How To Escape Silver In Brawlhalla! | Your Legends To Diamond Part 1

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alrighty guys welcome back to another video and today's video is a little different I have a notepad with a bunch of different legends that you guys requested and for each game I'll play that Legend why not so we could run through the majority of what you guys want to see and make it interesting by going getting to Diamond yeah so the first Legend is Ezio I don't even know where atio is I do not play Ezio but one one person requested it so before we start this challenge make sure you guys hit that subscribe Button Man uh if you guys want to see like plot to diamond and gold to plot I'll be making those two so if you guys want to see that make sure you subscribe so how did I get to bronze you might ask well this is quite the story I just lost literally every place of the match except for two and it's I thought it would be in silver but it literally put me in bronze so this is technically a bronze to Diamond Series but it is what it is let me turn off gadgets real quick not playing with gadgets yeah so I don't know if every game's gonna be in this video that would take quite uh the amount of time but so yeah if your Legend like doesn't really make it I could just re revisit it like later on yeah so I suspect that bronze players don't Dodge and my suspicions are right oh he's dead this is a warm-up game all right even though we'll use the bronze okay oh well did I really expect anything less no but it is what it is yeah just Insanity being thrown out right now absolute insanity is he dead he's dead all right we got Nick's Next yeah I might revisit a lot of these Legends it's gonna take a lot longer than I thought I'm not gonna lie it really did put me in like the slums bro I'm all the way deep down the 900s this is crazy I'm like like think about it like this bro I'm a thousand ELO away from Platt that's crazy oh you plot people out there you guys are a thousand ELO higher than me right now if you ever wondered what these type of people play like you're witnessing it bro yeah just no dodging crazy because it's so like habitual for me to just go for reads but people really just don't Dodge so okay that's embarrassing oh that was nice oh he jumps lots of wake UPS oh I almost hit him oh is that dude how do people even get down here like I actually questioned it it's like I feel like it's a it's actually skilled to be down here like I don't know it takes a lot of skill bro oh okay AFK this is like early morning gameplay in like bronze bro I'm actually surprised I did not expect to get any games bro yeah this guy will use all his options or like float around you above let's hold on I'll prove it to you that's how you got red bonds right here oh boy there it is yeah there it is bro it's all it takes man all it takes got to get them in that grinder all right this guy's actually dodging I mean he's dodging in but at least he's dodging oh he's spot dodged he's dead I'm suspecting a disconnect oh my God these achievements oh we all start somewhere right gotta start in the bronzilo I didn't even know people existed in the sea though yeah how do people like exist down here this is like the bottom dwellers bro the cavemen of rawhalla bro Scythe literally just takes them out in like a second I gotta do like a scythe speed run to Diamond that'll be fun actually that's on the list for sure that guy's dead I could have swore a grump out of the stage there but all right that works we finally hit silver wow I've actually never been happier to hit this rank in my life bro dude bronze players are just or just something else literally a brick wall so let's try and decipher like what's wrong with this guy's play style I mean I mean it's quite a lot uh yeah he spot dodged and he's dead oh my God imagine I lost my stock there all right next is Mako foreign Raptor no okay lots of just dumb attacks oh he doesn't Dodge that interesting oh I don't know what to do I mean I could basically just Spam great sword here yeah I don't think he Dodges it this guy's done okay kind of dared into that yeah you'll notice like late game they do stuff like that they wake up because they're uh they're mad I would say they want to just be able to come back it's not the best way to do it man that gotta be patient gotta be patient and gotta be knowledgeable of the game I haven't lost the stock yet which is good news everyone plays in a certain way especially once you're like once you understand the game everyone at certainly those plays a very specific play style so if you could like understand what they do and learn how to punish them you'll improve man miraculately just Smash and win this nice it's gonna recover oh surprise you didn't dodge away there like most players do good yeah but as you can see this guy's like kind of scared to play you don't want to be scared that's like the one thing you don't want to be scared of someone else gotta attack neutral play well because the other people can sense your scaredness like look he's running away after getting hit throwing out random attacks all right let's go next let's go next yeah so you'll notice a lot of these players play the same so this guy's probably gonna play the exact same as the last guy a little faster better movement for sure okay this guy is actually quite the opposite he's not scared enough or like not wary enough this guy already disconnected bro I didn't even do anything he disconnected what the I guess he was just done I don't know man there's like a time you shouldn't disconnect it was this game you're actually doing good yeah I mean that was uh play some orb this guy's not dodging so let's try and see what this guy's doing uh he's playing well kind of bad off stage though I'm not gonna lie that was good damn dude man does that stick even punishable well dead okay yeah so that guy very much lacked off stage not his best performance off stage I won't lie oh my God that could have been it got some Scythe gameplay no dodging by this guy okay okay lots of uh ground pounds going on over here I don't like it where are you going sir where are you going oh you're going right there okay just followed him up with his recovery he's dead still going strong baby all right put in some high intensity gameplay right here come on Boom dead nice ah I think this guy's gone yeah he's gone this guy's gonna use his Dodge a lot that's for sure all right so he spot Dodges he's probably gonna spot Dodge and Dodge in a lot which is a bad habit to have right there especially when I haven't attacked him yet if you're just gonna use it in neutral it's not good because I could get a lot out of it that was good yeah Landing with an attack is kind of predictable like that with cider gonna Dodge up oh I was right but I didn't catch it all right yeah so a lot of what I mentioned you know a lot of dodging in neutral oh I messed that up badly bro oh you're gonna land with slider oh that time was there yeah that was just bad kind of set himself up for that too that'll kill yeah so I mean that guy kind of just did all the usual mistakes you know dodging in spot dodging being predictable at cider Landing okay so let's see what this guy does getting on stage like that it's not a good idea if I can do it again I didn't punish it though I'm bad dude I might lose a stock here you guys owning me boom I think he throws out too many attacks though which might be his his issue so far not bad though dead ladies and gentlemen we've lost our first stock maybe we lose to our gold player here or maybe a silver that'd be embarrassing oh yeah no just gotta bring out the guitars bro everything's okay after it's like ripping the Band-Aid off all right so while this guy uh I guess I kind of just adapted to him there's a real issue here but you like attack when you shouldn't be attacking like right there also I don't know what's going on now now he's just dead he was the first person to get a stalk off this so I can't lie 1346 we're getting close to gold man dude I feel like uh look it's been pretty fast now I think about it got our next guy Rayman that's actually scary dude I I'm sensing a lot of d-cigs a lot of side cigs a lot of every Sig that's what I'm sensing if I had to make a guess I could just feel it bro you ever just get the feeling that this player is just gonna play a certain way let's see oh is he dead bro oh my god oh my god let's go again he's dead oh my God that's damage bro I could probably just abuse the nsig here foreign oh my God I mean to do that oh he's actually alive that was not the correct follow-up do you want to also like know your follow-ups that's another thing what I mean by that is like if you're hitting a side light on the ax you want to be sure you follow that up with a Nair or a d light depending on the situation but you want to know which one works right like that guy didn't he followed up like a reverse cider or something I wasn't like I wasn't off the model at all want to play optimally as as best as possible you don't have to be like a robot but you have to be a robot like nerix bro but you know let's play certain way is good did you just add to that oh my God I almost died to that I just kill him here yeah I used this Dodge in the air caught him with a GC side light okay spot Dodge off the rip catch that oh my God almost saved them to be honest the taunt bro oh my God I'm so bad let's try and [ __ ] him here yeah kind of a bad recovery from him gonna cost him the stock there too plays very scared again I already thrown out much any useful attacks at least it's kind of just letting me let me do all these reads on him for no reason that's gonna kill him ladies and gentlemen we have hit gold with your Legends yeah so 32 wins wow I mean we did start at like low bronze bro so I guess it makes sense yo you guys do not want to be in low bronze I don't even know if I could include those that was like absolutely atrocious gameplay from everyone involved so I don't know but yeah I mean 32 wins not bad so the next one's gonna be gold to Platt and um if you guys want your Legends in the video request them in the comment section man I'll make a list I'll make another list hopefully we got through everyone's I think we did yeah so I hope you guys enjoy the challenge and I'll catch you guys in the next video peace
Channel: definBH
Views: 10,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brawlhalla, pavelski, pavelskibh, gaming
Id: pVzxjK5hUKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 12 2023
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