Threads Stripped? How To EASILY Install A Heli-Coil

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oh look who it is the crossword cowboy what did you cross thread that wheelchair oh that was changing the spark plug and I put a new one in but I wouldn't add now it just kept spinning so buddy of mine said then just jump there's nothing I can do poppycock I got dude foot new Trenton really how you gonna do that what do you got some magic thread making jeans I sure do it's called a helicoil kid what helicopter kit no not a helicopter kit it's called my helicoil kid and what it does it replaces stripped out threads well it's fancy machine sounds expensive how does it work come back here cross Fred cowboy and I'll show you give me right here cross-thread we'll throw it up on the back today's how-to is gonna be on Healy coils and Healy coils are installing stripped out threads we're gonna put new threads in put it back to the original size and they make it helicoil makes different kids now these are tips for spark plug thread this is a 10 millimeter for like motorcycles and the kit comes with a special tab and an insert tool and then they usually give you at least four different sets of Healy coils and the difference is the length of the helicoil half-inch reach these are half-inch reeds so they make them in all different lengths and then if you notice in the lid it has the part numbers for the inserts and the piloted cap and the insert tool but most lawnmowers have a 14 millimeter spark plug and the same thing it comes with a kit that has different length helicoil depending on how fit or how long of the threat reefs you have so you have to determine what length you want to use comes with the insert tool and the special tab piloted they call it a piloted tap because this part of the tap is the original 14 millimeter and then when you start to thread it and when you get to here it opens it up to the bigger size to accept a helicoil which brings it back to the original 14 millimeter and again this kit it's got all the part numbers so you can buy the different inserts the piloting tap and the insert tool and this has got all the different you know there's 3/8 long 7/16 long half-inch three-quarter and so on that's the length of the helicoil itself now there's another company that makes a sparkplug repair tool but I don't like this one I bought it and I didn't like it and the way it works is it's got a tap special tap and thread chaser and an insert tool but this is the insert it uses so it opens up the treads then you screw this insert in and then the spark plug screws into that insert but the only problem I found with this is sometimes when you go to take the spark plug out the insert comes out with it not usually right away so you know over time and then you got to remember to take the insert back off and screw it back into the head and then put the plug in I don't like this just type so I don't use this one but I bought it and I still have it but I don't like it and they also make individual kids that come in standard and metric so you can buy just an individual kit to repair just a certain size that you want to do so you don't have to buy a whole kit now this is a different company called thermofoil and this is helicoil brand so there are different brands they all do the same thing and the prices are all different when you go to buy and then helicoil also makes kits with an assortment of standard and metric like if we wanted to cover a bunch but I usually just buy them individually on the ones that I would just need that I see a lot of I'm like okay well alright I'm seeing a lot of these eight millimeters that are stripped out so let me get one of them kids so I got one on hand but you can go on their website and they got a whole whole list of all the different kits they make and all the different tools and so you might want to check that out so you can see maybe you won't want to buy a big kit maybe you just want to buy them individually and a lot of times you can buy these at auto parts stores that's where I got mine was from an auto parts store these individual kids a good auto parts store gotta go to like Napa I don't know if advanced or or Auto Zone or riley's or any of them I don't know if they have them but I've gotten a few of these kits from Napa and then there's another auto parts store a local auto parts store that's not a chain store that I get these from now on these individual kits you can see what it consists of the helicoil itself that's the insert tool and a special tab that opens it up and on the back of this particular kit it tells you what drill size to use because you're gonna have to drill the hole bigger to accept the oversized tab so a lot of times what I do is I'll take one of the like this drill bit here this size 25 64 I'll get a 25 64th drill bit and put it in the kit because they don't give you a drill bit with your kit so that way when I go to do all a helicoil I've got the drill bit in there now these are doubles of kits that I have I have other kits the same size that have the drill bits in them already but that's what I normally do get the drill bit size on the back buy a separate drill bit or look in my grille bit collection find one and stick it in with the kit so now when you go to do your spark plug hole because of this tap is pretty long you may have to remove the head because depending on where the hole is it may not be right over and where the piston is so you're gonna have to take the head off so this will thread in otherwise you're gonna thread this in and it's going to hit the deck of the engine so you have to take a look at that and see sometimes you can get away with it and I know some of you are thinking well well tell if I'm tapping in there with a tap and it's gonna create chips and then the chips are gonna fall inside the motor and then it's gonna ruin the motor so that's why you take grease get grease and you take the tap see if you notice this we've got a lot of grease on it you sub to tap into grease and then when you're tapping the chips will stick to the grease and then that way when you take it out you get most of the chips out of there sometimes they'll be a few chips hanging around in there so what I normally do is then I get a q-tip and try to get in there with the q-tip and very carefully take the chips out now if a couple of aluminum chips fall in they're not gonna ruin your engine they're not gonna get caught on anything or do anything chances are they'll pass through the the musket so don't have to worry you're not gonna ruin nothing if a couple chips get in there another thing you can do is bring the piston to the top dead center make sure both valves are closed and take some compressed air and blow it out and you can get some of the chips out that way now I've had a lot of chain saws come in with the spark plug hole stripped out so what do you do there you're gonna rip the cylinder off and then thread it you do the same thing you dip this in the grease and you tap out the spark plug hole on the chainsaw because the piston ain't going to be in the way because the hole is usually right over the top of the piston get it out try to get as many of the chips out as you can with the q-tip bring the piston all the way to the top blow some air in there if a couple of chips find their way in there you're not gonna ruin a chainsaw trust me I've done hundreds of them because other shops won't do it guy will take this to another shop and I'll go no we won't helicoil it because the chips are gonna get in there it's gonna ruin it I got I got a ruin nothing they pass out they pass through a couple little chips I've been doing it for years I've never had one come back now on this motor I think we can get away with leaving the head on so what you're going to want to do is get something so you can measure the depth a screwdriver and your finger or if you got one of these scales you can measure it with the scale and then you can take the tap and go oh okay that's great I can get in there pretty deep and then another thing you're gonna want to do is try to measure the threads so you know what insert to use and again you can use a scale or you can use a screwdriver or something that you could stick in there and kind of gauge it and then you could measure that and then say okay this is the insert I need and then you can find the appropriate answer so you don't put one that's too long in there so this insert will work because you got to remember when you thread this in it's going to spread out a little bit so it's actually going to be a little bit longer so in the case of this one it's a little shorter so just want to work and this one 7/16 reach so we packed up our our tamp with grease and another thing you got to remember he cross threaded this so there's probably already chips in there and then I took the flashlight and I turned him blade and I made sure both valves are closed and the piston was at the top and make sure you start it straight get it straight now a lot of times the threads are completely gone so the first part of the tap will just go right in it'll just fly right in there because there's nothing in there to hold it they just tap it so when I get to the part the stuffed part you know you might want to go back and forth to break the chips off you just don't want to drive it all the way in keep going back and forth now don't break the chips off and then we'll just go until it stops again you can't do this always sometimes you got to take the head off but on a flathead motor like this that's not too difficult then we're already true I can feel it and we still haven't hit at the top of the motor see now it's free see and there's your chip 90% of them stuck in the grief now if you notice like I said there's some boogers hanging in there and that's where I get the q-tip and snag them out of there alright now you can take your blower and a rag put a rag over it and blow the rest out so now you're ready for your insert here's the insert tool you got a thread this on to here first heaters are not got to get that in that notch and if you notice this little tab here it's got a little notch in it right there because after we install this we got to reach in there and grab this piece and break it off so that's why that little notch is there so you could snap this off now they make a tool they actually make a tool for snapping this off and I don't have one cuz I use just a pair of pliers so you put the insert like that then you slide the tube over and now you got to thread it see there's threads in here so you thread it and then what I do is I make it come out a little bit like that so I usually just got a little bit of it sticking out not much now if you went too far say and you're having a hard time getting it to start just go all the way through take the insert out and start over again if you mess up and thread it it too far because sometimes it'll be a little tricky to get it started you don't want to force it because you'll damage the helicoil another thing you know the damage the helicoil can always grab that Tang with a pair of pliers you can rip it out and then just grab another insert and do it again so see I got it out just a little bit see now it now popped out that's too far so I got to start over again it's only on the spark plug one that when you when we do a hole we're gonna do a hole here on this block those kits work a little different they're very easy to install but I like to get a little bit of a lead to help me get it started you can turn the tube to that kind of help you get it started and then just keep turning it till the tube comes off now you can see how much of the insert still has to go in now we could just crank it in see there's the end of the insert right here there's the end of the insert and the inserts right here so we're not all the way in yet so we just want to turn it till we get the whole insert in now it's all the way in now you just back this out because if you use too long of an insert you're gonna have three or four threads of the insert inside the head so that's why it's important to figure out what insert you need length one and same with the standard ones you can buy longer inserts when we do to standard and I'll talk about that so now we need to break that little tab off see and it snapped off now we got spark plug threads again good spark plug thread that you can tighten it down tight you don't have to worry about it now some guys that have lost aluminum blocks will actually go in and helicoil each one of these holes because it kind of makes it stronger because you know aluminum is soft or aluminium and it tends a if you're taking something apart a lot of times and putting it together a lot of times that weakens the threads you end up ripping them out so some guys will just go ahead and helicoil all the screw holes because it makes it stronger with that stainless steel insert that insert a stainless steel and then the case of say like head bolts are longer so you have a lot more tread on a head bolt so the insert may only cover a little bit of the bolt let me get a head bolt and I'll show you so as you can see on this head bolt this much thread is going into the block and the insert the standard inserts only about that long like I said you can buy longer inserts they make them up to one inch long but say you don't have a one-inch long one and you want to cover you know this isn't enough thread for me it may pull out again so you could stack these you could put one end go down in there break the tab off and then stick another one on top of it so that way you got two on there you got a stack [Music] and that'll give you that will give you the length you need so you could stack them just make sure you leave a gap between them so it doesn't bind when you go to put it in there so now we're gonna go ahead and I'm gonna put a helicoil in this junk engine now this is a quarter 20 kit quarter-inch 20 threads per inch quarter 20 this is the kit and it says to use a 1764 drill bit so we're gonna do this hole now the threads in here are good we're just gonna drill them out we're gonna act like these are stripped out and that's a cowboy strip them out so this is a through hole so we can go all the way through and then you get your cap now I got a set of tap sockets that I'm gonna use these are nice to get tap sockets and get them an oil first or good auto parts store that sells tools or honey in the screen stay with the helicoil kits you can buy them online too or again at a good auto parts store and you're gonna want to spray some Lube on there a little bit penetrating oil of course you're gonna want to go back and forth to break the chips off depending on the size of the hole you're tapping this is a little quarter 21 so it usually goes through pretty easy without having to go back and forth and break off the chip but it does help it's clear the chips out of the hole then periodically go back and forth you don't want to break the tap wall and again you can do this in steel not just a little um or aluminium you stripped out supplement steel you can can helicoil the thread so it just doesn't have to be a little Elementium we're just showing you on these and you're gonna want to blow out the hole then again this has got a square on it or a tap handle now we're in the quarter inch socket see now there's no insert tool for this one but some of them do come with not all of them come with an insert tool why we may all come with an insert tool some of them come with a different type of insert tool like we did on the spark plug some of them have a mini one like this we have to put the insert on here and then thread it into this and then stick it on there and install it some of them not all of them in the case of this this kit it didn't have one so you just thread it on until it gets to that notch again and then you just make sure you you starting it straight just write it in back it out now you got to get it in there and break off that little end now since this is a through-hole might be able to grab it off it broke off there it is yeah I was able to get it to break off [Music] depending on how deep the hole is or how many threads if you screw two bolt in and it's not gonna hit that little tab at the end of it you can just leave the tab on there you don't have to break it off that would be only if the bolt is gonna go pass now we got threads again so that's all there is to repairing threads on anything with a helicoil a lot of times you want to put the threads back to the original size I know some people strip something out they go up to the next size well now you got a bunch of quarter-inch bolts and one 5/16 bolts on there maybe you want to keep it clean and keep it all the same all the same size or maybe you have to put it back to that size some people are like well I'll just smash a bunch of putty in there and drill it out and tap it because they say this putty you can drill and tap it yeah well some of that putty works good and some of it don't this is a lot stronger and a better way of doing it helicoil so subscribe to this YouTube channel follow me on Facebook and Instagram go to our web store by our Terrell apparel at our new shirts blade man at throttle if you're a fan of them buy them and as always there's your dinner all right now I got to find a cross thread cowboy and give him his mower back it's all fixed all right let's see if she'll wake up they seem to be starting been sitting behind a barn for about eight years I figured just needs new planet I think that moments got more problems than just a cross shredded spark plug hole [Music] [Music] now I I got it out too far so if that happens cuz you don't want to force it just thread it through
Channel: Taryl Fixes All
Views: 162,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how, to, how to, install, put in, replace, repair, fix, use, heli coil, heli, coil, heely, healy, heli-coil, new threads, stripped out, stripped, old, new, threads, damaged, ruined, cross thread, cross threaded, cross thread cowboy, cowboy, cross, thread, small engine, briggs, tecumseh, kohler, aluminum, steel, engine, block, cover, tap, drill, insert, easy, fast, taryl, fixes, all, grass rats, garage, funny, informative, spark plug, head bolt, out, diy, DIY, head, chainsaw, chain saw, stihl
Id: Fr0uE1ZhTvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 7sec (1807 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 12 2019
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