Break Up, Break Out, Break Through. | Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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experience right here at free chapel today is a very special today because it is the conclusion of our annual 21-day fast and so if you've been on this incredible journey with us we first want to say congratulations to you on completing such a Monumental task and we hope that you feel closer to God than ever before but we're going to be taking an opportunity to lay hands and pray for every single individual that walks through our prayer line today but listen that doesn't exclude you we actually want you to utilize the tools and resources not only on Facebook but our online campus web page as well to where you can submit your prayer request live and we have a team that is ready to pray with you to respond to your prayer request and to pray for you in real time so if you're on Facebook live all you have to do is submit your prayer request a let us know what you are asking God for in this season and submit it in the comment Place below the live video and so we have a team that is ready to pray with you and see God move in your life but if you're using the online campus web page you can also select that tab that says prayer as well and we have that team ready and we want to see God move in your life but not only that I also want to remind you that we have our annual one marriage conference coming up just in a few weeks right here at our Gainesville Campus and so I encourage you register for that it's not just for married couples but for singles as well but as we're preparing for service today check out this quick video of one marriage conference together we are one no matter what comes our bond is tried and true join Jensen and Sharice Franklin for one marriage conference 2017 with special guests Robert and Debbie Morris the morrises are pastors of Gateway Church in Texas one of the 10 largest churches in America and authors of the book The Blessed marriage Experience One marriage conference 2017 February 10th through 12th at Free Chapel in Gainesville Georgia get the best rates this weekend only register and find more information in the lobby and at one marriage [Music] conference happy Sunday everybody today is the day the Lord has made Let's Rejoice [Applause] amen waited for this day we've gathered in your name calling out to you your glory like a fire oh Awakening J will burn our hearts with TR and your love we he Jesus your love we sing so open up the heavens we want to see you open up the FL g a mighty River from your heart feel every part our PR and we welcome you today Jesus your In This Place Your Glory on our face we look to the sky descending like a cloud you're standing with us now Lord unil our we want to see you Lord you're the Reon we [Music] here you're the Reon we open up the heavens we want to see you open up the body your heart every heart don't you open it up open it up heav we want to see you open up the dark from your heart feeling every heart of [Music] PR show us show us your glory show us show us your power show us show us your glory Lord come on make that your prayer today ask him to show us show us show us your glory show us your power show us your power show us show us your glory want to see you so open up the Heavens say it open up the heaven we want to see you open up the FL Gates of Mighty R heart feeling every you open up the open up the heaven we want to see you open up the blood Gates a body River thr down your heart feeling every kind of [Music] PR oh Jesus you heart feel this place we glorify your [Music] name [Music] the the blind to see it's moving here in front of me it's moving here in front of me the one who made the death [Music] siling my everything siling my everything I believe in I believe in you you're the god of oh I believe that you just I believe you I believe in you you're the god of [Music] [Applause] [Music] Mir the one impossible it's reaching out to make me it's reaching out to make behold for one who put death in place his life is flowing through my his life is flowing through my I believe in you I believe in you yeah you're the god I Believe In You Jesus I believe in you God Mires say I believe in you I believe in you I believe believeing The God Who and is to come the power of the RIS one the god that brings the dead to life you're the god of Miracles yes CU you're the god of Miracles come on Church let's sing it together the god of was and is to come oh I believe that the power of [Music] the the god that brings to the god of Miracles to the god of Miracles the God was is the power of the [Music] reason the god that brings the T to life to the god of Mires to the god believe you [Music] believe oh I believe you I believe you I believe in you mirales say I believe you God I believe you [Music] God yes I believe in you yes I believe in you to the [Music] God come on come we lift the mighty shout of this place we believe in you God and we're going from glory to glory amen church will never be the same let's sing it together created from dust let's say created from dust you came you came and you live us you took all afraid you walked in all gra night taking us higher come on you stepped into time you stepped into time you laid down your life you laid down your life [Music] to you took all shame on the cross it was now you Tak we sing [Music] say say will never be the same never be the same never be the same when you take us higher you take user higher and we're forever changed we say we're forever change forever you call me brought it your come on let's by the blood I was no and now you taking us harderz we go from glory to glor never be the same never be the same you take us higher and higher and higher we forever change oh yeah forever change until we reach that g until we reach conquers we'll cry and and you see that we standing face to face we shine oh until we reach until we reach that the conquers everything C let and when we see that we're standing face to face we shineing let oh you took all the grave so not even death can shake the Victor we say the Victor is heav come and now you take it up high and now you take it up and then he take it us higher we go some glory to glory to glory never be the same never be the same you take us higher and higher and higher we forever change we forever change oh you're taking us from glory to glory god taking us higher yeah yeah yeah strength strength f f come on we lift our hands and we sing it out together we say we go from glory to glory GL oh we never be the same never be the same never be come on and you take us you take us you take us higher and high oh we forever CH forever say we go we go glory to glory to glory we go from glor to glor to glory to take us higher high and higher will forever change forever change come on can we LIF a mighty shout of Praise In This Place hallelujah hallelujah let's give him a great praise this morning come on lift him high lift him high Great and Mighty God We praise you we honor you we create a throne for you with our praise today Jesus oh we invite your presence here today Holy Spirit praise the name of Jesus praise the name of Jesus how many of you are glad to be in church this Sunday morning good morning everybody I want you to give a warm welcome to gwet they're joining us live right now Buford is joining us live right now Spartanburg is joining us live come on tell them that we love them all of our family there Orange County give them a big warm welcome we're so glad you're there and then many many of you joining us around the world by Facebook live and streaming we're so glad that you are there now take just a moment and take one a one minute mingle and get out from where you are and mingle like you used to do when you were single only don't have a crazy motive just just go be friendly and uh Shake somebody's hand and say hello let them know that you're glad they're here [Music] today you know you know some of the um some of the smart smartest people come to the 9:00 service particularly particular particularly the last day of the fast because they figured it out if I come to the 9:00 Pastor said the fast is over as soon as the service is over and why should I T and why should I wait till the Heathen 11:00 crowd when when I can go eat and beat the Baptist to the buffet and eat three meats and a dessert today before they ever get to church come on turn to somebody and say we're the Smart Ones the others are dumb Dums they're turning over and listening to their stomach growl right now and congratulations I'm glad you're here today welcome to free chapel and we're excited about this day it's going to be a powerful day in just a few moments uh we're going to lay hands on every person every family every individual that desires a fresh anointing breakthroughs in their life we're going to believe for healing we're going to believe for miracles we're not just doing this out of routine or ritual but we absolutely have been seeking the face of God for these 21 days and we just decree and declare that today is the day the breakthroughs began in your life in your circumstances in your health in your family with your children in your marriage God is able do you believe that today I know you do do before we uh move on in the service I want to really encourage everybody at all of our campuses to be aware of the tremendous conference that is about to start in just a few weeks here at Free Chapel our marriage conference is one of the highlights of the year and maybe you think you know what a marriage conference is even if you're single God has someone for you but you ought to prepare yourself because God uses prepared people and this conference will speak into your life incredible truths and the people that we have Coming Robert Morris and his wife uh Cindy are pastors of the great Gateway Church if you've never heard of that church it is it is touching the world one of the largest churches in America totally Spirit-filled church that uh is doing massive things in the Dallas Fort Worth area and I I heard uh Robert teach on the Blessed marriage and I'm telling you you just wait this guy comes and there's an anointing on his life and it is powerful it's piercing he tells his own story he didn't come from a church background he got into a lot of things and and a lot of relationships and brought a lot of baggage into his marriage and I'm telling you that there will be healing in this place I believe it's going to be the greatest marriage conference we've ever had you know that we've actually had and I'm not talking about one or two or five or six I'm I'm talking about many people who even came who had already filed for divorce and they're still married and sit on our pews and our seats every Sunday because they came to marriage conference this is in a selling car I don't have to sell it we already have about 3,000 registered and it's almost we we always uh sell it out we we can get about 3,300 in this room and I'm telling you that uh you're missing out on some things that could could make your life better you you started out on a fast that's awesome but sometimes the spiritual things don't work if you don't get the natural things working and we we'll go back to some of the natural things that we can do and then let God do what he can do to turn water into wine in your marriage and I just you know every year I see it and every year I see marriages go through hell and I ask them were you in the marriage conference no no no man do you remember when they talked about this and it's not just one session but it's multiple sessions and it's worth it it's worth the investment so I really want to encourage you to do that today we're going to have a first fruit offering are you ready to do that a first fruit offering and I want to encourage you today to honor God with your tithe and with your offering the Bible said that once a year at the beginning of the year they would bring a first fruit offering to the Lord and and uh this is something that I've done for a long time and I hope that all of you will do something you've been fasting you've been praying now add to that a special seed sown in faith to believe God call it a breakthrough seed in a particular area of your life in 2017 you want to see God break through those of you who are streaming you can participate by clicking on a gift and help us carry the gospel to the world Lord bless your people today as they sow and as they give we give you the thanks we give you the praise in Jesus mighty name and everybody said amen and amen I want you to open your Bibles with me for just a few moments while they're receiving your gifts today and as I said in just a moment we'll begin to pray for people but before we do that I want to talk to you today one more time about breakthrough in your life life I want to preach a sermon right now that will build your faith so that when hands are laid upon you and when we touch you and agree and anoint you with oil for the anointing of the holy spirit for a new year in your life that you will have Revelation behind that Faith behind that for your own individual breakthrough how many of you truly have enjoyed this season of fasting in prayer it really is a joy in some ways every year I feel I feel sad about it ending to be honest because there is a focus and there is a faith level and there is a there is a giving of yourself and I I don't want it to stop I think we need to be sensitive in in what God is calling us into this year and today is going to be a day and I'm going to say this real bold because I have faith for it today is absolutely going to be a day where thousands of people are going to get breakthroughs that will begin today and it will continue throughout the rest of this year Hallelujah I want you to look at three different scriptures and you're going to have a hard time finding them so I'm going to give you a head start right now just go to the front of your Bible and go to the book of Hosea Hosea and you thought that was somebody that lived in your neighborhood that's a minor Prophet Hosea he was not Mexican he was a a minor prophet in the Old Testament Hosea chapter 10 and verse 12 and I want you I want you to hear it because in these three verses that I'm going to read you real quick I'm not going to preach long I'm going to give you three deposits into your spirit into your soul and then we're going to pray for breakthrough in your finances in your life in your mind in your body in relationships Hosea chapter 10 and verse 12 so for yourselves righteousness you've been doing that for 21 days you will reap in Mercy listen to this break up your fow ground for it is time to seek the Lord till he comes and Reigns righteousness in you so he begins by saying in Hosea chap 10 and verse 12 break up everybody say break up break up there's some things if you're going to get a breakthrough that have to first break up and it's concerning you personally the fow ground break up have a breakup with some things some thought processes some relationships some addiction some sin some bondages some attitudes breakup and then I want you to quickly go to Micah if you have your Bible turn right and you'll find the Old Testament Book of Micah another one that we don't know a lot about but in Micah chapter 2 and verse 13 it says what happens if you break up on the inside and you have a break up with things that are not pleasing the Lord the rain the rain of his Spirit starts falling on your life life you've been doing that for 21 days whether you realize it or not you've been having a break up of the FOH hard unfruitful ground in your life it's been broken and churned up and then notice what he says in in Micah chap 2 and verse 12 or verse 13 let's let's back up to to the latter part of verse 12 they shall make a loud noise because of so many people so now it's gone from an individual break up the one who breaks open will come before them listen they it's it's it's it it's plural they will break out they will pass through the gate and go out by it the king will pass before them with the Lord at their head he said in verse uh 12 I will surely assemble you oh Jacob I'll gather you together with in a flock and in a shepherd and those people will come together and notice what happens they will verse 13 break out so God says you're going to have an individual break up with some things in the fou hardness of your heart as you as you seek me I'm going to break you up on the inside but then I'm going to sign you to a gathering an assembling of people and that assembly that that Gathering will become W will receive as as you bring your individual breakups together it will cause a spirit a break out on that congregation do you see it in verse in verse uh 13 they will break out and when they break out the gate will break open and the King will come in welcome to a breakout Church we're going to break out of everything the enemy's tried to limit us and Hold Us in because one can put a th000 to flight but two can put 10,000 and we've got enough power breakout power in this room to break through every attack of the enemy then one more verse and then I'm going going to just teach real quick on these three things give you three quick thoughts and we're going to pray but I want you to then turn left and go to the book of second Samuel 2 Samuel chapter 23 everybody say break up break up break out break out and once you have a break up and a break out you break up personally look at me everybody you have a break up on the inside with with lukewarmness with sin and and loose living you break up with some relationships because you've been fasting and praying you let go of the old boyfriends and girlfriends or anything in your life that's been hindering you you break it up then you come together into a breakout assembly something's going to break out in this church today Hallelujah Miracles are going to break out in this church today a new anointing is going to break out the rain is going to fall in this church the king is going to come through the gate that is that breaks [Applause] out and then then once that happens we see in 2 Samuel 23 verse 15 and David said with longing oh that someone would give me a drink of water from The Well of Bethlehem which is by the gate verse 16 so the three Mighty Men everybody say the next word two words broke through broke through the camp of the Philistines and Drew water from The Well of Bethlehem and took it and brought it to David see if you have a break up with some things and then you come together in a church that's fasting and praying they will have a breakout of limitations then God will give you a breakthrough and notice that the Breakthrough has to do with the enemy's front lines the Philistines controlled the territory where the fresh water was and these men said our King wants some fresh water and because we've had a break up and we're part of a breakout we're going to have a breakthrough right through the enemy's front lines now I want you to see this is the pattern this is the formula for breakr it starts with Brokenness break up the phow ground the ground that was once fruitful the ground that once produced the fruits of the spirit kindness gentleness peace patience love joy break up that area that's no longer fruitful all I need you to do is break it up and the seed of my word will fall and begin to produce joy and love and peace and forgiveness and healing in your life and then he says because Brokenness on Earth brings openness in heaven notice that if you break up the hard ground the rain he said will fall the rain is the rain in heaven is attracted to Brokenness on Earth Earth but there's got to be a Rebo re-broken up that happens inside of us through fasting through prayer we break up the F ground and then the whole assembly gathers together why I love what we're doing right now and even those of you at all of our campuses and all of you streaming live on Facebook we did something so powerful Wednesday night we changed it up a little bit and I began to talk to the to the tens of thousands even hundreds of thousands that were streaming that service and I said if you've got a special request send it in right now we're live time and they started throwing up on the screens they threw it up on the screens Wednesday night and from all over the world prayer requests started coming in we started praying look at what we can do now we're about to have a breakout assembly and you may not be here physically but we're all one together right now Now by technology One Voice decreeing breakthrough in every life when you say break out what do you mean the gate will open and the King will come through the scripture said what are we going to break out of as a congregation break out of self-imposed limitations break out of our own inferiority break out of imprisoning past break out of all the garbage in the baggage break out of the depression and self-defeating mentality break out of people's appraisal of you hallelujah oh somebody's going to get free from people's appraisal and you let people's opinion hold you back from doing what God's called you to do break out of the mentality that they're too many and we're too few break out of the mentality that it's the wrong time and that we we've never it it's never been done before when when when when a person has a break up then God puts us together and a spirit a breakthrough comes on that congregation and we begin to break out of that kind of mentality that says it's never been done therefore it can't be no we're going to have a breakout here today instead of saying we need a breakthrough we need to say we need a break out you can't get a breakthrough till you get a breakout and the breakout has to do with your mind and your mentality that God can give us a breakout this year of all those things that have held us you break up and then you break out as a church as a congregation the lines of limitation are broken and then you have a breakthrough to fresh water I think the Breakthrough of the enemy's lines is where we are that we can see this Community touch like never before Pat O'Brien won the gold medal in the Olympics in the 1940s and uh he he threw the shot put the shot uh put is a metal ball heavy iron ball and he had the record he would throw it you they run and then they stop at a line and they throw it and the one who can throw it the furthers wins and he could throw that iron ball for 16 feet and it he set the world record but one year even though he had the record he was successful at what he had done he decided to to to whirl and to twirl instead of just running like they had always done it same shot put same iron ball but he said I'm going to use a new method and I'm gonna do it with a new passion and he started twirling instead of running and when he twirled you know what I'm talking am I going to have to act the whole thing out for you I wish I had a ball iron ball to throw I believe I could break his record hit somebody up in that balcony but you know he he would he started twirling and it was just and he threw it 17 feet broke a new record he broke out of the self-imposed rules that stopped him I'm not satisfied with what I did last year year I'm not satisfied with what our church did last year you shouldn't be satisfied with what you did break out of those self-imposed limitations some churches are memory driven instead of vision driven they get so accustomed to how it used to be done but I'm saying to you today that God is calling us to greater things you remember the scientific experiment that a man did when he took fleas and put them in the jar and he put the lid on the jar and the fleas jumped and jumped and jumped and after several weeks he took the lid off and the fleas would just jump to where they were used to hitting the top of that lid and they wouldn't jump any further after a few weeks the jar lid came off and the fleas would jump only as high as the lid had been the lid had been taken off but they didn't realize it they were dictated to by their past experience that said you can't ever go any higher you've tried and tried and tried so just give up they convinced themselves that it couldn't be done and some of you have flea mentality and you've convinced yourself because you tried other times but the god of breakthrough is here this year and you can't the the Lord told me to tell you the lid is off the lid is off of your life and it's time time to break through to a whole new level and dimension of Victory and faith in God give him a great shout of Praise if you believe it Hallelujah tell somebody it can be done there are God canners and can godders which one are you can godders say can God can God can God God caners say God can God can God can and there's only those kinds of people under the sound of my voice which one are [Applause] you turn to somebody and say I'm a God caner don't let your present trouble name your future the glory Ark of the Covenant was stolen and a woman had a baby and she named that baby the worst name you could ever give a baby ikabod which means the glory has departed in other words she was naming her future by her present and past circumstances never name your future by your present trouble or your past experiences God is taking you where you've never been before name him Emmanuel God is with me not iub the glory has departed and some of you the enemy has the lid on the jar because you've been through a hard time or went through a divorce or went through a bankruptcy and the enemy has told you you just stay where you are but God has put you on this fast so that you can have a breakup and today we're going to have a breakout and you're going to leave here with a breakthrough give God a shout of Praise if you believe it come on and your FES we're not playing games the Breakthrough has to do with the enemy's front line you hear me devil we're coming we're not running from you we're coming for the gates of hell they will not Prevail against the [Applause] church we're going to get our families back going to get our children back don't you ever speak words that make the devil think he's winning my family is saved my family is blessed my family is Anointed my family is consecrated Sanctified and holy unto God and I'm going to have a breakthrough that's what you do that's what you say Glory come on Buford come on come on guette come on Spartanburg come on Orange County come on Gainesville it's time for a breakthrough do you feel it do you feel it break up that's me break out that's the congregation that we're feeling right now and then break through the enemy's front line don't make the devil think he's winning by talking defeat quit bragging on the devil quit playing the devil's advocate well what if it doesn't happen and what if I don't get a job and what if I lose my house what if God does what if you shut up let's be God's Advocate you can build that business you can go to college you can buy that house you can see Miracles you can be free from drugs you can set down cigarettes and get a breakthrough and never pick them up again you can see your family saved the Bible said he he that's in you is greater the Bible said they that be with us are more than they that be with them why should more honor less why should more honor less the devil is not more he's less and why should the more in US honor the less in [Applause] him you and I are here for a break up a break out and a breakr now let me close with this thought before we pray in Matthew chapter 6 and verse 19 it actually gives us a revelation that Satan can have breakthroughs did you know the devil can have a breakthrough in your life and it gives you the formula of all you have to do to give Satan a breakthrough in your life Matthew 6:19 lay not up Treasures where the thief watch this breaks through the thief comes to kill steal and destroy who is that the devil and the scripture said don't lay up Treasures for yourself where the thief breaks through did you know the devil has breakthroughs in people's lives if you're more concerned about things this new year than you are God you're giving the devil the right to have a breakthrough that's right in your family when we treasure things more than we treasure god it gives Satan a breakthrough in our life when you treasure pleasure and the things of this world that's why you have to set your heart to the house of God the word of God the priority of your life is not pleasure and things and money and boats and cars that's all fine but he is the priority of my life and to and to set your affections on anything if your affection is on the treasures things and pleasures of this world more than they are God it gives an open area for the door for the enemy to break through now now now notice God's way is he breaks you up he breaks out a congregation and then you break through but Satan Satan's breakthrough method is completely the opposite when you put anything above God that gives him a breakthrough once he gets the break through he brings a break out and people when they get their priorities wrong and it's about things their life is about things and stuff and Pleasures then they start breaking out of church you don't see them there they hit skip and Miss every other week three other oh we got to do this we got to do that we're going over over there oh my god I've got so much money I don't know what to do with so you go from a breakthrough to a breakout and the next thing you know they're breaking up cuz he found him a little uh girlfriend at the workout center family's breaking up cuz the kids hadn't been in church for weeks but when we put God first Hallelujah I'm glad that you're fired up on the last day of the fast but we going to really see who the Saints are next Sunday ain't no superbow going to take precedence over Jesus Christ the King of Kings and the Lord of lords I'm going to enjoy it but there's nothing in this world that is more important than Jesus in his house come on and give me a big shout of Praise somebody it's the truth now watch this I'm almost done almost done if you don't have more treasure in heaven than you have on Earth you're giving the devil a breakthrough in your life now why is this important Jesus had a break up the fow ground in the Garden of Gethsemane not my will sweat became drops of blood he's having a break up of his will not my will but thine be done then he had a break out cu they put him in the Tomb but on the third day he rolled the stone away and he broke out the jaws of death couldn't hold him and now he has come for you and me and he says you can have a breakthrough the enemy's front lines never to go back where you came from to that addiction that shame that sin that bondage those lies those bad decisions you're going to break through CU I give you that power I give you that Authority in my name sometimes God will break you in so he can break you out and then give others a breakthrough by what you went through see you would never volunteer to go through your trials so God has to break you in just like Paul and Silas they get thrown in a prison backs are beat and he broke them into prison we never go voluntarily into trials nobody here is ready to raise their hand and say I'll take one come on sometimes God breaks you into situations that you'll never get out of until you learn how to praise in the pain but but but the only reason he broke them into to prison is so that he could break them out they went from a break in to a break out they started singing praises at midnight and the prison doors open but that it didn't stop there then God says now that you've had a break in and a breakout how about having a breakthrough and the Bible said all the prisoners were set free and the Jailer and his whole house got saved and what I felt God say on this last point is there is going to be a breakthrough anointing for whole house salvation whole house whole families get ready for it I don't care what you see I don't care what hell is hissing the serpent is hissing in your ears this will be a year that you and your house shall be saved breakthrough for families in jesus' name come on and give him a great shout of Praise let's get up on our feet and maybe you're in a prison give him a breakout praise right now break out of that confinement break out of that lack of faith break out of that limitation the lid is on [Applause] one of the things I read said there was another guy uh fosberry in the Olympics and he said listen to this he he jumped the high bar and I and the highest they had ever jumped was six feet which is pretty remarkable they would run and jump and their legs would go over first they throw their legs over first but then this guy named uh I think it's fosberry he developed a new technique called The fosberry Flop and instead of throwing his legs like they had always done he jumped build his momentum up jumped turned backwards and let his head go over first the bar the high bar and his feet came over and he set a new world record 7even uh feet 8 in and they had never seen that before and the world was shocked and they interviewed him afterwards and they said what made you do that he said I got to thinking about it listen to this he said I knew if I could get my heart over the bar the rest of me would follow before you can have a breakthrough you got to have a breakout and get your hard over into this thing I believe with all of my heart God God's going to give me a breakthrough this year you get your heart over your feet will follow anywhere your heart will go get your heart over offense get your heart over being hurt and bitterness get your heart over it and the rest of your feet and body will follow today's going to be a day of Mighty breakthrough are you ready every campus the pastors are coming down the worship teams are coming coming forth now now here's the critical thing I believe that while you're waiting you should be worshiping I mean this is the last day of the fast take a little time put on the Garment of Praise for the next 10 minutes 15 minutes lift up your hands all over this room open up your mouth at every campus and begin to glorify Jesus come on guys where are you begin to glorify Jesus As We Lay hands we decree let's pray right now Lord we decree breakthrough over every life over every family in finances in health Miracles a breakthrough Lord I decree breakthrough for America in the name of Jesus break through spiritually financially every way we believe you for it do it God we give you the praise we give you the glory you are you're good oh you are good you good and oh say you are good you are good you're good oh you are good you're good come on can we sing together as we say you are good good oh you are good you are good say you are good you are good you're good you are good you're good oh let the king to let the king of my heart be the mountain where I run the I oh is my to let the king of my heart be a Shad where I the rest my oh cuz you are good say you are good oh good oh you are good you're good oh you are good good oh you are good good oh let the king king where I I oh is my S so let the king of my heart be the [Applause] Shad my oh let the king say Let The King Of My Heart Mountain where IUN [Music] the oh let the king let the king of my heart be the sh where I come on so we lift our hands and we sing say you are good say you are good you're good oh you are good you're good you are good you're good you are good you're good so let the king so let the king of my heart the inside the in the oh my song to let the king of my heart [Applause] the come on church can we sing oh let the king say so let the king of my heart be the of [Music] [Applause] [Music] my is my S let the king of my heart be Def [Applause] say you are good you are good you're good oh you are good you're good you are good you're good oh you are good [Applause] say you are good you are good you're [Music] good you are good you're [Music] good you are good you're [Music] good you are good you're good oh oh sing you're never going to let me down say you're never going to let you're never going to let me down and you're never going to let you're never going to let me down and you're never going to let you're never going to let me down you're never going to let you're never going to let me oh CU you're never never you're never going to let you're never going to let me down you're never going to let you're never going to let me oh you're never going to let me down you're never going to let you're never going to let me down you're never going to never say you are good we say you are good you're [Music] good you are good yes say you you are good say you are you are good you're cuz you unravel me with a Melo and you surround me with a song of Deliverance let's sing of [Music] deliverance from my enemies till all my fears till all my fears are come on we sing I'm no longer a slave cuz I'm no longer to be cuz I am a child CU I am a child of God oh I'm the WR [Music] and I am a child of God oh I'm no longer I'm no [Music] long I am a child of God oh I'm no longer I'm no [Music] longer I am a child I am a child from my mother's W you have chosen me and love has called my name come on I've been born again we say cuz I've been born again to a family your blood your blood flows through my saying from my mother's womb say from my mother's womb you have chosen me love has love has my oh I've been born again CU I've been born again a family your blood your blood come on we say I'm no longer say I'm no longer SL the CU I am a child I am a child of God oh cuz I'm no longer I'm no [Music] longer yes I am a child God I am a child of God oh I'm no longer I'm no [Music] longer I am a child God oh I'm no longer cuz I'm no [Applause] [Music] longer I am I am a child I am a child of God come on let's sing you split the seed say you the sea so I could walk right through love say you resc me you res [Music] me oh you split the sea you split the sea so I could walk around my are my are perfect you resued me so I could walk you resued me so I could stand I am child I [Music] am God oh I am a child of God cuz I am a child God I am a child of God I am a child of God oh cuz I am a child of God I am a child of God oh cuz I am a child of God I Child come on we say you sp the SE so so I could you spit the so I could walk right through you resued me so I can sa you res so I stand I am child I am the sea so I could walk see so I could walk right my fears are drown myars are drowning love you resued me you res me so I stand I am a child CU I am a child oh cuz I am a child of God I am a child of God I am I am a child of God I am a child of God I am a child of God I am child of God cuz there is power in the name of Jesus come on we say cuz there is power in the name of Jesus oh there is power There Is Power in the name of Jesus Oh to Break Every Chain Break Every Chain Break Every Chain there is power there is power in the name j come on can we lift our hands and sing it together say there is in the name of J oh there is power there is power in the oh to break every chain say to Break Every Chain Break Every Chain Break Every oh to Break Every Chain Break Every Chain Break Every Chain Break Every oh to Break Every Chain Break Every Chain Break Every Chain Break Every I hear the chain falling CU I hear the chain falling I hear the change for I hear the change for [Applause] come I hear CH oh to break every chain to Break Every Chain Break Every CH break every I hear the CH iar [Music] the a change CH oh You Break Every Chain Break Every Chain Break Every CH break every break every CH break every CH break every CH break every to break every chain to Break Every Chain Break Every Chain Break there is power we say there is power in the name of Jesus there there is power in the name of Jesus there is in the name ofes break every break every CH Break Every Chain Break Every to break every ch Break Every Chain Break Every Chain Break Every I he CH I [Music] [Applause] CH I he the CH break through you the sh oh to Break Every Chain Break Chain Break Every CH I hear the CH I hear the [Music] ch ch oh to Break Every Chain Break Every Chain Break Every Chain Break Every Chain Break Every Chain Break Every Chain Break Every break every CH to Break Every Chain Break Every Chain Break Every to break every change break every CH break every CH break CH great is your fth forness we say great is your [Music] faithfulness I with my heart ion foret how great your faithful say great great is your faithfulness oh great is your [Music] my eyes how great your fath come on we say great is your faithfulness great is great is your great is your sh fire my heart for how great your come on there'll be a season there'll be a season for joy and we in everything our God is f his arms are open I will come R now are God is oh season there'll be a season for joy and we in everything our God is his arms are open I will come way are we sing great is your faithfulness say great your faithful great is your great is your faithfulness LIF my eyes my eyes I W for how great your [Music] great great is yourness great is your great is your faithfulness LIF my my heart W for how great come on we say so here I am to worship here I am [Music] to Here I am to you're my God you're all together all together worthy all together for say here I am here I am to Worship Here I Am To Die Here I Am To Save you're my God you're all together all together word all together come on can we lift our hands and sing it together say here I am here I am to worship here I am to bow here I am to say all together all together you're all together all [Music] together CU I'll never know I never know how much it cost to s my S upon that cross know how much it cost to see my S say I never know say I never know how to see my sh upon the [Music] cross to see my never know never know never know say I never know how it to S my sh upon the cross no I never know how much it cost to see my say here I am here I am to worship here I am to Here I am to be my God all together all together worthy all together Wonder to say here I am here I am to worship here I I am to here I am here I am to you're my God you're all together all together wor all [Music] together say I'm coming back yeah cuz I'm coming back to the Heart of Worship when it's all about you it's all about you Jesus I'm sorry Lord for the king of it's all about you come on church can we sing say I'm coming back so I'm coming back to the wor it's all about you it's all about you Jesus I'm [Music] sorry but it's all about you oh oh cuz I'm coming back I'm coming back to the Heart of Worship and it's all about you it's all about you Jesus I'm sorry Lord [Music] for it's all about you coming back coming back St coming back to the it's all about you it's all about you come on one last time say I'm coming back I'm coming back to the heart of wor all about you it's about you Jesus I'm sorry made when it's all about you all about Give Myself Away [Applause] say I give myself away so you can use me give myself away oh I give myself away so you can use me I give myself away oh I give myself away so you can use me I give myself away oh I give myself away so you say I give myself I give myself [Music] away I give myself away so you can use me I give myself away oh I give myself away so my life is not my own say my life is not my own to you I belong I give myself I give myself to you say my life is not life is not my you are I give myself I give myself to you oh say my life is not say my life is not my you are alone I give myself I give myself to you say my life is not my own life is not my own you are I give myself I give myself I give myself I give myself [Music] away I give myself away so you can use me I give myself [Music] away I give myself away so you can he me we s cuz I stand with heart of all of the one who gave it all I my soul to you surrender on high is your sing [Music] St with heart of the one who [Applause] gave to you come on we lift our hands and we sing say stand [Music] [Applause] stand of the one who gave it all [Music] stand to I am is I I with [Music] all of the one who all I my soul to you surrender is your sing I st I'll with all [Music] all I'm the one who I my soul to you [Music] surrender come on one last time sing stand [Music] with here of the one who gave it all I'm my to you surrender I am [Music] is say love never fails and never gives never on love Nevers never runs out love never fails never never runs out come on can we lift our hands and say Your Love Never Fails love never fails never gives up it never runs down on me love never fails never never runs down on me love Nevers never gives up never [Music] runs it goes all and all and all and all say it goes all and [Music] all for it all well satisfies my soul and I never ever have to be PR one thing say one it goes on and on say it goes on and [Music] on for it overwhelm for it overwhelms it STIs and I never ever have to never ever have to be remains remains One Thing Remains oh love never fails love never fails never give up never run down love never fails never G [Music] never love [Music] never in death in life in death in life in [Music] in love my death is great [Music] there sounds good in death and life we say [Music] in great is f my death is f there's nothing heart from your great love your love never fails love Nevers never down love never fails never never Your Love Never Fails he never G up never runs our Come On Your Love Never Fails love [Music] fails never runs outs never gives up never runs on Nevers never never [Music] love oh you love never fails love never fails never GES never runs our love Nevers never never runs love never never never run down oh come on this I believe we save I believe in God our Father I Believe In Christ I believe in the Holy our God is I believe in the resurrection and we will rise again for I believe in the [Music] oh I believe I believe in God our Father I Believe In Christ son I believe in the Holy Spirit our God is fre I believe in the resurrection that we will rise again for I in the of sing I believe in God our Father I Believe In Christ the I believe in the Holy Spirit our God is free and I believe in the resurrection that we will rise again for I Believe In The Name of Jesus sing our believe sing I believe in you I believe you R again say I believe that Jesus Christ is [Music] Lord sing I believe I believe [Music] I believe you again I believe that Jesus Christ is Lord I believe God our Father I believe in God our Father Believe In Christ the I believe in the Holy Spirit our God [Music] is I believe in the resurrection that we will rise again oh I believe in the of Jesus sing I believe I believe in God our Father I Believe In Christ the son I believe in the Holy Spirit our God is fre in one I believe in the resurrection that we will rise again oh [Music] I come on one last time sing I believe in god father Believe In Christ the son I believe in the Holy Spirit our God is and I believe in the resurrection that we will rise again for I in the of lift up our eyes see the King has come light of the world reaching down for us there is no there is no other Jesus Christ Our oh Seated on high the mountains B down as we there is no other there is no [Music] Jesus Christ Our [Music] God LIF see the king light of the world of the worlding down for there is no there is no other Jes Christ Our [Music] God we LIF there is no other there is no Jesus Christ Our God oh we sing the Earth will s the Earth will sh and TR before him change will break as Heaven and Earth sing Holy is the name holy is the name of Jesus Jesus Jes the Earth will shake say the Earth will shake and sh be going toak break Heaven holy is the name holy is the name of Jesus Jesus Jesus lift up eyes see the King has light of the world reaching down us there is no other there is is no other Jesus Christ Our God and he seated SE on high [Music] we [Music] him there is no other there is no [Music] other Jesus Christ Our God oh and he seated Seated on high defe War mountains bow down as we left him there is no there is no other Jesus Christ Our God W so lift up our eyes see the King has come light of the world down for us there is no other there is no Jesus Christ Our God oh and seated SE [Music] high mountain down as we LIF him there is no other there is no other Jesus Christ Our God oh and he seated and he seated Seated on high your feet mountains bow down as we LIF him there is no other there is no other there is no other there is no oh [Music] [Music] Jes [Music] J that
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 151,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jentezen Franklin, Free Chapel, Sunday, Church, Live Stream, Worship Music, Music, Jesus, Praise and Worship, Service, Sermon, Message, Inspiration, church service, christian, fasting, prayer, breakthrough, god, miracles, ministry, preacher, hillsong, bethel, elevation, belief, worship, giving, truth, Fasting, peace, joy, family
Id: efbeNc178kY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 31sec (6871 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2017
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