How to properly fit a prong collar - Sizing and position of the prong collar - Dog Training Collars

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hey guys tom davis here america's canine educator thank you so very much for following along if you're new here welcome to my channel if you've been subscribed thank you so much for coming back we are the coolest dog training channel on YouTube in my opinion because of you guys thank you so much for everything that you guys do leaving comments below asking questions and remember don't forget to ask your questions below after this video and I'll answer everybody's questions in the comments below today I'm gonna walk you through an easy tutorial on how to fit a prong collar properly on your dog here we go we're sizing this up you want to make sure you're right behind the ears so you just pull this around and your pong should fit closely right behind the dog's ears so you guys get a good look at that and what this does guys is it evenly distributes pressure all the way around the dog's neck so it's a safe correction when you're distributing the chrétien unlike the flat collar this hangs down in the trachea layer next area and could do damage as the dog is pulling on the leash or potentially pulling on the leash so having this prong collar fit perfectly but you don't want with the prong collar which I see a lot of is you don't want to be able to have a prong that goes over the dog's head if that's the case then your prong collar is too big so this prong collar for this particular dog she's about 45 pounds and this is a perm springer 2.25 and when you put it on again guys it should go right around the head right there and fit nice and snug so as you see the problem collar is not sliding anywhere and when I put on the leash I recommend a leather 4 foot leash quarter-inch is what I use because it's really light so it's not gonna drag your equipment down just like that that's how you fit a prong collar on a dog and there's many different types I'm going to show you guys a couple of different types why we use them and another video we're going to tell you exactly how to use them because that's a separate video but this is exactly what the prong collar should fit right behind the ears beautiful brick what I recommend is herm Sprenger makes a really nice buckle prong collar it's a little bit more expensive but it's really nice and easy to take on and off especially for other people that may be handling your dog so literally it just clips OOP like that and then the other collar is what Cola Kota has on a court of touch and I'll show you the difference is this particular prong collar here is one that you manually will do which I really really enjoy and one of the cool things about the harm Springer without the buckle is is it has a distributing plate so if you notice in the herm Sprenger it actually has prongs going in both directions so when you're evenly distributing that correction to the dog the pressures going on both sides so it makes it for a very efficient correction and if you're doing it properly you should only be correcting your dog once or twice in your training session and the herm Sprenger makes makes the makes the collar so much better having the distribute plate for the dog so one thing I highly recommend to you guys is a safety clip this is something you can make at home with the carabiner and a piece of rope we get them specially made for us and it's something that can save lives it's super important to have a safety clip when you're going out to train with your dog with any piece of equipment what this does guys is it's going to go on your leash so one side is going to hook on your leash like so you can either hook it here or you can hook it in your in your buckle area there then this is actually going to go on your flat collar so this piece goes on your flat collar like here and then your part that you put on the prong collar obviously goes in the prong good so your it'll look something like this so you're gonna have your safety clip on your leash and on your back up flat collar now the reason for this being guys is if you accidentally don't do your prong collar right and say you don't buckle it and you did a correction and it pops off you still have your dog which is really important so it's a nice usually couple dollar investment to save your dog's life if they ended up feeling squirrely around a squirrel what's wrong with that so for those of you out there who have never used a prawn collar or you're interested in them do not be scared away by how they look I'm gonna be honest they look like a Chinese torture chamber but I can promise you that they're not this is one of the safest tools that you can use on your dog it doesn't give them any trachea damage or layer necks damage as long as you're doing the way that we're doing it in this video so all it does guys again people tell me all the time why don't you put a prawn collar on and I do and all it is is it's a little clip here and what it does is when the when the dog is here and you want them to go in a certain direction instead of the dog pulling through on a flat car that's sitting right here on the trachea or layer next area what you're doing is you're putting this right on the muscles on the side of the dog's neck and you're correcting the dog say they lunge pop you're popping the dog right so what this is doing guys is instead of choking the dog out in one place what it does is it evenly distributes pressure all the way around the dog's neck and it creates a little pinch and so they're not sharp and so that's one thing I think a lot of people have no idea about and I don't blame you and that's why I'm making this video this collar is not sharp it's not intended to hurt a dog guess what happens when the dog isn't getting corrected with the prawn collar this nothing but if they lunge at a squirrel they lunge at a kid or you're just working on competitive obedience and you're tight and you want to tighten things up this is your power-steering tool it's one of the safest collars to use I can guarantee you that but you have to make sure that you use them right a lot of people do not like them because you see videos and you see pictures of how people use them the wrong way which is exactly what you don't want to do and I can admit these tools like any other tool you put on a dog can be very dangerous if you use them wrong but that's not what we're doing here thank you guys so much for watching this video I truly do appreciate it very much don't forget to like leave a comment below let's chat about some stuff anyway get city is going to be deleted and blocked as usual we are the coolest dog training channel on YouTube because of you guys thank you so much I'll talk to you next time peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Tom Davis Dog Training
Views: 323,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: size prong collar german shepherd, what size prong collar for my dog, how to size prong collar, prong collar training, prong collar, fitting a prong collar on a dog, fitting a prong collar, fitting a prong collar properly, dog training collar, how to use a prong collar on a dog, how to use a prong collar for training, how to use a prong collar on a puppy, how to use a prong collar properly, how to properly fit a prong collar on a dog, dog training, dog trainer, dog behavior
Id: yS1z2cPwJMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 15sec (435 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 18 2019
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