Neighbors Water on Your Property! What can you do?

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hey good morning chuck here with apple drains you know we get a lot of estimates we do estimates every day and thought i'd go ahead and take you through an estimate here so you can see what it looks like and what the problems are as we see them when we come out to the house as you can see we're up here on the hill and what's happening is water is coming down from the neighbors roof all these downspouts come down this water just pours down this hill let's take a look at how to solve a negative grade problem there's many different ways to do this and let's test your drainage knowledge see if you can figure out which one is the best to be within your budget and to solve the problem [Music] what's happening is water is coming down from the neighbor's roof all these downspouts come down this water just pours down this hill water from that front downspout you can see it just pours down the hill and it floods all along the foundation of this house and to compound the problem even more remember there's another downspout in the back and it's doing the same thing every time it rains water comes down and floods across this yard and look at the mud path the sod can't even grow okay here's problem number two that house that sits higher than this one you see all that water that comes down that roof tremendous amounts of water but look what it's done to the driveway this is an active crack across the driveway what that means is that it actually opens and closes with each rainfall that's problem number two this house is probably only three years old and it's already got some serious serious issues okay so how do you solve this problem let's take a look test your drainage knowledge the first answer would be to install a french drain along the side of the house remember what a french drain is it is perforated pipe surrounded by gravel its job is to pick up underground water subsurface water so will that work or would it be better to install a french drain with catch basins along the side of the house with a discharge to the rear remember catch basins collect immediate surface water runoff so as water came down the hill it would drop directly into the catch basins and be carried away what about the customers downspouts so do we need to hook those up to the french drain as well don't forget about problem number two there's a negative grade coming down the hill towards the driveway already a crack across the driveway so do we need a channel drain to attach to the system i think you can see that there is several different ways to go about solving this problem and it really depends on the customer's budget my approach to this is always the same let's deal with the immediate problem and that's the water coming down the hill and flooding against the house so we need to do this install a french drain with catch basins connect the downspouts and discharge to the rear so an estimate like this is about fourteen hundred dollars and you can do this yourself this is something the homeowner could do we're going to bring a crew out here and we're gonna be done in three or four hours but you can do it yourself probably take you four or five hours maybe six if you dig it by hand it might take seven hours but you can definitely go around a trencher and run it down right down through here and easily solve this problem the big concern here for everybody that's digging is you need to have your utilities located you can see here's the power there's a telephone out there's a transformer and it's a free service you can just call and get them located they'll come out they put some spray paint lines on the yard you know exactly where they are makes life a lot easier if you're going to dig and you don't know what's underground but again you can see that things cost money and depending on the budget that's what we're going to install this is something you guys can easily do yourselves and you can save truly save thousands of dollars the big cost here on this if you did the complete job is the channel drain so this is chuck with apple drains reminding you that if you believe you can do something i guarantee you can do it have a great day [Music] you
Channel: Apple Drains
Views: 70,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: French Drain, Crawl Space, Exterior, Foundation, Waterproofing, Apple Drains, Gravel perforated pipe, yard drain, trench drain, sump pump, How to install a french french drain, how a french drain works, french drain tips, DIY, Florida, channel drain, pool patio drain, micro channel drain, how to replace micro channel drain, Charlotte NC
Id: em_6lJghxEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 5sec (305 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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