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I consistently see tutorials for falling, but never any that cover falling at high speeds like 30mph+. Usually these guys slide it out but they're already super low to the ground sliding the board to reduce speed before they fly off making the impact less rattling. Whereas if I fall on my eboard it's going to be from a squatting position.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

I just wear tons of gear and hope for the best

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/TheGurgeMan 📅︎︎ Sep 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

Tuck and roll lol, like jack black said loosey goosey!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Queennaughty 📅︎︎ Sep 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

Hard plastic armour and knee/wrist/palm pads can also help by forcing you to slide, if you didn't have the reflexes or skill to roll.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/nske 📅︎︎ Sep 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

Carlos is a legend 😎

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Realtime87 📅︎︎ Sep 15 2018 🗫︎ replies
my name is Eric Cairo I'm a professional skateboarder from the San Francisco Bay Area and today Carlos /ji and I are going to teach you how to fall on a skateboard it's no fun to fall at all but what we could do is take up some of the percentage of impact you take to make it safer yeah so in the last tutorial video that I did I hope you guys have been really enjoying this we've been getting one up every Tuesday and I'm really excited for that because it's helping you guys and I've been reading the comments and a lot of people were asking to do this video how to fall another question that was coming up is what do you guys think about the protective equipment helmets knee pads elbow pads etc so we'll throw that into this video as well so Carlos you have like a whole bunch of different you even had names for these different Falls yeah why don't you just go ahead and pick one of the Falls look falling is inevitable guys it's going to happen welcome to skateboarding if you don't think you're ever gonna fall on your skateboard then you might be in the wrong sport there are ways to build it up so you learn gradually and that's gonna decrease your chances of injury and hopefully make it so you don't fall and get injured that puts you out of skateboarding that is the worst but just in your run-of-the-mill everyday learning how to skate you're going to fall so the point of this video is to give you some more knowledge so that when you do fall you know better what to do so you don't get injured exactly why don't you start with the what I think that you've dubbed it the rag doll rag dolls probably be my number one fall and that's basically when you just know you're gonna fall forward you just let go don't tense up if you tense up at all you're gonna hit the ground and possibly snap a bone or two so that's something you don't want to do a snap a bone or two let's say for example you're going down the street you do a kickflip you land primo and you know I am now falling you have to kind of think of this in advance yeah it takes a couple seconds cuz you're gonna be flying towards the ground so you have enough time to think about it so my advice to you on that is just loosen up as much as possible hit the ground but use your arms to try to grab the ground to just push yourself away because if you snap straight into the ground that's where you really hurt yourself so explain the difference because if you did take the full impact like let's say you put your arm out to the ground and you were like let me stop that's where the hardest part is you take your hand to the side as much as you can because your body's gonna be whipped into the ground so you have to do whatever you can to divert that impact so you just grab the ground and push away if you're going slow enough just slide it out if you're going really fast that's where the other fall comes in yeah that's the parkour roll the parkour roll take your arms grab get onto this shoulder and roll it out as best you can you don't try to stop your momentum because that's where you break bones really that's the whole point exactly broken bones I have not actually never never Wow knock on wood that is like that's incredible after all of the things that he has done just in this warehouse alone ok so you are the true like master at this I would like to think so it's just I got tired of falling so hard so I started to come up with these methods to just I mean you're gonna hit the ground anyways ease up all as much impact as possible okay so the ragdoll we got that one so what's the next one horrible that's when you're skating something like big stair said so you're just going too fast and you don't have enough to grab it so you have to just like touch your fingers on the ground tuck your shoulder in and just try to roll out the best again Wow I mean you watch the guys at parkour when they jump off roofs that's the first thing they do they tuck in and then roll as what would be the point of rolling it out just so you won't have to hit your head and you just tuck in protect your head your shoulders gonna probably take the most impact crow yourself into a fetal position and that way you'll barely hit your hip you'll barely hit your shoulder your head's protected your backs protected everything's good to go there you go next time you jump down a 20 stair crawl up into the field position and roll it out what's number three number three would be the Penguins leg a lot of these Falls you're gonna have to start them off with your arms okay so just know that when you're going down loosen up and you're gonna use your arms to sweep away from the actual impact so the penguin slide is when you're falling forward and you can't turn around you don't have enough time so you just grab the ground sweep back and then just go onto your chest and just slide it out Mario was the best example of that he slid a good 15 feet is there any like rhyme or reason to why the penguin slide your I mean you don't splat your whole front down okay you want to try to hit your stomach area so it would be kind of the difference between like this yes and this so if you grab it just right yeah you don't slide on your ab area yeah dude that's just how it is that's what it looks like yeah sorry if it looks silly but that's the proper way to do it have you ever hit your nuts on a rail they that sound thing I've never done I hit the side of my leg and fell on my face and that was a freak accident yeah I had no control over that this is getting into like the worst cup of falls video that we've ever had I'll tell mine at the end so what's number four number four is just the butt slide that's when you're doing 360 tricks and you lose control and you're falling backwards yeah I think that's my fall of choice all you do is like I said use your hand first but you're gonna push forward and just slide on your backside yeah like you never want to hit too hard cuz if you hit that ground first you're gonna hit your tailbone and that like the Death Star Shop Death Star shot of skating you want to slide any slide is gonna take that momentum away cuz you're thinking you think like the ground is there right if you go straight into it that's the worst if you you're going with it like they're gonna be much more gradual there's not really much more to it than that I mean just kind of pushing hi my dog I always use a slide or a roll to get out of it I mean granted I've taken a lot of slams in my whole like 19 years of skating so these I hope they help you guys I'm not hitting the ground is so hard I'm not saying you're not gonna fall but just be more graceful about how you approach the ball right and I think the more you know about it the less scared you should be and I think that is the actual question that most of you guys are trying to get over you're like I want to learn this trick but it's so scary and I don't want to try it I have to get over that fear so just know what to do when you fall to have the best chance of getting out of that get experience on falling just as much as you are landing tricks right if you could do that nine times out of 10 you're gonna be on the safer side of escapes so what's the next one number five we just discovered it right now yes vini slide if you go up on the transition and you have knee pads on just kick your board out and bail and slide down on your knees you're totally safe it's like a slip and slide of me ability I think the biggest thing that can go wrong in any of these is sticking out a limb and trying to just fully stop yes stiffening up is the worst thing you can do my recommendation for falling on that is just loosen up it's gonna happen just brace for impact that's the best way I can describe it right so as you're going down again you don't want to you don't want to go oh get rigid and try and stop yourself from it's best to just roll it out okay so I notice that you are not wearing a helmet I tend to not like it me personally just because of the weight of it I'm so used to skating with no weight on me at all so I've grew up in that life of skating so I never got used to wearing pads at all also and if you're starting out skateboarding by all means use the protective gear and use the gear that is going to make you safest knee pads elbow pads wrist pads because I think a lot of kids will have this consideration about it that wearing the helmet is going to make them look like not cool what do you think what do you want to tell them about that if you're not that coordinated I suggest you wear pads to be as safe as possible up until you get used to it and feel comfortable on your skateboard obviously it's better to be safe than sorry on skateboarding in general so wear pads if you feel like you're a beginner but once you get experienced at it and you want to loosen up yeah take them all off and just enjoy the freedom of skateboarding I don't have any like idea if I see somebody do a rad trick and he's wearing a helmet I don't go like well it was cool but he was that helmet he had on like it's skating and skating and anyone should skate and it doesn't matter if you want to wear a helmet with a purple mohawk on top that you got at Walmart like just skate and have fun it doesn't matter what you're wearing it matters that you guys are actually skating anything that's gonna help you to skate and progress is cool so you do that and yeah knee pads are very helpful like talking about sliding out especially if we can learn how to skate vert or anything transition it's better to just slide out on your knees because the Falls that I was telling you earlier they don't really work that well for like air tricks you know right I need a slide on your knees for that so I recommend knee pads for any kind of transition skating well I hope that answers all of your guys's questions just to give a little recap don't stiffen up you want to make your body as loose as possible don't stick out an arm that's gonna cause you more injury than good most of these these Falls like I see these crazy Falls sometimes a lot of them that I see on the social media platforms are people that are like I'm a brand-new skater and I'm gonna drop in on this six-foot ramp and you're just like Joe no go to the two-foot ramp learn to push it's about learning on the gradient if you do that you're going to be fine that's where I think people get into this idea that skateboarding is the most dangerous thing ever it's actually statistically not you're more likely to get injured playing high school football than you are skateboarding so it's it's not this like terrible thing that everybody thinks it is but it is helpful to know how to fall and I hope that this advice in this video helped you really hope that too and like I said don't be afraid if you have to wear pads to be on the safe side okay nobody's gonna judge you you're very smart who cares just keep going just keep skating there you go alright guys so I promise you my worst fall story so I don't know if it's the worst fall but it's the worst injury I guess I should I would call that the worst yeah I've had some bad Falls then I've walked away from so I think you're worse falling could be the worst time he ever got hurt yeah I was skating with Andy shock and we were skating this manual pad imagine that and they didn't like 300 tricks and then I was doing it literally a tre flip off the curb just you know I just landed a manual trick and I was just doing a little tray off the curb my front foot lands on the nose and my ankle bends over my foot I broke it here this bone because my ankle like sprain so bad that the tendon pulled and because the tenon is connected to this bone here it broke that bone and then the side here because this side pulled so hard fired off this to try and correct itself and then it broke the bone on this side so I broke the bones on both sides of my foot and had to wear one of those really sweet boots around for a while and yeah it's always really scary every time I fall I think like that's it I'll never skate again and then a couple months later I'm like right back to doing the same tricks that I was doing before I fell don't let the fear of falling stop you but just know that it's a part of skateboarding and the more you know about it the easier it is to not really injure yourself and if you do get injured you know keep your head up and eat healthy be healthy make sure you follow the advice of a doctor etc I mean between the two of us we'd probably have like 40 plus years of skateboard yeah definitely over 50,000 hours of skateboarding yeah we've been through a lot and I hope that that can help you guys so I hope you guys enjoyed this video please leave us in the comments below like I said the beginning in this video we read your comments and that's where we got the idea to make this video so we want to know what you guys need the most help with what do you feel like is holding you back in your skating what do you feel like is keeping you from attaining the next level in your skating but we're here to help you figure that out so you can take it take it in progress and push skateboarding all over the world which is the whole purpose of Braille so thank you for being a part of that journey and we could not do this without your guys's views and your subscriptions your likes and your comments hope you enjoyed this video please subscribe click that like button leave a comment below and we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Braille Skateboarding
Views: 778,662
Rating: 4.9600344 out of 5
Keywords: how, to, how-to, learn, skate, skateboard, skater, skateboarding, skateboarder, skateboarders, skating, sk8, sk8ing, learn to skateboard, how to skateboard, secrets of skateboarding, easy, easiest, way, tutorial, need, tricks, help, please, tip, tips, trick tips, tricktip, tricktips, skate support, aaron, kyro, braille, fall hurt, get, not, pain, ankle, break
Id: KSQ-q7F8e2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 28 2018
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