How to Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.16 | FASTEST/BEST way to find Diamonds

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right so for some reason that remains unknown to me i am addicted to this game again in 2020. i'm running a hardcore series on the channel that you should check out i play minigames all the time like i'm even probably speedrunning this on my twitch channel right now link in the description by the way whenever you're watching this video so today i'm going to show you how to mine for diamonds in minecraft 1.16 in 2020 with one method that is actually very refreshing and is not strip mining which is how i found the diamonds in my hardcore world because strip mining is great and all and it has been reliable for years now but it is it just makes me want to go insane and leave and if you're wondering why i'm making this video i don't know now after you spawn in your world and you frantically run to the village that you see you find a chest that's right here and then you in this chest you have in this chest you find these two things once you have those two things you can feel free to just dig down if you're in survival which you probably will be you can dig down two blocks at a time like this so you know what's going on under you you don't fall into lava or a mob mosh pit or something now you want to dig down until this number here your y is at 11. that's what i do i forgot to mention but you should know by now you press f3 on your keyboard to open up that menu i'm not gonna say oh you can do what you prefer you can do 12 you can do 10 because that doesn't really help anyone if you don't have like just have an opinion for once i would recommend doing 11. now see this is not supposed to happen so i'm i'm technically not allowed to mine these diamonds because this is not the strat i'm not strip mining and i found these diamonds by strip mining i'm not allowed to take them but i did that anyway now this is not absolutely essential but in your options and your music and sounds you can turn your subtitles on i have these on all the time and what we're actually doing is we're listening for some noises like zombie groans skeletons any cave noises uh best of all lava pops and you dig towards that direction once you are at said cave or again better yet lava pool you dig around as shown explore the cave a little bit you know stimulate your mind wait what's going on wait wait whoa whoa whoa just like that we found diamonds and you know oh okay so you you patch that up and literally this is what you do guys you just run away from your mistakes and you hide once you get over that little hiccup you just keep going keep mining find another cave and here we are we're just exploring you know we've got a bucket of water we're running around we're doing our thing and look at that wow this is how it this is how it goes and there's only two here apparently i mean you know that sucks so you got it you just just keep moving keep moving on i love finding redstone it's my favorite thing on the planet like you know what's the best is just getting redstone tools they're they're the best honestly like i think why the music stop again dude what the oh my god again this is there's just one okay so at this point you're like wondering like what even is the point of anything ever like you just take a swim in the lava why don't you at this point you just yeah after you figure out what the point of life is in general you keep going you mind some more you eat some steak and then you mine some more you find a ravine and then apparently get excited about finding more diamonds maybe this time you'll find more than two skeletons shooting at you what are you gonna do you you found that netherright pickaxe and somehow magically got efficiency five after a little bit you kill him with that pickaxe and then you mine the diamonds again and we get four this time if we got for the other times we might be a little bit rich in diamonds right now but we're not anyway method two strip mining so if you do decide to bore yourself to death in the magical quest for your diamonds this is the way to do it okay so you gotta start somewhere this is where i'm starting right here yeah you dig three blocks in and then you dig one block to the side on each side okay hey guys future easy hd here ha yes so uh i feel like this might be brought up i mine like this where i can stand in here some people like to just do a one block space like this where you put a roof over your head uh you sprint inside the water so you can do your swimming tactic and then mine one block now this does make your pickaxe more efficient i guess you don't you're not mining as many blocks and you're still covering a very similar amount of space i just don't really care enough to do this and the fact that i don't even strip mine in general is pretty cool because i'm not boring myself that much but this is a way to do it if if you want to implement the same tactic that i show you in a bit so anyway every three blocks you are digging side to side right and left uh one block that way one block that way and then you just keep going you'd go another three blocks on the third one you do it again now some people like to leave a gap of three and dig side to side on the fourth block you can do that as well but you're leaving three in the middle uh people the the idea behind that is that the vein of diamonds or whatever you're trying to find is usually gonna extend to either side of that three block gap personally i just feel more comfortable doing two block gaps instead of three anyway once you're done you go back to your starting point now you can be done at any point but you just dig further down your original mine shaft shaft you do 13 blocks this way and we'll see why in a second once you've dug 13 blocks down you place a torch on the ground and then these two torches work together to make the force of light that prevents scary monsters from spawning etc and you just repeat the process three blocks down you mine in to the left mine in to the right and now while we're choosing to mine exactly 13 blocks away from each specific shaft um i need to stop that uh it's because you have this two block gap here which you will be able to see from either side see where i am right now see that yeah so i can see the i can see the first block from that side and i can see the left block from the other side so you're not missing out on anything you can see the wall the two double thickness wall from two sides the other so you can see each block in the wall like it's there's only two sides and there's two walls now thanks for watching i hope you learned how to mine for diamonds today the first method is what i do if you decide to strip mine use the second method that's what i would recommend that's what i've found to be the best over the years um but yeah thanks for watching i speed i speed i speed stream runs i stream speed runs on twitch like all the time or something uh link is in the description i also run a hardcore series on the channel i've already already said all this feel free to check out my other videos or whatever they all say like and subscribe alright see you later guys bye
Channel: ezY
Views: 1,678,988
Rating: 4.8241639 out of 5
Keywords: FASTEST/BEST way to find Diamonds, How to Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.16, how to find diamonds, how to find diamonds fast, in minecraft, how to find diamonds in minecraft, how to find diamonds in 1.16, how to find diamonds fast in minecraft 1.16, how to find diamonds fast in minecraft, diamonds, how to mine for diamonds, minecraft how to mine for diamonds, minecraft how to find diamonds, Minecraft 1.16 Survival Let's Play | Episode #7 (Hardcore), minecraft survival let's play
Id: tjQECIK9ve4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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