How to use the Prong Collar To Train Your Dog

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hey guys my name is Tom Davis I'm going to show you everything you need to know about the prong collar what it is how to use it and how it can change your dog's life forever we get a lot of questions on the prong collar doesn't work or this isn't working for my dog and that's because people aren't using it properly or the prong collar isn't fit properly which we're going to go over in this video what color to get for your dog which we're going to go over in this video and how to use it which we're going to go over in this video but I'm just going to break down the mechanics because if you guys don't know how it's supposed to work you're never going to be able to use it properly and get the benefits of the prone colors you have to watch the full thing to know how it is this is gonna be a very short video trust me it's worth it now the prong collar for many people is life changing because literally they are not physically capable of holding on to their dog if something enters the environment or there's a heavy distraction that they can't work against so you want it nice and snug right behind the dog's ears so this is the 2.25 now Greta isn't a hard puller she is a dog that just needs a little power steering now the gauges of the prong is what changes the number so again like let's just see this is a Kerrigan prong collar so the length is 58 centimeters or 23 inches the next size is 19 inches or 48 centimeters and the wire gauge is at 3.2 so when you hear people say 2.25 3.2 or 3.0 it's the actual size of the gauge and what this does is you guys can see is if I pull up on this d-ring right here it can it puts pressure at every point two four six two four six eight ten twelve depending on how big your prong collar is and it distributes that pressure evenly if your prong collar is not sized properly and is a cheaper metal knockoff there's a really great chance that you will not see results that you need to be successful with your dog a harm Springer is the company the collar is a prong caller Herm Springer makes a ton of different products so we're going to start off with the introduction to the prone collar with G or Greta I'm going to show you how to introduce it and how effective it can be and why it works so well and it's the safest collar we can use for our dogs at home so when you're putting your prong collar on you want to make sure that your prongs are nice and even and not tangled up so you need to make sure that you see this clear triangle oh you guys see that that's why we have safety Clips the safety clip hooks onto your leash and then it hooks back to your flat collar or your safety collar and what happens is say your dog you pop your dog on the prong collar because they're pulling you or they're dragging you or they're jumping on somebody and then poof the prongs pop away your safety clip is going to ensure that they do not get away from you that was not on purpose but these things happen everything is in the description below if you guys want to purchase our safety Clips see this nice clean triangle this is what you need to see so what we're going to do is we're going to take a piece of food out we're going to throw it for Greta break so see that pressure there so this right here as she's pulling look see the prong is completely pulled all the way out everyone thinks that the dog pulls against the prong it hurts them they stop that that's not how it works this is exactly what we were talking about doesn't hurt the dog it doesn't affect the dog doesn't do anything these are not intended to hurt the dog when they pull but I get it that's kind of what they look like but education is absolutely key with anything in life what we want to do is we want to pop the prong collar to ensure that that color comes up in unity and corrects the dog so we'll do this again but we're just going to make it as Fair as we can with Greta and all I'm going to do is flick my wrist Precision over Power Precision over power we're not trying to overpower this dog we're not trying to correct this dog into the next World so if she comes out I'm just going to pop the collar it's going to correct her good did you guys see that correction right there that's exactly what we're looking for so I popped the collar as she pulled a little bit by flicking my wrist and she looked directly up at me he'll do that again good heel good leave it good so you guys see that right there those are the corrections that we're talking about because that's exactly what a prong collar looks like the dog was like oh piece of candy correction you guys heard this link just a quick little flick and she goes oop okay and she reclused out so what it does is it's intense for the dog really quickly it's just a lot of pressure all at once some dogs are more sensitive than others some dogs are not so the correction power that you're going to be using or the Precision over the power that you're going to be using is going to change some dogs might need a little bit more power but remember you're always trying to just communicate that's what the prong collar is I'm going to go over a couple more tips if you guys like this video and you're enjoying it leave a like leave a comment in the comments below let me know where you guys are from we put videos out like this every single week and let us know if you guys like this video we like doing these how-to tutorial stuff we don't do them often because we're unsure if you guys like them and let's just say I'm going to fit Greta for a prong collar for the first time so this car again I know is going to be too big for her Greta sit good sit so if you look at this prong collar and this would be a good collar for her if she was a huge puller she's not really a heavy Shepherd by any means so we're going to put this on you guys can see it's probably three prongs too big right so it's way too big for her all you do with the prong collar is you're gonna pull the prong out just a little bit you're gonna take the end okay and you're going to pinch if you're sweating you're doing it wrong pinch in pinch out very very simple now I'm going to take one more off probably on this side so one thing I don't know if I mentioned is there's a distributor plate on every prong collar that you're gonna get specifically from Herm Springer and what that does is it evenly distributes the pressure of the prong collar going one way and then the other if you buy a cheap prong collar off of Amazon it's going to be square little prongs and it's going to have them all the same way you don't want to do that put this on again right behind your ears it's still a little too big now one problem a lot of people get into is a prong collar that if I probably take one of these prongs out which we'll do here and put it on it might be a little too snug like this one is if your dog is in between sizes this is a 2.25 this is a 3.0 you might want to scale down to a smaller size gauge but remember make sure you're using a safety clip if you are scaling down your prong for a bigger dog and you can add as many prongs as you want within this to Frankenstein it to fit your dog's neck if you need to the other thing that you guys should know about the prong collar pop this off is the dead ring so what the dead ring does is it disables the collar so here's your triangle this is your correction right this is where your leash will go and if you guys have a 2.25 that has a circular ring and then a half circle ring your leash is always going to go on the half circle ring up top and the dead ring is simple let's say oops I forgot my slip I forgot my flat collar I forgot my Martingale I only have a prong collar but I don't want to correct my dog for pulling if we're on a break or we're on a hike oopsie Daisy all you do is you take your leash and then you hook it up to your dead ring and then that disables the prong the amount of dogs again that are put down or euthanized even for pulling on the leash the amount of dogs and shelters because they just drag their owners around it's a nightmare because they don't have access to a prong collar or maybe they went to somebody that said never use one look don't be don't do not fall into a trap there are so many different ways to train a dog if anybody tells you this is the only way to do it they're lying to you and don't that's fine you can still work with that person but understand that there's somebody else out there that can do things maybe more effectively with something else alternatively because there's not one way to do anything we are doing a giveaway with a virtual uh one-on-one session with yours truly and I'm going to be able to work with you a Skype on Zoom the winner of last week's video is listed right here if you guys want a chance to win all you have to do is like this video leave a comment in the comments below and turn on your notification Bell you have to turn on your notification Bell three people one last video but I checked and their notification bill was not turned on so make sure you do that and I'll talk to you guys next video and peace [Music]
Channel: Tom Davis Dog Training
Views: 224,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best dog trainer, Dog Trainer, Dog Training, Dog Training Advice, Dog behavior, aggressive dog, dog trainer video, dog training basics, dog training tips, dog training tools, dog training videos, dog videos, german shepherd training, gsd, how to stop leash pulling, how to train a dog, how to train dog stop pulling, how to use prong collar, how to use the prong collar, obedience, prong collar for dogs, puppy training, reactive dog, tom davis, training a german shepherd
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2023
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