Tip of the week - Grading around your home.

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hello Justin Woodall here from ground-up builders with your tip of the week today we're going to talk about proper grading around your residents what is grading you ask grading is a technique that provides surface drainage to control erosion and sedimentation while reshaping and stabilizing the ground surface this provides a slope at which your soil diverts rain water away from your home as we all know water runs downhill that being the situation we must give it a path that will allow it to run away from the building or more specifically away from the foundation it really doesn't matter if you have a crawlspace basement or slab they all need proper grading how important is proper grade or slope a properly prepared grade can save you big money and costly repairs the foundation repair industry in America today is over four billion dollars annually look for signs of staining water erosion or settling of the soil near the foundation these are probable indications of an improper grade around your home common problems caused by improper grading include vertical foundation settlement horizontal foundation settlement crawlspace or basement water infiltration mold and fungus growth Middle Tennessee has poor soils that are typically very expansive one way as water saturates the soil the clay expands as it dries it contracts causing vertical movement which can break footings both foundation walls and cause water to infiltrate your home causing dangerous mold to grow here's what you can do to avoid damage to your home and health make sure you have a positive grade around your residence you should have one inch of fall per foot away from your house for a minimum of ten to twelve feet you can achieve this by adding or removing soil around your property prior to grading you should think about consulting with a specialist like roundup builders here's an important and cost-saving tip always call 8 1 1 to have your local utility lines marked before digging in case you're wondering how much water could really be in and under your home one acre of rain at 1 inch of fall equals 27,000 154 gallons of water
Channel: Ground Up Builders, Inc
Views: 174,983
Rating: 4.5874772 out of 5
Id: OoFoyuiUrso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 15sec (135 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 06 2015
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