Concrete Fence Post Fencing DIY | The Carpenter's Daughter

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I think this fence is asking for it to be  my next project don't you so thanks so much   for all the amazing comments and the vote of  confidence in my last video on my patio but   today I'm actually it's given me a lot more  confidence to grow over the next job I live   on a main road and that is to completely  change replace the whole fencing between   me and the neighbors and most of the panels are  completely rotten and the posts are very wobbly   so to start off with I'm just gonna rip out  the first few and then we'll take it from there so just like my patio project I ordered everything  from Build land because it was much cheaper though   the same company is Dalston and this included  delivery and they just craned it over onto my   front garden and i planned on using concrete post  concrete gravel boards with wooden fence panels   and mixing gravel with post mix and I'm really  not the best person to ask for help and this   definitely is a two-man job so here's me slowly  struggling to bring all the fence panels towards   the side of the house but once my fiancee got home  and help me with the concrete posts and gravel   boards because there were no shifting those on my  own and the fence panels only came in one color so   I got out my redneck fence and decking sprayer  to completely stain all seven fence panels in a   red cedar and not only I didn't want to do that  now to change the color I wanted to make sure I   didn't have to stain this for quite a long time  so using one of the very old fence panels I set   the sprayer up made sure I used a proper mask I'll  leave all the links for things below and just use   that panel as my first test to get an idea of how  close I needed to be to it to get the coverage I   wanted and once it was happy and moved on to the  bad boys and I just leaned it up against the old   fencing that we hadn't taken down yet that way  it could block any sprays in unwanted places and   I found I needed to give this about two or three  coats but I did use a cheap hiss stain that could   find in wicks so it might have paid me to get a  better quality one and of course made sure both   sides were completely coated so after leaving  those to dry it was time to start removing the   original fence posts towards the back of the  house and to start off with we used a hammer   drill for this just to see how things went yes  it's not quite six hundred deep either so we   need to go a bit deeper and once we've removed all  the posts and needs to settle my plumb line so I   measured the width of the concrete posts because  they were wider than the original wooden posts   and mocked at the difference where the original  post was conveniently it left a mark behind so   I knew where it used to be and then I hammered a  nail in and tied some string around it and went   all the way to the bottom of the garden trapped  between both of our garages and tied it to a metal   spike and dug it in the ground so once we've done  that it was time to start removing any conquerer   that was originally supporting the old posts and  really underestimated how much concrete was under   there so I found the best way to do this was  alternating it with a trench shovel and just   getting down there and removing big bits by hand  wearing gloves and to see if I dug deep enough I   made a measure mark on a really old piece of wood  and just stuck it in the ground and just use that   for every post and instead of digging holes that  were three widths of the concrete posts my dad   recommended about a two inch gap all the way  around he's been doing sheds and fencing for   well over 40 years and then I trucked in roughly  about 20 kilograms of the gravel straight into my   wheelbarrow and then poured in one whole bag of  post mix and just dry mixed up together in the   barrow so left that to one side for a minute  while we focused on lining up the fence posts   and I know a lot of people space out their posts  by using a cut piece of wood to the same width of   their panel but we just use the gravel boards  and just roughly place them where they should   be you just saved a lot of lifting later on and  now we were all ready to start setting in the   first post and the first thing I would do was  took a couple of pints of water into the hole   while the post was in place and took in a couple  of shovel loads of my dry concrete mixture then I   tap it down with an old scrap piece of wood just  to knock any air out and bring the water to the   top and then keep shoveling him more mixture and  although you can't see it my fiance was holding in   place with a spirit level while I was focusing on  shoveling it all in but I really like this method   my dad suggested because it's set within about  four to five minutes and I continued shoveling   the cement mixture until we got flush with the  surface of the ground so once that was secured   we made sure we worked on the second post but  I found it really hard to make sure the whole   back area was level using another piece of string  because it's all on the hill and slopes towards   the garage and again we line the concrete post  to the plumb line and used a spirit level and   then filled our second hole with the gravel and  post mixture and notice while that was setting   we had the gravel boards jammed into place and  then it was time to put our first fence panel in   and we only had one stepladder so I helped guide  it through while I was at ground level and this   is when it started to feel like took shape and  before we started craning up the gravel boards   and putting Packers underneath to make sure  everything was level we just focused on the   rest of the posts and at this point we realized  it would be so much quicker if we got a concrete   breaker and I tried to take some of your advice  by calling places to hire one for a Saturday to   get a one-day price but everyone wanted to charge  me the whole weekend rate so instead I just went   to jtf wholesale warehouse and bought one for  a hundred and twenty quid and it really sped up   the whole concrete process I did very carefully  chip away and I wore goggles and ear defenders   because it was pretty loud and this was my first  time using one which is so exciting to say and   once I slope garden reached his highest point I  then balanced a long piece of wood to the same   width of each post in situ and check to see if  it was straight using a spirit level and once   we've got it right we check to see if the post  was straight again and carried on until we got   to the final fence installment so I don't know  if you can hear me because it's very windy but   that is it for this project and I have to say it  was much harder than doing the patio on my own   because there are lots of heavy lifting because  the concrete post of gravel boards you can't   lift on your own there's a lot of concrete  underneath we don't really know what you're   gonna deal with until you get there yeah so if  you liked this video don't forget to give it a   thumbs up and subscribe and hopefully I'll see my  next one and now I'm just going to leave a some   of the gravel boards or wedge them to make sure  they're definitely in line with each other and   cement the the grooves underneath so hopefully  I'll see you next time thanks for watching bye
Channel: The Carpenter's Daughter
Views: 1,500,470
Rating: 4.8428631 out of 5
Keywords: diy, fence, wood fence, how to build a fence, fencing, privacy fence, fence post, diy fence, build a fence, fences, fence posts, do it yourself, building a fence, How to erect a fence with concrete posts, concrete posts, Erecting fence, D.I.Y, Do It Yourself (Hobby), Fence, Laying concrete fencing, concrete fence, Gardening project, Garden tutorial., Fence post installation, Spring project, Women doing D.I.Y, Concrete post laying, Erect concrete fence
Id: NMxH7aSFvDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 26sec (446 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2017
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