How To Find Bass In Any Season Transition + Creek Channel Breakdown

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today I want to show you why every spot on the lake is not the same and how you can find that clicker spot release your lure down to the length of your rock you only got one chance for your parents shall wait [Music] you [Music] this simple and simply can't fit so let's break down how bass move in the in the body of water they live in based on the water clarity the large temperature and the different seasons that they're going through what you need to first realize is that bass live in deep water and throughout the year they transition from shallow to deep shallow to deep let's start with January January is typically the coldest month for most people in the country this is when you're going to have the coldest water well in the first of the year when that water is below 50 degrees these fats are going to stay out on the deepest water they can find to where the waters not changing that much it's more stable it's warmer they're getting ready to move up into shallow water to spawn once the water gets 62 to 70 degrees this is when those bass start to move from those deeper areas out in the lake and move off into the shallow water where most people can catch a lot of it so now we're we're into 50 degree water and higher a lot of the bats have loosed shallows this is typically the spring of the year this is when you want to come in and fish the shallow water the the bed fishing you hear about and all those types of techniques the bass are not typically out in deeper water during that time because a vast number one thing that they want to do is eat and reproduce that's what their whole biological clock is based on where the food is and when do I get to spawn as soon as they are done spawning and the water temperature is raising up typically from the end of May June July August summer at the summertime fishing this is called post spawn post spawn after the spawn these fish are done in shallow water there they're tired of being up here the water is constantly changing it's going from three or four degree difference today is it's cooler in the morning it's heating up in the day and the sun's coming out and they've got all these things that's making this water not stable for them and that's why summertime fishing it's so hard in shallow waters because the bass are just not there no matter how good that spot wood they're just not there in summertime waters this is when you want to move back off as a shallow water and go back into deeper water once that water starts become more stable and cool off in the fall these baths move back into shallow water because the bait fish and all this food that they use now they have begun to move back in the shallows so in the fall you go back and fix the shallow Rock wintertime they go back out into deep water it's just one big cycle what type of season or your bass going to be in based on the weather it's summertime so all this shallow water that is starting to come up with grass that I have it's not really good right now here in just a couple of months when that water cools back down and the small baitfish move into these grass beds that's when it's going to be really good baths follow their food wherever it is that's for the basket the second biggest thing that a bass is going to look for is auctioning you are not going to find very many fish and just calm stagnant water think about if you have a fish aquarium what's the first thing that you have to do then you got fish quick you have to buy pump a ton to move that water fish cannot live in just feel stagnant water so what you want to look at when you get on the lake or on the banks or wherever you're wherever your fish is is their current to produce oxygen or wind and is there food for this fast eat in the area that I'm fish so now that we've soaked down each type of season with the bass our end now let's go that breakdown each type of spot but these facts are going to stay then once you figure out what type of season it is each area has certain spots that's going to be your high person your spots for best to hide even though this whole area may be the type of water that they're in for the season it doesn't mean that they're just laying in here everywhere you have to figure out how bass or States and set up on areas to get food a bass does not want to spend all its game just constantly running around wasting energy for food they want to get the fastest quickest meal they possibly can when they decide to eat the rest of time they're just laying there relaxing right here's one boat ramp and you can see it's just calm it's early morning it's just real calm it's lit calm but look around there's not any sick any kind of activity in this whole area there's no kind of wind blowing there's no kind of current so because it's the summertime this is not going to be a very good spot to fish now if this was spring time then this limit fish have moved in shallow then I would I would stay right here all day long because I know this is going to be a good bed area for them to be spawning but all's that protected from the wind and it's shallow water where they can lay their eggs but today middle of summers this same exact spot has no fear so if they were in here I would fish these little points that come out around this rock pile here this bridge there's all kind of this is all structure bass are going to relate to structures any type of structure in this area that's where there's going to be these brought piles I'm sure that these rock piles come out when they built this bridge I'm sure that they had to stack out stage some rocks on it in this water so maybe over here there's a big area of raw so underneath that all rocks you can look at how the rocks transitions down the bank there's not as many rocks so maybe down through here maybe that turns into maybe something in there dirt or whatever kind of bottom Eddy and then once I get over here I can see oh well it's like some grass is drawn here this whole back of this pocket here is grass well if I was going to fish this spot I was I would start in that grass because fish and bait fish are going to live in that grass because they're protected and that's where the big bass go to eat that bait fish I come on down to this down this Bank what I have I have two dots here now look at this dots this is the first off I come to from the point of this creek channel dot number two if I had to pick a dot to fish I'm going to fish this first dot because it's the best in India this is going to be the first piece of hard structures they come to after the rocks there may be an efficient here that they're just stacked up on both of these dots I would hit both dogs but if I could only fish one dog I would fish this one first now what do you notice in between those two dots there's two boat ramps private boat ramps these houses that obviously look they never use they never use it because look of how the grass is their yards are perfect remote but look at this dress in here it's all hi grew up which is going to do a lot of shade for the vacillating I will go over there when I was fixing those dots and I was hit that whole area bit the whole little circle bit so let's go out to the main lake and I'm going to show you how and when you'd want to fish the main Lake area based on the same concept [Music] [Music] so what I did guys I just made a long run out here to the main river channel and the lake that I live on Chickamauga and it's connected to what's bar and Nick exactly those bodies of water are regulated by TVA which pulls and pushes water in and out to regulate water to make electricity so on this on this body of water all my current is going to be dictated out here in the main river channel and the summer time and any other time of year that's going to be my coolest water at any at any given time based on the season it tells me where those fish are out here in deep water or back here in the back of the creeks in the springtime you know those fish are going to be back they're getting close to spawn so what do you transition to when you start fishing deep water and then a little more shallow water and then eventually it is a very back to these creeks well just for easy reference let's say that this this main river channel is 2050 okay I want to fish in the main river during the heat of the summer I want to find any kind of depth change or structure change that these bass can relate to you if you're fishing out here in the main river that's when you want to start using your electronics your downst and all that kind of stuff if you go by [Music] [Applause] the structure that they're on out here in the river is the same structure that they're on in the trees the only difference is you can't see a brush cockpit here so you fish it the exact same if I was to just idle my motor around up and down this condemn this Bank here I will be looking for rock piles a big tree a sunken boat any type of structure that a bass can live on if they're staying in the deeper water when that water starts to cool off even more into the back of the creeps closer to spring time closer to fall that's when these baths start to move to the back of these streets well where do bass move when that water temperature changes well this right here it's just a random Creek channel I've got my main river channel right here and then here is just a little free fun that goes it goes back and all the way back into here just blinds and terms I know that this is the point and that's the point and I know that this is the creek channel and there's going to have to be a depth change in between those two pieces of length so well the day I was out here the main river I decided well I couldn't find any fish out here now I'm going to start working my way back to more shallow water well let's just say for easy reference that this water is 12 foot that's a 20 and that's 12 I want to position my boat and however I'm fishing I have a kayak or boat or whatever you're on position your boat in shallow water and throw into deeper water and you want to drag jigs and spinner baits or whatever you want to fish with drag it up up these banks that are around this depth tank or you can stay here in deeper water and throw into shallow water and then drag it off the back that's how you'd want to do it if you had no electronics electronics makes it so much easier you can just idle over there and see how the fish are state so when you want to fish these points is basically all year round because bass are growing relate to points and structure all the time so if you couldn't find them out here on the deep you want to move to these mainly this is sort of main Lake pool if you couldn't find the fish there then you want to start making your way back into the into the crease a little further if it's cooled down if there's if there's a current and all that stuff that we talked about a few minutes ago if they're structures and things in that Creek channels that the bats are going to want to eat or live on that's where you want to go so what do you look for once you decide to fish in the creek Channel well let's idle over there and I'll show you before we go any further you guys may have noticed these little boxes they're dropping down over here above my head or wherever they're coming up at what that is is this little maybe a cold question or a related videos that I suggested or something like that if you guys don't care go ahead and go here click on this one and I'll wait you can see how it works no go ahead go ahead and click on that stuff right there that's going to help me make this channel better for you if you don't care go back and click on load ahead and subscribe to the channel out here making these videos it takes a lot of time and there's nothing better to get on here and to see hey somebody click on that subscribe button it makes you feel really good when you know you're doing something that somebody is enjoying or something somebody's taken away from it that's what we're talking about we were just right here this is the main river channel they were just getting out here this is that this is that Creek channel that I was telling you about so we pull off in here and each area of the lake is completely different than the other so now I just come in here I've got this another another huge body of water well how do I break down what all this mess do well the first thing that I noticed when I come in it I've got I've got another plate right here it kind of goes around goes around I've got another point there at a point over here that went there well on my electronics I can see how the channel runs and I can already already know that most likely that channel is going to come in here and just do a little snake s because of how the wind is blowing on this channel the wind's blowing in our face right now I can see those ripples I can see what those ripples break well where this is there's no ripple recurrent on the top of water I know that that land is higher and this right here is lower but that kind of shows me that how the outline it's not guaranteed but that kind of shows me the general area of how that Creek channel is broken down so once I get back into this Creek channel I'm going to fish like I said I know that this is leaning that's lens so there has to be a depth engine here going back into this Creek channel I want to start out here on these lane pulling closest to that deep water if fast we're at nighttime moving in shallow and then the heat of the day moving back out in deep water like they're going to be doing in the summertime well most likely back going back to these trees there's nothing being fixed all my fish are going to be main river and to these points and maybe maybe back here to this point out here these this is called a secondary park it's called a secondary point because this is the first point they come to off the main river and that's the second point or this is the second point in any point inside the channel of the Cree is going to be a secondary pin so something else that I noticed when I come I've come in here there's things going all these another little little Creek on that goes off into this so they've got main river and then Creek channels little pocket the water another Creek channel well this right here is going to be a very large secondary point for me to sit you'll notice there's ripples on the water right here and none right here well I can tell just by looking that this water is going to be warmer than that water so I'm going to stay out of this water because of the temperature I'm on fish this collect and I'm going to fish that point and we'll fish at that point I'm going to fish this point then want to fish any kind of structure that I can see whether it's underneath the water or off the bank we can kind of lay downs and all the normal stuff that you fish when you collect here in a shallow walk let's take a look at how it would look on your desk if you were to to come in here and break it down without just knowingly having the knowledge of how the land looks what would it look like on a deadline alright guys what we're looking at here is the lorentz elite 5 HDI and it has a Navionics card in it that that shows me these Creek channels when I come in right here is where we're sitting so we're up against this Bank and this is right there where we work this is that brush Paulo his team belt and right out there's that main creek channel right up the main river channel now on a debt finder this is how that looks like right there's the main river channel and this is that Creek channel that runs through here right there is those two pieces of land is that there in the front that I was telling you about let's zoom in here and I'll show you how I understand about the depth change anytime you see on a topographical map or your depth finder you see these lines that are close together like this that is a a steep depth change anytime you have these circles this area is going to be the same the same depth it's like a hole so let's zoom out here [Music] okay right now we're sitting in three foot of water four foot because they're right here on the bank and these little lines tell me that this drops off to that Creek Channel that Creek channel is probably each line is one foots over for that Creek channel is about 13 to 14 foot D so I know from where I'm sitting right now so there's a 10 foot change go back out here to the mouth of the river where we just started them into this [Music] okay again that tells me the creek channel look at this look at this Bend here you would want to fish sit right there in that creek channel this is the point this whole little area right here is a point which we knew that from looking at it but if you if you couldn't tell by looking at this is what's going to like on your on your debt finders there's not a band right here it's still a filling at this point and this curve in this creek channel makes this right here makes this a hole so it goes from the bank to again twelve to fourteen foot so that's how you want that's how you want to work your debt finder and your and your Creek channels together [Music] come back in here off the main river channel right here this shows me the creek channel it s curve just like I was talking about this land right here that shows me the point that shows me how shallow it gets how it goes right here to this little hole I know if there's going to my deepest spot off of that point see how that land comes around this is the point here the point this is a little Slough that goes back in here with matter it's right there this is this is this this is the circle area in there and that's that little area that goes back in the back we can tell right here what depth that is if there's any kind of gradual change [Music] let's zoom out and take a take a big look at the overhead on this okay you can see any time you have a creek channel that comes back and look at how splits off right here in the very back of that creek channel what do you have it splits it splits into two Creek channels [Music] very good spot right here what we're looking at right here is right there where they're fishing it's right there where they're fishing this is the point of that land that comes off it Forks off there Forks off here now you can say well I knew that because we were looking at it at the front up there well just because it looks like this doesn't mean it's a creek channel it could come back here and just be two foot deep all around it having that line that creek channel tells me there's depth change thank you so what you want to do on the depth change is look right here look at how it creates these holes there's a spot there's a spot right here this little area right here it creates depth change this whole area right here all this right here is going to be a great area because it was just one two little spots two little points now that I have these Creek channels in here it's made 1 2 3 4 5 6 points I've doubled my high percentage fishing areas because of these Creek channels this is what you want to look for how these Creek channels being around these land masses just because there's land there doesn't mean there's a creek channel going back into it well guys that breaks down the video on why certain areas are better than others and how you find fish based on the weather and the creek channel I hope you guys enjoyed the video do me a favor go ahead and hit the subscribe button so I know I've gave you guys a lot of information today so let's just go back and do a real quick recap on on behind the whole thing when you first start fishing you need to understand that bass live and deep water and they spend their whole time transitioning from deep water to shallow water based on the water chemistry and the water clarity and the number one thing if you want to make sure if you understand is where is current and where the food summertime your basket will be up coolest water you can find where do you find the coolest water where the current year there's your current the current is out in the main river channel [Music]
Channel: Rocky Top Splash
Views: 13,873
Rating: 4.8241758 out of 5
Keywords: bass fishing, how to find bass, how to fish pre spawn, how to fish spawn, how to fish post spawn, bass seasonal transitions, bass fishing tips, how to find creek channels, creek channels explained, where do bass move, how to fish deep water, how to fish creek channels, what structure do bass like, how to use depth finder, how use navionics, lowrance, hummingbird, garmin, creek channel, depth change, bass move, deep water fishing, shallow water, main river
Id: -qfbAL_As3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 25sec (1585 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2017
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