How To Farm Warframes New Grimoire And Tome Mods! Absolutely Broken!

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so I wanted to quickly talk about the grimoire and toome because people seem to both love and hate the weapon the toome as you can see is a small AOE weapon that does like 1 M AOE and then with this secondary attack it does 6 M AOE so far the damage is decent it does total 100 damage it main stat is electric it has about well I think like 25% crit or like 20% crit with a 2 two multiplier it's around that right it's pretty basic stats and like it has like a 20% status maybe we'll double check the stats after overall it's like pretty decent pretty strong if you like it but it has specific toome mods brand new toome mods which you can acquire from this C drop rotation on the new mirror defense uh node once you complete Whispers In The Wall right the node we running right now and those are really what's going to make the toome like a Powerhouse god tier weapon it's more of a support utility Weapon It's not like a massive nuke type One-Shot the entire map type weapon you know it has its ups and downs but overall I'd say it's pretty strong and I like it but kind of curious what yall think but now we'll go take a look at the grimoire mods to actually see what is going on to acquire the toome just run the new Quest and you'll get the toome so you get it from The Whispers And The Wall Quest it's very easy and it's a free it's free real estate man it's free weapon like look at that it's pretty cool you get a lot of damage ticks off I'm just messing around with radiation nothing too serious right now maybe I'll throw corrosive on later on yeah but that's how it seems right now I changed the visuals of it right the uh heavy attack alt fire once you charge it up it's like sweet it's a little ball of electrical death might not be the most damage but it's not the least damage so let me know what you think and now let's go look at the mods and everything for that now that I showed off a little bit of the Tome grimoire I wanted to show off modding the grimoire I'm just casually slowly leveling it up modding it getting Forma on it doing more damage etc etc but the Warframe Tome has its very own insane new mod setup and you might be saying what what do you mean by that you know what what insane new mods does the grimoire Toms have if you go quickly just to look so I can show everyone ENT IAL toome mod bundle there are eight toome mods a grimoire is a toome that is the new uh weapon classification and they all drop from the C drop rotation on the new mirror defense meaning you have to go to a total of I think eight defended points also known as four full rotations a a b c each one of these mods has a 5% drop chance if you want to you know look at it there's all of the drop chances you can also get Mandel barrel and and stock rotation C on the new damos moon moai oh God I can't speak mirror defense so if you want to Farm New Missions this will probably be one of the better ones to rotation see to farm up but let's take a look at some of these mods lie down puppy some of them are insane and others are less insane judge them as you will but they will definitely make the T the new toome absolutely insane as a secondary support type weapon so killing enemies grants allies in Affinity range 40% Shield recharge rate and minus 28% Shield recharge delay for 15 seconds I mean that'd be pretty cool pretty decent depending on what you're looking for but I wouldn't be too interested in that myself jahu Canticle okay nailed it killing enemies reduces armor and shields of other enemies within Affinity range by 5% so this could be looked at as just like a general decent enough type armor strip uh support mod if you're just chucking it on but I feel like the armor and shield reduction is just too small and you're better off doing like any other Warframe to just strip armor so I don't like that one a ton but it depends how you're going to use it right now enemies have a 12% chance to drop Universal orb on death pretty decent but nothing I'd be super interested in L carnicle killing enemies grants allies within Affinity range plus 30% fire rate for 15 seconds now this is where the big better stronger team Buffs come in with the toms 100% right this helps everyone on your team 15 seconds 30% fire rate not too bad if you think about it all things considered but now you're about to see the best one I would say alternative fire increases ability efficiency by 4% for 20 seconds for each enemy hit stacking up to 15 times you know what that means you can get six ability efficiency because of how much it can stack 60% efficiency that is such an insane amount of efficiency compared to any other mod that you have compared to anything else so I would say 10 out of 10 this is amazing actually Godly depending on what sort of build you're going for and it keeps getting better for RIS invocation you have alternate fire increases ability duration for for same idea you can get 60% ability duration off of your secondary weapon like that's just awesome right just insane 10 out of 10 support weapon but you know it's not going to be the highest damage weapon I think people were looking for like oh Lum too we need a new Lum but I'm sorry to say everything in Warframe once you get to like mid- end game is so easy that like you don't need anything like that right you can just run around with a Warframe and just murk everything steal path no problem you don't even need weapons half the time so this is an insane support type weapon with mods but it's probably not the strongest just outright weapon weapon right alternative fire increases ability strength okay so you could Max it and get 60% ability strength and then finally who needs Arcane energize get that out of here alternative fire grants one energy regen a second for 20 seconds for each enemy hit stacking up to 10 times so for 20 seconds you can get up to 10 energy regen a second which I mean like who needs our Arcane energize you're getting energy drops from the enemies you're getting 10 a second from this like that's insane it should probably be mentioned that I do believe these are all unique mods meaning you can only equip one at a time this one I think is an exess exess exus exus whereas these four are not you know these have the little exus thingy at the top so these ones you'll be able to maybe like slot in and then maybe one of these or only one in total I don't have any of them so I can't personally check or verify any of that myself but I think you might be able to throw on like one exist one other right one exus in there and then one other but if you can just throw them all on your toome that's going to be awesome as well I'll have to double check when I get back into actually getting all the mods but I just I don't have them yet so yeah we're going to have to wait and see and until then we're just kind of chilling here right messing around with our build nothing super serious okay get nothing super serious but I should probably throw on some general status chance I just don't know what I feel like throwing on probably that for now get some gas going in N but hey let me know what you think and if you like it you like it if you hate it you hate it but uh you know it is what it is for now so as always like sub favorite you want to support the channel you can use epic games Creator code pupsker anything like that that always helps so thank you thank you and I will see you next next time cheers
Channel: Pupsker
Views: 60,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pupsker, pup, gameplay, games, Warframe, free to play, warframe tome mods, warframe grimoire, warframe new weapon, warframe tome weapon, how to, guide, beginners guide, whispers in the walls, warframe 2023, warframe beginners guide, whispers in the wall, warframe guide, warframe gameplay, warframe (video game), warframe modding, warframe how to mod, warframe mod guide
Id: 7Eq4WEvsqkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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