how to find the PERFECT CROSSHAIR in CS2 (Crosshair Guide)

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if you're new to Counterstrike 2 you might be struggling to find the perfect Crosshair for you or maybe you just don't know what makes a good Crosshair well today I'm here to give you a couple of things that I think make a good Crosshair and a couple of tips when it comes to discovering the Crosshair that might suit you best let's get right into it but before we do we have a word from our sponsors today's video is sponsored by skinmy skinmy is a site where you can trade skins that you already have to get some skins that you might want that way you can hop into your next game with some fresh new skins all you have to do is log into the site through Steam put in the skins that you don't want anymore grab the skins that you do and then click trade trade happen almost immediately and any balance that you don't use in the trade will roll over for a trade that you might do in the future right now you can get a free $5 if you were to use code Austin on the site and if you were to use my code you would get an additional 5% on top of the 30% deposit bonus so let's say if you deposit $100 that means you would get $135 if you use my code to deposit so make sure you guys check out skins funky and let's get right back into the video now that we've got that sorted let's get right into the Crosshair guide now I would like to start this off saying that everybody's going to have a different Crosshair that suits them best personally I don't think that there's any such thing as a bad Crosshair or even a good Crosshair the only thing that there is is unusable crosshairs now you guys know what these unusable crosshairs look like you've seen them a couple of times in random games that you've played I'm sure they're the crosshairs that take up the entire screen or they're just abnormally big or abnormally small I'm talking to you guys the one pixel Crosshair users those are unusable I don't know how you guys are trying to tell me otherwise regardless I have some things that I would generally recommend when it comes to things that you want to look for in a Crosshair now the first thing is is you want to find a Crosshair that's easy for you to see now there's a lot of fact to really play into a crossair that's easy for you to see it kind of depends on how far away you sit from your monitor maybe you're really nosing the Monitor and you need one that's small because you can see everything it depends on other things like your resolution if you're playing on Native you're probably going to need a Crosshair that's a little bit bigger if you're playing on stretched or maybe even black bars God forbid you might actually need a crossair a little bit bigger because things are going to be zoomed in a bit more for you other things that you might need to think about when it comes to seeing your Crosshair is what color your Crosshair is depending on the maps that you're playing on yes I do genuinely mean mean depending on the map you're playing on if you're playing on nuke if you have a white or a blue a light blue Crosshair that is you might notice that sometimes your Crosshair just you can't see it if you're looking at that really bright white Silo sometimes a white Crosshair might disappear or if you're looking and trying to hold outside somewhere you might lose your Crosshair if it's light blue and there's a lot of instances where this could affect you and there's a lot of maps where this is at play for example again on Ancient if you have a green Crosshair you might not be able to see it you know anything like that my personal biggest tip for this and struggling to see your Crosshair is to just put an outline on it so I would always advocate for outlines but some people just think that they look ugly and won't use them but me personally the Crosshair that I've used for literally 5 years the entire time that I've played the game has had an outline because when I tried to use a Crosshair before that didn't have one I genuinely could not see my Crosshair most of the time I would just lose it whether that's because I have bad eyes or because it actually is the move it remains to be seen generally I would still recommend that you keep an outline on now that we have the visibility sorted out we should talk about the different style of crosshairs and for those of you guys that are confused there's three different styles of crosshairs there is the classic Crosshair the classic static Crosshair and the Legacy Crosshair this is new to CS2 there used to be five Crosshair Styles but now there's only three anyway so the first one's going to be the classic Crosshair style now you guys might know this one from whenever you first load up CS this is going to be the one that you get by default this is the one that goes and expands whenever you move or shoot and it basically always shows you whenever you're not accurate so if you're running around you're going to see that your Crosshair is huge or if you're shooting your Crosshair is going to expand generally it's just an eyesore for experienced players because more experienced players are always going to know when they're inaccurate anyway so they really don't need to see all of that and they just want to know where their Crosshair actually is however if you are a newer player to Counter-Strike you might find that playing with one of these crosshairs on for your first few hundred hours might actually help you get a feeling for how the movement and the Mechanics Work in CS and it might make it easier for you to understand the accuracy stuff and it is a little bit hard I wouldn't say to never use this Crosshair and sometimes it can be good depending on which one you're using but generally I would stay away from this one unless you're a beginner it's not the worst in the world not the best I just don't personally like it the next Crosshair style is going to be Crosshair style 2o which is classic static basically it's the same idea you have your normal Crosshair and it just never moves it doesn't matter if you're running jumping shooting spraying whiffing or if you pull your knife out jump your grenades it's always going to be the same Crosshair this is the one that you're probably going to see most everybody use because it's the most straightforward one it's just a Crosshair it's exactly way you think it is personally it's the one that I use it's probably the one that your favorite pro uses I would probably recommend this one for people who have been playing for a long time there's not really that much else to say about it but if you're still struggling and you like the idea of the classic Crosshair but you still want it to maybe expand sometimes when you're spraying so that way it helps you learn your spray controls well then I let me tell you there's actually the perfect style for you which is the Legacy Crosshair style basically this is one that's the exact same as the static Crosshair it never moves unless you're spraying with a gun or if you're shooting in general if you're Tapping With A Pistol or if you're spraying your crossair will expand and a lot of people can actually use this to try to help guide their sprays if they're learning how to spray for the first time I actually use this for a long time on the same Crosshair that I was using to this day the first time that I used the Crosshair I actually had it where it would expand when I shot and then I learned how to spray and I made it just a regular static Crosshair and that's what it is to this day so I would say that if you're starting to get above an amature you know getting to like above average maybe you know you're not a beginner anymore and you still need a little bit of extra help but you're pretty much ready there you can try this style there's actually still some pros that use this one I think it's just strictly preferenced at a certain point you can probably get away with using any Crosshair style that you want if you're a pro um but this is one that I personally would stay away from because I think it's a little distracting but again if you are learning this is not a bad option and I can still recommend this one now it's at this point in the video where you might be thinking Austin that's great and all but I don't know how to change my crossair or I don't even know where to start well let me tell you there's actually a perfect Workshop map that you can use where you can apply all these settings and it's perfectly set up for you so if we load up the map you can see that there's plenty of options there's already some crosshairs that you can just choose maybe you have a favorite pro and you want to just copy his Crosshair directly you can just do that or there's also all of these amazing commands on the side all you have to do is just click them or you can shoot them and it'll change your Crosshair to whatever setting and you can adjust them with all of these options as well now there's a couple of different settings here that I haven't necessarily talked about but you can kind of explore this and figure out whichever settings that you want to use for your own Crosshair there's just a few that I'd like to touch there is some people that would prefer to have a gap in their Crosshair and that's completely fine I personally use a gap in my Crosshair so that I can see if there's an enemy head in my Crosshair you might not want that and you can disable that so it just makes a straight t or a straight like plus so you can see where you're aiming or you can make the Gap huge maybe you're like nothing and you have that big Crosshair Gap that way he says I don't need to see the center of my Crosshair I just want to know roughly where the center of my screen is that guy's a gigachad maybe you want to mess with that maybe you want to mess with the alpha settings there's a setting where you can make your Crosshair a little bit see-through maybe you don't need that much help seeing your Crosshair and you just like to remember that it's there mentally and that helps you maybe that's something that you want to try out there's also a couple other things you can mess around with go ahead download the map it will be linked in the description it's pretty easy to use and that is not sponsored by the way it's just a map that most people use whenever they're making their crosshairs try it out let me know how it goes for you again there's a lot of crosshairs in there that you can just steal from and you can go ahead and experiment there's uh you know just a bunch of cool things in there now wrapping up the video there is a couple of settings that I have not talked about and it's pretty much just because most people don't use them now in CS2 there is a new ability to have a follow Crosshair feature with your well Crosshair and basically what that means is anytime that you're spraying your Crosshair will move across the screen so that you can always see where your next bullet's going to go now there's a lot of debates going on right now in the Cs Community whether or not this is actually a viable thing to use but if you want to try it for yourself maybe it'll help you learn your sprays out a little bit maybe it'll give you a reference if if you're newer you always can try that out the setting is just in your settings menu by default you can turn on a follow Crosshair and try it out it's very weird and uncomfortable at least for me as an experienced player but you could try it let me know if you like it in the comments below I'm sure most people have tried it just let me know if you enjoy it now there's actually another setting that you might have heard of which is the T Crosshair setting basically all this does is it just gets rid of the top part of any of your crossair so it makes a t which would be like uh some other games that have like T crosshairs personally I I don't really like them I use my Crosshair for lining up a lot of things so not having the top part actually throws me off but if that's an option that you want to do you can just enter in this console command or you can probably find that setting in the map as well and uh let me know if you like that so with all that being said there's your guide to crosshairs I included a couple of tips and what I think is probably best for you to stick to so just remember to always keep an outline on on most Maps or at the very least have a Crosshair that is a color that always stands out from every map make sure that your Crosshair is not overly big or overly small and always make sure that your Crosshair is something that you can easily see and just be comfortable with and I said that one twice because I do think that that is really the only thing that matters because again to hit home I don't think there's such a thing as a bad Crosshair you could give me pretty much any Crosshair in the world and I'll have almost the same result as with the Crosshair that I've used for 5 years that's why so many Pros can just switch their crossair willy-nilly like it doesn't matter because in reality it actually doesn't there's not a Crosshair that's going to give you an advantage and there's not really a Crosshair that's going to take away from your performance and because of that I actually never changed my Crosshair I genuinely mean that I have not changed my Crosshair in over 5 years and in case you're wondering what that Crosshair looks like I'll put it up on screen right now and the link to my Crosshair that I've always used will be also linked in the description you can try it out and that's pretty much all that is for me so if you guys did enjoy the video make sure you guys leave a like and share this with your friends who changed their Crosshair all the time if you have any questions make sure you guys leave them in the comments as well and I will try my best to respond to all of them and that's it for me boys make sure you guys check out this video that YouTube she'll like as well
Channel: austincs
Views: 26,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: austin, austincs, csgo, austin csgo, austin cs, stream, streamer, highlight, highlights, stream highlights, funny, funny moments, moments, insane, insane games, high elo, level 10, 3000 elo, pugs, how, to, win, face, faceit, how to be good, get better, cs2, cs, cs2 beta, cs2 release, cs2 tips, cs2 tricks, cs2 tips and tricks, dust 2, inferno, mirage, anubis, ancient, dust2, nuke, overpass, office, smokes, smoke, best, the best, nades, for, the best nades for
Id: QbJaF5rafVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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