How to Edit Videos for YouTube (iMovie Tutorial 2021)

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welcome to our 2021 imovie tutorial video so in this video i'll walk you through step by step how to create videos for youtube basically the step-by-step process that i went through to create this video that we published on our channel a couple weeks ago i don't edit all the videos on this channel my colleague diego does most of the editing with premiere pro but i wanted to create this tutorial and go through some of the editing myself to show you if you open up my movie walk through this tutorial you should be able to create videos edit them and get them up on youtube imovie is one of the easier softwares to use it's very intuitive it's not the most advanced software so as you're getting better and better editing videos you may run into different roadblocks and say hey i want to do this or that and can't quite find the way to do it with an imovie so i will be creating other tutorial videos in the future using davinci resolve and others when those are ready i'll link to them up above but why don't we hop on the computer and walk you through step by step basically what i did creating the video that i showed you earlier using imovie so this is basically what it's going to look like when you open up imovie if it's the very first time you're only going to have this little create box you're not going to have your previous projects so you can click create new here or if you go up to file you can create a new movie trailer or a bonus tip is if you want to edit vertical videos it's not very easy to find in here but if you create a new app preview that's essentially a way for you to edit vertical videos if it's for instagram stories or youtube shorts or whatever it is you can edit that within new app preview but that's not for today's video we're just going to create a new video and then click on movie and then so once you open up a new project like i just did it gave it a name my movie 3 and this is essentially what the different screens are so you have media so this could be images videos audio clips things like that that you'll see here you'll have the play screen and then this is where you do a lot of the editing so what i usually end up doing is you know you can obviously open up all of your files by clicking here what i'll usually end up doing is just opening up the folder that has my videos so to tell you a little bit about my recording process i'm not always the best at talking to a camera sometimes i have to repeat myself and do takes several times before i have something that i can actually use and so what i'll do is record a tip at a time in separate clips so i may have 10 clips for tip one and then move on to the next clip and then what i'll do is go through all those and find the ones that are at least decent did i either want to send to diego for him to edit or that i want to import here within imovie and then go through to figure out hey which are the best ones do i have to combine different things to say everything that i want to but basically what i'll do is so i have like i put all the clips here sometimes i have bloopers the ones that are complete nose and then the yeses so i'm not gonna go through and edit an entire video for this right now but basically i can say hey these eight clips i can drag them into the the project folder as i have right here and then so what i could essentially do to go through these to figure out which ones i want to use you can do it a couple of different ways so as you're putting something together on on a timeline it's essentially what's down here i haven't added anything to the timeline yet i could go through these clips all right here and one way to do it i can hit control and then mouse click and then i can either favorite this or i can reject this one favorite this one you know reject this one and i so i could go through all the clips and just let them play up above like so another thing is if you hit the spacebar it'll start to play and if you hit the spacebar again it'll pause it and so i could just go through and let all of these play right now if i wanted to and select the clips if i wanted to i could also highlight all these and just drag them down to the timeline like so i don't want to do that so let's delete those but there's a couple of different ways and it's kind of trial and error to figure out what is the quickest easiest way for you to go through all the clips to figure out which ones are going to be included in the video and which ones you don't want to include so let's say i like this clip but i don't want the whole 23 and a half seconds what i can do is i could start here i could hit the spacebar it'll start playing if i hit i it'll say this is the in point and if i hit o this is the out point and i could hit space bar and pause it so let's say this couple of seconds is what i wanted to include then i could just drag and drop so you see now this is only 3.7 seconds of this clip so right here you see this orange line down below that's essentially the part of this clip that is included in the timeline so as you start to add clips to it you can see hey i use this little piece here you know and you're you're going to take different pieces from you know the different videos that you have up above and so i could say hey let's add this entire 23 seconds and then this last one i want to add and so you can you could essentially if you want to add a clip between these two i could just drag this down here and so it's going to put this clip in between the the other two that i already had on screen and then so once you have clips on your timeline so i showed you up above how to go and edit a particular clip so let's say this one i actually didn't want to start with the very beginning pieces of it i wanted to start right here so there's two things i could do so i could take the end of the clip like this and then drag it to right here and then so this is where the the video is going to start now and i took out those couple of other seconds so i want to you know add additional parts one of the things you're going to notice this was only a couple seconds of a longer clip if i want to actually go back and add something that was earlier on that clip that i didn't originally pull down here you know i can go way way back on this clip to say to this point if i wanted to another thing you can do as you're going through editing is say hey you know if there's a section you don't want so let's say i actually only want this beginning piece and what's afterwards i don't want so if you have the have it lined up here and then you hit control and mouse click you'll see split clip and then you can see now it's in a four second clip and a 2.9 second clip so you see that the yellow part is what's highlighted if i wanted to get rid of this piece click on it and then hit delete and then that one is gone and let's say i wanted to then get rid of this section here i can split the clip here delete this one and then just select as i go through you know go through and delete different parts out so there's clearly you know i'm either taking a deep breath here which i tend to forget to breathe sometimes when i'm recording videos and so what i could do is potentially just take out that entire piece something like if i just split oops so i have to select this part here control click split clip this point four seconds is now gone so just kind of going through and trimming down to the exact pieces of the videos that you wanted you know the same thing here potentially i may want to take out another thing to take a look at is so you can see right this part here is essentially the zoom of your clip so you can zoom in really close as you're looking to kind of cut different pieces of it if you wanted to zoom out to say hey what does this video look like now you can go the other direction so you can see here hey i've got four clips so it's four seconds 3.9 2.3 minutes and another 23 and a half seconds so depending on how fine-tuned you're trying to make things versus hey i just want to get everything on here and make sure that it's all in the right order you may want to zoom out and then zoom in as you're kind of going through stuff with a more fine-toothed comb and then one of the things so as you're recording your videos you don't want to have the audio too loud where the audio is peaking you'll see like the red lines if you have the bar showing up while you're recording and so how you can look at that within within imovie is you'll see the audio down here so you can see right now the video and the audio clip is connected if you wanted to actually separate those so you could see it better you can essentially you can essentially hit control and click on it and then go to detach audio and so one of the things here is none of this is very high as far as the volume right now so if i wanted to adjust this what i'm doing in in the video that i published two weeks ago as i think the audio i think i doubled so essentially most of it was like say 178 to a little over 200 percent is what i end up editing all the audio and so i put that up a little bit this maybe up 200 this up you know essentially the a little bit less because i think it looks a little bit louder already so maybe like that and then this one can go up to say here and so you can see you know wanting to make sure that you're uploading something to youtube and it's loud enough because the thing is if it's too loud youtube essentially turns the volume down but if it's too quiet youtube just leaves it how it is so if someone's listening to something at normal volume your video has a really low volume they're not going to hear you very well so that's just one kind of quick thing as far as going in and editing the audio another thing you may want to do is add music to your video so a lot of the videos that we do the tutorials don't have a lot of music different places where you can find music to use is the audio library from youtube so if you go to audio library that's one place where you can get audio clips so music and sound effects and we end up using epidemic sound so epidemic sound has thousands of songs and a bunch of sound effects so something we find to be really useful to find exactly the type of music that we're looking for depending on the video the project that we're working on but i won't bore you with that but basically i found a song to add to this clip so essentially what i can do here is so just i can drag this either to the timeline or up into the media files like so and then here is a 3.2 minute song i can drag this down like so as well one of the things i may want to let's say cut the end of it off so it ends at the same time as the video clips do so i could essentially move to right here control split clip and then you can see that i could delete off the the end of the music so one of the things here just looking at this right now the music is going to be really loud compared to me talking so yeah you're not going to hear what i'm saying so depending on what you're looking for in your video that's clearly not what would make sense for a tutorial video so i mean i would probably want something that's you can hear but barely something along those lines one of the other kind of bonus tips you're going to see this as we add other images and other clips is if you want something to kind of fade in and fade out you can do that by selecting this little dot right here so if you pull this in essentially over you know a period of four let's say six seconds the music is going to fade in so it's a little easier if i turn up the volume but you'll see today so so that's one thing you can do if you want to fade in or out music you can do the same thing with images and stuff that we're going to show you in a little bit so that's really the basics of getting the clips into imovie figuring out which clips you want to use adjusting the audio adding music another thing you may want to do is say for our videos we mention other videos so if i want to talk about how to upload videos after you edit this to youtube i may want to show you that video thumbnail so to do that i have that already saved somewhere so youtube video upload i'll drag that to my media and then let's say right here i want to mention that video so i can just drag that down on the timeline and then one of the things you're going to see here is you'll notice a few things as i scroll over you see it zoom in like so and so what you'll do here is select the image and then what you'll do is so you you can see there's a little blue thing over cropping and what you'll see now is what is called ken burns and so with ken burns is essentially a zoom over however long that clip is so it's gonna start all the way at a hundred percent and then it's only going to show you know a smaller piece of it that's not what i want for this image i want to be 100 of the image the whole time and then right here if you select the video overlay settings right now cutaway means it goes from this clip and cuts away to this image that's not really what i was looking for i want to go with picture and a picture so picture in a picture is going to look something like this you can move exactly where you want this to be on screen and then also how big do you want to be so maybe i want you know this to show up here i can't quite tell exactly how long it is right now so this is for four seconds and the other thing you see these little circles again that i just showed you with the music so let's say i want this to only be two seconds the other thing is i don't want to fade in and fade out i actually want it to just appear on screen immediately and then disappear immediately as opposed to having that fade the other thing we may want to do is add a sound effect of like say a pop when this image comes on screen so if you want to add that sound you could go to the audio library from youtube epidemic sound or whatever source you may use for sound effects again i found a pop sound earlier and then so i can then just drag that down to this timeline and so what you're going to notice here so i essentially would want this sound to be at the same time as this comes up on screen so if i just line this up right here i would want the sound to be right over that so essentially right there you know just like that you would have it would make a pop sound as soon as this image appeared and so you can see there's three different audio layers from me speaking the music and sound effects so this is essentially showing a image over top of the video some parts you may want to do the opposite at so for our end screen tutorial video that we put up a couple weeks ago one of the things we had the end screen and we have a video playing on top of it so why don't i show you how we did that and so say this is for the end screen of the video so that's going to be at the very end again i can go to here's the end screened image drag this to my media or just drag it directly onto the timeline so i could put that right here and i want it for let's say four seconds you're going to notice the same stupid ken burns thing where it's trying to zoom so let's click on that and then just go to fit so i don't want any zoom i just want this on screen the entire time and so what i could do here is say if i wanted let's see we could play this hit i wait a couple seconds hit out and then pause it and then i could take this and i could essentially drag i was actually pretty good 4.1 seconds and drag this over top of the end screen so then i could trim it up so it's the both clips are the same length of time and then from here what i want to do is the same thing we did with picture in a picture so if you're on the video overlay right now it's on cutaway so it's going 100 to the other video but if i go down to picture in a picture you're going to see here now we have if i select the video clip you can see i can move the video around i can make it a little bit bigger and again you're going to see there's a fade in and fade out that i want so let's drag those all the way till the end so you can see you know essentially from this clip and then it cuts into the end screen like this so what we normally do for something like this is like hey check out this video that's a great way to get people to watch more of your content and so this is a great way to just create an image that we did within canva and then have the video playing over top of it and then while you're then after you've uploaded the video in the end screens you could add the play our youtube playlist as an example right here and that's how we would end our video so the next thing i want to show you is how to do picture-in-picture with two videos so obviously you could record with screencastify or something that's using your camera for your computer but you don't really have the same amount of options as far as kind of moving the camera around and doing things like that as opposed to how we do it where right now i'm recording my screen and on top of it i have my camera recording me as well and this microphone is going to the camera so what i could do here is i recorded a short screen share and so i could let's say drag that just directly down to the timeline here's 40 seconds of a screen share and then say i wanted to take this clip and have me speaking over top of it you know again there's there's a bunch of silence at the beginning let's split this clip oops and if something you don't like just hit command z and then it it goes back so if i want to split the clip right here and then i'll get rid of that and let's say have this piece at the beginning i may actually want to clean up let's say i'll get rid of a lid of that so you can see the default is on cutaway what i want to do again is go to picture in a picture and then here i am and let's say i move myself down to the corner here and then this part of the clip again you see the the fade in and fade out that i don't want and so right here i can let that play and it would look something like that so what happens sometimes so if you want to cut out part of the clip and you don't want to be super noticeable your your hands were here and then your hands are gone so what you can do is what's called a jump cut so you make a cut and then you either zoom in or zoom out and then people won't notice that you're actually splitting you know you're stopping one clip and starting a new one so if i made a mistake in let's say this section of you can see where the audio is and so so basically if i select this clip and i select if i hit shift i can select two clips because you have the video and the audio now that it's separated you want to make sure that you're cutting them together so if i do split clip here and then let's say i want to do the same thing right here and then split clip and then let's delete this middle section okay so we have that now but let's say there's a little bit of a jump here now and so what do i want to do let's say for this entire section here let's just break this up a little bit so split clip for this section let's say i wanted to zoom in so i can select just the video clip and then what i can do here is click on crop and then crop to fill so fit fit it basically takes up the whole screen ken burns will do in a little bit but crop to fill essentially what we can do here is zoom in something like that and then when you're done making a change click on the blue check button okay and so what's going to happen now is we go from all the way zoomed out and then you can see that's essentially how how that zoom is going to work when this clip ends it's going to zoom back out another thing that we could do here let me show you how the ken burns actually works and so if i wanted to gradually zoom in now so if i split this clip so that's here's 3.8 seconds then if i went up to the same cropping and go to ken burns so what you're going to see here is the start and end but if i click on the so i want to start at 100 and then i want to gradually zoom in so what i would do here say i want it to be zoomed in even further so you know maybe like that and then again the blue checkbox so so basically over this time now if we let this play so if you want to go have the zoom in and then all of a sudden cut back to the part that zoomed out you could do like so or another thing that you could do is essentially you have to take a look at hey how zoomed am i right here so if i do ken burns you can see it looks approximately like that so if i split this clip in half now it's going to both clips are going to have the same effect to it so what i could do is if i did this i split this right here what's going to happen is going to look like it's going to zoom and it's going to go back out and it's going to zoom again but what i can do now is if i wanted to actually zoom back out i have the second clip selected now go back to ken burns and then this is actually switch switches the order so right now you see the start is zoomed in as the end is zoomed out and then so if we start here again so okay let's say this is the zoom out one maybe i don't want but if we just start right here you're going to see the gradual in and gradual out so so that is essentially how that could work the music's kind of loud isn't it okay so the next thing i want to show you is how to add text so if right here in the video i wanted to add text you would essentially select the titles up along the top and you can see that they have a ton of different options some are not something i'd ever use in a video like maybe this one so i don't think you're going to see in one of our videos these little blue and teal bubbles like that we probably go with something a little more along the lines of whatever they would call as standard so you have this standard lower third let's say and and so if you want to see kind of how the animations are you can obviously click and scroll over and it'll show you essentially how the different the different things are going to be animated so if we want the standard lower third we could take this drag it down on the timeline so do we want it up for four seconds let's say half of that so we could say we could only have it let's say two seconds okay so this is text for two seconds right now then if we select the text let's say we don't want two lines we just want the top line so we could delete that one if we want to change the alignment from i'm still on the bottom but if we're up here and i go to center right align or left align you can obviously change that if you have everything highlighted so you can also change the font size so let's go to 80 and then actually change the font so what do we want to use and also if you don't find what you're looking for here you can go to show fonts and i think it'll take all the fonts that you have on your computer so we end up using work sans quite a bit and open sand so we could say yeah let's do semi-bold work sands and 72. i think that changed didn't it maybe it didn't there we go okay i worked at them but something like that is how you can essentially add text to your videos a lot of the basics of a video created where we you know added the clips out of the audio added some screen shares images music sound effects so let's say we don't really we want to make some adjustments to the color of the video so there's a couple of ways that you can do that so you have this part here which is here let's get the name to pop up for us the color balance so if you click on this automatically improve stuff you know you can just click on the magic wand right here you could auto adjust the video clip maybe it makes it a little bit too bluish for me and if you don't like whatever you whatever changes you make you know you can always hit this reset button so let's reset it if you wanted to match the color of different clips you could essentially be looking at two different video clips to make sure that that the color makes sense together you know white balance skin tone balance i don't really some of this part i don't really like as much as what we're going to look at now which is much more you know for me an easier way to adjust the so this is called color correction so you essentially have three or a couple of different things that you could adjust so this right here is essentially the the color temperature or white balance and so you can take a look as if we go much cooler or much warmer so maybe a touch cooler something like that this is the saturation so if you take all the saturation out you're left with a black and white image or you know completely saturated maybe increase the saturation just a touch so this there's a handful of things to do that might be a little bit confusing so there's different type different levels of color so you have the shadows the mid tones you know and what's really well lit so if you want to make the bright areas brighter you can drag this out if you want the bright areas darker you can drag this in so let's say this let's make everything a touch brighter if you thought hey the shadows are too dark what you could do is lift up the shadows a little bit so you can see you know along this side of my face that's darker should get a little less dark obviously so if i were to do that and then essentially you have the contrast so if there's very little contrast it's going to look more like this and you can see those two nodes kind of move simultaneously in and out and then if you wanted to add additional contrast you could move them further out so maybe something like that and then again if you want to reset reset all you can go through and change those but that's really the basics of how you could you could edit the colors of your video clips within imovie then one of the fun parts that well maybe this one isn't the funnest coolest way that you could be using this but our green or blue screen so if you have an explosion you can use a green or blue screen to have that come up on screen or there's all sorts of different effects we use it more for some of the animation so if you saw this video that i'll link to up above i created a subscribe animation button using davinci resolve we'll probably have some tutorials using davinci resolve which is another free software that you can use for video editing that's much more powerful but it's much more complex as well so if the tutorial is ready i'll link to that up above but it's something worth looking into if you're looking at different video editing softwares but to show you the animation i created let's go to add that so subscribe animation with blue screen let's get that in the media file and then let's drag this down onto the timeline so what you're going to see now is you have i'll just let it play once you know it's it's covering up the entire screen obviously uh you can see the subscribe button comes up um you see it gets smaller you hear click it turns from subscribe to subscribed and then the subscribe button disappears but clearly we don't want that covering me up so if i select the video clip and then go to this so we don't want cutaway we want green or blue screen so you can create something like this with either color and it'll recognize and get rid of it so now you can see what it looks like if the video plays so if you want the subscribe button i'll put a link down below in the description uh where you can just download this video clip and add it to your videos if you want to actually try to create that yourself you know check out the video that i mentioned earlier but but that's really about it so i i think those are the basics of what you need to learn to create a video or edit a video within imovie so if this is like this is the final version it has an end screen it has music it has a scribe button everything you wanted then essentially what you do is if you go if you back out into projects it's going to ask you to give it a name so this is our imovie tutorial and then click ok so imovie tutorial then if you click on these three dots you can then go to share project so we usually just export it as a file and then add to youtube so i'm not as familiar with going about this way but if i want to export a file to my computer then it gives you all these different options so here we have the name we want video and audio if you just wanted the audio from something you can just export the audio then select the quality so you have hi so you can see basically how big the file is going to be by looking at it right here so you have this is you know 529 megabytes so you can see here on low the file is only 181 megabytes you know i would recommend on high if you go to best prores you know i don't know if you're actually recording that high of quality with your phone also but you're going to see that this is going to be a 4 gigabyte file i just usually use high and then compression i usually go with better quality and that's really all you need so then if you just click next you know change the name of it if you want and to select where you want it to be saved so if i save this now and then we can see how long it actually takes so you see it looks kind of weird as it's downloading so you'll see a couple of files like this and then this is going to have you know essentially you know zero bytes and so depending on how big the file is it may take you know from a couple of seconds to a couple of minutes or even hours if this were a huge video file okay so then you'll see up along the top you'll see that says uh share successful exporting imovie tutorial was successful and then so obviously go to whatever the folder was that you had to save that and you'll see right here imovie tutorial and you know that is essentially the video we created okay so that's the basics of how to edit videos for youtube using imovie now that you have your exported video if you want to learn the best practices for uploading your video to youtube check out this video right here if you want to learn about other video editing softwares here's our davinci resolve tutorial below hope to see you in those in future videos bye-bye
Channel: TheFigCo
Views: 5,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to edit videos for youtube, how to edit videos for youtube 2021, imovie, imovie tutorial, imovie 2021, imovie tutorial 2021, how to use imovie, imovie tutorial for beginners, imovie for beginners, how to edit on imovie, imovie editing, how to use imovie on mac, how to edit videos on imovie, imovie effects, how to edit with imovie, imovie tips, how to use imovie to edit youtube videos, apple imovie tutorial, how to edit videos using imovie, imovie for youtube videos
Id: -Xko4g2lqJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 20sec (1820 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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