How to Find the PERFECT Sensitivity in Counter Strike 2

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let's talk about finding the right sensitivity in Counter-Strike 2. I'm going to give you guys advice and tips that I have learned through my years of competing in the professional CS go circuit and giving you little bits of advice and adjustments that we can make as we're moving into Counter-Strike 2 so that you can feel comfortable you can feel your best and you can perform at the top level when we are playing Counter-Strike too so let's get right into the video guys the first thing I want you to do is understand what the in-game sensitivity is right so when we go to our settings here we're going to go over to keyboard and mouse and you're gonna see that there is mouse sensitivity right here right and essentially this is going to be your in-game sensitive that you can adjust uh you know put in any values here from all the way up to eight all the way down to point one right so this means very little to be honest because what is more important is you know understanding what your total edpi is and you might be saying kojo what is your total edpi right what do you mean I just choose a setting inside of the you know the menu and I just play with it so it is very important to understand what your total edpi is and the formula for this is your DPI which is the the sensitivity on your mouse right how fast your mouse is moving even outside of Counter-Strike um so your DPI which is your mouse sensitivity times your in-game sensitivity which I just showed you on the menu in there right you multiply these together that's going to give your edpi and then we can start to talk about what is right for you and what you should be using right so that's the formula you need to understand going forward into this video so that you can have an idea of what I'm talking about when I'm giving you perfect sensitivities and bad sensitivities so just keep in mind that you know it doesn't really matter what your your DPI is or your in-game is it matters your total right so let's talk about common uh dpis for your mouse right because a lot of you may not even know what you have um 400 800 and 1600 are going to be your most common dpis and I I want to say probably 99 of professional players play on one of these DPI guys um if you don't know what yours is it's very important to find that out so like I said most mice they come just standard 800 if you haven't adjusted anything but it doesn't hurt all you have to do is look it up on Google look up your specific Mouse and what DPI ranges they have and what it comes default and you'll get a good idea of that right so that's one of the most important things and once we understand this formula we can start to adjust it to make sure that we are comfortable right so most new players the problem that they have is they play on a sensitivity that is just way too high right they play on sense that is just unreal it's literally just I I can't believe some players uh you know how how high it is and you know you you might do this because you're coming from other games where you need to constantly be spinning around doing 360s you know fortnite Call of Duty even OverWatch stuff like this where you're constantly being attacked from all sides but in Counter-Strike that's not as important right you're you you're mostly going to be holding angles and there's barely barely any time where you're gonna be doing 360s like a Beyblade spinning around and around and around so it's not very important so for me the range that I would suggest and the range that most professional players play on is around 600 edpi all the way up to 1200 edpi I think this is a sweet spot if you find a sensitivity within this range you are going to be chilling um and it you know it also depends on the role that you're playing right so for me if you're opting which is a sniper inside of Counter-Strike too if you're the Opera or you use the op a lot it can be very beneficial to increase your sensitivity or edpi because you're going to have to be flicking with the op it's very good to have a higher sense as an opera because you have a higher range of motion and when you're scoped up it's harder to actually move your scope around so having a higher edpi is going to be important to you finding success and you know you can play on a low sensitivity as an operator I'm not saying you can't but it's just not going to be as beneficial for you if you are so if you're a rifler on the other hand you can actually actually benefit very much from playing on a lower sensitive you can benefit a lot so honestly if you're a rifler I wouldn't even you know I I can understand having a edpi as low as 400 you know that's that's low but like I can see why that's that could be a good thing because you want to hit those one Taps right and let's talk about the differences between low sensitive and high sensitivity so the reason I think low sensitivity is way better than having a higher sensitivity is because you can be so much more consistent right at the end of the day if you have a lower sensitivity it gets rid of some of the randomness that happens when you know you're flicking around and doing crazy stuff when you're lower sensitivity inherently you're going to be able to master those movements a lot faster in my opinion than when you have a higher sensitivity and you have to constantly make these tiny little micro adjustments which I'm not saying you can't be good I'm not saying I'm not saying you can't be good you can be insane on high sensitivity especially when you you've got that caffeine pumping through your veins and you're on your eighth Mountain Dew and second Red Bull of the night of course of course you're gonna be nuts right but in general if you want to Lasting long-term good sensitivity playing on a lower edpi is going to be very beneficial for you especially if you're rifling and you know at the end of the day guys what I like to do when I was going up through the scene is I actually went over to a website called and you can see all the professional players sensitivities all their you know edpi what mouse they use and I actually just started copying like Opera's stuff and it you know you should choose your own settings and play on them for a long time but if you're ever curious what the pros are playing on just go ahead and look at that website and see the ranges that they're on right for me I play on 400 DPI 2.0 and I've never switched off of that and if I have switched off of it it's just like I do it for a day and I'm so mad at myself because like why am I switching right I'm I'm so used to this this uh sensitivity and mouse speed that it's just stupid that you ever keep switching back and forth so whatever you do choose get consistent on it because at the end of the day what is your sensitivity doing it's controlling how fast your Crosshair is moving around you know the map right so once you keep building this muscle memory for a sensitivity you're going to absolutely destroy yourself if you keep switching off of it and doing something different you might be insane on a on on you know 2000 edpi right and kojo's here telling you don't play on that right but maybe you're insane on it so maybe you should keep that I'm just telling you what works for the general range of players and what seems to be the winning formula for success for professional players right so also guys there's there's another setting in here which is zoom sensitivity multiplier for you offers um and scouters I guess whatever I personally would just leave this on one trust me it's just gonna mess with you a bit if you change this and you get in your head about this again you totally can play on this with a different value you totally can but in my opinion just keep it at one if you haven't messed with it already and if you're struggling just just turn it back to default settings right you don't need to have a different Zoom sensitivity it's not important at all and also make sure reverse Mouse mode is off unless you're just built different like that but you know it's just like it's so important to be able to understand your sensitivity because at the end of the day this is going to be what makes or breaks your aim right you you need to be able to find what works best for you are you more you know do you have limited desk space if you have limited desk space of course you need to use a higher sensitivity because you don't have enough room to move your mouse around right so if you have the luxury of having good desk space then you should play on a lower sensitivity or one that is more in quotes normal because you know it's like I said it's going to be easier to build that muscle memory and be uh more on point with your aim when you're when you're using it right when you have higher sensitive you're going to shake a lot more you're going to be in inconsistent you're gonna hit some insane shots but then also whiff the easiest kills of your life because of that and just keep in mind guys every sensitivity has different benefits right a higher sensitivity you can hit those nasty flicks but it's hard at long range to get those spray Downs right when you're on a lower sensitivity there's less variance there's less you know Randomness that's going on because you're not moving your mouse a millimeter and it's flicking across your screen so just find what is the sweet spot for you like I said 800 DPI tends to be the middle for professional players and it tends to be what most players play on no matter what role they're they're at so um you know at the end of the day also your DPI just doesn't really matter that much for me I plan 400 DPI just because it's what I've always played on I like it that's what I prefer uh some players play on 800 that's the most common by far is 800 DPI in any shoes whatever sensitivity so 800 DPI in 1.0 and game sense is the same as 400 DPI 2.0 in game so just find this calculation find the formula if you guys need any help I'll be here to give you advice give you tips ask any questions you want about sensitivity aiming anything about Counter-Strike 2 I will answer below give me any video ideas as well I may do your video idea and that'll be pretty sick so thank you guys so much for watching this video you have a great rest your day hit that subscribe button and let's keep grinding let's keep doing our best in Counter-Strike 2 and trying to make it to the top so I will be here for you guys every single day you don't have to worry about that see you guys later peace out
Channel: CoJoMo
Views: 107,618
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Keywords: cs2, counter strike 2, cs2 update, cs 2, counter-strike 2, counterstrike 2, source 2, cs2 guide, cs2 pro tips, cs2 guides, cs2 beta, routine, cs2 pro, cs2 vs cs2 pro, counter strike 2 guide, cs2 help, cs2 console commands, cs2 fps test, cs2 fps, best cs2 console commands, how to use console in cs2, cs2 sensitivity, best cs2 sensitivity, cs2 best settings, cs2 pro settings, cs2 settings, cs2 pro sensitivity
Id: YC_RDbY9hDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2023
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