5 PERFECT Amazon FBA Niches For Your First Product

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hey what's going on Dan here and in today's but I'm going to talk about the five perfect Amazon FBA niches to start selling it now now there's a fatal flaw with these types of videos and I usually don't like making these kinds of videos because there's a whole lot more to building a real Amazon FBA business a real long-term it was on FBA business then just finding perfect products to sell or finding the most you know the perfect niches right this teaches you the shortcut approach and obviously shortcuts never made anyone rich and even if they did make someone rich it was only in the short run right and so the reason why I make all these videos on YouTube is because I want to give you the best possible information to actually really successfully Amazon FBA business and change your life in my opinion Amazon FBA is the best mints that you can start right now at this point you've probably been searching how to start a successful online business how to make money online you probably been typing all this stuff on YouTube you watching unless amounts of videos you know it's it's kind of a relief almost to probably see someone who is telling you the no BS truth and so that's why I'm making this video now the reason why I am going to be telling you and talking about the most profitable niches to sell on Amazon is because I want to show you an example of a strategy that I use and that I've been using and that I know is the right strategy that basically all the most successful sellers on Amazon the most successful brands have used to build their businesses it's a long term like monster businesses like long term seven-figure multi-million dollar ecommerce brands now I know if you're just starting out right now you're not even thinking about the millions the multi millions right now you're just focused on replacing the income from your job with a successful passive income business like Amazon FBA selling products online so maybe 5 km on 10k a month when he came on and using the strategies that I'm gonna talk about and actually showing you examples of this strategy in action in these perfect niches to sell it on Amazon you'll see what success looks like and what you should be doing to actually get started with Amazon FBA successfully now like I said there's a whole lot more than just products there's a whole lot more than just niches any youtuber that only tells you the successful niches is you know they're basically not giving you the whole truth right so for example on top of finding the best niches to sell on Amazon you will have to figure out how to find high quality suppliers you'll have to also figure out branding how to get amazing graphic design for your brand you'll also have to figure out product photography you have to find amazing photographers actually get great pictures there's also launching your product to page one Amazon PPC which stands for pay-per-click which was the Marketing portion of Amazon Facebook ads many chat getting reviews so that's just to show you that finding a product that's step one but then there's a whole lot of other stuff so since it is step one I want to explain to you the best strategies actually used what I'm gonna tell you in this video the most profitable niches and how to take those niches and really take action on them properly and build them into success on Amazon so the best strategy is to create a strong brand and so what goes into building a strong brand number one having an amazing listing and having amazing product quality so gone are the days where you could just go find something on Alibaba calm which is the manufacturing website that you find you know products on to sell in Amazon and it's it's the most popular one so long gone are the days where you can just go and find some dollar store thing and try to sell it for like $20 on Amazon right it might work but it's only gonna work for a month or two months and quite frankly it's not gonna really last you long and you know you're gonna have to look for a 95 job very quickly and that's obviously not the goal so number two expanding to three to five products later on under the same brand so that is very very important long gone are the days of trying to find endless amounts of random product I never was an advocate of that and to be honest with you I knew that from the very beginning even when I started Amazon FBA that if I always have to find random products to sell I'm not really building any real assets I'm not really building a brand that I can later sell right because any business once you actually build it as an asset you're later gonna be able to sell it and so if you build a brand that's even just more than just Amazon will talk about that expanding onto Shopify and expanding worldwide onto worldwide markets you know then you really have some leverage you really have something that you can pass on to your kids later if you want or something that you can just keep growing into the millions and something that will last you five to ten years as opposed to just one month as a lot of these make money online things are right so number three aspect we'll be launching on both Amazon us Amazon you together and that's part of the successful strategy as well that I highly recommend you do later on not at the very beginning you choose one marketplace and then you go on and move on to the rest of the world and the finally expanding later to Shopify but that's in long term now to show you some examples of what you should be looking at to get inspiration for your own a successful Amazon FBA business take a look at alpha grillers alpha grillers is a very strong brand this is in the kitchen niche and they are really tastic example of exactly how you should build a multimillion-dollar ecommerce brand right now there's never been a better time to actually get into this e-commerce is you know basically growing every single day there's more and more customers every single day on Amazon so if you have the right strategy at the right information it's like there's never been a better time to act so if we open up this listing for example and we open up a jungle scale Chrome extension just this listing is making for them 47,000 per month and now of course they have a lot of reviews and they started this a while ago so they started this a few years ago alright so actually they only launched this in in 2019 the only launches in January surprisingly so that is the power of a brand I mean in one year or less than one year if you're already an established brand you can just take one product and then an eight months growth over this to 48,000 a month so this is it this is the exact strategy and they're selling on more than just us and a second example of a brand that you should be looking at to get inspiration for your own brand is coffee Gator right so they only sell coffee type products and their premium coffee type product and they are making a ton of money so if you open up jungle Scout and this is just the Chrome extension this shows you exactly how much money sellers are making on Amazon we can see right here to someone listing alone they're making thirty five thousand a month and right here the rest is loading but if you actually go and click into every single one you would see they're all making over 10k a month which honestly is just realistic if you build a real asset if you build a real brand so now that you understand the best strategy to start a successful Amazon FBA business that will last for years and years now I'm actually gonna dive into the five perfect niches to start selling it on Amazon and these niches you can go you can apply this strategy that's why we went into it and if you apply this strategy and you execute on it really well then there's no way that you can fail so the first perfect Amazon FBA niche is new electronics and this is not like a specific category on Amazon FBA it's something that I just you know I just create I guess a new electronics right and so what I mean by new Electronics is new innovations in electronics there's always new electronics that are coming out of China even more rapidly than the rest of the world and Alibaba calm you can easily go and browse amazing new innovations and new electronics and one example because I want to give you an actual product example for each niche I don't want I don't just want to give you a niche I want to give you proof that this is good one example of this is sleep headphones and the reason why sleep headphones a good representation of this ninjas because this is something that's an innovation it's innovative and you can easily build a strong brand from this right you know most of these if you look at these listings over here they're just called sleep headphone sleep headphones right nobody really has a brand except your cozy phones if we click into cozy phones right there making if we take a look here they're making 21 thousand a month over 21,000 a month if we go back and if we look at a newer a newer listing over here right there maybe there's something with like less reviews so for example I just saw one here with eighty-three reviews we take a look at this one and we open up jungle scale this one's making 8,000 almost 9,000 a month so and this is also just a Chinese manufacturer listing as you can see there is no brand and I mean even if it looks like it's music cozy it's really not not anything of a strong brand right it's it's sold by a booming Lu you can see here that's a seller and it's just basically coming straight from China so that gives us an amazing opportunity to actually go and put our own marketing and our own branding into this you know create amazing packaging and amazing listing and there's so much more it's just it's not just sleep right there's a lot of other innovative electronics that are always coming out so what I recommend you do is go on google and type in new releases best sellers list that's an amazing way to find products on Amazon and I really love this method you scroll down you click on the amazon.com and to find new inventions that have just been launched on Amazon you know in electronics and they're already doing well just click on electronics that's actually how I found this product and then in here you can scroll through and you'll see a bunch of new things other than the super well branded products you'll see that there's a lot of things there's a lot of products that are cool to have like a WOW factor so they're easy to sell because the buyer when they see it they're like wow I've never seen this before but it solves the problem that I have all right so you can just easily find it on Alibaba comm and so that's the first perfect niche one of the best ways to start a successful games on FBA business is to basically be on the lookout for new innovations coming out of China or really anywhere else in the world you don't have to always use Alibaba but you know just like that you can find great innovations great inventions that have come out that someone else invented to supplier and rent it out there in China and you can private label it and you can sell it on Amazon and then you can expand later on as new innovations new inventions come out and then you can later on expand a Shopify way later now the second perfect Amazon FBA niche starts on and now is home in kitchen now the reason why I love home and kitchen is because there are always so many new innovations and so many new products coming out on Alabama comm from China that it's honestly really easy if you just go through it to find something that's new or find a product that solves a particular problem in a new way or in a better way so you know one of the best ways looking at just the Amazon best sellers list as well and then you can go in here you can go into kitchen and dining there are so many different products in here that you can choose from you really just have to have your eyes open and now a particular product example in this niche would be a bed bridge now you probably wondering what is a bed bridge and I'll show you right now and I was actually thinking to myself this is genius because in a lot of places specially when you're traveling let's say if you're with your significant other you know if your girlfriend boyfriend wife husband a lot of the times there are two separate beds or if you want to connect two separate beds right there's like a hole in the middle so a bed bridge it just goes and it basically bridges the both sides of the benefits to single beds kind of together so right here there's a lot of them like for example 38 reviews and we check it out how much is making so right here 15,000 a month 13 reviews 18,000 a month 23 reviews great price point for 998 for when the nights are just launched right here and it's just a simple product it's I guess it's a new innovation and it's genius right I actually experienced this problem firsthand in the past few months as I've been traveling with my girlfriend especially in Northern Europe where a lot of the hotels a lot of Airbnb s come with like separate beds and so a bed bridge is perfect you put it in between and I mean I don't know if you travel with it or not but I guess it's great if you're in an at-home scenario and you need to like have you know connect to beds but this is just one example of the home and kitchen is like again there are so many other different subcategories in here you just have to have your eyes open now the third perfect niche is selling on Amazon FBA is beauty and personal care and this is actually the niche where I started in selling on Amazon FBA and this one really I especially the products I started selling and I really had absolutely no passion I don't know just I guess being a guy I really just didn't really care about beauty and personal care but hey you know everybody has their own taste that's all fine but this alone is a multi-billion dollar niche I mean there are so many products in there and there's always new innovations new inventions coming out and I'm going to show you one right now that's an example of that so we go and we type in electric Jade roller right Jade roller was actually a fantastic product it was selling really well and a lot of competition came in because what happened was everybody was just copying each other because a lot of the other new tubers that's what they were teaching and so of course you're probably thinking wait Jade Roller that's like way too competitive right but take a look at this electric Jade roller so someone had the amazing idea of sourcing and finding electric Jade roller and look at this 21 reviews $20 just launched you could easily sell electric Jade roller for like $50 $40 if you really brand it well imagine if you're like the apple of this niche and I always say that imagine if your Apple and you're you know making the new iPhone except that instead of the new iPhone it's an octave Jade roller so how would you brand it what's the branding that goes into that so if we open up jungle Scout 8,000 a month 21 reviews if we go back and we take a look at some of the other ones here that are electric Jade rollers so it's opened up so right here at electric Jade roller 26,000 a month 69 reviews let's take a look when they launch right because you know you might be wondering well hey how long is it gonna take for me to succeed on Amazon FBA and these these guys just launched 38 days ago it seems like just over a month ago and they're already making they're already making let's say 26 thousand per month so you know it really all depends on your effort really all depends on your willingness to work as well as the knowledge and you're watching this video right now so obviously you're learning from the best source now the fourth perfect mzf be a niche to start selling in is premium kitchen accessories and now this one is an issue that's been growing and as well with all the new inventions innovations coming out of China and Alibaba comm there you can find really high quality products out there and not only from China like also you can find suppliers from Pakistan from India and a bunch of different places on Alibaba it's not just China and so an example of a product I'm going to show you as a premium kitchen accessory perfect for the branding strategy is the mortar and pestle I guess that's how you pronounce it I'm not really sure what this is I think it's for making guacamole but if we open up jungle Scouter we take a look some of these have thousands of reasons but if we open here 88 reviews 26,000 per month and so even if you look at this I'm sure that they're following the branded strategy so 88 reviews and I mean if they're not then that tells you right away that there's an amazing opportunity so they're not they're not even you know there's no there's no brand here so like the main thing on Amazon is you have to show that hey you're a brand just like coffee gate or just like alpha grillers that I talked about and that if you you don't do that then you know your business only is only running until my grandmother comes in and starts selling her mortar and pestle set and then until you know my aunt starts my other aunt starts coming in and start selling her mortar pestle set and then everything breaks down so branding is what differentiates you and through a brand you can create customer trust you can build an asset and get expand off of Amazon later and now admission number five one of my favorites this one is Pet Supplies there are so many new products in pet supplies and you know people love their pets and I've been really wanting to get a dog for a long long time right now I live in the tall building in Toronto Canada and so I'm kind of waiting until I move into a house somewhere maybe in the country I don't know but you know up until that point no dog no pet for me but even I kind of look at you know the pet category sometimes and I wonder to myself like if I had a dog I would buy all the best stuff for the dog right especially if you know you have the spending money and people on Amazon are ready they have their credit cards already attached on file so all I have to do is just find something and as soon as they kind of have feel that impulse to buy they just could buy and so an example of an amazing product in the pet supplies niche would be a UV blacklight for pets and by the way I have no idea what this is I just found this in my quick research I've done thousands of hours of product research at this point in my life and so for me it's really easy now with this you know with this particular product this is a new invention however there could be some limitations there could be some restrictions this is just an example that may look good on first glance because again I didn't go with deep into this product opportunity like that but this is just to show you that like look you know people are buying this apparently it's a pet like urine detector cat dog I don't know but if we open up jungle scalp this thing is making okay so definitely not making 0 per month but it's there you go thirteen thousand thirteen thousand fourteen thousand per month hundred twenty seven reviews the only problem with this particular product is that it's very hard to kind of differentiate and be different compared to all the other ones here so the best way would like I said again to be like the Apple of the UV blacklight detectors and that's also obviously if there's no patent on the product and also there's no trademark and also if there is no like FDA restrictions and like that that you have to make sure of and a good way of actually checking that is by going on Amazon creating a listing before you order your product with your supplier and then just putting in like UV blacklight you you will need a barcode for that you can just buy quick barcode from barcodes mania.com nationwide barcodes calm like a barcode a reseller and you can just go on there you know put in the barcode do the listing and then wait a few days and then if there is like a problem Amazon will send you an email saying hey you need like this in this document to sell but this is just an example and up until the point that someone comes in it becomes the Apple of UV black lights all these are gonna sell but when that happens when that person comes in and does it then that person will start making most of the income in this dish now another example of a product here is the pet nail grinder I found this one as well and you might be wondering hey well you know some of these have thousands of reviews down like how do we compete with them you shouldn't worry about thousands of reviews right one person can go and let's say they see the pet nail grinder and they're like hey I want to go and start this brand but I want to introduce a better version of the nail grinder or let's say they want to you know make a better listing and really like be the Apple of the niche one person can do can say that and then you know really kill it even fighting against thousands of views I've done that many times taking on like big competitors or thousands of reviews and scale the product to 10 K 20 20 K month within months so you know whereas another person can come in they might see and they might be initially put off by all this reviews and look like nah I'm not even gonna get into that right so if you follow the branded strategy you have a much much higher chance of success so those were the five perfect Amazon FBA natures as you can see we've got five solid niches and there's a ton of products I mean there's a whole lot more than just these products and these products were just you know they haven't been validated or anything like that these product I just found kind of on first glance and I just use them as examples to show you new products that are obviously making money they don't have that many reviews and they are good opportunities or potentially good opportunities in these profitable niches so now you might be thinking okay I know wants to sell I know the perfect niches let's do it I'm gonna call this video but whoa wait a second there's a whole other like side of this that you have to understand these are just product ideas and even though I've spent thousands of hours doing product research in my life on Amazon FBA there's a whole lot more that goes into this like I mentioned and I want you to get this idea out of your head that there exists like a magic product there isn't and never will be a magic product you know someone can take the same mortar and pestle that I showed you for guacamole and they can execute on it terribly you know they can create a bad listing they can you know really not really a lot of effort into it you'd be surprised how many people try to start this business and they treat it like a joke they treat it like some kind of get-rich-quick scheme and they put in like one hour a day of work and then they wonder why isn't it working right or they blame the business opportunity or they blame everybody else except themselves so that first person fails whereas the other person goes into the mortar and pestle niche and they branded and they do it super well they put in hours they put in the work because they know that freedom is work that all freedom was worth anything everything we do in life is for freedom and Emmas on FBA is the best business opportunity right now in my opinion to reach freedom and trust me I've studied online business making money online the topic of online entrepreneurship extensively I've literally made it my life mission to give people the best tools anybody in the world to start a successful online business through my online education business so for me it makes sense to tell you the truth and so Amazon is the way to go and now the important thing is to realize okay now that you've watched this video you're gonna go you're gonna start taking action and you're gonna you know build your dreams right you're gonna start the successful online business gonna lie to live the laptop lifestyle it's gonna give you freedom the thing is is that I want you to please like treat this as a real business right if you're still watching right now I bet that you're that kind of person you're not the kind of person who just wants to find you know quick money fast product fast profits fast there's a whole other side of YouTube there's a ton of youtubers out there that cater to that specific market of get-rich-quick and obviously you've seen that this is not one of them so if you treat this as a real business and you understand that if you put in the work and you put in the effort you invest in yourself for like you know three months six months a year imagine where you'll be if you start today imagine we will be next year in two years in three years it's just compounds from there I said it's the same thing to myself when I quit my corporate job bank job that I hated when I dropped out of school I told myself even if I fail for a year for two years imagine where I'll be in three years four years five years ride college degrees take four years and people go into debt for that so there's never been a better opportunity to start now is the time now like I said the entire process of building a successful Amazon FBA business is way more than just finding a product that is just one small step right there's a whole list of other factors there's a ton of techniques you have to learn and as well as strategies to actually bring you success we went over kind of the branding strategy and you know you have an idea a rough idea of like how it actually looks and how success looks on Amazon you kind of should do but there's also mistakes that you have to avoid mistakes that have already been you know kind of done by many many people before and mistakes that I've made as well in 2017 I was actually asked by my community on YouTube to create an all-in-one step-by-step course called the econ freedom course which I'm sure you've heard of by now maybe you have it but we've grown to an amazing community of over five thousand almost six thousand people who have joined and who are starting to Amazon FBA businesses and a success has been crazy that the most amount of success stories in the industry there's a ton of testimonials the link is down below you can go check it out but I'm announcing that the price is going up to 97 very soon actually this week and if you haven't joined yet then make sure to take advantage of the 50% off offer right now I'm never going to offer you come freedom at $500 it's 497 I'm never going to offer it at this price ever again because I want to increase the quality of the people that are joining the course I'm also launching a whole new course platform econ freedom for is coming out very soon and it's gonna be fully updated to starting successfully Amazon FBA business in 2020 with every single step that you need to know it's already fully updated for 2019 but econ freedom 4th is gonna be at least 10 times better so the link is down below make sure to join before the price goes up you'll also receive unlimited at one-on-one mentorship with the course so I hope you enjoyed this video subscribe to the channel leave me a like turn on the notification about to get a notification every single time I post a new valuable video and leave a comment down below if you have any questions about starting Amazon FBA I promise to answer every single question in the comment box below so I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: Dan Vas
Views: 67,949
Rating: 4.9070554 out of 5
Keywords: amazon FBA niches, amazon selling niches, best amazon fba niches, best niches to sell on amazon, best product niches, best ecommerce niches, how to amazon fba, amazon fba, how to sell on amazon, how to sell on amazon fba, amazon fba for beginners, amazon fba product research, product research, amazon product research, private label, amazon fba step by step, what to sell on amazon
Id: 66Rio3SiJ74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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