How To Find The Perfect Shopify Niche In 2021 | Step By Step Guide To Finding A Profitable Niche

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what's up guys Dan here and in today's video I'm gonna show you guys exactly how to find the perfect Shopify niche for your very first shelf I drop shipping store now one of the most common questions that I get is you know how do you find a great niche Dan and I've been seeing into the YouTube comments on my shop five videos and obviously it's a problem that many new shop v beginners are having and it's definitely a problem that I've had when I was first starting my shelf buy store I had no idea what niche to do and you might be an exact same boat right now you're trying to start a Shopify store you want to get to your passive income goals and you really want to start you know actually making real money online right but you don't know what the perfect niche is so you're constantly on the hunt for that like golden perfect niche alright so hopefully this video gives you some tips and it helps clear up how to find that perfect shop fight niche so you can actually take action and get started moving forward towards your goals and dreams alright so let's go ahead and get started so I took the best tips and these have worked the best for me in finding my niche and I'm very experienced with the Commerce and I've done Amazon FBA and shop by successfully so these are the tips that I've worked the best for me in building a profitable Shopify store so the very first thing and this is so important and so many people you know just screw this up all right I don't want you to screw it up so your product must have an actual market alright so make sure that your market you know to make sure that there's a medium or a high demand because if there's no demand for your product no one's gonna buy it and how do you expect they're gonna put all that work in and building your Shopify store and all they see takes time you know you're gonna make it look nice and then finally when you're gonna start running Facebook Ads you know it's a word your shop buy store and it's not gonna get any sales and you're gonna be wondering why is no-one buying and one of the biggest problems is probably because your product or your niche might not have a high enough demand alright so I'm going to show you the best way to check the demand in your niche alright and we're gonna use it school called Google Keyword planner and just going to all type in Google Keyword planner and then once you get on this page click on start using keyword planner you might have to make an account you probably will so just make an account it's free and then click on start using keyword planner and it's gonna take you to this page right here so let's just wait until it loads really quick and this will allow you to type in your product and it's gonna show you exactly what the monthly search volume is for your for your niche and it's so important and I'll show you why so right here click on find keywords and then let's say you know you want to do a barbecue store alright so just to barbecue and you're gonna want to do barbecue accessories and you know anything like that so it's gonna pop up all of these keywords right here and this is the most important part it's gonna show you your average monthly searches so as you can see it's definitely seasonal because it's up and down and your average monthly searches are three hundred and sixty eight thousand for the word barbecue in the United States so you want to make sure that your location is set to either the US Canada Australia or the UK and the reason why you want to set it's one of those four or those four together is because those are the big four that you're gonna get most of your sales from any way you're gonna get 99% of yourselves from Canada USA the UK or Australia the reason for that is because they have spending habits that you know correlate with shelf life drop shipping stores and they're willing to pay a premium for products that have great branding a great examples Apple and Apple aims at the US Canada UK Australia and all of the other Western first world countries and the reason for that is because those are the countries where people can afford to pay that premium price and with your Shopify store you want to make sure that you're pricing it high you want to make sure that you are you know your price is you know way above ten or fifteen dollars and the reason for that is because if it's like ten or fifteen dollars then you know it's not really premium and people really you know they don't see the perceived value perceived value is so important when you're selling on shop fight when you're choosing a niche because you can literally take any target market and if you like if there's really no way you can make the products look premium if you can improve on the design of your website if you can add some value and if you can just really make it look like premium as if you know I always say do it as if you're apple and you're launching your product or your niche because you want to make it look premium and therefore you can charge that higher price all right so once we set the countries so let's just go ahead and exit this so once we set the countries right here you'll be able to see the average monthly searches so 300 X to 8000 that's enough you know obviously there's a demand right there clearly it's seasonal so I'm gonna show you guys exactly how to find if something is seasonal or not and we're gonna use a tool called Google Trends for that but for now the very first thing is making sure that there is an actual market all right so let's say your niche is you know like Halloween accessories right let's just say for example Halloween accessories right or we can just do Halloween obviously you know there's higher search volume during Halloween right if we order this right here so 1 million search phones but you can see the spike is only there's only one spike per year and that's because it only happens you know once during Halloween right and we can see that if you set the month to last month right here it will show that the average monthly searches are you know 300,000 as opposed to a million right so still a lot of demand but that's the best way of checking demand for your niche alright so the second thing that I want to talk about is competition so many people fall into this belief that if they see a lot of Shopify stores that are you know selling the same thing pretty much but they're making money they automatically assume that it's soo competitive and that there are no good niches left and that they should just you know stop looking they should just abandon their dreams of you know having this profitable online business and having a profitable shelf I drop shipping store and it's simply not true one of the most important things is that if there is competition they means that there is money to be made and that if you know if there are other people that are making money all you have to do is figure out a way to differentiate add some value make a nicer looking store add better products right a lot of different things you can do but that will put you just above the rest of them and then you can also do things like better Facebook guys rain which I'll show you how to do in another video right so you guys of course are probably interested in seeing that so just stay till the end of this and then we're going to talk about that as well but you know if you just make your store a little bit better you don't have to you know do like a drastic change right you just have to do incremental improvements over your other competitors and if there is competition in your niche and there are stores that are making money that means that you have the opportunity to differentiate add value and if you can do that successfully and if you can you know launch amazing ads and things like that and if you can get every single part of the whole shop fight drop shipping formula correct then you will make money and there's just no ifs no buts that's just how it is right it's just simple you know capitalism is simple economics right like if you add value and if there is a demand in your niche that's stable or that's growing and if you offer the customers a solution to their needs or problems you will make money there's just no questions about that regardless if you've got zero experience with any kind of online business zero experience with e-commerce zero experience with any business period all right you will make money if you follow what I say correctly and if you really truly put an effort into this so I'm going to show you guys how to find competing Shopify stores very shortly here which will give you awesome ideas for your own by store and it will really help you to find that first niche alright but the next thing is the ability to run Facebook or Instagram ads and the ability to target on Facebook so I'm going to show you guys how we're gonna do that so for Facebook audience insights type in business Facebook comm and then you're gonna want to create a facebook business account so what audience insights is it's an awesome tool that's already in your business manager on Facebook all you gotta do is just make a business account on Facebook and then you pull it up right here alright so click here and then all tools audience insights and then once you're on here here I'm not sure you guys exactly how to see what's a target for your Facebook ads and how to see if your niche is a good idea to run Facebook ads for because if we can't run Facebook ads for your Shopify store then there's no point in entering that niche because you know that's pretty much how we're gonna get all of our traffic and all of our customers and all of our sales so right here this is where you're gonna want to type in your niche let's say we want I'll say we want drones for example right so I literally have a drone like right here in this video woops right there alright so drones so if we scroll down we're gonna click on you know sometimes they won't show you the exact word but we can click on a big you know drone company so for example like DJI is a big drone company so let's click on that alright so as you can see it will show us all right so DJI apparently is not a big enough interest so let's just do drone drone we can do drone fly alright so that's a a large drone company so right here it shows us all of the ideal demographics that you're gonna want to target for your Facebook yeah that's when you're gonna start running Facebook Ads for a Shopify store so as you can see we're gonna target men because most of this niche is men most of the Dominion that Sandra's gonna come from men and most of the buyers are gonna be men 4 percent it gonna be women that's just you know you see all the statistics right here and it just shows you everything and then if you go down here it will even show you things like their jobs right as you can see it will show you like how much more likely they're gonna have these jobs as opposed to the rest of Facebook so production arts entertainment you know construction but the most important part of audience insights is the page like section and the reason why this is the most important one is because it will show you all the pages you need to target for your ads it literally shows you all the information you need to run profitable ads because logically if you start running ads towards these page likes and then these demographics you will target the audience and if your offer is good enough and if your product is good enough and let's say you know the ad is not just like oh you know come on the site and buy the stuff right obviously are gonna want to make it more enticing than that you know you can do free plus shipping things like that we're going to talk about in other videos I've got a lot of other shop like content on my channel as well so you guys can go and feel free to check that out but right here we know that if we're gonna make Facebook gas for our drone accessory store we're not gonna sell actual drones right because obviously we're not gonna compete with big brands like DJI but if we're selling drone accessories and these things might be even hard to sell on Amazon which shows that it's a good niche right if something can't be sold on Amazon or if it's a restricted category on Amazon then it could be a great product to sell and shop by because Shopify doesn't have as stringent or as strict you know regulations on what you can sell because essentially it's your website you can sell whatever you want as long as you won't have any problems getting your product from the Chinese Factory on Aliexpress the Chinese supplier through customs let's say for song in the United States to your customer because no the only thing I have to worry about is customs at this point not Amazon or not some like governing you know website because it's your wife so you can do whatever you want so clearly multicopter warehouse and then we're gonna target skyrocket etrailer guns today apparently you know I would never have guessed that you know people that are interested in drones also are interested in guns but you know there we go we know and then location and then if he goes on the location tab right here it will show you the best cities to target so we know we're gonna target San Jose Orlando Denver Las Vegas Austin Texas because they are a hundred percent more likely to be in this group that's interested in drones so obviously we want to get as laser focused as possible on our perfect demography because the more laser focused we can get the more profit we make because it's gonna take us less money to get those customers through ad spend right through Facebook guys and then also another important thing to remember is that not all niches you know you can't run Facebook ads for all in digital so for example I crypto cards you can't run any Bitcoin ads none of that right so you want to make sure that your niche you can actually run Facebook ads for all right so you know you're gonna have to Google that research but I'm sure if you google the Facebook ad terms and regulations you'll see the niches or the products that you're not allowed to advertise for but I know for a fact for example like Bitcoin you can't advertise anything with Bitcoin because I think you used to be able to and then obviously you know all these like you know scammy things kept popping up so they stopped allowing that right so the next thing is you want to make sure that your niche is actually a long-term growing trend so I'm going to show you guys an example of a long-term growing trend so trends cool calm type that into your Google Chrome or your browser and then right here I think I had a perfect one right here like French press right French press is a long term growing trend more and more people are getting interested in French press so if we click on the past five years you want to make sure that you click on the past five years because that way you'll be able to see the long term growing trend you'll see its spikes every year during new year's because I guess people get french presses a lot as like Christmas gifts as New Year's gifts right but right here you can see that it's a slow and steady growing trend and it's not like it's up and down and this is exactly like the perfect trend that you want to see if you see this kind of trend for your niche when you type in your niche in here that means that it's worth your effort to start a shot by store because the demand in your niche is growing and it's gonna continue to grow it's not it's just gonna fall off and if you're not making any sales that's something on your part then you can fix pretty easily because the demand is there as long as the demand is there that's like the hardest problem you know if there's no demand there's nothing you can do to make money you just have to switch niches but if there's demand there is something you can do in the present moment with your Shopify store once you already have it built and you know if you're not getting in sales you can tell yourself there's something that I can do today to get stale sorts of start getting sales because when I was first starting out with e-commerce and especially with Shopify I was trying to figure out like okay why am I not making any sales there are all these competitors making sales but I'm not making any sales so you know I just told myself and this really helped me I told myself that just think right look at your competitors see what they're doing right and do it better than that all right now the next most important part of finding the perfect shelf line niche is you want to make sure it's not a cheap niches on a cheap product you want to make sure that you can go you can go in with a higher price point so let's say you're sourcing the product on Aliexpress for you know $3 or something so let's go on Aliexpress calm and by the way I haven't really explained a lot about what how Xpress is but if you've done some research on Shopify you know that all Express is a site that we're going to be using to find our products and finest suppliers and we're gonna use an app called Oprah low which links your Aliexpress supplier to your Shopify store it's super easy basically you install over low and I show in another video on my channel so you guys can check that out but pretty much this over the logo pops up on any product so right here and you'll be able to just import it into your store super easily so you just click on this right but let's say we are you know gonna sell barbecue gloves and this is kind of like a harder niche to go with a higher price point because people are gonna be reluctant to pay 50 bucks for barbecue grilling gloves especially if they look like this right but you know for example let's say our barbecue gloves are $4 77 apiece and then you add the heat packet fee so it's gonna be about like five eighty so six bucks right so you want to make sure that you can sell it at 10 X right and obviously in this niche it's gonna be very hard to sell barbecue gloves at $60 right but I'm gonna show you guys an example of a sunglass store that they're literally selling sunglasses at $200 a pair so right here I've got the store called skelton and as you can see their Sun sunglasses for 230 dollars $229 and these are sunglasses like this is nothing that you can't source from Aliexpress in fact some of the biggest shop buy stores you know run by the Kardashians are actually their Shopify stores and they're just drop shipping but they're doing it in a more subtle way where people won't really you know they can't really notice right but I'm telling you it's literally shot by stores and to prove that to you guys I'm gonna show you my appeal is right it's a it's basically just an IP finder website you go here you type in the shop VIP so you can just google with a shop VIP is right here and pretty much I'm gonna show you guys that a lot of stores that you guys are familiar with are in fact rough five stores so fashion Nova that's a shelf I store this shows you a list of all of these Shopify stores so she's going on view all records and then if we go down here I saw October's very own so that's Drake's brand right here I saw it like Soylent pop sockets calm is a Shopify store if you go through this list you'll see that a lot of things that you know a lot of brands that you're familiar with are actually Shopify stores so I'm gonna show you guys how to find these exact classes on Aliexpress right pretty much of anything you can store Somali Express the key is to make sure that you're sourcing a high quality product that you can mark up at a 10x price so if you're sourcing for $9 you want to make sure you're able to sell it at $99 right and that gives you a lot of room to play with for your Facebook ads because your profit on Shopify I'm gonna make a video on this as well with how to your profit on Shopify your profit is how much your product costs on I'll Express plus the e packet fee which is the fast shipping a packet is just basically like fast shipping from China to the US or any of those four countries who talked about and you know it's your unit cost plus your ad cost so let's say it takes two you know it cost you $3 from Aliexpress and then it also cost you $3 through your Facebook ads to get a customer that means your product cost is $6 and if you're selling something at $50 the rest is profit right so right here let's just do like you know premium sunglasses and you know you'll see that a lot of this stuff is actually really nice so as you can see it's literally the exact same thing right that just in a blue shade so I'm sure if you look more you'll be able to find right here we've got a blue shade so you know it's like $15.99 with free package shipping a lot of these things that free packet shipping so this example right here is even more than a 10x markup so that's an example of a great Shopify store that you can go and you can you know take a look at and you can see that if you brand it super well if you have an awesome social media presence like they've got an incredible Instagram page as you can see they got 16,000 500 followers and they've got beautiful pictures so if you stay active and if you're consistent if you've got awesome social media and if the products that you're selling our brand is super well-liked right here the perceived value of these glasses is very high so right away I'm more inclined to buy these glasses as opposed to just you know buying something from Aliexpress and a lot of you might ask me Dan why don't most people just going on Express and buy what they need you know why are they gonna pay 10 times more on some random Shopify store and you know that's like saying you know why are people going to Walmart and not buying directly from China because it's more convenient and it's a brand they know that if they go to Walmart they trust Walmart they know that Walmart is not gonna sell you know crap in most cases right so it's the same concept and like I said retail is dying more more people are getting into e-commerce so it's the perfect time to start so another example of an awesome shelf I store that I found right here peach and Lilly calm so this one is a Korean skincare store so if we go on Google Trends and type in Korean skincare we'll be able to see if this trend is a long-term trend or what's going on here so if we do the past five years you can see that it's a long-term trend it's going up for the past five years since 2013 it hasn't gone down only right here for some reason maybe there was some scandal or something and you know with create skincare but this is another example of a great long-term trend so if you want to get ideas from this store and if you have a passion having a passion for a niche by the way is very important because if you have a passion for something then most likely other people are gonna have a passion for it as well and they're gonna want to buy from you if there is a high enough demand like we've already gone over so with this store in particular let's say you're looking for a niche and this looks interesting and you've got a passion for skincare so you're gonna want to get as many ideas as possible so literally get like a notebook you know literally notebook and pen and start writing down everything that they're doing alright the products that they have and right here like sign up and enjoy 10% of your first order write that down because that's crucial to them making money which in turn will allow you to take their ideas and make money and improve on them alright so there you go another example of a chef I store that is making a lot of money and that can be a great niche for you guys as well because it's a long-term trend now the next thing your Shopify store must have is a strong potential for brand building so you must be able to build a brand with your Shopify store now if you're gonna start selling products in the Korean skincare niche obviously it's awesome like it's amazing to build a brand that of this because it can sell so many things so you know acne anti-aging blackheads dryness skincare makeup right and then they've got a bunch of different brands as well right here so right here is a perfect example of an awesome brand new shop by store and the other one that I showed you skeleton optics this is also a brand like if you buy skeleton optics you know that you're gonna get great quality sunglasses and you don't care where they come from because you trust the brand and that's why also you can later sell the company right so once you actually build a shop by store and it's making money you can actually sell the shop by store if you choose to right so not only are you making monthly profit you've both yourself an asset long-term asset that keeps growing if you you know consistently put effort into it if you improve it if you keep adding products and you're gonna be able to sell that and now we get to the golden rule and the golden rule is if there is competition there is money being made and you must come in with higher value / more perceived value and you must capture the market so if there's competition there's money being made therefore you can make money okay and with the Amazon let's say you're looking at a product or a niche and on Amazon specifically it's already too competitive it's too late to get in both Shopify there's no like limit to the demand the demand is not just you know on like Amazon there's a sermon a customer searching for your product well Shopify it's the whole internet so how many people on the internet right now are searching for your product if you can go add higher value you can capture you know that part of the internet that is searching for your product you will make money guaranteed so now another way of finding awesome niches that I've personally used in the past is watch count so if you go and watch capcom it's a website that pulls data from eBay and it's gonna show you how many people are watching the product that you're gonna enter into these keywords right here on eBay and the reason for that is I'm going to show you why this is so important all right so let's say the initial you want to do is Korean skincare or the niche that we're considering doing and we're still doing our research because we're following the tips in this video so click search type your niche in and then right here it's going to show you all the products that are on eBay and it will also show you the number of Watchers now the reason why this is so important is because you want to look at the ratio between the Watchers and a number of people that actually bought the product so if you click here on this 42 piece Korean essence facial mask I don't know what this is honestly right here 10,000 Souls and 4644 Watchers so that's a great ratio for everyone watcher approximately one watcher obviously not exactly I'm not gonna pull up the calculator here but pretty much for every one watcher there are two sales and that's so important and if you're finding a product if your niche you type it in here and let's say shows ten thousand washers but when you go on the actual profit page it's only five thousand sales that means that it's less of an impulse buy and we'll shop but the key is to get people to impulse pot and the key is to get people to buy as much as possible to increase the cart value and I show how to do that in my other show five videos on the channel but pretty much if it's more of an impulse buy if there are less people watching that means that there are more people that are buying right away without even thinking about it and that's what you're looking for so clearly if you're getting into the Korean skincare niche and by the way whoever gets is this you're probably gonna make a ton of money because clearly it's on the rise but right here that's a perfect example of a product that I would strongly consider adding to my Korean skincare shelf I store you know if I had one another example is let's say pet toy right or like dog toy if we click on show me let me press enter so we've got some kind of LITTLEST PET SHOP I don't even know what but right here sixteen hundred and seventy nine sold as opposed - 959 Watchers so another example of a great product I would say the ideal ratio is two buyers or three buyers - one watcher if for one watcher you have half a buyer or less then obviously it's not a good product because it's less of an impulse buy and more people you know if they're watching it that means that they're like thinking about it and you know if you can't sell them in the first attempt then they're most likely not gonna buy and that's just you know internet marketing selling products online now the next way I'm gonna show you guys is the Aliexpress best selling list so you want to type in Aliexpress best sellers and then hit enter right here best selling to Aliexpress calm and this will show you a list of all of the best selling products now there are so many products here there are so many niches and if you really spend you know an hour or two in the evening just looking through all these products I guarantee you'll find an awesome image they never even thought of like Korean skincare right and let's just see for example if we go you know like inspiration a wide selection of items for you to choose from so you know tech vehicles like there's so many things here so kids let's just go on kids for example and right here it's gonna show us the best selling products on Aliexpress for kids so this literally shows you the products that are making the most amount of money for Shopify stores because obviously you know every single shop buy store out there most likely drop trips from Aliexpress and all the suppliers are here so I don't know why this isn't kids but yeah like this toy truck right so another great resource but really spend like you got to spend like an hour to in the evening you really got to put time into this guy's because if you try to find a product in five minutes or 10 minutes and you just can't focus and you get bored then you can't complain about the fact that you're not making money online you're not hitting your passive income goals and you're not living the life of financial freedom of you deserve all right so another awesome way I'll Express bestsellers lists combine that with Maya PMS like I showed you guys and watch cap and I'm sure you will find an awesome niche for your first shot by store and don't overthink you guys because a lot of people tend to overthink these things they find a niche clearly there are products you know that are selling this literally shows you the best products that are selling especially if you use watch count and they still you know they I don't know they get lazy they don't want to put in the work right guys gotta take action you gotta put in the work because every single person out there you're gonna have to go through failure you're gonna have two other shelf ice stores that you know won't take off they won't make sales but if you can push through those stores and if you can get to that winning store all you got to do is win once guys that's it so here are some other examples of amazing niches to get into right here luxury backpacks watches sunglasses as we've seen I have a luxury backpack store right here that I really like I'm going to show you guys Tortuga backpacks calm as you can see beautiful backpacks very simplistic store but a store that is making a killer amount of money for sure if you go on their Instagram right here they've got 11,000 followers you know especially if they're posting every day 9 hours ago three days ago you know for a fact they wouldn't be posting if they weren't making money alright so you know featured on New York Times Business Insider so we've got social proof and publicity right here and then some other awesome inches our gaming accessories drone accessories don't sell actual drones because you won't be able to source or compete with DJI or the big brands because just you know don't source Chinese drones right you want to build an actual sustainable premium brand not some you know not selling some cheap stuff all right so another one is survival in backcountry and actually combining two different niches so luxury sunglasses with survival and backcountry is what that one sunglass store did which is awesome combining two trends a lot of people that got very rich combined two trends and then the last example of an awesome niche is anything to do with political trends right so if you go let's say I don't know Trump just got elected let's say right now like Trump just got elected or Trump is about to get elected in a month the elections are coming up right you can make a store either making fun of Trump with like t-shirts or anything like that right because obviously it's a trend and if something is you know like this right if it's especially if it's a short term trend great way to build a shop by store because you know you're not gonna have to invest in all that upfront inventory you can just post a bunch of products in a shop buy store run Facebook guys see which ones convert keep the products that are converting and make money alright so I hope you guys enjoyed this video and I hope that now you're gonna be well on your way to finding your very first super profitable Shopify niche and I invite all of you to join the best most motivated group of Shopify sellers and shop buy store owners on the internet right here shop by freedom with Dan Bass and right here I'm gonna answer questions personally so if you want to be mentored by me for free just go ahead and post a question right here getting tons and tons of new people in this group every day so I'm super pumped to be reading your questions bring them and is discussing the latest and greatest tips and tricks to finding straw find niches and the best java products so go ahead and dry the shell find freedom faced with crippling for that is right down below hope you guys enjoyed this video if you guys want to see a video on how to run facebook ads like super profitable facebook ads for your Shopify store one of the hardest and most challenging components it's actually not as hard as you guys think then go ahead and leave a comment right down below Shopify drop shipping if looking at the video it's a three hundred comments with Shopify drop shipping it's gonna take three seconds guys go down right now to have been shop by drop shipping I'm gonna go ahead and release the best Facebook Ads tutorial for Shopify hope you guys enjoyed this video follow me on Instagram snapchat I'll see you guys soon crush it guys go go out there take action and just kill it
Channel: Dan Vas
Views: 33,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shopify product research, Best selling shopify products, How to find products to dropship, Dropshipping product research, How To Find Shopify Products, make money with shopify, aliexpress products, shopify drop shipping, Drop Shipping, Dropshipping shopify, Shopify dropshipping, Aliexpress, oberlo, drop shipping with aliexpress, franklin hatchett, ecom dudes, aliexpress dropshipping, sell products online, shopify products 2018, Justin, Kevin David, Alex Becker, Dan Vas
Id: KqVHFgUq5Ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 9sec (1629 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 04 2018
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