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[Music] hey what's up i'm tony hawk pro skater and today i am commandeering addison's channel well i guess i'm your guest host because i'm going to surprise her at eric's skate facility with her very own chipotle celebrity burrito skateboard cart and if that doesn't make sense just watch it it will addison do you know what's happening today no i know that we're at the barracks and that's about it [Music] [Music] well this is our first time here and of course you're here so i'm probably gonna fall no that's awesome i've been hearing a lot about you skating yeah from a lot of different sources so um that's really cool you picked it up and so i'm here to try to help you okay oh well first do you like burritos yes i love burritos okay that's good because i'm also here to present you with a one-of-a-kind chipotle oh my gosh celebrity burrito card so crazy in the car you could present either the card or the scoreboard either one i choose one oh my gosh i think the idea though is you ride your skateboard to chipotle and then use the card okay let's oh my go that's so cool bad bleeping burrito skateboards that's so good wait what kind of stuff like what are you working on skating what kind of style skating um i mean like don't judge me i don't know very much anyway i was just happy that anyone skates okay so like i i've like worked on like stuff but like not while riding you know what i mean like i can do like nothing no i i mean i can go up and back down but i can't do the turn around okay yeah that's really hard for me for some reason i think it's in my head though because i just get nervous about it but i can honestly that is one you can you can ollie and i can pop shove it all right i'm scared i definitely will fall no no you got it i just gave you a secret [Applause] that's it almost there don't give up [Applause] i did it kind of almost there that was good can you do it one more time [Music] getting up on your heel think about your toes [Applause] best teacher [Music] [Applause] if you do always even comfortable with ollies if you can do 180 ollies that's a big step [Applause] my ollie's just not that good yet [Applause] yeah i've not been skating very long the technique to keep your forehead on your feet a lot of people just snap it and then like their back foot comes way off and and you know they're trying to get in yeah but you have that so i think it'll help you to keep your foot further on the tip of the tail okay because that gives you way more lift right there you go right there oh yeah that's all i mean that's legit that's an ollie here's how old i am the ollie wasn't invented until after i was skated that's so great when i first started skating this is how you did a camera like this with your feet that's kind of cool because no one knew how to all see you're you're at the stage where all moving is actually going to help you really yeah okay [Music] yeah you're as soon as you snap the ollie and you slide your front forward let your upper body go with that motion um you're just you're letting it you're letting it lift it lift up so that when it comes around it's hard for you to get your feedback like it's better if you can try to keep it flat as you stop it okay and that's just more of how you maneuver your foot it's so high when you do it it actually becomes easier because you have that time to catch it with your feet and set it back down right body motion nice okay i did it thank you so much this is so fun yeah that was awesome so nice to meet you you're a legend i'm so honored to literally be doing horrible in front of you hey on behalf of someone who's seen it most of his life i think it's really cool that you're introducing skateboarding to a new generation of especially girls because it is the great equalizer and it's all inclusive and i feel like if kids can just see what it how fun it is and what you can do for them they'll want to do it and i feel like you're you're really promoting that well thank you it's really cool like i think it's cool that you you're going for it too i mean these tricks are not easy but i think it's so fun anyone can do this you know like when you go to the skate parks it's like not just guys there's like so many girls that do it i just think it's really cool that you're you're being a champion for scares and there is a whole generation of girls that are discovering it because of you so thank you awesome thank you so much thank you for coming and now i'm ready to go get chipotle but that was so much fun thank you guys so much yeah i'm adam i'm from chipotle so we got your little gift bag that's so cute oh my god how cute oh this is so cute chipotle leggings a shirt a tank top an avocado tank top and now we're gonna eat burritos also if you guys didn't know tony has a organization called the skate park project skatepark project and you can donate and tell us a little bit more about it uh we helped develop skate parks in understanding areas we've been going about 20 years and we have helped to provide over 900 skate parks that's insane 900 skate parks so if you guys want to donate you can go look it up and donate to help places get skate parks which is really cool in your town too in your town yep you can have a skate park thank you so much chipotle for the skateboard and the burrito card and also for letting me meet tony hawk which was super fun and he gave me some great tips i'll be rewatching the clip so i can get better but thank you so much thank you guys for watching thanks for clicking awesome bye guys
Channel: Addison Rae
Views: 3,084,671
Rating: 4.873138 out of 5
Keywords: skateboarding, tonyhawk
Id: 6qREk4UcxQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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