Warframe | Glorious Grimoire | Quick Look & Build

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well then I think it's finally time for us to take a quick look at the book gun in it so let's us speak at the secrets of this dreaded Diary of Doom you get the book gun during The Whispers in the walls Quest you actually pick it up fairly early on and it is a brand new secondary weapon type A toome it comes with two fire modes both of which do pure electricity damage and it supports a 20% crit chance a two times crit multiplier and a 26% status chance the book has infinite ammo and no magazine so no reloading yay now the the primary fire fires a bolt that does a bit of Splash damage in a relatively small area and it's fully automatic with slow fire rate and a low projectile speed the secondary fire on the other hand summons a massive bow of lightning that will slowly move forward zapping all enemies within a relatively large radius unfortunately the usage of the secondary fire is limited you need to First charge it up before you can fire it out and you can see the indicator of how much it's charged up underneath your Crosshair now this slowly charges up on its own but the primary way of charging it is by hitting enemies with a primary fire a very unique thing about the book gun is that it has access to special to mods these are essentially pages that you can insert into the book and they come into varieties invocations and canticles canticles Canticle a hym or a charm typically with a Biblical text forming a regular part of a church service H canticles fit into the Exile slot while invocations don't and you can have one of each equipped at any given time these have some really cool effects of the supportive of varetti you can get these from the new munio mirror defense mission on rotation C now invocations add an extra effect to the secondary fire RIS can give you up to 60% power duration vom up to 60% strength and netra up to 60% efficiency with zata providing up to 10 energy regenerated per second all the Buffs are scaled based on the number of enemies hit with the secondary fire and they last 20 seconds canticos on the other hand are triggered on kills with the tone and they have an affinity range wide effect in other words words they have a very big area of effect fast provides 40% Shield recharge rate and negative 28% Shield recharge delay for 15 seconds to all allies crack gives enemies a 12% chance to drop a universal or bone death Yahoo makes it so that whenever you kill an enemy all other enemies within the Affinity sharing range lose 5% armor and Shields and lock provides 30% fire rate for 15 seconds to all allies this makes the to a really good support or utility weapon if that's how you want to build it speaking of builds I have two for you today this one is more focused around doing damage for when you actually want to do big deeps with the book we start off with lethal torrent and ganized diffusion for a ton of Multi Shot and a bit of fire rate as well as ganized shot for status chance we follow that up with frost B and Pistol pest for viral as well as convulsion for extra electricity next on the menu we have secondary mercil for damage and for our exilus we run the Yahoo Canticle this doesn't perform that well in the simulacrum because of the limited enemies but in normal missions is actually quite good following that we have anemic agility to bump up the fire rate and we top it off with an expel mod for faction damage the expel mod is only necessary if you're doing stuff in steel puff if you're just farming on the star chart like you're doing fissures or maybe even sorties you can put in Hornet strike instead now as I've mentioned already this boat doesn't perform all that well in the simulacrum currently I'm fighting level 185 in steel paath and it takes a while for the enemies to go down this is because it takes a while for the yuk Canticle to ramp up though you do start to see the power of this build to towards the end of this showcase as we kill most of the enemies so the remaining ones have significantly lower armor this is not a big problem in the normal game because especially in Ste paath you will have a constant stream of weaker enemies that you can easily kill to strip the armor and shields off of the stronger ones I've done quite a few runs with this and it performs really well against all the factions if however you want to take the grimoire into a more supportive Direction I would recommend you try out this build Instead This is a setup that I've been using as sort of my vital primer utility energy generation kind of thing so we start this one with PR fulmination for more AOE then we have frostbite and Pistol pestilence for viral and we're running the zata invocation which regenerates energy though the kind of invocation you run depends on the type of buff you want this to provide then I slapped on secondary dexterity for the extra combo duration and am using energizing shot as well because why not then we once again want to wrap up the fire rate so we have anemic agility and Letha torrent and we top it off with shot for some status chance as well as battle diffusion for multi-shot the idea behind this boat is that that you can quickly switch to the toone build up the secondary fire fire it off and then switch to either your primary or secondary to do damage alternatively if you're using this as a buffer for a Caster frame you can just sit on the toone build up the secondary fire fire it off Build It Up Fire it off and just keep doing that basically all in all I'm very happy with how the grimo turned out it's a great supportive weapon that can also do some serious DPS the one thing that annoys me beyond belief though is that the invocations and canticles don't have the same polarity who thought they big idea that's so stupid it's so Random as well it's not like every single one of them has a different polarity no they have three dashes and then there is a v like bruh what are you doing but aside from that it's pretty good so I would highly recommend you play around with it because you might as well you get it from a quest it's free and that is pretty much it for the video so I thank you very much for watching as always guys I hope you have enjoyed the video and found it helpful and if there's anything else you would like to add to this feel free to leave a comment down below then I would also like to extend a special thank you to all the channel members thank you very much guys I really appreciate your support and if you would like to become a channel member as well by the way you can check out the memberships and stuff down below and I'll see you next time [Music] bye-bye
Channel: MCGamerCZ
Views: 42,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warframe, grimoire, book, tome, secondary, weapon, quick look, review, showcase, cantticle, invocation, unique, mirror defense, gameplay, new, whispers in the walls, buff, support, utility, fass, khra, jahu, lohk, how to get, DE, Digital Extremes, ris, xata, vome, netra, guide, tutorial, how to, explained
Id: n2UjlAQ33Wg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 1sec (361 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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