RISING TO VALHALLAN WITH ADA! | Brawlhalla Ranked 1v1

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dude I haven't made like a video in so long but we're back we're back in the rank Q 73 wins we're close to Val Halland man we need like 27 more wins so yeah we're going to whip out the Ada today I don't know why I just kind of felt like a would be kind of fun today I don't know bcx weekend just finished if you guys didn't see use took the title home super super dope for uh for Brazil hope you guys if you guys were there hope you guys had a good time I didn't actually go but I'm going to go next year for sure look at this drip though it can't tell me his drip is ugly all blue rocking the all blue today oh disconnected that's good hopefully he comes back I don't have to fight the bot like should I make this an experimental video dude oh my God actually crazy Q times all right I'm happy we got a game let's fall asleep you know I'm ready let's go dude Z is a scary well lag Spike of course we'll have to start off like that all right got to be careful of Canon here that was good oh no Dodge off that okay put that into the mental damn ground pound there okay oh ins doesn't hit there bad all right he went for that that's kind of bad good by him go for it again go for it again oh honestly I'm bad for that that is scary okay I got to adapt to this guy no idea what's going on oh Dam am I dead yep going to do do something yeah all right he's dead it's kind of a bad stock okay the pain of blasters dude all right there we go we got 8 of six don't worry jump yeah he jumped try and clean it up here a little bit better oh that's damage down down yeah I don't know what I just said there but it was a Dodge down okay all right the game's kind of shifted in our Direction action here that was kind of a scary First St though he's playing really good all right he died well that was what a switch up dude I've never went from like that was a change in intensity to the max damn got one ELO for that all right and I'll take it like the number one hater of this weapon all right okay just Waits there s side light DOD down there that was good sidel again he wants his great sword who would have thought who would have thought that caught me what heck no why is he playing so scared oh what the okay it's kind of hovering on the edge there a little bit so we just side Sig okay oh I thought I had blasters okay are we Dead or Alive oh I thought I could fade around that but clearly not yeah these players like I got to adapt to these guys like random oh my Lord just sco me up there okay I didn't catch rough oh my God that almost caught me okay I'm so so confused right now like I've never seen something like this actually that's a lie I definitely have in my years of braa Jen yeah oh he actually like faded down not expect that okay all right he's dead okay he likes to use all his options before landing that's something I could uh get from this game all right hey we just box him out here so he's playing very floaty oh that was almost bad wait he has nothing a very scared like I don't know why he's playing scared dude he's dead okay an interesting one for sure all right this is going to be a more intense game for you guys let's go all right come on got to lock in now those other games didn't count refresh okay see what this guy does likees to dodge down into me nice in that was bad Oh I thought he had no Dodge yeah punish that ah he drifted there should have recognize that okay jumping oh there many mistakes right there it's okay wow that doesn't hit unfortunate okay getting hit by all the axe attacks that was bad oh my God we need spear here oh that was good by him okay play little less aggressive nice got his recovery wow I got that interesting okay nice got his Dodge in he's going to side a ah oh my God almost got hit by that nice should have nared bro D oh I didn't think he'd fade it or like uh or slide charge it it's a good option by him though that was like extreme bait ah he gets damage here I almost missed input of that that would have been brutal that's beautiful keeps dodging into us so we could take that no way bro nice that was so bad no way he read that we're alive though wow okay oh the end light okay nice good kill him here come on come on come on ain't no way okay bro he's reading my recoveries like it's nothing Legend yeah we're dead all right Fair Play It's actually locking in now okay I got to stop doing that dodging into him that was a crazy GC ah I did not think you'd do that punish him wow yeah at least we faded that nice all right one time made a Sig work for us Jesus oh my God that was would have been nice all right got more control this game feels a lot better the curse is off of us you can't lose your mental that's like a good tip for you guys even if you're losing a lot of games against someone just try and learn what you're doing wrong doesn't matter about the ELO I know this guy like chases me bro he's like hungry no way he waited for that too that's crazy okay I shouldn't have done that that was a bad dare he's got at Lance like once he picks up Lance it's wraps I got to like play way better play a lot slower too cuz last time I was going into him when I had a lead it's like bad going to play my advantage well just like exactly what I did was bad all right see we're playing a lot better there we go there we go he's dead all right okay there we go out of that start punishing his attacks that's literally it nice a lot more controlled play St from us right here okay Ah that's unfortunate okay you got us with that damn bro okay all right let throw out something like that we punish yeah I knew it h nice keep punishing his NES oh no that was bad all right now now we're just throwing out dumb stuff yeah I knew he was going to double Wht there nice all right Jesus all right guys that will be the end of this ranked video I hope you guys enjoyed recommend me some Legends for our next one and I'll catch you guys in the next one peace
Channel: definBH
Views: 9,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brawlhalla, pavelski, pavelskibh
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2023
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