7 Exercises You Should Do Throughout The Day- EVERY DAY-

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(Bob claps) - You got my head Lonnie? - [Lonnie] Yeah. (Bob claps) Alright, come on in, come on in. It's a live show. - Oh. - What are you doing, Brad? - Oh, I thought my stripe was gone. - Oh. - Just that black thing. - Alright, (Bob claps) let's get this started. Alright, hi folks! I'm Bob Schrupp, physical therapist. - Brad Heineck, physical therapist. - We are the most famous physical therapists on internet. - And I'll pay you of course, Bob- - Seven. Seven exercises you should do throughout the day, every day. This isn't the seven exercises you should do every day. This is seven exercises you should be doing maybe every hour, maybe every half hour, depending on if you're having a trouble area. - Just incorporate it with what you're doing. They only can, you know, they only take, it's not like you're gonna take 20 minutes out to do an exercise program. It's here and there. And you can put these stretches in and- - Yeah, these are quick, maybe 10, 20 second stretches is what they are. So I hope we can talk you into trying some of these because they're really important. A lot of 'em have to do with posture. - Right. - So, by the way, if you are new to our channel, I wanna welcome you. Please take a second to subscribe to us. We provide videos, how to stay healthy, fit, pain free, and we upload every day. And if you haven't already, we wanna say hi to everybody on Facebook. If you haven't already, go over to the Facebook and like us, because Brad and I, as children were persecuted, picked on, bullied, and so we're trying to turn all that around. We want people to like us now. - Yeah. - We don't want to have to see a, you know, receive treatment, right Brad? - Yeah, Bob. We do need help. - Okay. Alright, let's start off with the first one that we're gonna do. Very often that people and very common problem, we're a sitting society. So what has happened over time is that a lot of times your chest muscle has become tightened and that causes your shoulders to internally rotate like this. In fact, you wanna show, Brad, how we can tell whether or not your shoulders are internally rotated. - If you look at your thumbs and they're in this way normally. - Yeah. - I gotta do this. - Just stand normal. - And you kinda have this, you might be forward a little bit. So this versus. - Yeah. See his thumbs are pointing towards each other, which is a bad sign. If you're naturally just standing there. You want 'em having actually point, I gave you a shock. - Yeah. - Pointing forward this way. - Full of electricity. - Yeah. So yeah, that's a sign that your shoulders are tight and that's gonna cause shoulder problems. And it could also, it's gonna lead to kind of bad postures. - Oh, right. That there's lot of little problems that can result. - So there's a lot of different ways you can chest, I always say this, stretch your chest. I always say chest your stretch. But one way is to actually just go ahead and put your hands behind your head like this and bring your elbows back like this. - There we go. - Now, if you have a doorway, which I imagine some of you do. You know, see here, imagine the doorway here. I'm gonna put my forearms on each side of the doorway and lean forward like this. And that helps stretch chest and you can do different levels. - Right. - Correct, Brad. - You can go under the corner of a, you know, of a room and do the exact same thing like this. - No, we can't. Oh, wait, Lonnie's gonna move the camera. - Oh. - There he is. - [Lonnie] Go ahead. - Okay, go ahead. - [Brad] We're clear? - Yeah. So he is going right into the corner. Nice stretch that way. If you're sitting in your chair and you don't wanna do it this way, you can actually reach back like this and grab your hands and pull 'em up like this. This stretches your chest also. Very easy one to do. Brad's gonna show it with a towel. You know, if you have just a towel or a sheet or a belt nearby, you can go ahead and- - You might have problems getting your hands together like I do so. - I thought you weren't gonna do this one. You're having problems with it. You didn't wanna do this one. - Well, that's the problem. I get on live and I just forget about all that. And I think, oh, you know- - He's gonna try it. So again, yeah. Just pull up and there we go, chest stretch. Do it throughout the day. Keep your chest out. I actually do this right before I go for a run in the morning when I'm walking and warming up. - Sure. - I stretch like that. And then throughout the day, I'll do it a few times. - Yep. - So, alright, next one, shoulder squeezes. This is one that everybody should be doing. Again, you can see what's happened, you're starting to round out like this with your posture. So you just go, there's a lot of different ways of doing this. You can bring your elbows out to the side like this and squeeze. Squeeze those shoulder blades together. - Their coming together here. - Let me tell you this. I'm gonna tell you this, by the way, if you're having trouble with your shoulders, that is one of the first things you should be doing is doing those shoulder squeezes because you're strengthening the core of the shoulder, the base of the shoulder. And I'm so surprised how often now I'll start feeling shoulder pain. I just start doing some of those throughout the day. Those are ones you can do every half hour if you want. - Oh, you can do it sitting. You can do it standing. You can do it in a car. - There's another way, you can actually bring your elbows up like this and squeeze together like this. So generally what count to five, Brad, would you say? 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005. - Sure. Yep. - Do a set of five. I mean, you don't have to, again, just incorporate 'em in your day. Wakes you up a little bit, if you're working at the computer. So next one is again, a posture thing. It's all gonna lead back to posture today. You kind of got that rounded out posture. You're gonna wanna do what we call the hallelujah stretch. So it's good to have a chair that hits you kind of below the shoulder blade. - Right. - Brad's gonna show another alternative here just in a second. - This is, yeah, so we're down here. If the chair's like up to here. - Yeah, then it's gonna be difficult. - Yeah, it's gonna be challenging unless you have a ball. - Right and so you're just gonna do the hallelujah stretch. So this is a great one to do just every so often, you know, again gets opens up the chest, start breathing better. - Alright. - So, and as (indistinct), you should try to breathe through all these. You know, keep breathing, don't hold your breath while you're doing 'em. But just again, it's a great mid back stretch. It's probably the number one goo-to stretch for that. And Brad's gonna show a ball. - Oh, you're gonna do, I'll do the ball. All right. The ball matches my shirt. You don't have to have a matching ball. So don't think that that's (indistinct). So I'm gonna start here, but the really nice thing about the ball is it's easily adjustable. I wanna go down about an inch and a half, two inches, and it gets a whole different part of your back and I feel it. And you'll definitely feel the difference. Oh, I like that. - That's what's nice about the ball is if you have a chair that's real high, that goes up, you know, way up to here. - Right. - You can adjust the ball anywhere. You get this in the right spot. So you just keep the ball around, throw it behind your back when you're working at the desk and you can give yourself some instant relief. By the way, I failed to mention, Brad. - What? - By the way, you are a slave to fashion, aren't you? I forgot to mention that after we do this, it's actually not gonna be that long today. The seven exercises you do. We will take questions. - Sure. - We'll try to provide answers. So Q&A, as they call it, right. - Right. And some of them might even be accurate. - Yeah. We're gonna shoot for accuracy today. We usually don't do that. Alright, next one is back extensions. Now you can do these a number of ways. Again, we're a society that we're always bending forward. We're not bending back. So to counter that, we want you to go ahead and you can do it standing. - Sure. - And see how that feels. But what you can do is actually put your hands, just like this and bend back. Or you can take your fingers like this on the belt and bend back like this. But the other way, the way I do it, I actually do these. I'll do these twice a day. So I'm not doing it all day every day, but I will do, get the press-ups and get down on the floor. And I do a set of these in the morning. I do a set of these at night. So it just works out really good. I'm not lifting up the pelvis. You know, I'm bending the back enough that you can- - Right here. Get that arch right there. If you do have spondylolisthesis - Or spinal stenosis. - Stenosis, that's a red light. I would not do those exercises. - Right. This should feel good. You know, all these, you should feel good to some extent. - Right. - You know, if they're hurting, you may have an issue going on and maybe something you shouldn't be doing. - Right. - So let's move on, Brad. Okay, how about the neck itself? You wanna show, Brad? We probably should, you know, a lot of times people are forward all day, so maybe some neck extensions. - Yeah. That head forward posture is all too common in our society. And if you're looking for it, you'll see it all over the place, computers, cell phones, driving. So we wanna get this to this, shoulders back, the things we've been working on. And add the chin tuck. Is that where we were going, Bob, you wanna- - You can do a chin tuck. You can do extensions. You can do extensions with the towel. - No, that's yeah. We typically like to use little towel support. It's a little more comfortable. You can do it like this. - He's actually pulling down and going back like this. - Yeah. And not pulling hard, just enough to support. You can go up like this. - A lot of different variations. - More of a stretch. I keep forgetting we don't have the mics on. - Right, right. - Talk loud. - You gotta speak loud. So, the other stretch you may wanna try, let's say you're having pain on one side. You might try the stretch to that side. Generally, as human beings, we tend to put our head one way or the other when we're writing or when we're doing work. And so quite often you're tight in one direction. That's the direction you should try stretching. So I tend to go like this when I'm doing stuff. So I'm tight to the right. So I do a chin tuck and then I stretch to the right. I stretch to the right. I stretch to the right. I do this throughout the day. It's just something I'll do every half hour or hour. - I think this is something, not so much anymore, but when the old telephones, when you- - Right. - You could hold. - Right. - The kids won't even remember that. - Yeah, I don't think cell phones, they do that too much anymore now. - I tried to, but it falls down. - Yeah, so. Alright, chin tucks and the final one Brad is just actually doing some ankle pumps. - Ah, yeah. - Especially as you get older and there's circulation issues and you know, even trying to keep the- - I don't think they can see us. - I don't think so either. We got black on black on black. I got white soles. Yeah, I got white soles. So you don't have to do this with your legs out stretched on the table. But you know, when you're on the floor at the desk, make sure you and pull up really far on you're toes until you feel a stretch in the back of the calves. Stretch, stretch, sing a little song while you do it. Get so much attention from your coworkers. - The other thing you can do is while you're standing, you can just get up on your toes like this. And get up on your heels. - Yeah. That back and forth rocking. - So I saw already one of the questions, Brad, somebody said they had bursitis and they're wondering how they can strengthen their hip when they have bursitis. - Okay. - You know, do you have any thoughts on that? - Well, yeah. First of all, I mean, bursitis, I was gonna say where, but evidently we're talking about- - It's a hip bursitis. Yeah. - So there's bursitis all over the body, but. - Well, what I would say a lot of times Brad is hip bursitis is sometimes brought on by the fact that you have a weak hip, because what happens? You start walking like this. - Yeah. - And that starts putting extra stretch on the bursa. So I would probably start with a stretch maybe. - Sure. - You know, maybe IT band and all that, working around that. - Sure. - Would you agree? - Right. You know, I kinda hard to say, sometimes you have to imagine, you have to see what's really going on, but. - Yeah. I mean, 'cause it's not always what it is, what you think it is. So one way to do a stretch is to actually just hang onto something like this. I'm gonna stretch this side so you can go like this and I'm crossing over and I'm stretching that bursa, the IT band out, tensor fasciae latae and the IT band. - Sure. - The other thing you can do, you could take a ball and work your way around the bursa. - Sure. - You know what I mean? Like a lacrosse ball or a tennis ball. And try to stretch every area around there except the bursa, you know? So, you know, oh yeah, you can use the foam roller too, couldn't you, Brad. But I'm stretching around, you know, getting some pressure on around there. But, why don't you show the foam roller, probably be a better idea. - Working that soft tissue just to get it pliable situation. This is that thing that, you know, Tom Brady, the football player is all gung ho about and credits to his success of injuries, but you gotta do this on the floor, not on table like this. Let's make that clear. But I can work the back side around the bursa. The bursa's right on the hip, the greater trochanter. So we're gonna work the soft tissue and then we can roll back. You're gonna wanna roller probably the softer density one so it's not so aggressive. Unless you really like to get in there and now I'm gonna go forward. And I work the front of the hips so we are working all the way around that hip bursa. And you'll know, cause if you go over, the hip bursa gonna be very painful and you do not wanna irritate that. We just wanna work the muscles around it. - Yeah. I mean, if you can strengthen without irritating it, I mean, if you could start doing some, you know, you could do maybe clam shells or something like that, lay on your side like this and start working the hip like this. - Yep. - And if you can do that without increasing the pain, I would go ahead 'cause you wanna start strengthening that area around it, so you're not getting that little sashay when you walk. So we're getting a lot of good questions, actually, Brad. Someone said, if a chin tuck, I'll go with the name here even. John Shankman says if a chin tuck causes pain, you know, should he just do it with a towel extension? - That's probably what I would do. Now again, that's a good question, 'cause if it does hurt, do you just push and keep work through it? You don't. You could get the towel and see if you can do it or start to do this. Now usually what I'll do, if a chin tuck hurts, I may assess this. And if this hurts too, you know, and you can do the towel further back with less pain, clearly less pain, then it'll do that. - You can try a chin tuck too laying down. - Ah, good point, Bob. I mean you could take- - Just my towel. - Yeah. - It's all dirty. My shoes got it all dirty. - Yeah. I mean, if I take that towel even, Brad. - Yep. - And where are you here? And so now I'm in this position here and I can do some chin tucks laying down like this with the towel at the back of my head here. - Yeah, that's a good point. 'cause it changes the whole, you can relax more that way. You're not upright the way that your head is in a different area. - Someone mentioned by the way, they had shoulder pain for two years. What should they do about it? What I really like is we have a kind of a progressive program. I don't know what the title of that would be, but we have one where you start off with, you know, usually I'm gonna show you the first exercise lot of time, we start off with the pendulum. - Sure. - And then usually we go to this one. 'Cause usually shoulder pain quite often, it usually involves impingement quite often, if I'm gonna generalize. So what we're gonna do is you're gonna grab onto a countertop, generally, something maybe a little bit higher than this and you're gonna push down. And while you're pushing down, you're walking away. And you should not have increased pain. Go to the point only where you feel the pain and then go back again. But you're pushing down the whole time and that's helping set that humoral head back in the socket, giving you more room and less impingement then, and you should find out eventually you can move it further, but that's step one. And then we have your work on internal rotation. It's all stretches. And so if you put Bob and Brad, you know, in our search area there, shoulder pain. - Right. - And look through the list of 'em , you're gonna find where we go through the progression of stretches for the shoulder. - Right. You know, again, it's hard to say just saying shoulder pain, what the source is from. So if you wanna do this by yourself, you could be successful, but you're gonna have to take your time and look for the exercises. - Do you wanna show that book there, Brad, "Treat Your Shoulder?" - That's a good option. - Yeah. We have this down in our, yeah show it on Facebook and- - Is that readable? - Yeah, we have it in our, let's see, it'd be on our website, Bob and Brad. - Right. And books that we like, they have "Treat Your Own Shoulder," "Treat Your Own Knee," "Treat Your Own Back," "Treat Your Own Neck." - And these are by Robin McKenzie. - Yeah very good books. I really would highly recommend them. - And they're not real expensive. They're somewhere around $10. - [Lonnie] There's a question there for you, Brad. - Sure. - [Lonnie] From Lorraine Blake. She has spondylolisthesis. - Oh yes. - Oh, hi Lorraine. By the way, Lorraine, the question is from Lorraine Blake. She's been a long time. - Okay. - Long time. - Sure. - Subscriber. - [Lonnie] She wants to know what the best exercises she can give her to do at home to strengthen her core muscles. - For spondylolisthesis? - Yep. So that's a good question. Repeat the question, Brad so that- - So the question is what are the best strengthening exercises if you have spondylolisthesis? If you're not familiar with that, you don't have it. You don't have to worry about it. Although these exercises work well, even if you don't. But so we're gonna work the exercises here. You're not gonna do exercises that extend the back like this or do this that. As a matter of fact, I did this on a video a few weeks ago and it gave me a sore back for about two weeks. But, you know, I was under the pressure of doing the exercise. I am a big proponent of using, Bob can you throw me the ball? - Sure. - I really like the ball, particularly for people with spondylolisthesis 'cause you have so much more control of taking pressure off the back. And so these always make my back feel better. I can have a sore back from whatever, maybe I did something I shouldn't did and I can always do these exercises and it makes my back feel better. - Speak loud, Brad. - Oh yeah. So this is one of my favorite ones right here. Okay, and then I'll do these, so I get it in the front. And believe it or not, I like to take this elbow to this knee and I'm doing oblique. So right elbow to left knee, left elbow to right knee. And that gets some motion in there as well. - Probably the most simple one, Brad would be just the knee to chest stretch, right? - Sure. - I mean. - Right. So if you just wanna stretch it, you know, this is not gonna strengthen anything. You're gonna want to do that too. But this is a good- - Oh, you're right. The question was core. Sorry about that. - That's all right. It's all related. - Someone Habos Babas, he said pain during exercise is not an indication of improvement. Assessment after the exercise is important to the improvement. That's a good point. I'm gonna repeat that. So a lot of times, if you do an exercise and it may be even hurt a little bit, but it feels better afterwards. That's a good sign. You probably want to continue that exercise. - Right. - If it doesn't hurt while you're doing exercise and it hurts afterwards, you don't wanna do it. So it's all how about how it feels after the exercise. - Right. - You know, immediately after. Generally though, I mean like if we're doing a neck exercise and it's steady pain down your arm, we stop. - Right. There's a little bit of both there. If you listen to our videos over some time, we repeat this over and over and you guys are gonna become good therapists in your own right. - Lonnie, do you have another one? - [Lonnie] This is from Deedee Martinez. She's asking the stretches she can do with two torn shoulders. - Two torn shoulders. - Ooh. - So this is from Deedee. and she's wondering what stretches she can do with two torn shoulders. Probably rotator cuff, I'm guessing. - Yeah. - I would probably do cane stuff, wouldn't you? Do you wanna grab that? - Just depends on what severity they're torn, where she's at with her mobility. - Right. - Either that- - I would wanna start getting, I mean, you always want to try to keep motion is what I'm trying to say, Brad. So the problem is yeah, maybe the ball. You'll be better, you're right. Cause you don't even have one arm to help the other, do you? You could use a pulley system though. - Sure. Pulley. - Yeah. You get those wall pulleys. Then you can pull down with one and then pull down with the other, 'cause you wanna try to keep the motion in the shoulder as much as possible while it's healing. - You might be able to do something like this where it doesn't take a lot of strength and you can, I'm getting my shoulders to move without a lot of effort. And I'm just moving my body to get it all the way up. And this is a stretch I use frequently with shoulder injuries and rotator cuff injuries. As a matter of fact, I've got someone this week I was working with and the ball worked the best. Unfortunately, she didn't have a ball at home, but she's gonna get one. And you know, they're, you know, 15, $20 at a big box store or online. So that's a good way. And as they get stronger, let's say, you know, down the road a few weeks, it's like, oh you can do it with one arm. Then you simply go to the wall and you can start to strengthen it versus stretch it. So it has a lot of different effects on it. It has a lot of different verse, you know, verse like that. Exercise is the way to do it. - Lonnie, you have one otherwise I have one here? - [Lonnie] Oh the question is what's the best daily stretches for an older triathlete? - Oh, an older triathlete. Best stretches. The best stretches to do for an older triathlete. Well, I mean, you know, you can kind of go from head to toe here. You know, I always wanna make sure to me, let's go with the lowers. - Sure. - You wanna do hamstrings. You wanna do hip flexors. - Right. - These hip flexors tend to get tight on everybody. - Right. - So let me show a couple. - Yep. - So you wanna gimme a, oh actually I probably don't even need the pillow. - [Brad] Yeah, they said triathletes. So they're talking about the swimmers and the bikers and the runners I'm assuming. - Yeah. - [Lonnie] She said, yeah. - [Brad] So what do you want? - Pillow probably. - [Brad] Oh. - Here it comes. - [Both] Ah! - I was thinking about a stretch for this person. - Ah, so anyway, I definitely like, I guess I don't only need the pillow since I'm on a cushioned thing here, but yeah. I always like to definitely do the hip flexes where, you know, I'm stretching this back one here. - Yeah. - And I'm stretching forward like this. - Yeah. - Definitely want to include this. This is one that I like to see a lot of people doing because these get tight with sitting. - Especially with biking, you're hunched over the bike and I wanna go the pro and press up for sure. - Oh, sure. I'll do that one too if you don't mind. - This is, you know, unless like myself, I have a back condition where I've got spondylolisthesis. I don't do this, but most people who have a normal back and they do a lot of biking. - Yeah. - This is a really good exercise to do before and after you do the biking. As well as the stretching backwards like this before and after you bike. - I wanna stretch calf muscle. - Oh yeah, very good. - And which I think most people know how to do. Just, you know- - Having for someone like that, having an incline board, which we have over there in the gym. (Bob laughs) What we have, how it is, but you know, if you're a triathlete, you're probably able to do this, keep your back straight. And this is the way I like to do it. - The ham straights? - As a matter of fact, I put my foot on the seat of my bike and I stretch like that before I go for a bike ride, but you just use whatever you can to stretch these muscles before your ride. Do the one Bob showed. - And I'd wanna stretch your IT band because a lot of times bikers can get that irritation on the outside of the knee. - Correct. I've got it, Bob. - Do you really? - Yeah, last summer. - One way to do that is to cross your legs over. I don't know how well this is gonna show up, I got my black pants. And then you pull up on the opposite leg like this and I'm actually stretching the IT band here. - Sure. - So if you can't reach this, you can take a towel or pull up like this and you could go like this. And pull up like this. This gives it a good stretch. So any other thoughts? - Do you do that one? - Huh? - Do you do that one? - I do do that one. - Oh, good. - I do it on a, I'm right by the rail of my steps and I put it up on there. So I actually, I do that one every morning. That, so. Anything else, Lonnie? - [Lonnie] Okay, what's the best stretch for a bulging disc, L3, L4 that is pushing on the nerve of the buttocks? - The stretch that gets rid of the pain in the leg. - Yeah, generally again, the question was what's the best exercise to get rid of pain from a L what? - [Lonnie] L3 and L4. - L3 and L4, so that's the low back. We're going to the McKenzie Program again, and we're doing these where you're starting again in this position and you're gonna start working your way up like this. And you're looking for whatever takes the pain out of the buttock, you know, and into the low back so. - Right. Yeah. And if the symptoms of his L3 L4, they're probably wrapping around into the thigh. - Well, that's a good point. Yeah. - 'Cause it's a little bit higher. - Yeah, well, that'd be L2 L3, maybe. I don't know, L3 L4, but. - Yeah. It's not the typical 5S, right. But, we're just talking. - Yeah, we're talking among ourselves. Nevermind us. But I would definitely try the press up. - Right. - And the McKenzie Program, type in McKenzie, M C K E N Z I E. And Bob and Brad and we've got whole programs on that that'll help guide you. - Right. - So. Oh, here we go. What is the best exercise for pain in a total knee replacement? One done in 2012 and then one done in 2015. Gotta show the knee glide, Brad. - Oh, sure. - So. - I guess it depends on how, what we're gonna have to drop the cameras. - Other than that, can you just maybe put it up here maybe and, I guess that would be difficult, wouldn't it? - Yeah, kinda is. - So we're gonna drop cameras. - Drop 'em down. - [Bob] Go ahead, Brad. - So typically, you know, we don't know for sure what the situation is with this person, but oftentimes if you got a total knee you wanna get moving for one thing and we're using their knee glide cause it works so well. And if you want to get it to bend more, we're gonna get that need to bend and you can use the other foot over the top and we're gonna push and we're gonna work and bend. And you can use your hand to pull it in and bend and push it that direction. - The other thing is I definitely wanna make sure that it's as straight as possible. - Good point. - So you're gonna wanna make sure you're working on straightening and you're gonna wanna do what we call pressure on pressure off. So he's got a nice stripe on his pants there. So when he gets to this point here, you can actually take his hands. - Yep. - And push down. Now you can do this without the knee glide. You can just go up to, you can go up to a stool or a chair, - Right. - And just put on there and just pressure on pressure off, pressure on pressure off. If your knee is not completely straight, that can be the source of your pain. - Sure. - I mean, you wanna make sure you've got as much range of motion as possible in order to make sure that you're not gonna have pain in the knee. Now, if you know, because your knee replacements were so recent, I have trouble believing it's because a component has loosened or anything like that. I just think, I'm guessing you need to make sure you got the full motion in your knee. - So, you know, don't work it too aggressively, work it with repetition. And we hope that gives you some, you know, if you don't have one of these, you can have a shiny floor and put a towel down. We can maybe take one more question. Lonnie, do you have any more or not? - Lonnie's looking. She lost it. - [Lonnie] Okay. The question is about the foam roller. She has a cervical disc extraction, but no, it's how to use foam roller safely. - Or cervical? - [Lonnie] Disc extrusion? - Yeah. - Yeah. - You don't. - Yeah. - Yeah. The question was, how do you use a foam roller for a cervical disc extrusion? I'm guessing that's a herniated disc. - Right. - Right. You don't. There's really no exercise I would have you do for it. Again, we keep harping on this name, but the Mackenzie Program for doing, for the cervical problems. You know, just like the back, you're gonna see if you can find a motion that helps decrease the pain. So like, if you're getting pain going down your arm from the disc problem, you wanna see, start off with the chin tucks and then the extensions and see if that pain starts traveling up and out of the arm. And maybe you feel it more up in here. - Right. - So, but you know, you can start with this and if that's too difficult, you can use the towel. - I've already put it away. - You already put it away. - I'll get it out here. - He's just like my wife. I come back to bed at night and the bed's made. So you can actually start these and working on these and see if you can, again, whatever motion it takes to get the pain out of the arm. The more the pain's going down the arm, the worse things are getting. So yeah, I know we're just touching on these things. We got videos on all these, but I hope we can kind of direct you into the right direction. - Yeah, you're not gonna use one of this. - No. - To roll a neck that's in that condition. - No. No. Alright, well we better get to work, Brad. so- We got work to do. - Thanks everybody for watching and join us next week. We should be live again on Thursday. - Alright. - [Lonnie] (Indistinct).
Channel: Bob & Brad
Views: 327,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: family friendly, physicaltherapyvideo, famouspt, bob schrupp, brad heineck, famous physical therapists, physical therapy, Bob and Brad, exercises, daily exercises, daily stretches, stretches, #hangoutsonair, Hangouts On Air, #hoa
Id: y0_38WHK_0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 26sec (1826 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2018
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