SEASON 30 PLACEMENT MATCHES! | Brawlhalla Ranked 1v1

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all right guys season 30 has just launched isn't it crazy that we're 30 Seasons into this game yeah so today we're going to do our placement matches we got 10 games to go through without losing our mental that's kind of like a hard task in this game but bring it on okay see what this guy does okay bad match up for us already oh god oh Noah this is not good should have warmed up dude gauntlets into guitar is a horrible matchup they have so much priority over you oh uh-oh okay going to take me a bit to warm up over here not going to lie to you no I can't lose the first game okay take it slow and Sig oh that's bad okay make him get aggressive all right yeah if we play slower he's going to whiff like that I miss my punish of course okay that was bad ah we're we're alive though demon Island moment wait what that hit me yeah that hits him okay we're going have a hard time killing gauntlets okay that worked okay doesn't Dodge okay there I'm starting to understand wait that didn't hit the heck starting to understand how this guy plays oh that hit him that's actually detrimental that's actually brutal for him that's a power of val on the edge okay W I'm playing horrendously right now okay no bu oh that's not true all right now we have control of the game there we go much easier game now kind of adapted to the way he's playing he's not dodging so it's easy for me to like hit him side s okay oh that was actually good the heck oh oh he doesn't jump there that's good too all right that'll kill him all Grim let's see what we can do here in spot Dodge okay okay I see you not really doing much okay there we go yeah he's kind of he's not really doing much oh that's bad that was good all right yeah he missed his uh true combo there so he got the punish DOD away oh that's bad oh that was not the right punish should ended okay interesting I tried to go for it dodged away again oh my God choked I thought I had sword okay s okay maybe I should have gced it that was dumb throwing out some atro atrocious moves right now by I could have ground pounded whatever he's dead a I thought that would work tried to catch his dodging damn these sers are crazy okay he's going the D I'm much try to bet oh I feel the D Coming the algrim inside of him the heck okay what you doing bro what you doing I'm going to valid side Sig you more guitar action got to love it oh my God I thought I had got the weapon there yeah H this guy really isn't dodging I could just do that oh I could probably have killed him there I don't know if that would have killed definitely would have probably okay he's dead oh H that was good oh my Lord wait I touched okay we're living somehow yeah I got to go for recovery after that oh my Lord the GC side tck crazy this guy's a maniac I don't like it oh that was a good punish that was good jump okay he's lazy with his Dodges I'm going to punish him for that boom oh well not that time all right think you should be dead here oh man I tried to avoid that Jesus what the heck is this guy hitting me with die bro Zu is such a scary legend oh hell no ground pound like so bad okay oh that hits me yeah he's going to get desperate oh my God these these NES bro ah not another one and Sig no I'm dead that was good uh-oh now it's getting close oh no this is too close okay oh no die bro die all right he's dead oh my dude that was way too close I'm kind of nervous oh it's clam I read the name wrong it's CLM bro this guy's pretty good might lose this game okay I ain't giving up that easily though yeah we got Focus up it's going to be a good game oh his guns are really good that was bad okay that was also bad nice okay no I walked into that that doesn't hit I'm pissed Oh I thought that I was he thought I would get hit by that thought I had no Dodge okay well now we're just getting absolutely destroyed oh no no no got to confirm the KO here okay he's dead all right nice no Dodge there okay how many dares will he hit on us let's see some someone make a counter oh my God am I going to get hit by all these dares this is crazy I didn't mean to do that what the hell what did I just throw out I don't even know what I just threw out oh my God yeah oh my God we're getting owned yeah okay oh my Lord oh I dodged up that was bad all right well first game of the day that we're losing here unless unless the comeback comeback season boys oh no no no absolutely not unfortunate playing like a gold out here dang bro unfortunate well let's try our best let's lock in I'm going to talk less this game no messing around on the de and YouTube channel okay well I lied we're messing around oh bad see what we can do here okay nice all right he's dead god dude and that was a crazy option to go for okay got the Dodge away wonder where I should Dodge now he's dodging up no I had it too no all right we're racking on damage this game no more messing around I have awoken no way that doesn't hit me uh-oh oh my God you read the Dodge down there I should be like playing more passively should be panicking okay yeah we got recovery there he used all his options oh my God okay should have jumped there interesting spot Dodge there no bad he's going to look for the kill here I just feed on that okay he's going to end Sig yeah D Sig maybe yeah no way bro thought that would be true yeah he's kind of desperate here yeah he's dead now Nick's defense okay oh tried to read his uh Dodge in that was good all right let's close out the game now all right he's dead all right we had a better game that game wasn't bad 10 and 21 another bad record dude I might go like seven and three that's like probably the worst I've ever done Jesus I'm playing against cracked play players guys are the goats all right I won't let it happen okay nice ah that was bad I should have went on stage like that nice jump pick up sword here sword's better into bow ah that was bad okay made it work damn dude a I was so close to hitting that I'm not even mad am I dead okay nice not the best option I could have win for nice all right he kind of faded in there it's good for us oh that was bad wait he has no recover oh touched ah I got to watch out for those NES bro is he dead no yeah never dare like that off stage that was bad he touched though of course cuz I'm trash could just ground pounded him oh I'm feeling the K IG no recovery yeah I'm feeling the end Sig actually though yeah I knew it die okay that was good he's going to do that okay ah wow he gets ah he was waiting for that that was bad by me okay well wait we're alive don't Pogo me please yeah I knew he was going to do that he looks for n a lot there it is again okay we're winning here with sword we're Lally just playing neutral oh he gets that punish that oh that's bad no I almost choked the game cuz I'm dumb like oh my god dude I'm so bad I don't think I would have killed them okay there's no way we lose cuz of that right okay we need a weapon here come on give me a weapon bro all right he's dead wow honestly embarrassing performance by me at the end there Jesus oh that was good oh my that was good oh my God I'm trash a side signal okay he looks for nir oh I missed like 30 punishes there okay go for the Highlight Reel you know okay Dodge in perfect all right we got his read there interesting yeah I shouldn't have S lighted there he kind of walks right into sword so probably still we were really good with neutral against this guy on sword just keep doing that is he dead no one more one more recovery will do it dude I can't kill this guy wait what what is going on what the bro I'm so lost is he like lagging okay yeah that was good good Dodge okay yeah he won't die to that he's going to play a lot more passive so I just like let him wait it out eventually something will kill him right right guys something will kill him eventually he cider that was is good all right well that killed them oh my God that's bad that was good by him oh my God we're alive how a little [ __ ] action okay well there's about a th000 things that could kill us here oh my God we're making it back we're making it back boys come on for the win okay literally an endl will kill us here yeah well played victory that is the end of our play matches ladies and gentlemen we have gotone seven wins and three losses absolute trash but we're improving don't worry I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll catch you guys in the next video peace
Channel: definBH
Views: 17,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brawlhalla, pavelski, pavelskibh
Id: 3Egg3S06n2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 44sec (1184 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2023
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