(Part 1) Tecumseh Small Engine Total Rebuild - with Taryl

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oh my water towers here from a train layout yes [Music] what what happened my package it was just here a second ago oh I think I just got hit by a porch pirates Jr what's this box sitting here is this up for you nope I I didn't order anything what's the name say it says curling tape swimmers to my package jump taro said it was delivered yeah it's right here and why are you having stuff sent here this is a no up shipping center I know Terrell but I'm scared I got hit by porch fires last week it stopped my water tower till my water tower oh no not your water tower don't think you're gonna be having all your crap sent here oh come on Terrell just think what if they would've got mothers golden buffalo nickels you can't just reorder those there's a limit five for a customer well what's in this box oh that one that's my village meeting my kids oh really well let's see what you got here is like those what the heck is this they said it's all ready to go complete engine yeah looks like you're gonna have to put it together slippers yeah me do you think you could do it for me tail no not after that trick you pulled with the salsa oh come on you must have got a bad batch everybody loves mothers Elsa well if you want me to put this together slippers you're gonna have to pay me what real money up front oh come on Terral you know I'm good for it how much you want I want 200 and that's just to get started fine thanks slippers yeah I'll rebuild that engine I've been in your twin brother pterodactyl here today's how-to videos gonna be on this here to come it HS 40 this is a HS 40 HS stands for horizontal shaft for horse engine 40 so FBI DHS 15 via five horse H X 60 they got a th they got a bunch of different V if it's a V its vertical so H is horizontal and this is an old vintage motor that slippers got that has points and condensers and it also has this lighting coil because this was on a minibike and I'm gonna show you how to time it see this timing is slotted so there is a procedure to time it after you put new points and condenser in it to get it exact timing on it so in any kind of rebuild the first thing you're gonna want to do is tear the engine completely down and inspect all the parts you got to inspect everything I don't know how many times people bring me motors and they're like Oh body rebuilt this motor oh yeah well Ward's your buddy do do it did he do about why I don't do you replace the rank model then how come you paid your buddy to rebuild the motor you don't even know what he did so you have to disassemble the motor and then you're gonna inspect all the parts then you're gonna figure out what parts you need and then you're gonna buy them all which is what we did so we went and got all the parts we need they're all here the Rings the gaskets I went ahead and figured out what we needed and got everything we're gonna start with the crankshaft got the crankshaft out and we're inspecting the journals to see if there's any scoring or anywhere and work we're inspecting the where the connecting rod goes on this journal to see if there's any where this one looks pretty good if there was wear then you would have to opt to get an oversize rot and take this somewhere to have it machine down so the oversized rod would fit on there but this one looks pretty good it looks like a little bit of wear there so if you're gonna polish something like this you want to polish it real fine and smooth you don't want to take sandpaper to it if anything crocus cloth or the finest sandpaper you can get for like sanding on a car which i think is like 3000 or 2,000 or something but you got to be careful because you can egg-shape this and if you egg-shaped it it's gonna it's gonna knock so this one looks like very minimal polishing so I got some crocus cloth which you can't get anymore and I got some somewhere we're gonna polish that up a little bit and you're going to inspect the bore where the piston goes up and down now my other video I did on the five fours Briggs & Stratton that we rebuilt somebody brought up a good point that I we're look and that was Ridge Riemann as' now if you've got a motor that's wore the rings wore it because the rings don't come all the way to the top so sometimes this little lip here you're gonna have a rich from the rings wearing into it and you can't get the piston out so they got a tool called a ridge ring where you put in there and you spin it around and it cuts that Ridge off but you know what if you're doing this yourself you're not gonna go and buy a ridge ring room and if you got a ridge reamer you already know how to do all this and you're not even watching this video you're doing something else like rebuild an engine so what you could do is sand it out you can probably get a barrel sander which is inexpensive which that sandpaper on it you hope barrels and you could very carefully get that Ridge out of there take the piston down get that Ridge out then you can get the piston out there's what happens is the rings get caught on that Ridge and can't get the piston out when you're disassembled in it you're not gonna hurt nothing by doing that by sanding it and not using a ridge ring river because systems don't come up that far anyway so it doesn't matter inspect your valves look at the face of your valves see if they're burnt these look pretty good actually this motor looks pretty good now back in my day we didn't have an ER screen you know what our inner screen was this a book a manual you would go and get that has the information in it see it looks like a cartoon book like a comic book and you would read this and follow along but it seems like nowadays people can't read well they can read they just can't and what they're reading I just read that whole paragraph and I don't know what it means so on this page here this does that ignition timing procedure I was telling you about here's another old manual this was our inner screen mechanics manual you'd have to get this somewhere by one oh look at here this page I'm on look there's a guy with a fry bar and a knock off tool and a hammer taking flywheel the guy's doing it right in here uh yeah they forgot to do it knucklehead oh I all forgot when you're looking up your parts you got to find your parts got to find your model number so you got to have your model type spec numbers so you can find the proper parts for your motor so you got to do that too this one's got some pretty heavy paint on it but it does say HS 40 on there so if you want to get a manual find all the specs for all the journals and everything then you're gonna have to have some kind of measuring tool to measure all that to make sure it's within specs you can't go on the inner screen and buy a caliper vernier caliper for pretty cheap this is a pretty good one I checked it against my other one when I bought it this was like ten or eleven dollars on eBay you know my favorite store so you can buy one of these and I checked it against the one I had and it was pretty accurate within a thousandth of an inch so that's pretty close so next thing we're gonna do is you're gonna clean all your parts you want to get all your parts nice and clean now obviously this motor is all cleaning a ring but the spear is all dirty and oily and nasty you're gonna want to clean everything you're gonna get all the oil and residue and everything off so on this motor we're gonna do new seals want putting these seals in that gasket and sump gasket you're gonna want to get all those parts but this is a pretty simple motor no matter what motor you're doing this is the procedure you do it on doesn't matter if it's a single cylinder horizontal shaft or if it's a single cylinder vertical or a twin cylinder they all work the same way this thing goes up and down Valve's go up and down then we'll clean this out a little better see this is still a little dirty so we'll clean all this out another thing clean off all the old gasket material I'm using a single edge razor blade works good if you don't have a scraper does remember this is a how-to channel this is for the guy our channel is for the guy that doesn't have all the fancy tools because if he had all the fancy tools again he wouldn't be watching this video he would already know how to do this unless he's watching for the entertainment here hair hair so yeah let's get all the gasket material cleaned off real good make sure there's no high spots I can feel like a little lip on there right on the edge you can file that off you know you don't want to file this way you just want to kind of file at an angle get that little Ridge off of there and we want to do all that before we go cleaning it because then you're just going to scrape gasket material on your clean block and then have to clean it again and we'll take this valve cover off we're going to replace that gasket replace all the gaskets so you might as well just get a gasket kit but luckily I looked in my stock and I had everything in stock just about there were a couple things I had order that we're missing on here but I had I had all the gaskets I didn't have a gasket kit I had them all individual I had all the seals the governor arm that goes on here that was missing I had ordered that and a couple of little clips and stuff that hold this governor's fool on here was missing and then on your cover you're gonna want to make sure that's all clean that's very important you don't want the leak so just kind of feel around with your hand make sure there's no you know nothing rising up on there it's grape it this way with the razor blades razor blade works kind of good some of that big gasket scrapers they kind of gouge the metal like the one I got here let me grab it I mean this one works good sometimes on different jobs but a lot of times like gouges the metal so a razor blade works good that way you're not taking off a lot of elute illumine or aluminium as they say over there to my friends in England hello friends in England and Australia good night mate yeah Tallyho and all that kind of rubbish over here we call it garbage over there you call it rubbish and then I want to get down in here I notice this is kind of dirty in here clean all them pockets look at all that nastiness in there all them boogers and then there's a lot of oil and crap gets in where the yeah look at that that's some gasket paper right where these drain plugs are then go on take them drain plugs out make sure that's all clean nastiness accumulates in there so we want to get everything nice and clean now I'm just - coming gaskets that goes on here you usually got to pop this thing apart to put that gasket on and then you put this back together so if you get in there a little screwdriver you can pop this apart like so then you can clean all this see all that nastiness in there at that little flapper valve so we're gonna clean all that out make that nice and pretty yeah see there's some leftover gasket because they they didn't pop this apart to take the gasket off they just kind of tried to gasps get off so remember that under to come this you got to pop this apart and this will only go on one way can't put it on this wrong it won't fit so it goes on one way so we're gonna have to clean that up all nice and dirty so that's very important clean all your parts so Mike everything check everything make sure it's all within your specifications if you have to have it board have it board get oversized rings before you go order and stuff you can check do a little check by taking one of the Rings off and sticking it in the war looking at your end gap you see I'm like your rings are war and you want to kind of push it down a little bit in there does the borer is kind of like tapered you know it's kind of it's not straight board it's kind of got a little taper to it so you can push your ring down in there check your own gap so we're not gonna bore this motor we're just gonna hone it a little bit and put a new set of rings in their standard rings so let's grab a new ring and stick it in there and see what kind of gap we got now and look look we got a tight gap compared to this ring we just had in there so this is a good bore on this motor see how that is nice and tight now I'm gonna pop it on and I'm gonna pop this one back in there and you'll see see it's got a pretty good sized gap in there doesn't mean that these rings would have made it smoke but since we're gonna rebuild it we're gonna put new ones in there and if you had your caliper you know you'd be able to measure your bore this thing comes in handy for all kinds of stuff so for cut box you know you might as well buy one and when you can't get down in the bore to measure it but at least you can measure a little bit in there two inches six hundred and twelve and a half thousand let's zero it try it again two inches 620 one and a half thousand now that's pretty close if you check in the book to see what it says you should do like a bore indicator of or gauge then we went back to zero so two six one and a half I'm sure that was right when we turn it off yeah all right so I'm gonna go ahead and hone it scratch it up a little bit with my hone and then I'll go back in and wash it real good and clean it real good disassembling wore parts off the block before I start to hone it I took the ignition off and I'm gonna pop this seal out so pay close attention to the seal and how it's in there does you don't wanna pop in the seal out and then you go put a new one and you go well how deep was it in there because you got an oil hole down in there you drive the ceiling too far you kind of block that hole which is going to keep the oil from getting to that journal and draining back into the block so if you notice this one's sticking out just a little bit so we'll have to remember that when we're going to put the new ceiling there you see oh that was fun and then that way when we're cleaning it we make sure we get all this nastiness out of there too so we got our home this is the hole now I'm going to use the hone I like to use and I should have bought one but I didn't I was gonna buy one before we did this video but I'm so busy I forgot are those ones with the little balls on it those work the best those give you a real good crosshatch then these uh stone home now this one's adjustable you can adjust the tension on that spring which you know more tension on that spring that harder it's gonna push on the wall so I got this thing loosened up as far as it'll go chances are you don't have a wash tank at your house so you're gonna want to spray some kind of lubricant on there you know to keep that going as you're honing it so you could use wd-40 or you can use any kind of lubricant you don't want to use that gel Lube we sell because that's a different kind of lubricant you wanna use something that's watery so wd-40 works good and I know a lot of people have that but we're gonna do ours in my water thing well everybody's got a cordless drill I was saying they like a nice and small you want to go up and down now we don't have to do this much because this boys pretty good we just want to stuff it up a little bit not like that fight wars Briggs video I did that one that floor was pretty bad so you are going to invest a little bit of money if you're gonna do a rebuild you know you're gonna have to buy a home you're gonna have to buy a dial indicator Renier caliper so yeah see that little bit I did you can see where I missed a few spots right here on this side not elope you can see that but there's a few little spots you'll see when you do your and now I know you're thinking well Terrell if you like the ball home so much how come you don't have a ball home well my brother Farrell had the ball home and his place and nowadays we don't do a lot of rebuilds because it's so costly and they make everything so cheap so I just got the good old fashioned stone home and it works good for what I'm doing what yeah I'll get one I'll get one of those ball homes so now I'm gonna go ahead and wash this up real good since I got it all apart now there's all kinds of little household products that we use everyday that you could use in a little small engine rebuilding and one of them is a q-tip q-tip works good for getting in these little nooks and crannies I know we got q-tips and for remember I told you about this there's the clean end well let me get a clean one remember I was telling you about where the oil drain plug goes even though I washed it with solvent look little boy see all that nastiness and this little guy's ears that all accumulated over time and you think oh I washed it out real good with that solvent no you didn't just look at all that crud in there so you can loosen it up and then you can put it back and to solve it now another thing you can do is get a five-gallon bucket and go buy a couple gallons of kerosene because that's what I use for solvent in mine and you can put the engine block in the kerosene and get a brush paint brush and brush it all off and then you could do your honing that way because the kerosene works good for a lubricant if you don't want to use the wd-40 so I'll take it back in my tank and I'll rinse a little bit more through there you want to clean up all your little valve pockets and stuff too you could use one of these if you got an air tool you can get in there and I'll show you how to do that in the 5-horse video or you can buy these little wire brushes I remember I got a set of these at the dollar store it had a nightline one and two metal ones and another thing you can use but I don't have one is a toothbrush I don't have a tooth brush so you can use this little wire brush and let's kind of clean this up a little bit get that off of there and then again you know you could do all this loosen it up in there with a q-tip if you have to put it back in your flat gallon bucket of kerosene rinse it off some more you know it's a lot of back and forth to make sure you get everything cuz you know all there's a lot of times you miss stuff you know you may be cleaning part of it and looking here and go there's a bunch of crud in here I missed let me get in there with a screwdriver ship that away depending on how bad the block is then we loosen some of that up maybe I can get in there with that little brush oh here's some gasket I forgot to get maybe I can brush some of that off here you know use your head you know that's what you got to do oh yeah look at that that's a good boy who's a good boy yeah tickle donut damn kid goes yeah okay it's bad time yeah time for your bath here we go don't cry don't cry oh good god boy yeah yeah here you go yeah you go yeah so you're gonna want to get yourself a five-gallon bucket or if you got a Worf stuff and then put some dish soap in there or if you're brave enough put it in the dishwasher your wife won't mind yeah don't don't get back to me on that one maybe you got an old dishwasher so you're gonna want to wash it with some warm soapy water that'll get all that kerosene residue and grit and everything off of there get this helpful paint brush or sponge maybe even a rubber duckie I should have got your rubber duckie put a rubber ducky in there so that's what you're gonna want to do just before assembly because we got everything cleaned we got it home got our nasty gasket material off yeah that felt good didn't it baby yeah that felt good it feels good when you're all clean yeah there's a learning fun you know sometimes people on my staff will alert me to some of the comments and some people just don't get it trying to make learning fun those people that don't like this kind of comedy and stuff that we're doing here it's probably the same kid that liked to watch that air raid siren movie at school teacher can we watch that boring air raid silent movie again that was awesome where we had to hide under that desk that was fun all right I got these locating pins on here now sometimes you could just grab them with a pair of side cutters and wiggle them out or you may have to drive them out with a punch now I did this into five fours Briggs video to get some 150 grit sandpaper or lighter and I got it wrapped around a piece of rubber quarter inch or 3/8 inch rubber that looks like like a sanding block and you can kind of lightly dance over the machine surface then you can kind of see I'll just like you're doing bodywork on a car trying to get it flat you don't want to do it too much it's lightly then of course this piece would go in the bucket with the soapy water to clean that grit off of there and then I you saw me do this with the head where I put a piece of 150 on my bench and then somebody in the five fours Briggs video said you know use a piece of glass that's a good idea if you got a piece of glass you can put that on there kruk's glass is pretty flat too so you can stick that sandpaper on a piece of glass don't cut yourself and then with a little circular motion and then check it and you'll see your high and low spots like you say okay right there in that corner so maybe we push a little more in that corner a little bit see now that did it no up there in the front see we don't want we just want to check and just make sure that there's no high or low spots and then of course I should've did this before I watched the baby could do it with the block too because now there's gonna be grit on there that's alright give baby another bath he likes fast just to kind of check the deck to see that it's square this is a little bit of hillbilly machinist it works again just a small engine not the Space Shuttle we're not going to space in it see that's nice and flat that looks good and then I'll put baby in the baby when I take it out of that baby yeah he said yeah so we'll wash them again alright now now we're ready for assembly so blow the holes out real good all your taft old after you get done watching the block all your capitals now we're ready for assembly I said that before didn't I and we weren't ready for assembly not we're ready for them okay I got the piston in there and I'm tough fitting the piston the hams piston look at that that fits in there for free that's right you could tell you got a good bore the hams fits the pride in that block perfect baby shouldn't be drinking hands now that we're ready for assembly we're gonna install the seals now I miss HS 40 the flywheel seal is three to six hundred that's the seal for here and you take a hand and you just take a hammer just this no that ain't how you do it lightly tap on the edge try to get it lined up and then lightly tap around the edge now remember this seal was sticking out a little bit [Music] they're seals in it was simple and then for the cover we'll do the same thing now this had been tainted or powder coated and there was a bunch of powder coat in there and I had to clean all that out but that powder coat here in the back here that's not going to hurt anything just make sure that oil hole is clear and for the pto side two seven eight nine seven in case you want to know that was that seal same thing trying to get it started then tap around the outside edge now this seal we're going to want flush beat it in there flush and then still make sure there's a little gap in there because you want oil to accumulate in there and an escape back in there that kind of helps keeping that lubricated so we want that one flush so our seals are in now our crankshaft want to get some of that crocus blah crocus cloth like the band crocus remember that band we're throwing horns crocus they named it after crocus claw her original name of the band was crocus cloth then they just shortened it the crocus now right now I got a crocus song playing in my head while I'm doing this I'm jamming out jamming out for crocus cloth [Music] follow us these up a little bit too if you want you can find some crocus cloth maybe get a hold of the band crocus and say hey guys down the old crocus cloth laying around maybe they'll send you some me autograph the back of that sheet of crocus cloth yeah well the band members sign it that crocus glob signed it up nice crocus it's grown it's almost like a frog croak croaking croaking squab wrong case so we want to check what kind of clearance we got so maybe you don't have all these measured devices but you want to make sure that you know you got the right clearance on here so you go to auto parts store and you can get what's called plastic seal now this is 1,000 to 3,000 of an inch clearance range and then on the other side I think it's in millimeters yeah 22 5 to 0.76 millimeters this side is in thousandths of an inch so what plastic gage is is just like a little little thin ribbon a little rod of this like clay-like material and what you do is you cut a little sliver off cut a little piece off then you lay it on the journal that would be real delicate and then you bolt the connecting rod to the crank and it'll smash that piece of plastic gauge down and then you measure it see what kind of clearance you got so you lay it on there sideways like I got there [Music] he's my Terrell shirt as a rag and I can wash it maybe I won't wash it [Music] you don't need to put the dipper on there be careful and it do it gingerly and then you're gonna torque these to the torque spec okay in our manual what says is the models and here's ours HS forty fifty torque to a hundred ten inch pounds so we got our old-school torque wrench and then you gradually want to tighten each bolt a little bit at a time until you get to one hundred and ten inch pounds OOP and make sure that the wrenches on there I'm at 80 80 and then we'll go to 110 I'll go to a hundred we'll go to a hundred then I'll go to 110 110 on tan check this one again [Music] 110 all right now we'll remove the cap and we'll see what kind of clearance we got all right now it's smushed the plastic gauge so that's when you get this out and you match up the smoothness to these so on this end looks like one thousandth of an inch and on the other end it looks like one and a half because it looked like it kind of turned when we smushed it if you know you don't like that the way it's smooshed scrape it off do it again but one thousand to one and a half it looks like we got plastic gage is telling us what clearance we got so now you got to get that off of there you'll want to leave that on there you don't want to you don't have to use the crocus cloth it'll come right off he's my shirt and clean it off the cap they're gonna be a little bit in the cap you could use the cap too if there's someone there if it transfer usually stays on the journal now the connecting rod has a match mark when you put the cap on you getting all the cap will go on either way this way you can obviously see it doesn't line up right but you know if you're a knucklehead and don't know you're gonna do that put it on the wrong way so here's the mats mark see right here in this corner where your mats mark is make sure you when you go to put the cap on got the match mark right and then we're gonna have to put our piston rings on we got the piston all cleaned up looks good so in the manual because the Rings came in this box the new ring and there was no instructions in there at all so go in the manual if you got one what a lot of people don't have manual and there's a picture side shot of the Rings second compression ring first compression ring oil ring now if you notice the top rings got kind of a little bevel on the inside facing up the second ring they're showing is square but ours isn't so it's kind of I don't know if the camera can pick it up but this is our compression ring and there's our bevel so this is the top ring it's got the little bevel and that faces up now our second ring has got like a little cutout on it like it's almost like an L and what that does is that that ring is gonna go down like this that little notch is on the outside it's gonna face down and what that does is that as the piston is going up and down that kind of grabs the oil and the cylinder wall and pushes it back down so if you've got a set of these rings and no instructions you're trying to figure out which way to go that's how it goes this is the second ring and that's got a little knot and then the oil ring you know that's just a big ring debt debt square so that doesn't matter that has no offer down and then you've got this little springy thing that goes in the oil ring so this this thinner one they sent with us that's gonna go where that scraper ring was here's our old oil ring here's the new one here's the part number for those rings three four eight five four so they must have changed it so that goes in there now they do have a tool that you could buy that'll spread the piston ring just be careful when you put them on because you can break them so just carefully walk them on make sure they fit in the groove and then here's our second one it's got the little scraper edge on it so that's got a little helper spring in there too when we go to collapse it and then here's our compression ring at the top and that little bevel goes up now make sure there ain't nothing in here it looked like there are a couple boogers in there I missed ya a couple boogers on there that I missed all right got them boogers cleaned out bevel up there we go and there's our ring now you want to stagger the end gaps now there's all different way of staggering them I kind of stagger them in the in a peace sign shape like a peace sign one gap here one gap here one gap here doesn't matter on the piston where you put it just as long as you got them stand staggered some guys may say oh it doesn't matter if I put mine this way well you put yours anyway you want to sound like foot mine so now our pistons ready got the block and we'll get our gel lube or any assembly lube that you want to use we're going to spray this journal with some gel loops because it's kind of sticky put our cranking get it through our seal there we go there's our dinner okay now our pistons ready to go in so kind of lube up the board with some gel Lube race them down on the crank journal now our match mark we know our match mark is here so when you go to put the cap on you got to be able to see the match mark so that's going to tell you that the piston goes in like this try to give keep it square because as you go to put it in and my turn on you a little bit and then we're gonna check our rings again make sure we got our our end gaps and the peace symbol or a mercedes-benz symbol then you're gonna need a piston ring compressor places piston ring compress around there kind of snug it up a little bit and then I like to push it up a little and then tighten it but sometimes when you do it do you know if you do it when it's flat that first ring kind of wants to get stuck so we're gonna lift it up make sure we're square our piston pins' square so when we go to drive it in it's gonna land on our journal so I usually take a hammer handle make sure it's square and then tap it in if it's stack Sonia then you've got a ring caught so you may have to do it again don't force it alright pistons in so now we can push the piston down with our hand and get it to line up with the journal on the crankshaft now you can flip it over put the cap on now here's our match mark put a little more gel lube on there so we know our match marks here on the outside then we got to put our dipper rack on so I'm gonna put our dipper on of course the dipper is gonna go on the little bolt because you want it to be in the oil we took the dipper off when we're doing the plastic gate and then you're gonna torque the connecting rod to 110-inch pounds again just like we did when we check with the plastic gate so you're gonna want to get them snugged up and you're gonna go in and torque them that's why you need a little little torque wrench so I'm gonna rotate it a little give me a little more room with the torque wrench and we're gonna gradually tighten them till we get to that hundred and ten a little bit at a time so you get to 110 now I'm gonna flip it off because it's easier I had it outside so you could see better with the camera now I'm at 90 I'm at a hundred let's go back and forth keep checking it under 110 I don't and it's not moving anymore so we're good go back and forth many times you want just to make sure they're still not moving all right now these don't have any kind of tabs well I guess it does so it's got two locking tabs here that you can bend up against the flats of the bolt see those tabs then we're gonna bend those up so you're gonna need a punch now something rods don't have any tabs this motor is old or 70 so I'm gonna head it heads of the bolts lock so now all of them got locking tabs so you can rotate it to where you can get at that tab [Music] all right that's all you need to do you got to leave that a little bit sticking up in case you have to do something disassemble it you're gonna need to punch to knock that out of the way so you don't want to kind of knock that over the top of it if you want to you can but it should be okay and then you're gonna want to rotate it make sure not hitting anything see and you'll see our match marks there so we know we got that right so the next thing would be to put the cam in so here's our lifters a little gel Lube on them lifters tappets whatever you want to call them we can call them both do not cause blisters they're called tapping they're not called tapping they're called lifter no they're called flat tappet no they're called lifter no you call champion no they're called licker well let's just put these little person spray some gel lube on all of us journals so we got some stickiness on there and you just got to find the mark on the cam a little dot right here we got a little wine on ours sometimes it's a dot and here's our dot on the crankshaft so we just line that up see that's all there is to that now we can put our gasket on and our cover oh I forgot on the cover we're gonna hook the governor up on this see we still got the governor rod you know so many bikes you want to disable the governor so you just take it off cuz you want to run that thing wide open but we're gonna put the governor on here so we got to put our governor's fool on next then we can put our Gaskin there put our cover around now one more thing before we go put that governor spool back on which I failed to mention after we put the cam in if we want to rotate it now to make sure nothing's gonna hit let make sure we got everything together right so we want to rotate it around make sure nothing's going to interfere or hit and everything's good and everything like that so here's the cover on this to come ish it's got two grooves in it we're two of these here clips and then we got this water there's the water number 305 900 and this is the number for the clips now I got three here we only need two because when I was going through the Parts I found one I thought they were all missing so here's the washer that goes off first and then here's our spool which I should have probably cleaned it up a little bit with our weights on it so you're gonna want to inspect all the parts like I said so you're gonna want to inspect these little rivets see it get off there war and this one looks pretty good they're gonna want to put that on and then you notice that's where the first one of those clips go so this is where you got to be careful because when you're putting this clip on you don't want it to disappear right here when you go to snap it on there so I'm gonna give me a pair of pliers I'm gonna use this type of fliers there now that sound now we have to put this spool line now this is the part that that this rubs against for the governor so when you put this on the weights got to go in there like that see your little l-shaped part of your weights are down here and then we put our other clip on the top now you might want to buy three a time cliff because you know it's gonna happen you're gonna lose one there we go so when this thing spins you know it's only gonna go that far and the weights are only gonna kick out that far that's it put a little Lube on there but I mean once you fill it with oil the oil is gonna get all splashed around there anyway all plastic so it's not like it's metal on metal all right now we can put our gasket on there's a part number for the sump gasket - 76 77 a-and I'm gonna use the high-tech I like the high-tech gasket sealer you could use whatever sealer you want on there you don't have to put any sealer on it actually date off at the factory but how many you put the high-tech on there so you just sprayed I like spray paint I think they make this a couple different companies make it this is the Loctite brand high-tech leave spray down there you can give it a couple of coats let it sit a minute or two then I'll flip it over and spray the other side okay I sprayed some more gel lube or you can use motor oil on these two shafts the end of the cam and the journal on the crankshaft now our gaskets all nice and sticky with that high-tech you know kind of holds it in place for you to because it's sticky covers all clean blowed out real good you know I inspected the bearing surface in here look good you know if you want to measure all that stuff and compare all the specs in the book you can do all that what I can tell by looking at it it's not all gold up and messed up and then I'll put a little little LED gel lube on the seal and be careful the lip of the seal you might want to give it a little start with the screwdriver a small screwdriver so you don't roll it then you may have to turn the crank a little bit to get all the little gears the mesh see and then the cover pops right on so you may have to give it a little turn a little wiggle then we'll go ahead and bolt down our cover I'm sure there's our Torx back on it but again it's a small engine ain't the Space Shuttle some of you guys just over techni Phi n ething we're just gonna put the bolts in and tighten them down we're gonna go in a pattern oh so we tighten it evenly but we're just going to tighten it by hand you wanna the torque spec then go find the torque just a small engine okay you big babies I opened a book and got the torch back cylinder cover or flange to cylinder 65 to 110 inch pound so that is a big gap there I'm what you wanted well you could talk it at 65 between 65 and a hundred and ten that that's what the book says that's what I'm - working it - I don't know I'm talking it to this other torque spec called I don't know let's call ups we're tightening it with a wrench till they're tight and hopefully when this motor goes to the moon it's not gonna fly apart so I forgot to torque it between 65 and 110 they're tight just don't go crazy on it I'm using a quarter inch drive socket wrench all right let's see how close they got since they're all sitting there crying and whining like a once little baby [Music] 9100 so I was close I was within their expects I'm gonna go 90 I don't want to go 110 my trip the aluminum out then you're gonna have to helicoil it it's pretty vague in their little manual there [Applause] so if you don't have a torque wrench you're just gonna have to tighten them down all right this one was really moving so we'll go back to it 90 90 then go around and check them all all right so now we want to see if we got any kind of employee which we do I'm sure there's a spec for that okay I thought that end play that we had was excessive so I went to book and looked and of course it said it should be anywhere between five thousandths and twenty seven thousands so I thought you know that's that's more than 27,000 so there's probably a thrust washer missing it sure enough I went to looked at the parts breakdown and the thrust washer was missing part number three to three to three so I put two of them thrust washers in there I took the cover back off for two of them thrust washings in there now we got very minimal money's here now we want to rotate it again make sure everything's going up and down even though all we did was put the cover around doesn't hurt to do that now we're gonna do the valves now these valves they don't look bad looks like somebody lapped them I mean they're good they look good they're not burnt but I'm gonna resurface them anyway on my valve grinding machine these are at 45 degrees which is what I got my machine set forty-five all nice and new again Neff Ferdie I like the way that looks after I resurface okay now to do two seats in the block I could use my new way valve seat cutter but you notice the how-to video for the guy at home and guess what the guy at home isn't gonna buy one of these new way valve seat cutters look it up online beyond what they cost you'd be very surprised at how expensive this little tool for this little bit of stuff you're looking at about six of seven hundred dollars that you could find a good used one forty so we're gonna show you all at home how to do it to pterodactyl hillbilly wait I've got some 180 Emery cloth and this is my hillbilly valve seat resurfacer there it is hillbilly valve Seabury surface there right there put it around the valve stick it in [Music] [Music] clean up them seats now do the same thing to the other side alright we need to set our valve clearance so you're gonna want the piston top dead center both valves closed so you know you rotate the motor over till your top dead center both valves closed and knees on it to come it's our ten and ten so since we took some off the face when we ground it into in the machine it's gonna drop it down we're gonna lose some clearance so I can feel that we've lost some but there's probably some clearance in there so let me go what a four thousands to see if that will fit in there yeah it does it's not tight but it fits see on the exhaust yeah I can get four thousandths in there so we do have some valve clearance but we don't have ten see if we got ten on the exhaust no so you're gonna have to grind off the stem now you're not going to have a valve grinding machine to do this with so what you're going to have to do is you're going to have to do it on a bench grinder or if you got a wizard wheel you could do it on that you might have to clamp your wizard wheel and the vise and have it spinning so you can you know go on the side of it and grind some off and what you want to do is go on the side of the side of the grinding wheel on your grinder and spin it so you can try to get it as even as possible you just don't want to go up on the grinding wheel and just grind it like that you want to go on the side of the grinding wheel and spin it and grind a little off and then you're gonna have to come back and check it so the best thing to do would be since these are ten thousand use a eight thousand feeler gauge because that way when you get to eight thousandths if you want a little bit more chances are you're going to be right at ten but I have a valve grinding machine so I can grind off the end right here with my machine then I'll take it back and I'll check it and if it's I don't have my ten thousands I keep going back and forth so you're just gonna have to do that with your with your bench grinder or if you got like I said you can clamp a wizard wheel and a vise and do it on the side anyway you can grind it [Music] don't fight [Music] we got our valve clearance now now another thing you're gonna want to check the valve guides you got guides in there make sure they're not war don't put the valve in and you know it's gonna be a little little wobbly it has to be to let oil get through there and you know it's going to expand and contract you don't want to lock up on there if you have excessive clearance then you're gonna have to take it somewhere and have them push it they're gonna have to put some kind of brass bushing in there now Briggs & Stratton has a kit for doing that but are you gonna spend the money to buy the kit to have a reboot so you'll probably take it to a small engine shop and have them put new guides in if it are real sloppy so that's what you want to check you want to check your guides these are fine [Music] it work again not going there moon this isn't going on the shuttle will you have a letdown so we resurface the boughs we set our valve clearance we checked our valve guides so now we need to lap the valves in they're going to need valve lapping tools some valve lapping compound put a little bit on the face make sure the valve is down in there I want to go back and forth then I usually pick it up and do this because it kind of helps spread it around now I've done them resurface the valve and then lapped it in and it was like like a dotted line and I'm like okay I gotta take some more off of this valve and then put it back in my grinder and ground it some more and then it then it laughed and good this one laughing good got a good good solid line all the way around you know I'll take some carbs spray on a rag and make sure I wipe all that valve laughing compound off of there when I'm done so then you do the same to the other side laughs the other valve in the other side same way okay we got our valves all lapped in now we're going to install them the springs and a little keeper so here's your spring this goes on top of the spring and this goes on the bottom then you're gonna need a valve spring compression tool this is a Briggs one I've got a part number one 906 three to buy these on the inner screen pretty cheap and what I like to do is like because we've got a fight with this top one I like to put the valve spring in there in an angle to make it easier to line it up with this and then I want this facing me so that way when we get it inside there and we get the valve through when I want to pull it out I pull the whole thing this way and it kind of locks it in then and then remember to put some lubricant on the stem of the valve you want to have a little Lube on there so don't forget to lube up the stem now the intake one may take you a few times to get it in there because you got this casting is in the way so what kind of wants to interfere with putting it on so the intake you may have to do it two or three times until you can get it locked on so here I got the exhaust one ready see I got it angled a little bit lubed up our valve stem [Music] got to be careful now I'm just gonna pull this off I'm gonna yank this out of there real quick see and they locked it right on these are a little more difficult like I said cuz it's got that upper cap or water or whatever you want to call it so now we can put our valve cover on if you want you can go back and check your valve clearance again because now you got Tatiana on the springs yep you still got ten still got a good ten so remember I told you you got to pop this apart here's our gasket stick it on there and snap that back on now if you want you can put the high-tech on there but I don't like putting the high-tech on the valve cover gasket only because you know you may have to take this off again like if you have dual valve job in the future then it's all stuck on there where you can it'll come off easier but if you want to high tack it go ahead and then it goes like this see won't go in this way because this thing is going to hit the spring so it goes like that and put the screws in tighten it down then we'll move on to the ignition [Music] ah [Music]
Channel: Taryl Fixes All
Views: 287,495
Rating: 4.8571787 out of 5
Keywords: Porch, pirate, porch pirate, small engine, total rebuild, how to, how, to, rebuild, complete, total, teardown, build, install, piston, rings, piston rings, valve, valve job, Tecumseh, HS40, horizontal, engine, motor, slippers, part 1, part 2, coil, spark, ignition, funny, instructional, tutorial, briggs, Stratton, HS50, HS60, information, help with, rebuilding, mini-bike, mini, bike, Krokus
Id: 66prOCkDHgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 16sec (4756 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2019
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