A Dozen Mistakes New YouTubers Make & How to Avoid Them

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12 huge mistakes new youtubers make so for those of you who don't know we have two channels that have silver play buttons hopefully in 2021 this channel will reach that milestone as well and we've coached dozens of people on how to grow their youtube channels and time and time again we see people committing the same mistakes that are holding them back from growing their channel so today i want to run you through 12 common mistakes new youtubers make and how to correct them so you can grow your channel in 2021 mistake one trying to cheat the system so don't leave spam comments on other people's videos saying sub for sub or anything like that or do the same on message boards or trying to buy likes views or subscribers the thing is those are not the subscribers you want for your channel that's not going to help you grow because what happens is you want someone who watches a couple videos subscribes and then every other video you put out they click on and watch a sub for sub subscriber for example is not going to do that they only subscribe to your channel because you subscribe to theirs what's gonna happen is you put out new content they're gonna be notified and they're not gonna watch your video so if your own subscribers don't like your content why should youtube promote your content to others on the platform so if your own subscribers aren't watching your content like if you have a bunch of sub for sub subscribers your video is basically dead in the water so you want to get the right subscribers that watch all of your videos if they watch your videos youtube is going to find other people to show your videos too mistake number two having a complete lack of patience someone who's like i put up five videos where are my thousands of subscribers i want to be famous the thing is youtube doesn't work that way it works at its own pace and so it could be your first video as a complete hit and takes off and has a million views or you might put up 100 videos and it has takes a couple years before you have a thousand subscribers it took mr beast years to get his first thousand subscribers and now he's one of the most popular people on youtube so i really like this video by roberto blake who says make 100 crappy videos if you have that attitude of i'm going to make 100 videos and i don't really care if people watch them i don't really care what happens i'm just going to create content if you make that commitment of creating that many videos i don't know if just ignore how many views or subscribers you get but just have that commitment and not really have too many expectations of just putting the work you're going to be successful on the platform that moves me on to mistake number three which is inconsistent content this can be inconsistent in a couple of different ways so it could mean that your content is all over the place about different topics but i think more importantly is hey i put out three videos i'm not famous yet and then i don't upload again for another three months and then yeah i'll put another three or four videos over a couple weeks then i'm not going to publish for a while and so the thing is what happens is i've taken a couple breaks from uploading videos and it's like starting over again i forget how to talk to a camera the videos don't turn out that well if you find a way to fit in creating youtube content into your life and you can upload with some consistency i'm not saying at noon on wednesday every single week but if you can upload semi-regularly what's gonna happen is you'll get more comfortable speaking on camera you're going to get better at editing your videos and as you start to get subscribers you're feeding them a bunch of new content that they're going to be watching and so your channel is going to grow but if you put out a few videos here take six months off a few videos there you're not going to get better at each of those things and you're not going to grow as quickly so definitely try to stick with some type of consistency if it's weekly a couple of week every other week but commit to something and just find a way to fit that into your life and you'll be surprised how quick your channel can grow mistake number four perfectionism this can hurt your youtube channel in a couple of different ways one it can keep you from creating content so what happens if you're like hey if i have the perfect microphone or the perfect camera or for the perfect backdrop my videos are gonna be awesome but i'm gonna wait until i have that and then i'll start creating content again but the thing is you're not gonna be practicing uploading getting better if you keep having excuses to wait for that perfect tsunami of things to come together for you to create youtube content one of the top videos on this channel i recorded with my iphone 6s and it has over 300 000 views this background was yellow i have a couple videos with that until i was able to actually paint it and and create this big gray background you know the thing is you just need to keep uploading content you're not going to have everything come together and be perfect for every one of your videos and so if you just take that out as an excuse of i'm going to upload content regularly with what i have to record you're gonna grow your channel also you may record a video and then at the last minute decide not to publish it that almost happened with daniel schiffer check out what he had to say so i actually when i filmed that video it took about four hours to five hours something like that i finished it i edited it i sent it to a few friends showed my parents and everyone's reaction was kind of the same including my own which was kind of like yeah like it's it's a video i thought it was just okay i uploaded it to my channel i scheduled it for the publish and i deleted it and ultimately that evening after a lot of um doubt entered my mind a lot of second guessing i said you know what like i gotta just stop paralyzing myself with uploads and just put it out there so you can see he uploaded a video scheduled it deleted it and that the last minute decided to publish it and that was his second most popular video on his channel so what would have happened if he didn't publish that how many less subscribers would he have had and what information did he gain from publishing that video where he figured that's something my audience actually likes how could i create more content like that video that i almost didn't publish he would not have had that learning if he didn't hit publish for that video and i encourage you to do the same thing don't worry about it what is the worst that can happen if you hit upload and what is the best thing that could happen in most cases it's better to have published the video than not and have consistently created content even if it wasn't perfect mistake number five not having a focus or a niche so what is your channel about and if you create content that's all over the place why would someone subscribe to your channel so we were talking about with sub4sub if someone subscribes your channel and they don't like your future content your video is dead in the water and if you're creating content just all over the place about different topics it's kind of the same thing maybe you got someone to subscribe and then like what are they creating now but if you were to pick a topic so keto diet let's say so how to cook for keto keto breakfast i don't know pick a dozen video topics related to the keto diet or i like to go wrong and so it could be training for a marathon shoes for running in winter why you should run sprints so you should think of a dozen kind of sub topics related to whatever the content is you're creating and not try to be all over the place especially initially you haven't built that relationship with the audience where you can just create whatever you want and your audience loves you and they'll click on your videos when you're getting started you want to focus on a small area create a dozen videos or more in one area build an audience that loves that and little by little branch out into other things so definitely pick an area create a ton of content in that and what will happen is people will find one of your videos and you have a bunch of related videos so those are going to show up as suggested videos which means someone watches several of your videos and there's a good chance that they'll subscribe to your channel and watch future videos about a similar topic mistake number six not creating content for youtube search so youtube is the second largest search engine after google and your youtube videos can show up in google search results so if you create videos like vlog number four and no one has any idea what it's about how is youtube going to know where to put that video to show to anybody but if you were to create how to train for a marathon there are people that are searching for that also there are videos on youtube that talk about that well maybe your video shows up as a suggested video but if you're thinking of those topics that are searchable and people are looking for day in and day out and create content about it then there's somewhere that youtube can show your videos to someone that didn't know you yesterday and so we definitely recommend for new youtubers focus on creating content that people search for someone like peter mckinnon that has over 5 million subscribers go see which are his most popular videos there are tutorials they're topics that people are searching for day in and day out and a lot of youtubers started creating that type of content so if you figure out content that people are looking for every single day related to what your channel is about you will have people finding your channel watching some of your videos and your channel will grow we have a whole tutorial on how to create videos for youtube search i'll link to that up above right here but basically you want to do your keyword research decide what your video is about use those keywords in the video in the title in the description and in the tags and that will help youtube know what your video is about and place that video in search results and also place it in suggested videos that are related to that topic so for example we have a video on how to create your youtube banner so clearly a lot of people search for that topic so we have most of our views coming from search but also 20 percent come from suggested videos which are other related videos if someone tries to learn how to create a youtube banner they don't like the tutorial that they watch they want to watch another one and they show our video so if you create searchable content it'll show up in search results and it's also going to show up in suggested videos that are about the same topic mistake number seven not creating clickable content so what do i mean by that you need to get people to click on your video to actually get views and watch time how do you do that so the click-through rate is one of the most important metrics in all of youtube which is the percent of time that youtube puts your video on someone's screen and that they click on it and so people are making that decision based on the thumbnail and the title so let's talk about how you can improve both the first thing with a thumbnail you need to create custom thumbnails to do that you need to verify your channel if you haven't done that you know the next thing is you need to succinctly represent what the content of your video is with as few words if possible and as expressively as possible i guess would be the way but so you know you with some expression on your face of is it fear excitement whatever it is um and then what's going to happen in your video so this thumbnail from mr beast for example you can see him very clearly a house and a lamborghini he's basically letting people choose between the house or the lamborghini this video from us nowhere near as fun about creating a youtube banner but within the thumbnail in a split second you have an idea what the video is about also don't forget that most people are watching youtube from their phone you might create your banner on this huge monitor but people are watching it and it's this big so check out your thumbnail on your phone before you publish your videos so someone is scrolling through youtube sees the thumbnail and then they're going to read the title if the thumbnail caught their attention so what's important here the first thing is your title should be less than 50 characters so that it's not cut off on certain screens the next thing is include the keyword in your title so whatever you want people to see your video for in search results or suggested videos include that word or phrase in your title and ideally as early as possible so you definitely don't want it cut off in the title and people aren't going to necessarily read the entire title and so if you put the keyword as early as possible you have a better chance of someone seeing that keyword and clicking on your video also using expressive words helps so something like the best the worst this is awful i hate this this is amazing something like that that catches someone's attention and says this sounds like fun or this sounds interesting i'm gonna click on this and watch this video so mistake number eight is having bad audio or bad lighting so notice i didn't say have pro level gear the perfect camera the best microphone amazing lights whatever it is the thing is you just need to be okay and people will watch if your content is good having bad audio is one of the worst things if your audio sounds like this people will quickly leave and not watch your videos some important things to keep in mind here is you want your microphone to be at minimum within arm's distance so if i had a mic on top of my camera right now it's too far away and no matter how nice the microphone is it's not going to sound very good the microphone i'm using is right here boomed right above me but you can buy a lav mic on amazon for 20 that has a long cord that hooks to you here and then will reach wherever your phone or camera is and you should have pretty good audio the other thing is if you're recording indoors is you don't want to be recording a place that has just flat walls floor ceiling and nothing else in the room so carpet a couch a bed blankets on the floor whatever it is will help absorb the sound and so if you have the mic close to you you have stuff that's cutting down on the echo you should have good enough quality for your videos the next thing is the lighting so you don't need to have an amazing light or anything like that you can record with sunlight but obviously you need to record during the day if you're using sunlight but the important thing is that the light is in front of you so you definitely don't want a really bright light behind you and not a lot of light in front of you because you're not going to be able to see your face very well and it's not going to look that good generally if you want to learn more about lighting you can check out this video up above but right now i'm just using this one light here that's about arms length away that's pretty large and there's one light behind me that's lighting up the wall but you know you can get started with what you have use sunlight use the phone that you have for audio or buy a lab mic for 20 bucks and you're good to go for having good audio and lighting to create videos for youtube mistake number nine having poorly structured content so what we talked about earlier is getting someone to click on your video now the next important thing is getting people to watch the entire video ideally or as much as possible so the worst thing that could happen is people leave at the beginning of your video that's why you need to include a hook which is basically just repeating the title back to them so say hey we're going to talk about mistakes new youtubers make and so you know you made the decision on clicking on this video and the very cut first couple seconds you knew what the video was going to be about there was no doubt and if that's what you're looking for you're going to stick around and hear about the mistakes if it you had this long intro you ramble for a while and you don't ever get into the main content until a minute or two in everyone's going to leave at the beginning of your video and it's not going to do well on youtube but if you have a hook and then you get right into the main content you're going to be able to maintain that audience for a lot of the video the important thing for your main content is if you have anything really interesting include that some of it at the very beginning so they got the hook something really good and they're gonna decide to stay for a lot of the rest of the video the other thing is if there's anything boring ideally just cut it out of the video if it doesn't need to be there don't include it also remember to stay on track this video is about this topic and don't include a bunch of other stuff so i'm not going to show you me making coffee me going to play with a dog me doing something else when this video is about youtube mistakes and that's the only thing we're going to talk about today one other thing that you include in your videos is a bonus that you're going to talk about or show at the end of your video so sometimes we'll have a bonus tip or we talk about mistakes in the video and say hey we have a pro level tip that you'll see at the end and that just gives someone one more reason to not leave the video and watch the entire thing also you don't want to be distracting people too early with all these different call to actions of like the video subscribe the vid to my channel go check out this website you want people to watch your content as long as possible and if you're going to be asking them to go to a different website to do something else it's better to do that at the end of the video after they've consumed the majority of it before i forget we have a free one hour youtube masterclass that has a whole wealth of information to help you grow on youtube in 2021 if you're interested in signing up i'll put a link down below in the description mistake number 10 not being yourself on youtube so we don't recommend trying to imitate other youtubers sure you can learn from other youtubers what are they doing what types of content they created but it's important for you to be you so let your personality shine through there's billions of people watching content on youtube and there's plenty of room for everybody and so if you're funny be funny if you're not funny you don't have to try to be funny if you have your own quirky way of explaining things talking about stuff that's cool too but the important thing is to let your personality shine through and yeah and find ways to improve your content and get better talking to a camera but trying to be someone who who you're not isn't the way to succeed on the platform mistake number 11 forgetting who your videos are for on youtube so these videos aren't for you don't just publish whatever you want about any topic and forget about your audience that's what youtube is for is to build an audience build a relationship with your audience build content that they love that entertains them that educates them whatever it is that you're trying to provide but you want to create content that they're going to like if your subscribers like your content then youtube will find other people like your subscribers to show your videos to and you'll grow so what we always recommend doing especially with smaller channels is respond to all of your comments and so it's a great way to get to know your audience figure out what they like what they don't like ask for suggestions for future content ask them to leave comments down below when you're creating your videos and over time build a relationship with them and figure out what what they like what they don't like what videos do well and if you keep your audience in mind for your videos you'll continue to grow on youtube if you do things just for you you're probably not going to have the same level of success mistake number 12 just being stuck in the same place never changing never adapting never improving and so yeah i said the beginning create a hundred crappy videos but ideally video five is better than video four video four is better than video three and so by the time you get to video 100 your content is amazing and so what you want to do is obviously listen to your audience another thing that's important is to review your channel analytics so there's a wealth of information there we have a video on how to understand your youtube analytics i'll link that video up above right here and so some of the things you want to take a look at is the click-through rate that we talked about so people clicking on your video the next thing is are people how much of the video are they watching so you have the average view duration and the percent of the video that was watched and so you can review these audience metrics or the audience retention metrics and understand where people are dropping off where do people get bored maybe the intro to the video wasn't very good and people all left the beginning of that one and so you can see with each of those what things can i change and do differently in different videos so that the next one i retain the audience more also you can have an idea where your traffic comes from and so you can see what topics you covered that show up in search results what videos are suggesting your content as you you know figure out how to make better videos you figure out how to create videos that show up in youtube search results you listen to your audience over time you continually improve and you're going to grow on the platform if you want additional help on how to grow on youtube check out our playlist on how to grow on youtube that i'll link to along the side right here there's a wealth of information on all the different topics that you need to know to succeed on youtube in 2021 hope to see you in those and future videos bye-bye
Channel: TheFigCo
Views: 1,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mistakes new youtubers make, mistakes new youtubers make 2021, mistakes youtubers make, youtube mistakes, youtube mistakes 2021, youtuber mistakes, youtuber mistakes 2021, youtube mistakes to avoid, youtuber mistakes to avoid, youtube tips for beginners, common mistakes new youtubers, common mistakes new youtubers make, common mistakes youtubers make, common new youtuber mistakes, tips for new youtubers, advice for new youtubers, beginner youtuber mistakes
Id: fZK43Fujl3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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