments put a little tension on it just gradually tighten them down till you get to 34 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] do that just keep going around you're clear and that way you know you got them all even see they turn a little bit each time until it clear that's why you gotta keep going till you get it on there to just click each time then you know your stop okay so let's go back now and tighten our four manifold bolts remember we loosen them on this side so we didn't have to take this whole thing off so go go ahead and get your ten millimeter and going and tighten them up now we're ready to reinstall our new push rod what fluffy to your back again wait wait for me to finish this job so you can crawl in there build another nest enough in somebody else's equipment and it makes me some money [Music] you're gonna want to lubricate the ends of the push rod and I already did that again with the gel loop because it sticks on there good then you're gonna have to get a flashlight and shine it in there and make sure you get the push rod on the end of a liquor that's down there because right above this is a hole that goes back to the crank case and if you don't get it in the right spot you're gonna lose that push rods gonna fall inside the crank case so this is our rocker arm mechanism remember I had to take it off to get at that head bolt so let's go over this a little bit so you can see how this works inside here this little spacer here it's on an eccentric and that's how we're going to set our valve clearance or backlash now if you notice on here this hole is small this hole is big so this thing will only go in one way only go in like that and the washers got to be on the head of the bolt see it won't go this way so when you put the rocker in it's gonna go in like this this is our big opening on here so this little thing see how it's got these little lines on it the little lines go up so we'll stick this back in here gotta get it in the rocker I'm a rapper baby I'm a rapper and if you notice this bolt has got flats on it so you're gonna have to hold this with your finger to get slide in see and then when we turn this bolt it's going to turn that cam and we're gonna be able to set our backlash so I'm gonna go ahead and take this part bolt it back on now this will only go on one way see how it's not to go over that pin you know you don't want to put it on like this that's wrong with it like that now if you want to put a lock tight on this bolt that's up to you and then we'll go ahead and tighten that down so now we need to set our valve clearance now you got to make sure these are loose keep these loose so it'll turn the folder over until we open one of the valves it don't matter which one till it's fully open four to six thousandths so when you turn this see see when you turn this see how it moves it pretty slick huh makes it easy so there's our we turned it there's our four thousandths and then you just hold it there and then tighten the nut underneath pretty simple Oh look at that one-time deal four thousand spend it over till the other valves fully open same thing see you'll see it tongue that's a pretty pretty slick ID I like that that makes it easy you're ain't sitting there with that lock nut like another one messin with that lock nut then you get it tightened down and it it moves a little bit and then you're loosening it back up this one's a little trickier from the underneath so I'm gonna use a socket there we go look at that there's your dinner on that oh yeah for thousands well now we're gonna put the bumpkin on and again we're gonna do our little super glue trick because sometimes these gaskets when you stick them up from underneath gravity makes them want to fall down so we'll just put a couple of drops of super glue on there now hold on the plate now the old valve cover gasket was some kind of paper or fiber gasket and the new one is this improved graphite gasket and I didn't realize it was gonna be like that so I'm probably gonna go back to Deere and buy me another one for the other side but first we got to clean off the old gasket now before we bring it son we'll put the cover on and this this frog that we're gonna stuff run it to make sure it's okay you know because maybe we missed something so first thing I'm gonna remember to do is take this off of here we don't want that winging off when you start it so let's go over here [Music] [Applause] now that smoke and you see that just residual oil that's in the month bumpkin probably whenever running it with the two bent pushrod let it run about ten or fifteen minutes that'll burn itself off so now you can go and put this back on remember to zip-tie your wires back to it put the cover on put the screen on put the muffin cover back on put all the shrouding around the back one last thing the customer came in and said well how I get that bit to know if there's a fluffy nest in there or not there should be some kind of access holes and I said you know on rollers they do have some access panels on the top of a blower shroud on some of their model engines so I said well I could add something and he said could you do the internal they would like that so I wouldn't find these caps I forgot I got a lot from something I save all this stuff you can buy some caps like this and I got me a two and a half inch hole saw and I bored a hole in there so now he's got some access you can see it fluffy built the nest in there and if he did he could blow it out or vacuum it out there's your dinner on this Kawasaki with the valve guide at mood and how we fixed it so won't come out you need to subscribe to this YouTube channel you need to follow me Facebook and Instagram go to our web store buy some Carroll apparel support Terrell and as always there's your dinner cachaça and access all around this is crazy guy looming around doesn't agree with folks crap in parks thinks they're like people so just keep a level head alright oh we're dead is this even worth it for what scrap prices are at right now give me a hand lifting this thing alright [Music] me
Channel: Taryl Fixes All
Views: 360,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, how, to, fix, replace, repair, install, troubleshoot, trouble shoot, engine, head, valve guide, valve, guide, moved, slid, up, down, running, one cylinder, loss of power, only, on one cylinder, no power, weak, valve adjustment, valves, kawasaki, briggs, stratton, john deere, kohler, twin, single, mower, lawn mower, OHV, over head valve, taryl, fixes, all, grass rats, garage, cylinder head, husqvarna, toro, troy bilt, craftsman, wright stander, ariens, gravely, tecumseh, Honda, diy, tutorial, instructional
Id: zhPxy0a6s24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 19sec (2779 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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