Early Season Climbing With Val! | Brawlhalla Ranked 1v1

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all right guys welcome back to another ranked video today I'm going to be busting out the Val again I know like two videos ago I made a video with Val but I kind of like solidified her as my main so I'm going to be trying to learn her as much as possible so you guys are on this journey with me you know we're going to be learning today okay okay wakes up there interesting all right we can win this sword ditto okay easy punish for us I don't know why threw out that but all right dodged up off there cover yeah so we get recovery there cuzz he Dodges up oh chill out bro okay we can get an EDG guard come on punish let me threw his weapon up what the instant wake up dude A's always wake up be honest I hate you AI Mains better be know m subscrib to me no I'm just joking we all love over here what was he going to do okay let's not be dumb over here all right he's dead okay thought he would go off stage there what's he going to do why is he kind of just standing there trying to bait me I am f for the baits bro oh no I'm dead nice nice likes to dodge up this guy oh no oh no the reads are coming out oh that doesn't even hit him I did the same Dodge I'm so bad yeah he thought I was going to do it again okay I kind of was overzealous with that bro this guy just no fear throws it out okay that was kind of bad I risked it he didn't punish it though so it worked dodged in okay okay we got to kill him here nice all right that was good all right sir what do you have for us today ghost fluffy 07 erratic movement off the bat okay this guy I feel like this guy's an offstage Warrior he always trying to get you off stage the entire time I respect it he's going to come on stage yeah I knew it oh I dodged in yeah no Dodge honestly I play that badly could have probably killed them all right yeah so we use the platform there as our s light it's kind of optimal oh oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I'm playing horribly what am I doing iy threw out like eight hit boxes and I didn't even punish him that was kind of uh ambitious of me okay what is this guy doing okay that was bad all right I'm trolling I'm trolling I'm actually trolling is he dead oh he almost died to vald Sig oh my God gu okay bro what is going on I could have killed him there too I'm trash die okay wow that caught my Dodge down ah missing my Edge guards ah I tried to sidelight but have killed him a recovery okay we just kill him here whoa scary cuz this gaunlet gamep playay is atrocious all right nice good read he likes to wake up bro like that double whiff triple whiff multi- whff wake up typical player over here can win this another wake up no now he's just straight on spamming me all right we got this though these people are so unpredictable like these type of players I don't know what this man's going to do well except for that yeah if you kind of just wait them out they don't they start not knowing what to do they just start throwing out stuff ah okay maybe again oh my god dude why am I missing those punishes I'm this guy too much too much gamepl over here I just want to end the game okay he give us the win I'm trash come on dude just die for me all right thank you Jesus okay punish a I should have preserved the weapon better there ah okay wait why am I playing so bad got to track him better kind of even exchang is going out by both of us here nice keeps fast flying so we're going to keep naring all right he's dead I can't win the gauntlets into Cannon match up I suck at that yeah I knew it bro these Cannon players out of hand oh okay chill why is he just standing uhoh what the hell bro what was that what the erratic movement bro what is going on in this rank Q today oh my Lord like normally I'm the one mashing but I can't even Mash against these people I have to play passive or else it's just insta loss they're just going to out Mash me all right oh that wasn't even confirmed oh my God bro I'm so bad okay that I thought that would reach for some reason all right yeah this is win this is a win for us ladies and gentlemen all he punished it fair play I'm dead oh no oh we could have easily died there all right well I haven't F Loki in a long time that was good by him the dash back okay whoa that hit me yeah this guy is really good oh I had no recovery tried to recover again an exhausted one but it didn't work nice that was bad by me bro that Sig is scary punish him bro this guy uses all his options punish him later oh that hits behind too like what weird hit box punish that all right no Dodge after that okay I don't know what these players do what the heck he's going to I'm still alive never mind nice all right now we're playing neutral much better playing getting stage control yeah all right we've adopted to him oh that was good by him he like waited this guy's good at waiting like see how he uses his options there that kind of good I wasn't expecting it all right yeah he's dodging in oh lag Spike that was good all right these lowkey Mains okay dude what is happening bro I bro are you seeing this on my screen I hope it's not just me bro okay that costed me that entire stock that that's actually annoying what is actually happening no way I lose this game to lag I'm not going to let it happen oh n it's over bro it's over oh you died bring it on bad all right let's let's actually like turn up the intensity for last game what the okay so he just doesn't do anything after SEL light interesting whoa that caught me okay that was crazy D all right okay well this guy is unpredictable Jesus okay we got that whoa yeah lots of random stuff going out over here all right expecting some Sig over here yeah that was bad by me bro I had a full read on him too oh the Dodge in that was good actually he's lazy with his Dodges right read but did it too weirdly DOD down that was horrible okay I could through my weapon there all right he's dead I should have Ned okay yeah he likes to just run at you this guy's running at me full speed Full Throttle just punishing kind of everything he does it's like a maze bro like I don't know what he's going to do next uh what the that was good all right he's dead that was a good Edge guard by us at the end there all right guys that will be the end of this ranked video I hope you guys enjoyed hope you guys learned something and I'll catch you guys in the next one peace
Channel: definBH
Views: 4,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brawlhalla, pavelski, pavelskibh
Id: t4623LUPgOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2023
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