The BEST Social Media Strategy for EVERY Business in 2021... (TOP 4 TIPS)

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if you want to explode your views followers engagement and reach on social media this is the only strategy you need to follow hey founder fam hope you're doing well welcome back to another video in this video i'm going to be sharing with you the top four tips that you need to follow if you want to explode your social media growth across all platforms so a little bit of background my name is nathan chan i'm the ceo and publisher of founder magazine and i was the person that grew our social media following to over 4 million plus i grew our instagram account from zero to at least a million in a couple of years our facebook account from zero to half a million in a few years uh you know i've worked with our team to grow our tick tock and now our youtube channel and uh yeah we're growing our social channels really really fast so in this video i'm gonna go through with you the top four things that you need to do if we could boil all this down into a simple concise strategy that you need to follow if you want to explode your views engagement reach and likes and follows and everything in between so there's one really important thing i need to preface with you guys when it comes to growing a social media following and that is you need to just focus on one channel to begin with you might not have a team like we do a founder and that's okay you can just focus on one channel and if you think yourself well how do i work out what channel to focus on we actually have a video link in the description below with eric bandholz where he's the founder of beardbrand has a massive social media phone and he actually shares with you and teaches you how to choose a channel and what one to focus on and how to work that out so make sure you check that below alright guys let's jump in so the first point that is so so critical when it comes to growing a large social media following that has engaged people where you can get more subscribers buyers traffic you name it is planning your content and being extremely consistent so what you'll find is these social media platforms if you think about it like they want users on the platform they want to be able to sell more advertising so you as a creator you as somebody that is building your social media channel whatever channel whatever platform that is you have to be able to create content consistently because those platforms will reward you and over time what you'll find is your growth actually compounds like we'll actually show you guys like our social blade here on the screen for our instagram channel you can see that we are extremely consistent with our posting and it actually has grown over time and that is that is what we do for every single channel if we want if we want to grow any channel at founder we first of all plan out our content at least a month in advance because you need breathing room you might be working on a side hustle right now you might not have a team like we do so what you want to be able to think about is okay at the first of every month how do i plan out my content and then how can i just go all right this is what i'm posting for this week this one posting for next week this is what i'm posting for the following week and so when it comes to actually posting you've got it all mapped out it's not this mad rush because you'll find if you don't know what to post you won't post and then these platforms will actually penalize you so it's very very critical that you plan out your content and make sure you are consistent one of the number one things that i see when people come to me and say or write to me or whatever right and they say hey nathan my social media account's not growing anymore or like my engagement's really bad and i look at the account whatever channel whether it's youtube facebook twitter pinterest it doesn't matter you'll find that they don't post frequently and the reason they don't post frequently is they don't plan out all the content that they need to post in advance and then it becomes this mad rush or you don't have the time and you're just like no i'm not going to post today and that's when the algorithm penalizes you so you need to think about like when it comes to whatever channel you're focusing on or channels you're focusing on you need to think about do i brush my teeth every morning and night of course well do i post on instagram every day do i post two youtube videos every week do i post on twitter five times a day or whatever it is that's the kind of consistency you need because it compounds over time another thing to think about as well when it comes to posting is we've actually found doesn't matter what platform if you post manually versus using a scheduling tool it just gets way more engagement and you might be thinking oh my god like that's crazy and it kind of makes sense because these platforms like i said they want you to post as much as possible they want you to create content for them and if you're using a scheduling tool then it's an automated bot that's effectively posting and these platforms know that even if you use like we've tested like even if you use facebook scheduling tool versus posting manually we've found that you always get better engagement if you post manually which is crazy so if you can try and post manually as well so point number two is understanding the culture of the social platform that you're trying to grow or platforms so one thing that we've found for our social media following is what we post on instagram could be totally different for tick-tock now the reason that is is because there's a different culture there's a different community there's a different kind of audience on each different platform so as an example for youtube it's really a platform for people that are learning so when it comes to youtube we try and post really in-depth like extreme valuable content and long-form interviews and all sorts of things right but if you compare that to tick-tock it's really about bite size snippets really valuable like in 15 seconds what can that person learn versus pinterest or facebook which is really like an infographic on pinterest and you're linking to an article so it's totally different you can't post the exact same thing and the formats of those pieces of content matter so just as an example like if we posted a piece of content on tick tock and we then posted it on instagram reels but then we tried to post it on facebook on facebook it doesn't work very well because people would know that it's originally from tick-tock so you really need to understand like the trends that are happening on certain platforms and then you can kind of put out content around those trends someone who's a master at this is gary vee if you just follow what he does you look at all these different channels and you'll see he has different content and different kind of formats for each channel which is really really important hey guys hope you're enjoying this video we'll get back to it in a second now we have your attention just please make sure you like comment and subscribe all right now let's jump back in point number three is you need to find winning content and 10x the production of that so when it comes to any social media platform we have this concept called finding unicorn content at founder so we know and it's crazy if we post a winning meme video with the right title on instagram we know it's going to boom on tick tock with the exact same headline with the exact same piece of content it might just be a little smaller or if we find a winning headline on youtube then we know that that will turn into an incredible meme video that will crash on instagram and vice versa so what this means is like you need to look at your own content that you're putting out and try to find what are the clear winners use the data to tell the story look at the engagement look at the comments look at the things that people are going crazy for and look to create more of that but then you want to use and find another data source which is people that are in your niche or people that are in your marketplace or other brands or competitors in your marketplace they have so much content out there and you can look at all of it and you can see the performance of that content so what you want to do is you want to use a concept called modeling which tony robbins talks about now you don't want to copy i cannot preface this enough do not copy others and do not steal their content and like that's just straight copyright infringement but you do want to draw inspiration i'll tell you an example give you an example so back in the day when i was starting to grow founder the first platform that i tried to grow was instagram when i looked at instagram i looked at all the other entrepreneurial magazines out there so there's forbes magazine fast company fortune entrepreneur magazine and they had large social media followings and it was quite intimidating and i looked at what they were predominantly posting one in particular was success magazine they had a massive facebook page and also a big instagram page and i was like okay well it seems like they're just posting a lot of quotes not much articles actually a lot of quotes and that's what we started doing at founder so you can look and go even a step further like what quotes are really resonating with their audience because i know i found that we would have a similar audience so that's what you need to think about you need to do whatever you can to find this unicorn content in your own portfolio of content and your own social media channels and also your competitors or people that are speaking to a similar audience to you do whatever you can to find that unicorn content and then recreate it draw inspiration from it do not copy it create something similar with the same kind of elk and then post it on your channels and i guarantee it will blow up and that's what you want to do and once you start doing that and you see results then you want to 10x that scale it up how do you post more of what people want and then what will happen is you start to build up this big collection of content that is just always booming so point number four which is our last point is building an audience of engaged fans and actually listening to them actually speaking to them and building a community not an audience and that's very very critical because there's this incredible concept called 1 000 true fans by kevin kelly and that's what you need to focus on when you're in the early days of your business right how do you develop 1 000 true fans the study and concept that he put out around 1 000 true fans is that's all you need to make a full-time living that if you have 1 000 true fans that can pay you a hundred dollars a year that's all you need so what you really need to think about is how can i build my 1 000 true fans and the reason i love this concept is because it's achievable and if you really want to build 1 000 true fans it's like what would you do how could you go above and beyond to listen to these people these are real people that are following your social media channels your personal brand whatever channel you're trying to build right so here's what we try and do at founder and to be honest we can do a better job at it and it's something we're really focusing on right now single comment that somebody writes you need to respond to every single dm we've seen as a growth strategy in particular on instagram the more we respond to every single dm it increases our growth rapidly every single story that you produce speak to your community ask them every now and then what content do you want to see what more do you want from me how can i further serve you how can i further help you and really just come from a place of giving and caring people will see very very quickly if you care or not and put yourself out there as much as you can or as much as you feel comfortable people really resonate with other people and they build a relationship and trust with other people not so much your brand a brand is of like something you see but a person is someone that's much more relatable so what we're trying to do at founder is how do we have more behind the scenes stories how do we respond to every single comment how do we really speak to our community how do we rally them how do we help them further how do we just make sure that we do whatever we can to help serve how do we provide more free content how do we find and put them in the right direction when they ask for help the more you can build a relationship with your community the better and the more loyal your community will be the easier it is to grow because that will compound over time your core community is so extremely powerful and you want to build that over time so recently we did an interview with the founders of js health this company is one of the fastest growing companies in australia and they have blown up and when we spoke to them they said the number one thing that they are doing is focusing on building their community on social media they are exceptional at it and they like what i gather from them is it's basically one of the number one reasons that their company has grown like five thousand percent in the past three years or something insane don't quote me on the numbers but it's growing extremely fast and they care about their community so much they find out what products their community wants more of and it's such a powerful strategy just to care more i cannot stress that enough okay guys i hope you enjoyed this video these are the strategies that we're using at founder to absolutely just blow up our social media following and that we would recommend to anyone in our community on how you grow any single channel and it's what we're practicing what we preach and this is how we're going to build you know 10 million plus collective social following and audience and community then eventually 2030 and this is how we're going to scale this brand so i hope you enjoyed this video guys and i'll see you in the next one hey guys hope you're loving our videos and you're getting heaps of value from them if you are make sure to hit the like button and make sure to subscribe to join the founder fam and if there's any burning questions you have make sure to leave them below in the comments if you did enjoy this video and want to continue to master your skills make sure you click here to access your free training now we will go into way more depth with this founder see you there
Channel: Foundr Magazine - Entrepreneur & Business Magazine
Views: 59,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: social media marketing, social media, instagram, social media platforms, tik tok 2020, How to grow instagram, how to grow tiktok, how to grow social media, social media for business, how to get more followers, social media 2021, the next tiktok, snapchat 2021, How to get more Instagram followers, how to get verified on instagram, nathan chan, instagram story hacks, digital marketing, how to get instagram followers, foundr, foundr magazine
Id: hXwQA3OWhaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2020
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