How To Fit a Fence Post to a WALL

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all right guys there's going to be many different situations where you need to fit our fence post onto a concrete wall such as this yeah this is one here but I'm gonna be rolling a fence off of this wall yeah you know sometimes you could you know actually put the post in there and then go down there beside the footings of the garbage but in this case there's also a drainage in here so we can't take down and rescue no break in the drains so best option here is to secure onto the side of the garbage here yet so if you stick around I'll show you the best way to do that okay so as I was saying the first thing to do here is to obviously determine the height of the post on the wall so whether you're honoring our sex with fans or for food fans whatever it may be determined how your post needs to be and cut it obviously right so I've determined the length and my keys is 1.8 meters sort of marker here know what I'm going to do now is cut this at a 30-degree angle and I'm gonna use a use a circular saw for this but you can use anything you know even a handsaw miter saw anything an important thing is a 30-degree angle what we're doing here is clearing I'll run off for water stop rot here's our picture now of just a typical post that's been squared off and left you know open to the elements it just shows you how how much it can rot so it's very important to cut this an angle which we'll do know okay starts the top of the pool Scot you can see there's a 30 degree angle understand well that doesn't mix that make sure when the water hits it runs off and doesn't rot the post okay so once you've denied what do you know is marked post and four equal points and it's all going to be doing for our bolts and that's still want it talked when they are one there and one roughly around the other bottom so what we need to do now is just one year just mark obviously in the center so do that for all four points okay so we'll marked our four locations what we want to do now is use our thirty two millimeter speed bet what we're going to do is drill down ten millimeters roughly it's an officer do that in there how about three locations it's what we do now as one sore throat with a speed thirty two millimeter speed that that's 10 more meters down then we'll go all the way through now with our ten millimeter or Garbutt or he could use that to also stand out a little bit so with all of us know I'm gonna do the same for all the other locations okay it's this is what you end up with so over thirty two millimeter all the outside recess the 1000 meters deep and then I have the 10 millimeter hole in the center what this does is we're gonna be using 8 millimeter by 100 millimeter typical multi effects effects things which are cement screws or masonry screws okay so affections I use are their Temko multi-effects and bolts so much these just screw directly under the concrete and once you've drilled the proper size all the washers are thirty millimeters with ten millimeter all in the center we're going to use a 30 millimeter washer with a ten millimeter hole in it so we'll slip that on there and not so that week what does the reason your recess that 10 no you can see that there it's totally flush it's not so important and my situation here but I'm taking offense Leo's office ad here when it is important when you're mounting a gate to here you know so that the geek falls onto the onto the wood needs to be flush hence why you need a recess these typically in my case just because I'm cutting fence rails on the side here yeah you don't need we need to recess that you can just overall use the water under the fixon and that would be adequate so once I got the the top caught at the 30 degree angle we've got all the the holes are old okay it's one important thing I'll mention here is whenever you cut treasure treated timber or drill into it what you are doing the others exposing on treated wood I mean the treatment on pleasure acting at timber only goes on so far so whenever you do this you need to coat it with a preservative in my case this is not getting painted so I'm gonna use a clear preservative yes what I use as Ron's your total with preserver which is a clear liquid which we can slap all over these halls now just to make sure they would nice and sealed the cut the edge here as well yeah so I just use this old or your PIN and gosh just fits in here nicely pepper and this clear liquid and just slap it all over there not just preserves that'd be rude and seem here on the top I think ice what's the post and position so I just thought we're doing our heads are four holes with the recesses and the on go on the top obviously so the first thing we're going to do is get the the hate set all the imposition and drill Joel the first hole and the top what we're gonna use the drill the first Hall was an eating our meat our drill bit so either I missing the drill bit or SDS troll but I'm gonna be using that SDS it's all bit which is this yeah but you can't use that normal to Orton hammer action yeah what that makes me talk so again all we're going to do set height mark the concrete and then we can take that window all I'm sure you don't know case offset that hey I'm not wanting away of all anything else thing just the rough area where you want to post all we're gonna do is get the drill end and look about quick pulse tikka and threw it away and you can see where that's marked so what we're going to do now is dole dole that wall a bit further okay so we've got our first hall there yeah we're good you know and stay out the the bolt when the water and through here so we got the ball and the wood it's sticking through oh do you know is just offer this OP to the hall that's it in the hall no it's appreciate position you know we also got frost ball and it's just loose just now so what we're gonna do now is net desktop with a 15 millimeter socket and I wrench or ratchet so this will just nip it up there these screws just tick up a bite so you can feel good and so just nip that up very slightly all I'm gonna do now is level we have all the post so we'll get the level on it now okay so we've got the level on the post no the poster squeak rigid because if the team does ball up and slightly that's really level know what I'm going to do now is taking that ball ever so slightly more just to give it a good grip and then we'll check wherever again okay so got nap topsolid it's level knows what we're gonna do now is run the the masonry drill through these halls again just the market position okay so we've leveled this up I've no pay wardrobe through these holes the market wall and never can swing this over we have loosened this off slightly so I can swing the reader and reveals the holes the ocean and what we'll do now is just roll them freely and the reason I'm doing this week's I don't have a long off at all yeah I mean normally you just use a longer longer right through and I can't find my long-lost I'm just using my short I want to know that he's not Luthor so that we know so it's getting the help the drawn to the mark just don't know these ex-foster dolls are blowing actually pool himself under concrete as a posting you haven't at pusher that's why I use all the time okay so the walls are off no Phooey drilled you see them there one two three you just swing the ten bar back get it live on and set the screws and take them up okay it's clues and said they're just in the process of screwing them and no the ratchet doing over at eight and I'm just let them up that's enough for that one that's solid you can see the final fixin to get affection you guys it's in position Fuli level back so it's a fuii install now for effect sounds absolutely solid no greater hunter gear of a year or what mike is another on Fed feels office here's an on delay the living water ahead and runoff absolutely solid you guys have to finish the totally solid feel easy to do to see if you like it give it a thumbs up you know anybody's new subscribe my channel to put them out what now and links do ever and it's useless in the description [Music]
Channel: Bacren Property & Fencing
Views: 207,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to fit a fence post to a house wall, fit a fence post to a house wall, fit fence post to house wall, how to fix fence post to a house wall, fence post to a house wall, fit post to house wall, fix fence post to house wall, fit fence post to a garage wall, how to fit a fence post to a garage wall, fit post to a wall, fit fence post to a house, fence post to a house, fit gate post to wall, fit fence post to concrete wall, fix post to concrete wall, Fence post, how to, fit, wall
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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