How To Fit a (4 x 4) FENCE POST to a WALL | Gate post

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[Music] so fitting a four by four fence post to a wall to have a gate usually uh let's see how it's done all right guys i'm just in this job here um there's going to be a gate going in here now normally there's two ways to fit a post a wall and for a gate you can use a four by two or in this case i'm using a four by four post and the problem my four by four post is usually if you can see the the drip lip it's like a lip for the harlan it normally you know just keeps the water away from the house and so that creates a gap i don't think this is maybe a bit more apparent here and this is the old poster we'll be replacing but you can see the way they've fed that they've cemented it in the ground but there's no way of fixing it at the wall because of that gap so you can see the gap between the wall and the post this post plumb but what we need to do i want to bolt this post to the wall as well as have it concrete in the bottom there so what we need to do is a we out of here so that'll allow us to get it first of the wall put a couple of uh masonry fixings through and also cement to post them so that's the that's like the strongest gate post you'll ever get really so basically all we've done if it allows if the situation allows you can dig a hole there where your post is going to go in get that cemented in and once that's scribed out and then we can bolt this to the wall i'll show you how we're going to do that now so basically first thing you need to do is get your post plumb so this post perfectly plumb now you can see that gap there so we need to do is transfer this gap here that looks to be about 10 15 millimeters okay so what i'm actually doing here i'm marked underneath there marked that along i've sort of guessed the rough section of where this needs to clear and what we'll do is now set the circular saw to that depth run a series of cuts along there and then just chop that out and i'll just take that section out which will allow us to get the post flush against the wall okay so you can see how i've marked a depth there so i've set the blade to that depth there on the circular saw and what we'll do is just start running across doing a heap of series of cuts and then we can chop that out and that'll notch out [Music] [Music] so you get the idea that's the notch created and what i still i'll do now is give you clearance for the drip clip on the wall so important thing is here once you do this you need to treat that with clear preserver or paint if you're going to be painting the fence just slap the paint on there just to protect the wood so do that then we'll get this in position so you can see the post now in position what that knots allowed us to do is to put this flush against the wall you know he's pretty much bang on plum and so what this all enables to do now is what i'll do next the next stage will be i'll cement that in we'll procreate i know this is roughly in position and then i'll show you how we draw the post and then put the fixings in [Music] so [Music] so if you get yourself a garden sprayer like this just fill this with clear water give it a pump and just clean the post what this does it cleans the post without flooding the hole you know with water you know what flood that hole of water so you can see that we've cleared all the residue off without flooding the hole with water all we'll do now is just shape this concrete just give it a slight slope so the water flows away from the post yeah i'm going to put three fixings in here so one round about there one round over there and one in the middle the particular fixings that i use and it's the timco multifix bolts in my opinion you don't get any better than those it's the strongest boat you'll get and i would always recommend using those so in this particular video for a 4x4 post the size i use is eight millimeter by millimeter bolts and i will leave links in the description to you know the fixings that i'm using and the the drill sizes and stuff so so you get in the box you get these bolts but they don't come with any washers so i purchased these separately so these are a 30 millimeter washer with a 10 millimeter hole in the middle again i'll leave links in the description to these but it's basically a penny washer 30 millimeter by 10 millimeter and they go perfectly with these bolts okay so in the video you'll see me recessing uh adding a recess into the post before actually drill through the post and for that you'll need a 32 millimeter either a spade bit like that or what i prefer to use nowadays is a forstner bit this is ideal for for the job that we're going to be doing but if you don't have one of those just use a spade but finally the drill that we're going to be using to actually drill through the post and into the concrete is an eight millimeter by 250 millimeter uh sds drill bit if you don't have an sds drill you know an actual drill you can use just a normal hammer drill on hammer action yeah in the video you'll see me use a ratchet and a 15 millimeter socket you can see that there it's just a standard socket but that fits the the m8 by 150 ball so as i explained you can draw wherever you want there's no hard and fast rule but i'm putting one in the bottom one in the center and one up at the top so the first thing you do is going in with the forstner bit or the spade bit drill a recess over 10 millimeters and then that'll allow us to go on the next stage so i'll show you what i'll do with that okay so force my bit pick the center of the post roughly and just drill a 10 mil recess that's it that's enough so you can see the recess there recess there and one there and what we'll do now is go in with sds bit hit that center hole and go right through through the post and into the concrete using an sds drill okay this is the sds drill i use with the eight millimeter bit in there so we'll just go right through the center right through the post and right into the concrete [Music] [Applause] so that's that drilled right through so now we can put the bolt in so we've got the bolt we've got the socket i'd advise using a ratchet for this not an impact driver and just take it easy you know just screw this in gently you don't need any wall plugs or anything as long as you've used an eight millimeter bit we just screw this through the wood and it'll go into the the concrete and grip really tight pull the post onto the wall so i'll do that now so just insert it like that and just gently screw it in so you get to about that point there and you can feel the you can feel the ball you know hitting the concrete you can feel the grit you can actually feel the grip when you're turning this so you know the bolts start to go into the concrete [Music] just keep turning you'll feel that getting really tight once it gets tight just nip it up that's all it needs it doesn't need don't need to go crazy just nip it up slightly that's the first one and so you repeat the process for the top one the bottom one [Applause] hey guys that's supposed installed so fully cemented at the bottom 150 mil tymco multifix bolts right through so that's what it looks like you can see why you recessed it it gives you the flush finish over the top because the gate obviously have to open against this post so that's why we do that that's why we do the recess and this post is i'll never get a stronger post than that and so that's a way to fix a gate post so you can see it tight against the wall cemented into the ground and perfectly plumb ready hunger gate so what i'm going to do now i've got another post obviously put in here post the air post here [Music] so this is how the gate fixed up the posts and behind there i've actually clad it with another fence light there so i've sort of scribed that around there so it's a bit neater so you can see it's really heavy get really solid that's why i use the post so hey guys as always take it easy cheers [Music] you
Channel: Bacren Property & Fencing
Views: 26,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fit 4x4 fence post to house wall, how to fit 4x4 fence post to a wall, fit a 4x4 fence post to a wall, 4x4 fence post to a house wall, fix 4x4 fence post to house wall, 4x4 gate post on a wall, fit post to house wall, to a wall, how to fix fence post to a house wall, fit post to a wall, fit fence post to a garage wall, BACREN FENCING, HOW TO FIT A GATE POST TO A WALL, How to fit a fence post to a wall, 4X4 GATE POST, GATE POST, FENCE POST, fENCE POSTS
Id: 5lf6d8dnLXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Sat May 07 2022
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