The Forever Fence Post Fix

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Is your fence leaning and you want to fix it for good well I'm going to show you guys exactly how to do that So on this fence here this post and that post are completely shot where this whole fence is just moving like crazy So what you're going to do and this is probably the best way to fix your fence Out of all the different ways to fix it A lot of times you could take the full fence apart and replace this post here But a lot easier and more cost-effective way to do it and it lasts forever is you come here and you dig a hole on Right in the center of the bad post that you have on either side and you install these galvanized fence posts So this one here is just sitting in the hole right now And you don't put these brackets on it and that's what's going to attach to the fence And you see this is considerably higher than the fence itself So you're going to want to take a piledriver? And drive this post down into the ground Until this post is about even with this top of this fence If you want a little bit lower you can do that as well. But I really I really like this style of fixing your fence Because for one it lasts forever It doesn't we don't have to worry about those metal fence posts rotting away like this wooden fence post It looks like this wooden fence post wasn't installed too long ago, but it is running away That's kind of what wood does it rots. So by putting in these metal fence posts as you can see we got them here Another metal fence post here. It's a lot more It's a lot cheaper to install these and it lasts forever and you can see we got metal fence posts all along this whole fence We're basically fixing every post on this whole fence with these metal fence posts and Another good thing that I love about these fence posts is you can use them when you go to replace this fence in the future So if you ever want to put in brand new fence on you just tear down the old fence and these metal posts Stay here so you just Put your new fence right on these metal fence posts, and it's really cost-effective when you go to replace Your whole fence down the road. So it's not only prospective for this fix right here, but it's cost-effective for the future So that's what we're doing here So I'm going to show you guys step-by-step exactly how to put in these metal fence posts and how to fix your fence So it's not going like this. Okay. So now we're at the step We're gonna piledrive this post in so we're gonna want to lean it down. This is your piledriver right here We're going to lean down and go ahead and put our piledriver on On the post and then these are brackets. We're gonna want to bring these down so we know where they meet with the fence and where we If we need to bring it out now I know this fence needs to come this way just a little bit. So we're not gonna get right up on it We're also gonna check this four Four level or plumb is the correct word. Yeah Make sure we're there that looks like it should be about good and we're gonna go ahead and just get our pile drive started So it'll hold and then we're gonna piledrive it a little bit more just so it doesn't go nowhere And then once we got it just holding there We're gonna go ahead and check it on the edge for first straightness of all of them. Okay, we're looking pretty straight out of those So then we're gonna come over here we want to make them all about the same height So we're gonna finish pile-driving this one making sure we are plumb Okay, so we got that one old pile drive and Looking pretty plumbing. If you need to adjust it a little bit like we're gonna need to adjust it Just a smidge before we pour the concrete. We could definitely do that. But you want to get it pretty much straight so we pretty much pound it down about a foot foot and a half into the ground our post hole is probably 12 to 16 inches deep that's how much concrete we're gonna put in there and it's actually pile drive into the ground another You know foot or so, so this is gonna work out great so we're gonna go ahead and pile drive the rest of these in and then we're gonna get to Pour in the cement let them dry. And then we're gonna hook them back up to our fence and be good to go Okay, now that we got the fence posts pile drives in we got the posts. They're all plumb and everything like that We're gonna go ahead and cement them in so what I like to do is just take a pan just like this first get it a little bit wet and Then go ahead and set your concrete in there and then go ahead and break it I like to break it right at the center of it just like that and then flip it over and then open it up just Like that to get it all out and then go ahead and wet that And then what you're going to want to mix it together this kind of cement works pretty good You can you can also mix it in the hole itself But it actually I actually like it better a personal preference to mix it in a pan before you put it in a hole I find that It doesn't take much longer to mix it before and it also dries a lot If you mix it in the hole for me, what I found is it takes, you know, typically, you know, three four hours to dry But if you mix it in the pan before you put it in the hole Then once you got it all mixed we're gonna go and pour it in the in the hole And you kind of take a 2x4 to mash it around all around the post That seems about just the right amount of cement for that one and again these posts are pile-driving into the ground about 12 14 inches Plus they got another 12 14 inches of concrete on them afterwards So then once you get that, you're going to want to make sure your fence post Is plumb and if it's not you can move it one way or another before the cement cures But this one actually looks pretty good So we're pretty good we got this set so we'll probably leave this fence post to sit for an hour or two that'll be more than enough for it to cure and then we'll go ahead and Mount it to the to the fence via these brackets here and we'll be good to go All right. Now that we got our fence fence posts all sunk in the concrete see here The concrete is nice and nice and cured right now. We let it sit for about about an hour and 45 minutes So it's nice and tight. So we're gonna go ahead and attach it to our fence So the first thing we're gonna want to do with these fence posts connectors here is the correct word is we're gonna need to tighten them up and they're basically just run off with an 11 millimeter and we're going to want to make sure we keep those straight and then just go ahead and Get those nice and tight. We do the top one and then we're gonna go ahead and do the bottom one You want to hold it in place while you tighten them? Just like that So they're nice and even with our rail and then we're gonna go ahead and just take our I use these kind of these deck Mate screws they got the t25 outlet. So you just want to go ahead and put four screws in each one Just like that you could actually see it. I don't know if you saw it But this whole fence kind of moved this way because all these posts are just are broken. So we're basically replacing these Replacing what you know the broken posts with the good post So and then once we get all four screws in This bottom one then we're gonna go ahead and put the four screws in the top Okay, and then once you got all these connected to your fence your fence is now nice and sturdy and then now the last thing That we're gonna do is we're gonna take one of these two by four by twelves and we're gonna actually set them on top Of the joint so we're gonna set them up here on top of our fence And we're gonna Center them so basically they're gonna span where our old joint was on top of our old fence posts and By doing that you're now strengthening the whole fence cuz you're instead of where this used to be a pivot point Now it's gonna have this board on top of it and it's not going to go anywhere So these fence posts are definitely the strongest things you could put in here But this is kind of just one thing to finish it off So so yeah, that is how you go ahead and fix a sagging fence that is leaning over with a broken fence post This is the way that I would recommend, you know going in with these metal fence posts So thank y'all so much for watching this video. Be sure to select and subscribe to this channel for more videos just like this Thank you all so much and have a great day
Channel: The Handyman Journey
Views: 300,064
Rating: 4.844749 out of 5
Keywords: Fence repair, best way to repair a broken fence post, how to install a galvanized fence post, how to repair a broken fence post, fence post that will last forever, do it yourself, home improvement, handyman fixes fence, metal post to repair a fence, best fence fix, honest lee handyman, handyman, handyman business, how to perform handyman work, how to start a handyman business, how to install fence posts, replace fence posts in concrete, leaning fence, fence repair, fence post
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2019
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