How To Fit a PRONG COLLAR on your DOG - Sizing Fit and Use - Robert Cabral - Dog Training Video

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one of the most controversial dog training tools around is the prong collar or some people call it the pinch collar however it's a very humane tool used properly I don't advocate people to use this without some proper training but today I want to talk about the proper fitting of a prong collar I see prong collars all the time that are way too big on dogs and the most common way I can see this when people do this when they put the prong collar over the dog's head to put it on that tells me a couple of things one it's the wrong size because it's way too big on the dog and two it's very scary to do that to the dog because you can poke them in the eye with the prong and all that this is why I call this a pinch collar not a prong collar because to get it to go on and off the dog we simply pinch the ends of the prongs and that's how we get it to be on the dog so if you lay down this is a medium or a large prong collar it's way too big for this dog goofy is the 70 pound Belgian Malinois and what we use on goofy is this size collar and this is the small 2.25 millimeter this is the herm Sprenger and it works very very effectively and very very well one it's a lot smaller he doesn't notice the weight on his neck too it's much more effective in its correction when it does pinch and three it's just a better size real importantly you'll see a lot of these collars super cheap on Amazon or at the pet store before you buy them run your finger along the ends of the prongs and make sure the ends are polished right so if you can see this real close you can see I'm running my fingers along the ends and everything is polished there's no problems it's not going to hurt my dog's neck so let's talk about that for a second if this is too loose on your dog's neck what you're going to have happen is it's going to slide around and it's going to cause the abrasion that everyone's accusing you of of inflicting on your dog when it's not the collar that does it it's the incorrect sizing of it so the way this collar works is we put it high up under the dog's chin here and high up behind the dog's ears now this is a perfect size for goofy because it sits up high it's it's very very snug on the dog's neck and it doesn't move so when I give the correction here on this on this ring here it simply gives the correction without any movement in the prong collar itself a couple things else to look at ain't no he's a good boy when you first condition your dog to wearing a prong collar use a lot of treats use a lot of positive reinforcement that when he sees this collar he's going to see this treats coming and goofy already knows his colic he's been wearing it for years but he knows that when he first saw this collar he got tons of treats for the collar being there tons of treats for hope there he goes goofy hop back up here come on hop up and tons of treats every time this collar went on so let's look at it again look at look at the collar for a second here there you go goofy could have that tree the newer collars all have this piece here in the middle which is in the dead middle it sits right on the center of the dog's throat goofy light off light down good boy it sits right in the center of the dog's throat right here when the collar is on and some people say it's to put less pressure on the front of the neck some people say it keeps the correction dispersed evenly throughout the whole collar I don't like it so personally what I always do is I take this off on both sides here like this and then I piece the collar back together the way they were originally made by doing this and when I do this I'm gonna have to flip these around as well on this side so that means I'm going to lose this link here I'm going to take this prong off and now you'll see that the collar moves in one solid fashion in one direction so if I have to adjust it on the dog I can so now my collar is going to fit this way on my dog and again remember whoops I made a mistake here so what I need to do here is I need to make sure that this chain hangs totally straight like this and this prong goes into here so now if I have to move it around on my dog's neck I can I have no problem with that at all but the collar again as I said sits very very high up on the dog's neck don't drape it over the dog's head it sits up high on the dog's neck and it connects right in here so nope no looseness in the collar nice and snug and the other thing to talk about as well is how are you going to correct your dog on this collar and I'm going to show you that as well take this off there's two ways to correct on this collar one is using the dead ring which is putting these two together and then it just functions as a very static a very taut correction here the other way is to use it as a martingale collar which means wherever you are here if this is on the dog's neck all you'll do here is simply put a small amount of pressure here please watch my other videos that that explain to you how to use the pinch collar please learn a lot about this collar because it's an amazing tool it requires very little pressure on the dog's neck unlike a flat collar which oftentimes can cause tracheal damage this won't this takes all the pressure from the regular collar from the flat collar and puts that pressure on these little prongs I want to give you one more really important tip that is when you're using a pinch collar again I like to use a smaller collars a lot of people like to use the smaller collars use a backup with with the collar the way you're gonna do that real simply going to put this collar on the dog nice and high connects right behind the dog's ears and a real simple tip that's going to make life really easy for you is take your snap and hook it on a nice choke chain or martingale up here and then come on in here and see this with the video the same snap you hooked in to your choke chain you're going to hook into the live ring on the pinch so that if anything should happen right here and this pinch collar comes undone I don't lose the dog I still have the dog by the choke chain and that's cuz a little tip that's going to help save your dog helped save you and if you're working with a dog that has some aggression issues it's going to protect any dog that might be around so that's a little tip on the pinch collar how to fit it how to use it is in my other videos I'll put those at the end of this video and as well in the description to watch those learn the tool don't be one of these people who criticizes the tool without knowing much about if there's plenty of critics of the pinch collar out there yet there are plenty of people who are doing amazing work training dogs extremely humanely like myself with goofy in using tools such as the pinch collar or the prong collar not so evil not so bad at all fact look put it on myself here it's on my neck no damage I can pull here as much as I want no damage done here as hard as I want to pull I feel the pressure here from the prongs on my neck as opposed to a cinching movement that's going to hurt my neck or core-collapse my trachea this here this little simple information tells me that actually it tells me that goofy man has the same neck size but it's telling me that this is a way I want to train the dog to go into this direction going to this direction sits up high no damage on my neck and the skin on my neck is a lot thinner than the skin on Goofy's neck or any dog's neck they're gonna be using it on so that's it pinch collar or prong collar
Channel: Robert Cabral
Views: 246,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to fit a prong collar, fitting a prong collar, prong collar how to, prong collar, pinch collar, prong collars, pinch collars, herm sprenger, 2.25mm, 3.0mm, collar, dog training video, dog training, dog, dogs, prong, training, sizing fit and use, Robert Cabral, dog trainer, balanced dog training, tutorial, how to fit a, collars, obedience, size of the prong collar, dog collar, puppy, pets, fitting a pinch collar, free dog training video, rescue dog, stop your dog pulling
Id: FgdD3BfnCsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 54sec (474 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 24 2018
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