COMPLETE How To Make Money Online Tutorial In 2021 - Zero To 100K/Year For Beginners

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hey what's going on everyone I'm Dan and in today's video I'm gonna be showing you how to make money online from zero and specifically not just how to make money online but how to build a successful 100k per year online business starting from scratch from zero and I'll show you how to do it if you have zero dollars $200 $300 $500 $1000 whatever it is the amount of money that you have it's not important now I want to warn you that this will be a long video and I'm doing this on purpose because most of the videos that you see youtubers make on this topic are between 5 to 10 minutes they're very very short videos they talk about shortcuts and how to make money fast easy quick you know just so that they can get the reviews and subscriber count up that's the only reason why they make those videos and I'm warning you as opposed to all those other videos there will be no shortcuts here and it's all real methods that work now at the time that you're watching this video take this video as a complete guide and tutorial for you to learn how to build your first successful online business learning everything you need to start actually making money and if you're serious about your future you will watch this from beginning to end even though it is a long video and like I said I did it on purpose because I only want this information to reach serious people because I want to actually be able to change a massive amount of people's lives and to go even further I'll also be giving you a few huge secrets for every single method that I know that I'm going to talk about in this video and how to make money online and these secrets I've learned after being in this make money online industry for several years now and these secrets will allow you to stand out above 99% of other people who are already doing these methods to actually make money online now remember how I said that it doesn't matter at all how much money you have to start and what situation you're in I'll tell you why when I first started with my own make money online journey I had no money like I had literally no money I was actually $40,000 in debt that I got from spending a few years in university and I thought that I was going to become successful by pursuing a business degree obviously not the case and even with that financial situation that I was in where I was in debt and I had no money to start and my credit score was terrible it was like a 480 and it just there was no hope there was really no help the only thing that I had on my side was time at the time I was 21 years old and so you know I was single and I really had a ton of time to really just go after this with my all and so even through those circumstances I was able to rise out of that and reach Heights that I never thought I could ever reach in my entire life and I've been able to do that through building multiple successful multi-million dollar businesses in the e-commerce Amazon Shopify and online education space and I did that with almost zero money to start I did that because I made a decision the decision that I will be rich and that I will build a successful online business no matter what and I want you to make that same decision right now pause this video and say out loud I will be rich and I will build a successful online business no matter what say it with conviction and you have to say it with so much conviction that there isn't a single ounce of fear or doubt inside of you when you say it and if you tell yourself this every day then you will do it now in this video I'm gonna leave a timestamp in the description below so that you can go back to any parts that you missed and if you're coming back to the video if you're actually doing you know some of the methods or one of the methods that I talked about that I mentioned then it's going to be super quick and you just go and click on that specific method or that specific section that you missed but I highly recommend watching this video from beginning to end because a lot of the information that I'm putting here is literally behind a paywall you know tons of thousand dollar $97 courses and I'm giving it to you here a hundred percent for free treat this as a one stop video to learning everything you need to actually start making money online and build a real business in the process now let's begin with the making money online formula and I put together in one formula because it's honestly very simple if you're new to making money online which probably most of you are watching this video just like I was when I got into this whole thing you know it's been an amazing journey and I'm super excited for you this formula makes it really simple makes really simple to understand and it all comes down to this good product or service plus the right wealth vehicle plus market need equals money let me repeat a good product or service combined with the right wealth vehicle combined with market need for that specific product or service in the right wealth vehicle equals money this is literally the key right here and I know it's a little bit simplifying the whole process and you're probably wondering okay well how do I find the good product or service and you know what is the right wealthy achill and that's what the purpose of the rest of this entire video and guide is for let me demonstrate here's a product sold on Amazon FBA that was started by someone like you and me someone who decided to just go and source this particular product because they used a variety of techniques you know there's a variety of techniques that you can go on Amazon and you can find which products are selling which products are good to make money with and so they went they created their own brand with it called la chateau and then now they are making 50,000 a month in revenue I just opened this to the check and typically a profit on Amazon FBA using this method to make money online is between 30 and 50 percent so they're taking home about 20 maybe 25 K per month from this product even 15 K per month that's already a huge income just from one product now this is someone just like yourself who decided to start learning how to make money online they went out they did their research and a few years ago they decided to launch this product and now they've got an income that they've been making they launched this in 2016 they making 51 thousand per month in revenue and they've built an entire brand out of this with e-commerce now here's another example what I just showed you was Amazon FBA and this product specifically is actually being sold on its own website hosted on a Shopify store which is the other side of the commerce there's two ways of doing it Amazon and Shopify and so I love this particular store in this example because they follow the exact same strategy that I've used for the past year year and a half to actually build brands on my own stores that I've gone on to make multi-million dollars in sales and as you can see it's a similar product it's a laser hair removal handset and they found this either they're sourcing this from China you can source this from Alibaba comm which is a massive manufacturing website but you can also source from America you can also source from Europe it doesn't have to be China but most products that are private labeled on either Amazon FBA or on branded Shopify stores are sourced from China even though that's not the requirement and so with this store there's no tool to see how much they're making but they're definitely making multiple millions of dollars per year in fact the founder of this company actually passed on the news and he's 25 years old he made 12 million dollars in sales in one year by launching an at-home IPL laser hair removal brand and so his name is Dylan Mullen as you can see this is him right so my point showing you this is these are just two methods they're both ecommerce and they all focus around one particular thing this is the secret and really making a lot of money with e-commerce that is building a successful product line branding it and make sure that your products are high-quality and deliver consistent high value and solve a problem for a particular target market and Dylan says in this news article still to this day it can be a little hard to comprehend how much my life has changed in the space of 12 months now I felt the exact same in the first year of my online business at first I encountered a few failures but eventually I succeeded and I really succeeded big and I was able to really scale into the first six figures and then you know I went on to make multiple six figures with Amazon FBA and then I went out into other ways to make money online like online education and then I was able to hit seven figures which is millions of dollars per year and that's all it is there really is no secret there is no secret formula or shortcut right it's just a good product or service combined with the right wealthy achill which I just showed you a few of them combined with with the right market need if there is market need for your product equals money that's it and now here come the fears right here come the excuses and all the natural thoughts that would come into somebody's head when they start seeing all these examples of success and I'm gonna go over some of the common questions that you are probably thinking about in your head before we get into really like the meat of this video and the first one is can I do this from anywhere in the world yes you can you can do this from anywhere in the world if you have access to an internet connection and a computer you can do this you don't even have to have money to start I'm gonna describe some strategies that you can actually use to really get into that golden zone of having at least 200 300 dollars because you know having $200 you can get that by doing simple things we're gonna discuss that later in the video but really if you have like 300 to 500 or even $1000 then you can also be like the person who launched that Amazon FBA product the wine thing and you can also be like the person Dylan who launched his multi-million dollar brand on Shopify there really is no secret and yes you can do this from anywhere in the world what matters is that you have the will the strong will you made the decision that you made at the beginning of this video that you will get rich and you will go on to build a successful online business and also you aren't applying the right information which you are getting in this video and the second question is is it too late then you know you're showing us all these examples I feel like it's already too late to actually start doing this no it's not too late in fact right now is the best time to go and start a successful online business it's 2020 I mean think about it right imagine someone who's watching this video it's 20 20 and you know they go on and they actually decide to start making money online this starts actually build a successful online business the year is now twenty twenty to twenty twenty three they're making millions of dollars online whereas someone else and this is unfortunately many people who you know constantly watch YouTube videos and they never take any action someone else might go they might watch this video they might say oh it's Twenty twenty it's too late you know the best time to get in was 2017 or whatever and then they're in the same life in next year in two years in five years and that's the worst possible thing that's the worst possible outcome from this video that you can have or else you know my time is wasted if that's the case so no it's not too late and right now it's the best time to start it's never been easier that our payment processors like stripe the tools that are out there and all of these methods they're all working you just have to commit to one and focus on it now the next question is do I have to have some kind of special skills some special computer skills no you don't when I first started in 2017 I was actually kind of worried because I don't really spend that much time on the computer specifically with online business I just played video games when I was younger and so I thought to myself I literally know nothing about online business I've never done entrepreneurship so you know I I did it believe me these people that actually built you know that Amazon listening and also that guy that built that Shopify store and every single other person who actually built a successful online business most of them had zero computer skills what matters is that you're willing to learn if you're willing to learn and you actually practice and you apply it and you get past the obstacles to get past the failures you might not have any failures but you'll probably have a few obstacles you know to get to the success then you will surely succeed that's all it is and then finally how do I know it's for me well you know if you feel good about online business if you genuinely have a good gut feeling about this and you know that you want to make more money you want to get out of debt you want to quit your nine-to-five job having an online business or creating an online business is the best way for you to do that there is no other way I can't even think you know I've been really pondering this every single day every single night because the biggest mission in my life right now is to build the number one online business platform in the world to teach people the real way to succeed and start a successful online business and be able to live their dream lives so the question that I've been always asking is you know what really like what other ways are there there are no other ways you need to build a business that separates your time from your money you need to build something that actually is paying you even while you're sleeping you know like Warren Buffett said the famous investor he said if you never learn how to make money in your sleep you'll be broke forever and I probably botched that quote but that's really the quote that really changed my life and I hope it will change yours now that you hear it and finally you're probably asking why are you sharing this information for free and so there's a very simple answer to that you know I've done my share like I've made millions of dollars I've traveled the world I bought everything that I like right now I have everything that I ever want you know in not only materially but in life you know amazing relationships everything is so I can tell you that you know the reason I'm doing this because doing this building my online business and really finding freedom through making money online because it allowed me to quit my job and it basically you know freed up all that time that I was spending up my nine-to-five job to really think about my life's purpose that's when I realized that my life's purpose in my mission is to actually go and give people the best tools and the best information to go and also change their lives through this amazing thing called the Internet if you notice any put any ads on this video and that's because I don't want some stupid guy to be playing in the middle of my video it was just gonna show you some other shortcut or some other you know secret hat trick that will teach you how to make 300 bucks you know online that's not that's not the case here right this is free information and this really will change the lives of thousands and thousands of people if not millions all right so now let's get into the best businesses to start to make money online and I called these wealth vehicles remember our formula we said that you need a good product or service and then you combine it with the right wealth vehicle combined with the right market need if there is market need for it or not equals money so the following wealth vehicles I'm going to describe I either have personal success and personal experience with them or I know people very closely who have shared their secrets with me and I know exactly how their businesses work so I can tell you the secrets that will allow you to really succeed in these businesses so the first one is ecommerce and with e-commerce the key is really this is the secret in 2002 21st century in 2020 right now is building the line of high-quality products and creating your own brand with it you know a few years ago when I first got into this people were still talking about just selling random products online you know selling fidgets spinner selling gimmicky things that stuff doesn't really work anymore if you want to make a little bit of money here and there that's fine but the goal is to build a six-figure business right and a six-figure business if we do the math here that's about eight to nine thousand dollars per month in now the best way to actually build an e-commerce business I would recommend you either start with Shopify or Amazon FBA and I'm going to talk about the starting cost of these as well in the pros and cons so with Shopify you only need 200 to 300 hours to start and that's because with Shopify you can just get a site up and running and you can start drop shipping a product now it's not a long term solution because drop shipping what it does is basically you find a good product to sell that has like some kind of a WOW factor that really is new on the market you find a supplier in China and then you get a contact with them you establish a relationship and then basically you get them to start drop shipping the product so let's say if you put up a store and you start running ads for it on Facebook on YouTube you know all over let's say Google and you're gonna start getting sales on your store you're not holding any inventory and you know whenever you get sales let's say you've got ten orders well you just send your customers information to your supplier and your supplier directorships each individual order to your customer and so that's why this only requires 200-300 hours to start now that's not a long-term solution drop shipping is not going to allow you to scale into the millions at least you can for like a month and then you'd have to shut down your store because everyone will complain about long shipping times but that's why it's good to get started but like I said the final goal is to build a high quality brand with a line of high quality products and so the best way to do that is starting with either Shopify or Amazon and then combining both and having both up so let's say if you start with Shopify you start with the drop shipping then you can actually move on to ordering in bulk and you know that way when you've actually validated a product you have a store your ads are working then you know you can take that risk you can put in $1,000 or $2,000 into your product let's say for like 500 a thousand units and then you can hold it in a warehouse somewhere in the US or in Europe you know wherever you're selling and then that warehouse will offer two to three days shipping right there are services they're called fulfillment warehouse is you can just go on google and type and perform on warehouse some from the top my mind our ship Bob and ship fusion in the US those are ones that I've personally used and so that is how you would get started with Shopify that's exactly how happy skin Co got started as well now with Amazon FBA with Amazon the beauty of it is that you don't have to go and learn ads you can just launch a product and you know it's going to take you more than Shopify because you will have to order that initial inventory so you know you can't really dropship on Amazon it's actually illegal on Amazon you're not allowed so that's why you're gonna go you'll find a great product sell on Amazon with product research techniques which I'll discuss in this video and then you're gonna go and source the product from Alibaba or from anywhere in the world doesn't have to be China like I said and that's also a secret you know ordering in Europe or in the u.s. is actually a lot better nowadays because the quality is much higher and they're also not impacted by any illnesses like the virus that we just had so Amazon FBA you launch your product using launching techniques you make sure it's high quality you get a sample to your house you know just to test it out and then you make your listing look beautiful with amazing pictures and you start selling it so with Amazon you know as you start selling and as you launch your product the more sales you get the better your product sells and so each sale makes your product rank higher and so that's why you don't have to learn any advertising for it and so you know the end goal like I said just building an e-commerce brand if you focus on building an e-commerce brand that sells a high quality product hopefully that you're passionate about but you know you really don't have to have passion for at my first e-commerce brand I had zero passion for in fact it was a products for women beauty product so that is how you do it with e-commerce those are the two best wealth vehicles there now the next best wealth vehicle and this is also an amazing business that you can start and you don't have to have any prior experience it's called ad agencies so you can go and you can create your own advertising agency where basically you'll learn how to advertise for example on Facebook on social media you'll learn how to use advertising to get local businesses more clients and then you can go and easily pick up local businesses that will pay you you know 300 $500 $1,000 per month plus depending on the niche now I personally know a lot of people who have found amazing success with running their own social media agencies however you can't be like everybody else you have to really pick a specific niche and you have to really Zone in on that niche and if you don't know how to actually run those ads if you don't know how to actually you know solve that problem for that niche and get customers well you can always learn the beauty of the Internet is everything is out there you it's just one Google search away or if it's not one Google search away it's a paid course away right sometimes you might have to invest but I'd even see amazing business and I'll talk about how to actually pick your niche deliver results and also build out your reputation as the best ad agency in your industry so that you can go and actually secure your 100k per year and the next best business and this is the final one that I'm going to talk about is coaching or selling digital products and so this is really really amazing because the profit margin is nearly 100 percent or depending on if you are using YouTube if you're using like free traffic or paid traffic right so some people let's say they might make an online course if they have it like some kind of prior knowledge in their industry for example like a personal trainer so instead of actually going to getting personal training clients they might go and start an online course on how to get six-pack ABS quickly in you know six weeks or something like that right so there's two ways paid traffic and free traffic and the best way to actually start making money quickly with this I'll give you the secret in that section in this video and so this is an amazing business and something that I'm personally involved in if you look at my youtube channel at the description of my videos like I said my mission is to go and build the number one online business platform to teach people how to become successful through online business and so you can see that I do sell courses and I do sell a course called up five free time I sell a course called econ freedom and so there's nothing to hide these courses have been massively successful they've made thousands of people successful and that's because they're high quality I've been doing this for many years now and I'm directly involved in the businesses and you know it's it's my passion and it really really shows and so I can tell you from personal experience you can do this as well in your niche and I'll give you the secret as to how to do this the most effective way possible so let's talk about the first wealth vehicle in this video and that's going to be a Shopify so how does Shopify work as I've already discussed you're selling products through an online store that you build that focuses on one specific product line at the beginning you want to focus on one specific product and then you can later on expand it into a brand and this is literally a golden opportunity right now as we've seen there are so many brands that are popping up left and right because it's never been easier to actually start an e-commerce brand ecommerce is growing at 20 percent every single year and that's been a statistic it's been like that for a few years now and you can see obviously with the rise of Amazon around the world and the rise of tools like Shopify now is the best time to get in so as a starting budget I recommend having at least two hundred three hundred dollars to start however I would recommend five hundred to a thousand you know you can start with two hundred three hundred however obviously the more you have the better in any business that's that's a no-brainer but with Shopify you can start with two hundred three hundred you can get a store going up and running but you will encounter some costs it might be a little bit tight that's why I recommend having five hundred to a thousand dollars and obviously if you have two thousand dollars three thousand and I have three thousand dollars to start is that enough to start a successful e-commerce spread on Shopify I don't even know why they asked me because yes you know I literally started my first e-commerce brand I had eighteen hundred dollars and that was on Amazon FBA which I'm going to talk about as the next wealth vehicle but you don't need that much you can start with 200 or 300 believe me I've seen it done and I've done it personally just to checked myself if it's possible and it is obviously you know from the money you start making you're gonna reinvest it well let Shopify how we're gonna actually make money online is following the sports step process so the first step is product research the second step is sourcing the third step is branding and the fourth step is launching and I'm gonna show you right now how to go and find your first successful product I'm also going to show you how to source the product I'm gonna show you how to brand it and what an example of a great-looking store looks like Shopify makes it really easy and really simple to actually go and design a successful store that can actually start making sales and also I'm gonna talk about the things you have to watch out for in this business as well as some secrets that will really put you ahead of everybody else so the first thing we are gonna do is we're gonna go and find the product this is the best product research method you know there are millions and millions of videos out there they all talk about different product research methods but every single successful product that I found in my own shop five brands I just found that by looking at other people's social media and whatever social media ads that I see on my feed literally I just scroll down as you can see I already see a massive store a store that I've been seeing for the past six months now it's like a smart AC this is something that you can also source from Alibaba or like I said it doesn't have to be Alabama as long as you can establish a drop shipping relationship with them at the beginning all you have to do is show them this supplier template which I'm providing you for free as well as all the other tools I'm gonna mention this video everything's gonna be completely free below in the links in the description below so just send it to them and then you can go and actually discuss with your suppliers and explain to them that you are an experienced seller you have to position yourself as you know someone who's already experienced e-commerce and then you just tell them that hey we are willing to just test out your product first buy drop shipping if they don't know what drop shipping is usually they know then explain it to them just say that you are going to send them a list of orders every single day or every few days and then they're gonna individually ship out the product and you will pay them so now I'm on facebook I'm gonna show you the best product research method it's actually find a good product that will solve a particular problem for a market and that you can actually build a brand out of so the Chrome extension that I'm using for this is called ad hunter now you don't need ad hunter there's also another one called turbo ad finder there's links for this down below you just go on google and type in ad hunter but you don't really need this all this does is it closes and filters out all of the non advertisements on your Facebook feed but like I said sometimes these tools don't really work you know I don't know I don't know why they go on and off the chrome the Chrome browser so in that case just scroll through your Facebook and you will find ads with the e-commerce products and then once you find one just go on their shop and then start clicking through their actual site and this way you're gonna start getting the Facebook Basil's the Sharks showing you other e-commerce brands because now Facebook thinks that you are an engaged shopper that's actually an interest that you can target on Facebook Ads so if we add to the bag here you want to add to cart' and now just leave all right so if we keep going down here we've got some desk lab it looks like it's a portable touchscreen monitor so they're marketing as a productivity booster so very simple Shopify store very very good branding as you can see they've got a video for it as well and so this is a great product right here you can source I mean it's just a simple 4k portable touchscreen monitor 350 dollars I'm sure that you can get this for maybe like 50 to $100 on Alibaba and if not on Alibaba then from a supplier in America or in Europe and I'm going to show you in the sourcing section how to get that all right we got some more hey silky skin this one is just like happy skin Co actually it's a main competitor it's a store that I've been seeing a lot in the past six months to a year and I talked about this store because you know this product is just blown up and as you can see if you go on their site we're gonna click on through they actually have it change the look of this it looks like it looks like they really discounted it I guess because it got competitive you really have to you know you can't just like build up your store start making money and then you know not innovate you obviously have to innovate right there's a saying that it's a lot harder to stay on top of the mountain vendors to climate and I agree with it because most people they climb the mountain they succeed but then they kind of just get comfortable so I don't want you to get comfortable once you succeed once you are at six figure seven figures per year keep going keep going like that's not the time to push the brake you can push the brake when you're making you and you've made your Millions you know when you're retired when you're just chillin but hey right now especially if you're young or if you're younger you know and you know you're ready to do this for a few years at least do not hit the brakes okay so that's another product right there this is I'm not sure what this is it looks like it's not a Shopify store but I guess it could be a product let's see join 8 billion trees ok so notice or some kind of a membership sometimes you won't get you won't get as many she'll fly stores the cat backpack so if we click on the cat backpack right here this is a very simple product the true adventurer reflective cat and kitten harness so I guess they sell backpacks and harnesses and leashes so these guys for sure are making a lot of money if we open up our Alexis site rank that there's also a tool that you can get on Google Chrome on the Google Chrome site link down below as well you can see their traffic rank is 43,000 in the US this extension ranks websites based on traffic traffic means the amount of people that are visiting the set every day and so having a 43,000 in the US at one hundred thirty six thousand worldwide obviously means that they are getting a lot of traffic which means that they're also making a lot of money because obviously you know 1% to 5% of the people going on this website are actually going in buying those are typical conversion rates five percent being really really good for Shopify so that is how you would find a product it's very simple there are no you know fancy tricks and this is the way that I've been able to find multiple million dollar products all right so we've got this cat backpack let's talk about sourcing so it's very simple all you have to do to source there's two ways the first way is if you want to go and find this product from any manufacturer in China all we have to do is go on Holly Baba comm and then we just hit the search bar here if you want you can join you're gonna have to join any way to contact suppliers just words of advice here when you do join this website make sure that you create a separate email when you join or else you're gonna receive a ton of spam from different kinds of suppliers in China and trust me believe me if you are using your primary email in here you don't want to get like 100 emails a week from random suppliers offering you their latest hot promos so yeah just make a separate email you can just go on Gmail comm and make a new email just for sourcing and also if you want to even look more then I would recommend registering a domain you can go and GoDaddy and GoDaddy's a website where you can just buy a domain a domain is just like a website basically and so you know if you you can kind of just create your own you know company name or whatever it is if you already know the brand name you're gonna use then you can just type it in here WWE brand name com obviously you know put in your brand name and check if it's available remember your website doesn't have to be what you're gonna call your product you can you know just put in for example like world trading or something like that right you have to be a little bit more original because that domain is taken but the whole point of doing this is so that then you can go and register your email and your email is gonna look like this so instead of it being you know Dan at it would be Dan at world trading comm and you can use that to register your Alibaba account this is a very very big secret and this really will allow you to look more professional with suppliers and also will allow you to filter out a lot of the spam that you'll get and that won't hit your primary email and once you do register your domain you can just use G suite it's actually a program by Google so you just go to G suite here and then you click on get started and this is what allows you to actually have that email where it's like Dan at world ventures comm for example and then you just have to register and then it's a monthly fee of a few dollars depending on what kind of features you want you also get Google Drive storage and things like that so okay let's go back to le Baba let's try to find this cap backpack all you have to do is type in cat oops cat backpack and then all right let's take a look so right away we can see a ton of different backpacks so I'm just gonna quickly give you another secret here give you another piece of value so as you can see on the Left trade assurance and verified supplier I highly recommend clicking on both and then you know checking the suppliers out after you clicked on both that way you're going to get the highest quality suppliers who are willing to use Alibaba payment protection program so trade assurance is basically what allows you to get your money back if anything goes wrong with the shipment and verified supplier is a program by Alibaba that like if that's and certifies suppliers and make sure they're good so right here you can see you've got two thousand forty four results so if we want to try to find this specific backpack so I mean it's right here alright so we got ten twenty 1160 there's always a range for every single product and once you actually contact the supplier that's when you'll actually find out what the price is and the price will be on the more expensive side when you order individual units when you're gonna get them to dropship and yes you can get Ali Baba suppliers to dropship not all of them are willing but most of them you can convince and that's exactly what I've done with all my suppliers and that's exactly what I've been talking about with the branded drop shipping strategy that I've covered on my channel in my other videos so if we look at the range of the price here as 1022 1160 so we would just take the middle point and the middle point here I would say is like $11 per unit alright so let's go down let's keep going now it's pretty expensive for a backpack actually I think it's like you know the suppliers are realizing that it's a hot item and so that's why they're pricing it more but you can also search by supplier this really really makes it easier as well so if we go here and then we click on suppliers search then you can go and fire off the Shopify supplier template which is available the link down below so all you got to do is for example when you find a supplier that has something similar to what you want for example they have this even though we want this color right we can always contact them and see if they can find our color right so you can even see how long they've been in business one year 11 years so let's say this supplier is the one that we want all we have to do is click on contact supplier and then here we want to take our Shopify supplier template so this is it right here the link is down below to get this for free so all we have to do is just copy this whole entire thing and then we go back to here we paste it and then you want to make sure that you change your names of course hello hello my name is Dan of the lead purchasing agent of company names let's say like WorldVentures right so fill this out and so this this supplier template is what I use to contact any suppliers for shop fight it works and it's worked for thousands of people who have also watched my videos and they've also gone on to build successful stores as well so that is how you do it that is how you source the product and then once you actually get in contact with your supplier you can go and message them on whatsapp on WeChat which is the Chinese version of whatsapp and you can also use Skype Skype I would say is the most reliable because sometimes what's up does get blocked or banned in China now at this point you want to contact three suppliers at least fire off that template and then you want to get each one of them to send you a sample to your house right so they can send a sample anywhere in the and the reason we do this is we want to check the quality of the product because you'll see that even though the product looks the same on the website you'll see that once you actually receive it at your house there's gonna be slight differences and those slight differences might seriously affect product quality and so it's just gonna be much easier to figure out which one is the highest quality supplier when you do get samples and once we've secured a good relationship with our supplier they're willing to drop ship the product for us now it's time to actually build out our store and I call this the branding phase so step three all you have to do the first thing is set up your Shopify free trial the link is down below to access that you'll get 14 days for free and after that it's gonna be $29 a month for the basic plan that's all you need to get started and so what I recommend in this case is once you set up your Shopify store I recommend looking at your top competitor and really comparing your site side-by-side so as you're building out your site you're gonna need to get professional photography either you can do that or maybe you have a friend that's good with the camera and you can get them one of your samples and then they can go and take pictures of your product and use for example we've got as you can see they've got a picture with the backpack and a cat inside the backpacks that's perfect so it's really easy I mean success leaves clues and so if you are aware of that it's very very important to be aware of that then you can look at your competitors and you can see okay one hundred and nineteen dollars you know that price obviously works they're using after pay that's something that you can install on your site as well on the Shopify app store and so you know we can see that they've got all these different pictures and I would just recommend and going through their site and then build out your site at the beginning to look like theirs and then after innovate on your own so after that you can go on to actually you know create your own design the goal is not exactly to copy straight and just you know start selling the goal is to copy and improve that is the key especially if you're starting your first online business and you want to get to your first six figures per year in profit and then scale to seven figures per year that is gonna be the easiest way for you to do it I guarantee it it's the best advice that I was given or that I found when I was first starting with my online business now I'm not gonna go too much into branding and designing your store on Shopify in this video or else this videos gonna be ten hours long because I got the other online businesses to talk about as well but you can check out the other videos on my channel and I have a ton of other amazing content on Shopify on Amazon on my mindset everything you can think of so make sure you stay on till the end of this video though because you cannot miss the other online opportunities as well that way you can really get all the advice that I have to give you from someone who's been in the game for a few years and someone who does millions of dollars per year online now the next wealth vehicle I'm going to talk about is Amazon FBA and this is basically the second half of ecommerce so if you have a successful e-commerce brand later on which is the goal you want to be on both you want to have your own Shopify store and you also want to have your own store on Amazon so let's say if you want to start just from Amazon you're gonna need a starting budget of at least $1000 because for this you will have to order your product inventory how it works is you're gonna be private labeling your product so let's say if we just type in garlic press for example and then we go here we can see all of these private label garlic presses and all that means is that these people these sellers they created a logo and they created their own brand and they just branded this garlic press and as you can see there's a lot of the same ones but all of these garlic presses are making an enormous amount of money if we open up jungle scott we can see right away i mean the price isn't too high but we can see that they're all making probably multiple six figures per year as you can see 50 k 12 k per month 45 k per month but anyway that was just an example now i'm gonna show you quickly the four steps actually start making money on amazon FBA so you can start making money within your first month right because it does take some time for your product to be manufactured by your supplier whether that's in china or whether that's in united states wherever you choose so let's go ahead and begin so i'm gonna show you the best product research method this is literally the best and this method is directly in courses that are five thousand dollars i'm not even kidding this is in courses that are five thousand dollars and it's not shown anywhere else so i'm super happy to be giving you this for free so i call this method the magic search method and that's because we have to just basically type in go to the search bar and we type in - so that's - and now we want to type in a random series of letters so you just want to kind of go like that on your keyboard and you want to make sure that it's at least eight so if we go and you also want to choose a category by the way make sure that you choose a category or else it's gonna show you a bunch of books and DVDs so let's say we're gonna choose home in kitchen so you want to make sure that it's a good private label category and i'm gonna put up a list of private label categories right now in this video so you can pause and just take a look it's gonna be in the corner right here alright so now we're gonna hit search and as you can see we've got a bunch of random products that are being shown for us to actually look through and see if they're good products CEL now you will need some kind of a product research tool to actually be able to see how much money they're making all these products or else you're going in a blind and you know a lot of people they think they can do this without tools and I mean sure you can then you're gonna be doing Amazon as if it was like 2014 where people literally just guessed which products were good and it was just basically pulling like names out of a hat you know so this is why I use jungle Scout there's gonna be a link down below to get this as well at a discount and so this is the jungle Scout Chrome extension this shows us exactly what the best seller rank is of the product so if we go here we can see the rank this is very important I'll talk about this in a second and we can also see the monthly revenue now before we move any further you will want to download two additional tools for this that are also available for free down below in the tools section so the first one is the econ freedom Amazon FBA product research opportunities sheet and so I know that sounds long but that's what it is and so this is for you to actually go in and put in products that you think look good and then later on we will filter out this list and end up with either one or only a few products if we're lucky to actually go on and sell them now also you will need the profitable BSR ranges sheet and what that looks like is like this as you can see this shows us all the profitable best seller rank ranges for each top-level category on Amazon so now to quickly explain to what best seller rank is every single product on Amazon has a rank associated with it going from one all the way to it can be you know a hundred thousand depending on the category so for example as you can see if we're searching in home and kitchen like we just did on Amazon as you can see for the main product we want to make sure that it's minimum a hundred BSR all the way up to twenty-two thousand and so what we do with this information I know it's kind of confusing but what we do here is we go here we use Jungle Scout we open it up like this and then we open up the menu click on filter results and this is where you go and put in that number and so we don't want to look at anything that's under a hundred or anything that's above twenty two thousand for this specific category because those products are simply not worth it and by the way this criteria is taken directly from years of testing and years of selling and also years of coaching students actually become successful with Amazon FBA so I've worked really hard to figure out the exact estimates for each category on Amazon in terms of PSR so in this case we'll put 100 122,000 like this and then for your price i would recommend an absolute minimum price of like fourteen seventy eight while we put seventy eight is because we want to put random numbers that are a little bit below fifteen for example because most people put fifteen and we want to go that extra step we want to make sure that we're seeing products that other people might miss and then highest price we want to go all the way up to let's just say seventy five dollars or seventy five sixty one and so there you go now we click on apply changes and so as you can see it already removed all the products but now we want to extract the next ten pages so we want to click on this button the load more results ten times all right so now I've clicked on load more results ten times and this might be called extract next page if you're using other tools but as you can see now we were only left with let's say like about thirty or forty results and that's because out of all the results these are the only products that fit our criteria so now we want to do is we want to look through every product and we want to just take a look and basically judge whether it's something that we can do or not and if it something that we can't do for example like this bissell cordless portable carpet cleaner automatically that's a no we're gonna click on X because we're not going to go and compete against a massive brand like this sell this L is one of the most established vacuum brands and yes so like Eureka as well you'll see a lot of branded products right so they're like disposable face masks could be good so we can open link in new tab this air purifier could be great as well I mean they're making a lot of money so we're not looking to directly compete against them but we're looking to even capture a small part of this monthly revenue I mean think about it 250 K per month if we can capture even 20 K per month or 15 K per month that is already a six-figure multiple six-figure business and if you take it at a 50% profit margin you've got a 100 K per year profit business on Amazon from one amazing product that you're selling and that is making people happy so now what you do is let's say this product is something that is good what you want to do is you just go and copy this link right here you go here and now you want to add it to your product opportunity sheet so you put it in here like this your main keywords you go and you type in so it'd be air purifier for home so you just type in home air purifier the category would be home in kitchen alright so I'll quickly fill this out here home in kitchen the price you want to put in the price of the product so it's 1699 that's an amazing price point I'm sure you can source this for like fifteen dollars from Alibaba and then BSR in this case this one right here if we open up jungle Scout we can see that it is 2941 all right so if we go back here 2000 hundred forty one there you go and so here you want to put in your two top competitors and then you're going to want to do the same put in the BSR as well so BSR number two beer so number three so I'll do that right now so how we find our competitors is we just search our top keyword in Amazon so home air purifier we'd open up we open up jungle Scout and then we click on the rank right here alright so we want to make sure that we sort the rank from bottom to top and then as you can see here we can see that we've got the first product which is this germ guardian you want to make sure that you're not looking at sponsored products because those are artificially put up there so this is not a sponsored product so germ guardian would be the first we want to make sure that it's very similar or almost the same I don't know if this is almost the same thing I guess it is because it's a plug-in air purifier so you just want to go copy link address put it up here and then for the BSR number two it would be actually 144 so this would actually become a primary product in this case so actually we would have to switch this into here for now we're just gonna leave it here but you always want to make sure you're ranking them by BSR and if you find a product let's say in this case this was like 97 we'd have to cancel this product out because it's just too competitive but this is 144 and our minimum vs our range for this was 100 was 100 as you can see here right I know it sounds like very confusing there's a lot of info but believe me I'm trying to you know put in as much value to this video and just you know don't question what I'm saying if you can just follow this video and if you can just accept what I'm saying you know from years of experience as truth then you will go on to be successful believe me so product your old number 3 we can go and then select it would be this live wat one right here okay there you go and then this product is 7:40 all right 7:40 there you go and then you want to put in reviews one two and three so in this case the reviews one so this one has 12,000 reviews the second one has one thousand one hundred and six okay so the first one has twelve thousand and six and then started twelve six 1712 6:17 the second one has this little watt one has one one zero six zero six and then the first one that we found the home labs purifier if we try to find it here this is the home labs one right here this one has 765 765 okay so we go here 765 so right away if you look at these these numbers right here you want to make sure that your primary product which in this case is this one right here because it has the most amount of use the lowest best seller rank that's the one that becomes a primary product so as long as you have two products or under with a thousand or over reviews then you leave this on the list but if we have let's say you know three products with over a thousand reviews then we take this product out it becomes a no-go because it's simply too competitive in this case we can see that the top three ones here have over a thousand reviews so in this case this would not be the best product cuz it's too competitive however this is an amazing niche still and I'm sure you can find a great product if you go on Alibaba to get all these other all this other information you would just go for example for estimated sourcing costs you would go on Alibaba comm right and then you would type in home air purifier and this is the sourcing section right here home air purifier and as you can see there is a ton of different options in this case would be like a portable portable home air purifier okay and so this looks very similar I guess to what we want these are very expensive prices don't take these prices as the here's another secret for you don't take these prices as truth believe me like with China you always have to negotiate you can see there's a vast vast difference between the prices that you can find so if something is 35 dollars something else is 15 there are reasons for that it's probably a big difference in quality and so you really just have to follow the golden rules which is contact more than one supplier do your research you know go through le Baba but spend time on this treat this as a real business and you'll have real results so once you've found your product and you've sourced your product and now your product is being manufactured before you launch the golden rule is to make sure that your product is amazing you have to make sure that you're selling something that is high quality and something that is actually delivering a lot of to your customers because it's you know the days are gone where you could go and basically sell BS on Amazon you know it's not gonna work anymore and you're just gonna get bad reviews reviews are everything and to make sure that you get good reviews it's really important to get those first three to five reviews that are five-star reviews are four and a half at least because that way that's really going to secure your position on Amazon and it's gonna really fast forward your way to a six-figure income with their brand and now you also need to create before you launch obviously a high quality logo and brand for that I recommend using five or upwork which are two two of the top freelancing websites there's a ton of freelancers on there and you can just go and basically type in logo or branding or graphic design and you can go and find amazing designers there I always say you know focus on what you're good at and then outsource the rest so you know if you're not going to graphic design then just go on these freelancing websites I usually tend to go towards up work and then I when I post the job I do it project base that will higher hourly or else it can really get out of hand make sure that you do project base so for example you know for branding I would do like three hundred dollars it all depends on your budget right so you can really get this business going with a thousand fifteen hundred you know it's it's gonna be a little bit tough at those price points but if you got 2,000 2,500 then that's amazing that's that's all you need seriously like I said I started and I blow up a brand with eighteen hundred dollars and that was all I needed also you will need to get professional photography done and for this I recommend spending at least three hundred to five hundred dollars because even though that sounds like a lot photography on Amazon is everything I mean if you look at pictures of listings that's the first thing that a customer sees and if the pictures are not good they're just simply not gonna buy so either get a good like a friend with a camera to do this and you can pay them you can go to a local college there's a ton of kids looking for work to add to their portfolios or you can go on online on up work or Fiverr and you can hire a professional photographer and then there you would spend between 300 and 500 dollars now the next part of the launch would be to enroll in too early of your program on Amazon which is a program on Amazon that gets you your first few reviews now it's not going to be instant once you launch your product you're gonna have to wait for those reviews because to get those reviews are gonna have to actually actually get sales and to get those sales you're gonna launch PPC so PPC is pay-per-click on Amazon like I said I've got a ton of videos on my channel on this and you know just the PPC is gonna be like a 2-hour video in and of itself and so that's why I'm not going to into this right now but just so you know what the process is so launching your product six figures this is what it is enroll into earlier your program get those first five reviews with that program at seventy dollars and then that comes out of your Amazon balance and then launch PPC before you do that and then as the best launch strategy right now at the time you're watching this video that would be Facebook ads and building a list with many chat that is an amazing strategy and then following up with email and SMS I'm gonna discuss this more on my channel and also in the course in the comfort of course that I used to actually coach my students and bring them to success on Amazon FBA but for now we're gonna leave that out now the next wealth vehicle that I'm gonna cover in this video and this is honestly a great one and it's especially good if you have zero starting budget because you can start making money with zero dollars with no money at all or almost no money and so what this is is an advertising agency and so let me just explain really quickly how it works so as I mentioned in the beginning of this video this has been getting popular recently as like I said you don't need a lot of money to start and all you're doing is you are basically learning how to advertise and get clients for local businesses and it doesn't have to be local businesses it can also be you know ecommerce they're gonna be different niches literally any niche the world is turning online the world is turning toward the internet and a lot of people especially that are above the ages of twenty twenty-five you know thirty all of those older business owners they have no idea how to do it and so they'll be gladly willing to pay you know five hundred dollars per month two thousand dollars per month if you can make that back for them with ads and with a combination of services so the first thing you would do is you would have to pick a niche and so here are some examples of great niches for example you can go and pick the lawyer niche you can also do dentists chiropractors you can do accountants alright it doesn't have to be a traditional business you can also be an advertising agency specifically for e-commerce businesses you can also be an advertising agency for youtubers for example right I get contacted all the time by ad agencies who specialize in for example ranking YouTube content and who helped out with that and by the way you're probably wondering okay Dan well I can pick a niche and do this business but how do I actually learn how to get them the results that they need well for that like I said earlier in this video you can learn anything nowadays and honestly as long as you commit to this let's say if you commit to this as your wealth vehicle and you go and learn this you have to really you know you just can't spend a week or two weeks doing this really have to spend while you know you really have to commit for at least I would say three months three months you know at a minimum and then you can expect to get some kind of results but for this take online courses watching YouTube videos just like you're watching this one if you could focus on one thing and you can focus on really acquiring the skills that you need to actually be able to charge businesses then you could go and have a six-figure income let's say if you've got eight clients that are paying you a thousand per month and you're getting them results and they're happy they're gonna continue paying you and they're gonna be happy to pay even more right so you can do different kinds of plans so for example like a one thousand dollar a month plan a two thousand dollar a month plan a five thousand dollar a month plan depending on the size of the business and it can literally be any niche and I would recommend one of my favorite quotes and this is actually a business secret that I've been taught early as well when everyone's going one way go the other so everyone is building ad agencies for like accountants and lawyers and all of these typical professions if I were you I would go and build an agencies that specifically helps with Instagram influencers specifically helps with youtubers or something like that right something that's non-orthodox not ordinary and something that is outside of the box and that's really gonna allow you to stand out and capture that market here's an example of my friends social media agency he actually owns this agency as well as he's got like online courses on this as well as it's teach how to do it his name is Jordan but here we go this is his agency as you can see and this is what it looks like so they offer Facebook advertising sales funnels content creation and you can see that they're saying in a world obsessed with likes and comments we keep our focus on what matters the most revenue so that's the key like if you can make someone money with your skill then you will never be broke alright that's that's the key here and like I said no shortcuts in this video you just have to choose one of these ones that I'm talking about and you can really change your life quickly in a matter of months I'm telling you imagine if you started a year ago with one of these businesses and so here you go you can see their process of what they do so they got like strategy and that implementation and then conversion and I know Jordan I met him at an entrepreneurship event recently and you know he started just like anyone else just learning the skills himself taking the online courses that are required and now he's got a multiple six-figure I think that's what he's got a multiple six-figure agency's making multiple six figures just from this and so the key is also to really build out your reputation so you know take this as a long-term thing if you're gonna start an agency make sure that you do this for at least a year and then you can decide what you do with that money so with the money that comes in you can focus on getting more clients or maybe you can diversify and you can go and build your Amazon business an e-commerce brand as well at the same time and so you know just make sure that you focus that's the key to many people they switch for business to business to business and they have no idea what they're doing and at the end of the year they end up with a zero business zero money they're still broke I don't want that to happen to you so the goal is with any of these long term focus build a reputation in your niche in your industry and just commit to one thing you don't have to do this for the rest of your life but you know it's something that will get you to the next level and now the final business is coaching and digital products this is an amazing business and this is something that's great if you already have a skill if you already know something about a specific niche let's say you are in the fitness industry or someone who has been working out for a few years and maybe even got some clients you're helping them on the side or it's your full-time gig well in that case you can go and instead of actually selling your time for money selling your time at an hourly rate which we all know according to Warren Buffett you're gonna be broke forever if you do that his words not mine to the truth right so in that case you can go and actually create digital products for example an online course you can sell it for $99 and in that course you can go and teach people everything they need to learn how to get into the you know to the shape of their lives you want to be specific right there's advertising involved so you know you want to make a specific claim so for example like six-pack ABS course depends on your niche of course right but if you do the math quickly you create a course online the video series it's really high quality you charge $100 for it let's say you get 10 people that sign up every single day that's a thousand dollars per day and then you know that's obviously a 30k per month of income depending on the size of your following right now if you're someone who doesn't have a skill and if you're someone who wants to sell something online you want to do coaching you want to sell online courses it's an amazing business I'm actually personally involved in it if you look at the descriptions of my youtube videos I am trying to build the world's best online business course platform for people to actually go and learn how to start a successful online business so I'm heavily involved in this and it's a big source of my income as well so I can tell you it's an amazing business but you know a lot of people especially starting out they don't know what niche they want to do and so in that case I would recommend just going and basically just thinking about you know what the information that you know or maybe looking at the people that you admire on Instagram that you follow you know check them out they're probably already selling some kind of digital products and if you have an interest in that niche then I would recommend just modeling after 2 or 3 of them take 2 or 3 of those people and just you know modeling after and then you can go and develop your own style afterwards right and so how do you get customers for your course so there's two ways there's free versus paid traffic now if we talk about free traffic and in my opinion this is the best way in this case you would be for example starting a YouTube channel and you'd be making videos just like this one that offer a ton of value real value not just like fake you know how to get views very fast kinds of videos make money quick you know that's that stuff doesn't work it's very short-term and they even if does get a lot of use and subscribers it's not a high quality audience they're not gonna buy anything so that's why you want to make sure that you're creating high quality content you can do it on YouTube on Facebook although I don't really like making videos on Facebook just personal preference you can do it through Instagram IG TV just select your specific source and do it through there and now for paid traffic you can use Facebook Ads you can use YouTube ads you can use Google Ads I recommend using a combination so once you've got a good course going and you know go ahead and sell that course at the beginning for free get a few people in there once you got your clients results you can get them as testimonials and then in your ads put those testimonials in on Facebook on YouTube and your YouTube ads and that's how you would go and get clients and this is an amazing business model to scale as well because if what you do actually helps people then it's very easy you're gonna get a ton of testimonials and it's gonna be like a self kind of like feeding machine right it's gonna keep turning and turning and turning and going faster and faster and it's very easy to make six figures with it and then actually go on to make seven and even eight figures with it as well so this is a business that I recommend I highly recommend this one and this is something that also has a high profit margin if you do it correctly alright you made it to the end but wait but here is the most important question how do you choose your wealth vehicle alright Dan luck I've learned all of these different amazing business models and they all seem like they work and they all seem amazing but how do I know which one I do and that's an amazing question is something that I've actually asked myself when I was first starting out with online business as well and I was kind of hitting my head against the wall and I had no idea which one to start with well I'll tell you my first piece of advice is you want to go and basically choose the one that your heart is pulling you towards so if any of these as you're watching this video your heart really kind of like felt that it was a good business for you that's the one you should do that's your gut telling you this is the right thing for you don't try to force yourself to do a business that you don't really like you're not really pulled towards just to make money because it's not going to work and you're not can I really you know show up every day to do that work to get it going to scale it to six figures and seven figures now second piece of advice with this once you choose your wealth vehicle focus on nothing else but that wealth vehicle until you hit six figures once you hit six figures per year 100k per year in profit and take-home income then you can reinvest and you know start doing a second business model on the side for example you can combine ecommerce with a social media agency you can combine a social media agency with coaching and selling digital products right you can combine any of these to any of these three but don't try to do everything at once believe me this is not a matter of luck you know whichever one you succeeded with is the one that you'll choose to succeed with and the one that you'll actually go through and stick with I know this was a long video and your brain is probably blowing up but you also have a ton of excitement because now you feel like you can go and change your life you feel like you can go and actually start making money and you can go and start living life for your dreams I'm telling you it's not only me there are so many people out there that are making millions of dollars with these businesses and then now is the best time to start is 2020 like just think about that 2020 maybe you're watching this in 2022 or 2021 I mean it doesn't matter but right now is the best time to start and that's why I'm so excited for you because I know that this video will change so many people's lives now I'm gonna give you some amazing tips for success with actually succeeding because the worst thing is if you go through this video and you actually you know don't change your life in the next year you're gonna be in the exact same spot you are today then my mission here has failed and so that's why I'm gonna give you some very very important tips here first piece of advice as long as you never give up you can't fail if you never give up you can't fail remember that ok so if you have self-doubt and that's normal to have as a human being you know we're wired with the same brains that we've basically had for thousands of thousands of years our human brains changed very very slowly and so it's normal to have fear and it's normal to have it it's self-doubt because you know these emotions helped us in those times when you're being chased in the jungle by massive massive animals and we were running away right but right now we're not being chased in the jungle by massive animals you know what we're all pretty you know living in like civilized societies even if you're in a third-world country like I said you can do this as long as you have the will and you are willing to put in what it takes but you know the truth is is that you just have to brush your your aside and you've to understand there will be obstacles there will be failures you probably will have to encounter at least one or two failures before you hit success but once you hit success you'll never go back I mean you've heard all those stories of all those rich people that have lost millions they've made millions and they've lost all their wealth and they even went you know it's a deep hole they got into a ton of debt but then they made everything back and that's because once you hit a new high in your life you will never ever allow yourself to go low again so that's another tip do not give up then you will never fail tip number two it's not what to think to yourself okay well like I don't really know if I'm going to succeed with this right but they have to understand like this is something that will take time you know you can't really expect to massively succeed and change your life in one week it's really not going to happen especially if you spent ten years in university working nine to five job and you know you can't really expect to spend one week on this and then you know be making six or seven figures you have to understand that this will take the same amount of time if not more than your nine-to-five or then your schooling right so you have to focus if you're at a job right now then use that time in the evening that you have after 5:00 to actually go and make your dreams come true and make your business come true if you've got time on the weekends use that but believe me believe me sometimes it's hard and you might feel stuck but in the end it's all worth that I can tell you starting an online business has been the best decision I've made in my entire life and that's why I want to really get you to do the same thing because I know how much people's lives will change how much your life will change if you actually stick with it now this has all been part of my free how to make money online course on YouTube this is a course that I'm doing it's like a ten part fifteen part series I could easily charge thousands of dollars for this easily I could charge like nine ninety seven for this on my own website on Dan Bascom recon freedom but I don't because I want to build the number one place where you learn how to start a successful online business and this part of my mission so if you haven't watched the other videos in this course you can watch the videos before this one they're all in this playlist and you can also continue and watch the next videos as well in the next video so I'm going to cover some amazing amazing topics in terms of starting your online business as well as online business legal setup LLC's taxes everything you need to know to actually get started and I'm doing this all for free now my name is Dan vas thank you for watching I've got a ton of amazing content on my channel subscribe leave me a comment I answer every single comment on my youtube channel so if you want to go and basically ask me any question that you have what these businesses I have a lot of experience in an online business at this point so I'm sure that I can help you and I'm super excited to help you and really you know get you going go ahead and leave a comment down below I'll be happy to answer you there leave me like subscribe thank you [Music]
Channel: Dan Vas
Views: 163,499
Rating: 4.929492 out of 5
Keywords: how to make money online, make money online, make money online tutorial, how to make money online tutorial, earn money online, start online business, make money online 2020, how to start making money online, how to make money online for free, how to make money online fast, make money online guide, make money online complete tutorial, how to start an online business, make money online free, make money online with no money, passive income, how to make passive income
Id: OeUnvmbN_fY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 10sec (3610 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 25 2020
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