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welcome back everyone my name is joel feld and  today let's discuss imovie let's rock and roll   today's video is really going to be about an  overview of imovie in general i want to kind of   go over the process from almost start to finish  of creating a project or or even importing new   video footage creating a project the interface  the layout and just give you a broad overview of   imovie some of the features capabilities and some  recommendations along the way so with that said   let's go ahead and dive in when you first open up  imovie you're usually going to be presented with   a welcome screen so here is apple saying this  is the best way to enjoy and share your videos   and we'll go ahead and click continue here and it  gives you just kind of a couple bullet points of   you know what you can do some of the features  video browser you can create movies trailers   advanced editing tools fix shaky footage for  stabilization green screen all of that kind of   stuff so we'll go ahead and choose get started  and sometimes you'll get an option that even   says what's new in imovie you might see this  screen also and i actually accessed that from   the help menu and what's new in imovie and  here it's talking about imovies optimized   for the new computers that apple just released  with the apple silicon m1 processor so that's more   the technical side of stuff but here are some  of the highlights of what's new in the latest   software so you might be prompted with those  screens when you first open up imovie now   i'm kind of starting from scratch here i do have  some video footage i do have some imovie libraries   already created but i really just want to guide  you through and give you a tour of the interface   and buttons and where things kind of live so my  screen looks like this because i have no projects   i haven't created anything but you'll notice at  the top here you have two options you have media   and projects right now i'm selected on projects  and over here on the left it's got this plus sign   if i click this it wants to either create a movie  project or a trailer project now if i go to media   in the top left this is where i'm actually able  to access all of the photos the videos that i've   created or that i've taken and what's really nice  is everything inside of photos you have access to   inside of imovie so notice in the top left here  where it says libraries it actually ties directly   into apple photos so you can actually scroll  through here and i can see all of the the photos   and videos directly in imovie so that's really  nice and i can skim through these i can go through   i can double click on it and open up those  pictures and i can use all of these in any   projects that i want if i click back on photos  in the top left there's a couple other buttons   and options right below that i have all events and  all events is really where your video footage is   stored and i'll cover more of that in depth  in a in a later video but just know that your   video footage gets imported into what are called  libraries and then your libraries are organized   by events i actually have a couple libraries and  i'll give you an example if i go back to my movies   folder here i'm going to open up in arizona and  i'm going to open up a vacations imovie library   so notice over here on the left hand side i have  three different libraries vacations imovie library   i have an arizona library and i have an imovie  library by default you're always going to have   just a one imovie library that's usually what they  call it but you can expand and create multiple   libraries and here's a couple of different reasons  why you would want to do that number one is if you   have one giant library it makes it really hard to  move the files around if you're taking up too much   space on your computer you're gonna have to move  those to an external hard drive or it's a little   bit harder to manage in my opinion so break it  down here i have a simple library called vacations   and within this library i have uh california  i have north shore pool fun and a pool movie   so here is these are the events you know it's  a time it's a it's a destination just an event   is a memory a birthday party could be an event a  holiday could be an event a vacation to israel a   vacation to california vacation to florida those  could be particular events because it's a moment   in time in your life so that's kind of the way i  think of it you could have an imovie library and   dated the 2020 and then within there you have  an event for each month if you wanted to there's   multiple ways to do it there's no right or wrong  way to do it it's just a matter of know where your   video footage is and know it's in a library and  it's organized within events it's kind of like a   folder that is all of your video footage over here  on the left it's organized inside of libraries   now directly to the right of that there's a  little button that hides your library and that   just quickly hides it opens it up it gives you  more real estate more screen space to view and go   through your video footage then over here on the  right hand side you can search through your clips   and then you have a little gear here that  allows you to adjust the clip size and zoom   in to your clips zoom out primarily for just  the organization and looking at your clips here   and then you can also show the waveforms for  your audio so notice down here below it has the   little waveforms so that you can see the exact  audio in each video clip so i can go back to   the library i can even click on all events here  and it shows me all of the different events that   i have so i can quickly skim through here also  so notice as i skim through here it's showing me   just a quick thumbnail of the content that's in  that event so here's all a bunch of green screen   examples here's some computer b-roll just  some video clips if i double click on this   event it then takes me into that event and then i  can further be more precise with the video clips   that i have in here so i'm going to go back up to  the top left bring that panel open and i'm back to   the organization of my video clips now one  of the things that imovie lacks honestly is   is organization you don't have a lot of control  to put your video clips in folders or keywords   anything like that so it does take some time  getting used to and that's where i say it's nice   to have multiple libraries and you can break up  the cluster of videos that you have now over here   on the right hand side this is our viewing panel  whenever i'm on a clip i can press the spacebar   and that's going to start the clip i can press  the spacebar again to stop it there's also some   helpful keyboard shortcuts i can press j on the  keyboard that's going to reverse it if i press   k on the keyboard it stops it and if i press l  on the keyboard it's going to move it forward   here's a nice trick too hold down k and l  and it's going to go in slow motion like that   also hold down j and k gonna go slow motion  in reverse so there's some helpful keyboard   shortcuts for you now as the clips are over here  notice across the top of these video clips i have   even more buttons this allows me to control the  color alter and tweak the the settings for your   video the exposure all of that i can crop a video  there's some other items here that are grayed out   because in order to access them i need to put this  video file into a project in order for me to take   advantage of some of them like the stabilization  i'm not i can't stabilize a clip in the media   browser because the media browser is really more  about organizing your videos not editing them   my best advice is just to play around it's all  non-destructive editing meaning that you can make   all of these different changes and you can  always reset it back to its original form so take   advantage of that and just play that's how you're  gonna learn this product it's how you're gonna   learn a lot of software out there you have to take  the fear away that you're gonna hurt something and   just just dive in just dive in so here this first  choice here it allows us to auto color correct it   can match the color of a different clip so notice  over here on the right hand side i've already have   the the castle of disneyland selected if i scroll  down on the left hand side maybe i choose the   sunset if i click on this notice the subtle change  almost a sunset here let's toggle that on and off   so notice that subtle change it kind of has a  yellow tint to it so that's match color you have   white balance you have other choices skin tones  again play around with it these are designed to   alter the color of your videos the next option up  here you have your sliders to control all sorts of   different color elements of your video and notice  over here on the right hand side i can say reset   and it resets those sliders so that's what i mean  by play around see what happens also know that   whenever you hover your cursor over something and  then let go and pause it gives you a nice little   tool tip if i'm just looking at this and going  really fast i really don't know what these are   but if i hover my cursor on it and just kind of  pause a little bit it opens up that tool tip and   says hey this little knob button here adjusts the  shadows to make darker areas lighter or darker   so i can drag this left to right and i can see  those changes happen over here on the far right   again if i do the same thing leave my cursor  there this is going to adjust the temperature   to make colors warmer or cooler so if i want to  make it look really cold i can go to the far left   make it look like it's more sunset e more sunset  i don't know more like sunset i can drag it to   the right so again play you can always click  reset over here on the right hand side then we   have our cropping tool this allows us to crop our  video and when we do that we're able to grab these   little handles in the corner and we can reposition  where that clip is at and then if i press return   on the keyboard it then crops it and again i can  go back to crop i can reset that and go back to   square one you can also rotate it and by these  buttons here so we can rotate it left and right   in a circle and that's pretty much crop i  won't show you the stabilizer yet because   this clip is not in a project we have our audio  though here this just changes the audio volume   of the entire clip itself as you can see as i'm  adjusting this here notice the clip over here in   the browser so when i drag this all the way down  the audio goes completely away when i drag it up   then i'm able to see it now whenever it gets to  that yellow reddish part that means it's clipping   it's gone too high of a of a range for audio  and it's gonna sound distorted and you just you   don't want that so it gives you that visual  cue so we need to back it down a little bit   and have nice nice waveforms but we don't want to  get too much into that yellow and have it go to   red to the right is lower volume of other clips  this is really just where when you have a video   clip in a project and you're stacking it on top  of one another it's going to automatically lower   the volume underneath and let's say that you have  a soundtrack you have video clips to an audio file   a song whatever it may be this is helpful because  you want the audio of the the song to be loud at   parts where maybe it's just scenic video and no  one's talking but if someone was talking in this   clip you want to lower the clips of other ones so  that you can that audio is more prominent and it   stands out in your video and we'll look at that  too when we start to build a project the other   option is reduce background noise maybe you have  a humming in the background maybe there's a fan   some of those certain frequencies will  stand out in video and there's pretty common   different frequencies and this will help eliminate  that doesn't always work but it's worth a try you   also have an equalizer that just kind of tries to  analyze the audio and give it some extra umph yeah   extra oomph yeah so voice enhanced music enhanced  loudness hum production that kind of stuff again   i'm going to click reset here because i don't  know what i did the next one here is for speed   adjustments and again we'll look at that in the  project the second to last is your filters this   gives you audio filters and video filters and  if i click on clip filters here i get this nice   little panel and just by hovering over this let me  mute the audio here so just by hovering over this   notice how it gives me what this video effect  would do so think of instagram filters or filters   for your photographs but it's for your video make  it look like aged film or old world or sci-fi   it's going to process that video and put that on  top of your clip so really really fun if i want   one of these i can just click it and now it's  applied to that video clip if i don't want it i   can either click reset or go back to the clip  filter and come to the top left where it has   none and then it goes back to nothing same thing  with audio let's find one where there's talking we   were at sea world so here's a good example where  this lady is talking about the sea lions so i'm   gonna come up to audio effects and just hover  my cursor on top of these and as you can tell okay it's kind of fun to listen to but you get  the point it just allows you to alter the audio   just like that then the last one is a little i  just gives you information tells you if the video   has been shared tells you the name of the file  the date all of that stuff so that is all of the   buttons across the top lets you do some altering  to your videos before you actually put them into a   project and keep in mind you don't have to do that  here you can do all of this while your video clips   are also inside of a project the other options  that we have down at the bottom you have this   little heart let's go ahead and hide the dock here  let's make this full screen you have the little   heart down here at the bottom and a little x this  allows you just to mark your clips and filter them   so you're either favoriting a clip or you're  rejecting a clip the way that you do that is   let's say i scroll up here and i love this clip of  the kids on the water so if i click once on here   to select this clip notice how it has these yellow  handle bars and the whole box is yellow if i press   f on the keyboard or if i click this heart it's  going to mark this clip as a favorite and notice   at the top it gives you this green bar now if i  don't want that to be classified as a favorite   i can come down click the x and that actually  rejects it so it puts a red bar at the top meaning   that i don't want this clip the other option is  to just eliminate both of those choices because   those are the only two choices that you have and  that's where you unraise clip and you can do that   by pressing the letter u on the keyboard and that  unmarks that selection for you you can also go up   to mark and do on rate and see also reject and  favorite with the keyboard shortcuts so f delete   and u so if i was coming through here and i really  like this clip awesome guy playing the violin   i could come here select this clip press f on the  keyboard and i love it now you'll notice that if   i only want a portion of this i have a couple  different options of how i can mark this as a   favorite i'm going to go ahead and press u on the  keyboard to get rid of that selection and i can   drag these little sliders because maybe i only  like a certain part of this if i press f on the   keyboard it's going to select just that tiny piece  so that's a way that you can be selective about   your your clips same thing with this one maybe i  want only the the tail end of this i'll press f on   the keyboard and then this one also front part of  it press f some of the annoying things about this   your brain naturally just wants to click and hold  and drag but you can't do that it's really really   it's ridiculous actually so here's a nice little  shortcut for you if you hold down the letter   r on the keyboard and then click and hold and  drag you can now easily just select and drag   makes it much easier so again if i only want a  little portion maybe i want uh chewbacca here   my kid does that so it makes me think of  it every time here i can hold down r on   the keyboard and drag i don't have to go  from the ends and bring them in i can just   quickly select the part that i want press f on  the keyboard now i've marked it as a favorite   same thing if i go through here and press delete  on the keyboard i don't want this clip i don't   want that clip i don't want this clip it puts that  red bar at the top and this is where we can use   those filters that i mentioned earlier up at the  top here we have all clips but then we can say hey   show me all my favorites so if i click on here  i'm now seeing the best of the best assuming that   you went through your video clips and figured out  what good pieces there are to use in your project   and same thing if i go to rejected i can see oh  these are the ones that were not my favorite and   then you have all clips which is everything  or you can do hide rejected which just means   ah they're they're not here i don't want to look  at them and that's where sometimes people will   have a clip here selected they press delete and  it disappears and they're like oh where did it   go well you didn't actually delete the file it's  just hidden you've just marked it as rejected you   can always go back and see it by either going  to rejected and we can press u on the keyboard   after we select it and choose to unmark it and it  goes back into all of the videos so after you have   that you have these other buttons down here at  the bottom which essentially just play it go to   the next clip go back a clip and then down here  in the bottom right you have a full screen mode   in the top right you have the share button which  allows you to email export a file export a current   frame as a photograph a couple other options here  at the top you have just an auto enhance which   does what the computer thinks is best for the clip  and then up here you have this downward arrow and   this is actually where you choose to import video  footage from a camera or a memory card or your   desktop whatever it may be so here it pulls up the  the import window over here on the left hand side   we can choose facetime camera so it's saying hey  imovie would like access to the camera say okay so   then we could directly import and use the camera  on your on your laptop as well if you wanted to   so from the camera itself there and then you  have other options devices like on your mac   maybe you have files on your desktop for example  i have a folder on my desktop called imovie stuff   and in here i have other pictures and videos  and such that i could bring into imovie and   import them as well if i have a memory card  from my camera i can put the memory card in   and imovie will recognize that and it will show  up here on the left hand side so here's my camera   and it's going to load and show me all  of the video clips and i can select these   and then choose to import them in the bottom right  also notice in the top here it's saying hey where   are these video clips going to when you import  them are they going into the arizona library the   imovie library the vacations imovie library  and then also what event or you could create   a new event you also have some buttons across  the top here that again show you the the clip   sizes while you're importing and also filter are  you just looking at the videos from your memory   card or photos or both so that's kind of how  you import so let's just say i want to import   this clip here driving down the road i'm going to  import that to arizona quail canyon and i'm gonna   do import selected and it's gonna copy that  file from that memory card and import it into   the quail canyon over here on the left so that's  kind of the overview of just the media tab we   haven't even gotten into the project so let's  let's continue aren't we having fun we're having   fun aren't we all right okay so let's assume  that you've gone through some of these clips   for example i've already gone through and marked  a whole bunch as favorites because i want to spend   my time organizing my clips here so i don't have  to worry about what am i going to use while i'm   trying to create my project going through and  kind of marking your clips first and organizing   gives you a better really just better perspective  of the clips that are usable that you have   and then it gives you an idea that when you  start building your project you already have   mindset of the the sequencing and kind of that  vision you've already done the hard work going   through your video and picking out the good  bad and the ugly so save your time before   you do anything just mark your clips of what you  want to use it'll make your life so much easier   trust me so now that we've done that let's go  ahead and do an overview of the project and all   the features within there so if we click projects  in the top center notice it's completely blank   there's literally nothing here because it's saying  hey this is where you organize your projects   and you can have projects from multiple events  and libraries as well so when i click the plus   sign here i can choose to either do a movie or  a trailer and let's go ahead and just start with   trailer really quick a trailer is designed where  you're kind of doing these pre-created templates   quick two-minute minute and a half and you can  type a script in there and it gives you kind of a   starting point if you have no idea where to start  so let's do vacations we're going to put this   project inside of the vacations imovie library  i'm going to touch ok here and this is where it   gives you these trailers that you can use so if  i hover over it it gives me an option to play then i can pause it so just you i'm not going to  spend all the time going through this but just   notice that each theme and of the trailer is  geared towards something family action uh suspense   anything like that and also notice it has below  kind of this cast members and the time duration   of this trailer if we look at family for example  this is saying hey it's for two to six people   turn this down it's two to six people and  it's about a minute and 20 seconds long   and what's nice is it has this scripting in  there already so that it can automatically   type in the names and kids love this i mean  honestly it's a lot of fun so let's say   that we wanted to do this i'll click on create  we're going to put this project in that imovie   and i'm going to use the california  stuff so notice the interface looks   just the same almost as the the media browser we  still have our project media over here we still   have the button to hide or show that that column  we have our all of our video clips here what has   changed we have these audio titles backgrounds  and transitions so that's new within the project   but everything else is pretty much the same you  have your same filter to show you your favorites   you're rejected all of that you have the same gear  to show you the clip size and zoom into the clips   or zoom out you have all of the different options  across the top to manipulate that clip as well   now because this is a trailer down below  it kind of gives us the script to fill out   text and to really give us a a starting point to  create our video we have our outline we have our   storyboard and we have our shot list so here  it's pretty much saying pick out all of your   favorite clips and we're going to automatically  put this into a nice little sequenced video   trailer for you so outline here we want to  name the movie we'll do the failed share kids i actually i like on the loose we're going  to keep that there you know it's it's fun you're   just kind of building in the platform so we  could say feld share productions it has the   text across the top there shows what it  looks like this is the galaxy logo maybe   we want the spinning earth we'll see what this  looks like so we have this spinning earth here   sun rays through the cloud see what that looks  like you can see that kind of creates this uh   you know nice little background for you and  then below that who directed it who edited it   you're able to put the credits of the imovie of  your project there so the storyboard is where   it kind of puts all of the text and the video  clips in sequence so what you would do is come   back to my media in the top left and we go through  here so again i'm going to hold r on the keyboard   select a little bit here and just drag this on top  of that landscape so now i have it right there and   there's a couple different ways to do this i can  either select the clip up here and drag it down   or if i click on the clip here i can come up  and click on the clip and it will automatically   drag that down so here again i can go through  click on this clip and it's going to select a   little portion notice what i selected it shows it  in orange underneath down at the bottom so this is   building out the storyboard and it's also linked  with the shot list if i go to the shot list it's   showing me exactly what is in each category so  it's saying hey i need eight action shots i need   six landscape i need three up close and these  are all very very short notice the the numbers   on here 0.7 seconds 0.3 seconds 0.8 and if we  click on this it's going to go super fast and   this is where we just kind of build out our our  timeline build out our project and i can use   other clips from other events so if i go to pool  fun for example you know i could go through here   and click on that and it's going to  add that clip directly into there   so as i click and we'll just do a whole bunch  here testing out the iphone underneath the water   a lot of fun actually let's say that i filled  all of the clips in if i go up to the top here   and just kind of put my cursor in the  the front left if i click the play button   it's going to go through and give me  a preview of all of the video so far   obviously you'd spend a little bit more time  picking out the clips of what you'd want to use   so it matches up with the text but every single  theme for the trailer is the same concept so if   we went back in the top left we have projects if  i click on this this is where it's going to ask   me what do i want to call this trailer we're going  to keep it the title of the movie we'll click ok   and here it is and i can always pick  up where i left off and edit it later   notice there is no save button it automatically  saves as soon as i try and close out of it so it's   always there if i click create new again and go  to trailer it's really the same exact thing where   do you want to put this project and if you don't  have multiple libraries it's just going to put   it in the default library that you currently have  open so i'll click ok i can choose a different one   double click on that and it's going to create  again this trailer and i'm going through the same   exact process as before i have the outline put  all the text in there the storyboard the shot list   and it's really just guiding me through to  create a fun little trailer and if you want   a good perspective of what they all look like go  back to the trailer at that main menu and just   watch these it gives you a really good overview  of what the trailer and what to expect from it so that's pretty much the trailers a  lot of fun now the next thing really   is creating a full-fledged movie in here so  our only other option is to create a movie   so when i go here again same thing i'm going to  create this one in arizona i'll do okay and notice   the difference down at the bottom it's completely  empty it's now wanting me to bring the video   footage into a timeline that i'm cutting up and  splicing and adding transitions text backgrounds   all of that so notice down here it says drag and  drop video clips and photos from your browser   above to start creating your movie this is where  it's really helpful to do the organization and   marking your clips as favorites and rejecting them  first because now if i go back to that arizona   for quail canyon i already have gone through  and kind of highlighted the best of the best   so now i have a really easy opportunity to just  bring the clips down in the sequence that i want   and i don't have to spend more time going through  the clips when i'm trying to build the project so   that's a recommendation i have for you now let's  go ahead and just create a video and we'll just   follow along from start to finish we'll go kind of  quick but just give you an overview of what we're   capable of doing go back to my media choose all  clips i'm going to choose hide rejected actually   because maybe i don't want them take this audio  i have this music and i want to use this kind of   as the background for this arizona video so i'm  going to take this and drag it down to the bottom   and as i drag notice how it kind of snaps to the  the front and i can let go it's kind of hard to   see but down here below there's a dividing line  or a nice horizontal line this is showing me that   ever all the audio goes below there and the video  clips go above it and this is where when you have   these clips on here scrubbing through this it  makes it really hard because it's going so fast   and that's what this little slider does for the  zoom so when you're looking at this zoom slider   and you're saying what does this actually  do it's breaking your videos and stretching   them out so that you see it frame by frame so  most video records at 30 frames per second or   24 frames per second slow motion or at 60 or 120  or even more and what that means is a frame is   really just a picture if i take this clip here  and select it it's 21.3 seconds so right now i   see this clip the whole entire thing it's  set to all if i drag this out to let's say   five seconds 5s stands for five seconds  notice these little the the little cuts there   this box here represents five seconds of that  video clip so from here to here that's roughly   five seconds from here to here that's also roughly  five seconds so this is stretching it out you're   zooming into this clip so that you can be nice and  precise with when you're selecting the video clips   but as i scroll up here now i'm scrolling  through a lot more video footage because i've   zoomed in and i've stretched it all out so i  can't even see the breaking point of this clip   so if i let's go to because that's a  half a second that's really really large   let's go back to two seconds and so this is  saying from here to here is exactly two seconds   so that's what that stretching and zoom out does  and it gives you the ability to really fine-tune   your video footage instead of working with the  zoom so close it's going way too fast you just   can't see the video clips so hope that makes  sense but that's kind of the process for uh why   that zoom is there so let's go back to favorites  and we're just gonna use some of these clips   and again love this trick hold down r on the  keyboard and then select it because otherwise you   can't just drag and select it you'd have to grab  these little handles and you know that's not fun   now also notice whenever i click a clip i get this  little plus sign here when i click on this it's   going to add the whole entire clip down to the  project also and it throws it above that audio and   then once it's there i can make it shorter make  it bigger when i did that notice the orange bar at   the bottom that represents that this clip is being  used in the project someplace so if i shorten this   up a little bit that orange bar here goes only  to the left because i'm only using that little   portion there so that's what that little indicator  means now i'm a big fan of wanting video to go   with the theme of the music go with the the rhythm  go with the beat so what i like to do is i'm going   to go back to the beginning of the project select  the audio itself and as the audio is playing   i'm going to press m on the keyboard to add a  marker that way when it's going through i have   a reference point for marking the beat so i can  put clips to that so if we play this back little so it starts off so i'm just pressing m on the keyboard  marking that so i wanted to go with the beat all right so from there i now have these nice  reference points and i can always fine tune it   later but i'm going to zoom into the project and  you can do that a couple different ways if you   have a trackpad you can pinch your fingers to zoom  in or zoom out i prefer keyboard shortcuts where   i can hold down command on the keyboard and press  the minus sign or the plus sign and that allows me   to zoom in and zoom out i can also go up to view  at the top and choose zoom in also but that's way   too much work learn the keyboard shortcuts you'll  be very thankful you did or on the far right here   you have this little slider which you can zoom in  and zoom out of your project as well now i'm going   to go back and do command plus to zoom in a little  bit here and notice the marker here is more at the   beginning so i can trim this little video clip and  notice how it snaps it gives that um and you'll   notice when you're dragging clips it's going to  snap to that and that's actually a feature that   you can turn on it's called snapping and it's  under the view and snapping and you can do n on   the keyboard also as a keyboard shortcut but and  notice how i'm using the help menu if i don't know   where these options live it's much easier just to  start typing and it actually shows you where that   option lives so maybe i want to do something  with audio as i start to type these are all of   the menu items for something related to audio and  it shows me exactly where it's at i love it and   this is not just an imovie this is everywhere  so use that trick also all right i digress   let's go ahead and bring some more video clips  down so let's just drag this down to the bottom   and there's a nice other shortcuts that you can do  so as i drug that down if i move my cursor and put   the playhead where i want to do if i do command  b on the keyboard it's going to split that clip   right then and there i can also move my playhead  wherever i want it to be just by clicking in the   gray area above and if i right click on the clip i  can do split clip as well and it's going to split   it there also if i don't want one of these clips  down here i can select it press delete and that   clips are going to magnetically flow down to the  other side and match up where the last clip was   and now i have that clip there so lots of  keyboard shortcuts video editing honestly   it's all about the shortcuts because  it takes a lot of time to edit videos   if you haven't done it before now other options  here we can take these clips and i can drag it   on top of another clip and it's going to give me  an option saying hey do i want to replace it start   finish all of that i'm just going to say replace  so it puts it there i'm just going to quickly go   through here shorten these up kind of snap  it to the clips there i'm going to use this and we're just going to use some of this   and b command b to cut that take this clip  down we're going to add it to the very end   and so on and so forth okay so now if we play  this cl this video back press the space bar and notice it didn't quite go with the music  so i would go back and and i would tweak the   the start and start starting and stopping  points now notice also how choppy that is   this is where video takes a lot of resources on  your computer and this is where often computers   need to render this video footage so that your  computer can actually play it back to you in   real time so if you hear the word render  that's what that means now i'm not going   to go too much in depth because again this is  supposed to be an overview but notice we have   audio we can add sound effects to this maybe a  bark of a dog whatever it may be all of these   sound effects that are built in into the air we  have titles that we can add so if we want to add a   title at the very beginning when i hover my cursor  on top of this i can see that preview on the top   right so again we'll drag this down to the bottom  we can adjust the length of this title and it's   going to overlay itself on top of the video and  stretch it across so when i hover my cursor i now   have that text there and this is where uh when i  have this text selected i can come up to the text   and i can change the font i can center it and i  can change the color things like that i don't have   the ability to really move it around wherever i  want all of these templates are almost kind of set   in stone you don't have a ton of flexibility but  you do have some customization with it you have   other options for backgrounds and you can add  backgrounds into here maybe i want to add this   this blue floating and i want to add a photograph  on top of this so i can go back to my media i can   go back to photos here for example go back to my  albums let's just say all photos also know that   if you have a ton of photos in your photos library  it does take some resources for your machine so   if you get that spinning beach ball depending on  the speed of your computer you'll get that as well   but let's say i actually have a picture of oh look  at this i'm going to drag this photograph right in   and i have this picture of these ginormous  cactuses when i did that it's automatically   zooming into this photograph and it's not actually  fitting it to the frame so i have the ability to   come up to the top here under the cropping and  say fit this photograph so it fits the entire   aspect of that photograph and it's not doing the  ken burns effect or crop to fill where i'm able   to choose just a portion of that so if i click fit  up here that's why it's doing that because i want   the whole picture to fit there so that's adding a  photograph there's also some other backgrounds too   so instead of this blue kind of water they have  these really cool globes for traveling they're   kind of animated you can put a starting point  ending point so let's just say that we took this   old globe here we can squeeze it in between those  clips and then at the top here we have the ability   to set a route and we can type in starting point  maybe we say minneapolis and we go to let's go   to france why not i don't sure there and again  you can change the style here but we're going   to lengthen this a little bit and now we can see  it build this automated map and it's really kind   of fun for traveling that sort of stuff you can  also change the display name to say paris vacation   something like that so minneapolis to paris  vacation whatever you want the next thing that   we have are our transitions and these are just the  effects that you can do between your video clips   and you can just drag these down below and you  can put them wherever you would like if you double   click on these you can change the duration and  maybe i want this to be three seconds long and i   can say apply only to this transition or i can say  apply to all of the transitions in the project so   i'll say apply to all so now this transition also  got added for three seconds so if i play this back   it's gonna go through and play that transition  for me the last couple things that you would do   when you have these uh projects here we're really  just kind of starting from scratch but there are   some settings within your project that you can  change and have a theme for your video where   it'll automatically insert titles at the beginning  and the end and kind of have a general concept for   your video and if you click on settings over  here on the far right you can choose that here   the theme is set to no theme if i click on this  very similar to the trailers that we saw before   these are just different themes for your whole  concept of your video so if we went to modern   and again you can click on the play button and  you can see an overview of what it's going to   embed and put in there so it automatically does  the transitions automatically does the titles in   the lower thirds maybe i like this look so i can  say let's change it to this theme and notice it   automatically change the beginning title to that  text so it automatically added it at the very   beginning it automatically added it at the very  end and it automatically added the transitions   between every single clip if i go back to settings  on the far right i have other options where it   says it's adding that content automatically if  i uncheck that and then change my theme again it   would not do that i also have the ability to  add a filter to the entire project itself so   before when we had a video clip selected here we  could come up to the top and go to our filters we   could add a audio or clip filter to this specific  video itself so let's go to black and white   so it's only adjusting this video clip here it  doesn't do anything to these other clips but if we   go back to the settings and do a filter here it's  adjusting the entire project let's do sci-fi we'll   for sure recognize that one okay so notice it  does it to every single clip because we did it as   a project setting not as an individual clip itself  so let's go ahead and turn that off we're going to   go back to none so it does not have that and the  other settings here are just automatically trim   background music notice what it did in the bottom  right there it automatically took the remaining   part of this whole song which continues for a  couple minutes and it automatically just trimmed   it to the very end of where the video stopped and  i can also say automatically fade in and out to   black and so now it's going to fade and have this  transition at the beginning and this transition   transition at the beginning and the transition  at the end and again you could do this manually   just by dragging the transitions from the top and  again you have clip sizes you can show the audio   waveforms all of that and then it's important  to know that the very first clip that you drag   to your project that's setting the frame rate  and the resolution of your project so if you   have really old video footage from maybe an older  cell phone that's not high definition or that high   quality and you drag that in first and then you  drag in new video footage from a fancy camera   that fancy video is not going to look that great  because the resolution was dictated by the first   clip that was added so keep that in mind now some  of the last options here you know across the top   we had our color options our cropping options but  this is where we have the stabilize option because   it's in our project now we can click stabilize and  it's going to go and analyze this video so that   it's if it's kind of shaky it's going to smooth it  out for us and we have a little uh percentage and   we have this option for fixed rolling shutter now  notice when it's analyzing here in the top right   it's showing me this progress of it doing  it because the computer has to work hard to   look at these clips analyze it and render it so  that it gives me the ability to play it back on   my computer and depending on the speed of your  computer it could it still might not even play   back fully keep that in mind so now that we have  our our project here it's analyzing the video   we've looked at all of our choices across the top  oh speed this is where we can change the speed   of it this is again the other option that we could  not do before in the media browser because it was   not in a project so if i took let's say this clip  here if i go to the speed i can choose to either   be slow it's automatically going to give me a  percentage change of 10 percent 25.50 or auto   or if i go to fast it's gonna speed it up  really fast by two times four times eight times   and notice it really goes fast it puts a little  bunny rabbit on there and if i go to custom i   can choose a certain percentage that i want  so if i need this to speed up to 400 percent   type that in and now it's gonna do it as much as  possible based off of that the length of the clip   that i've added into the project if i select this  clip here and go to custom and choose 400 percent   i can do that because the original clip that  was in my project is longer it's it has the   capability i can also choose the option to add  a freeze frame where if i put my cursor here   to put the the playhead in the  middle of that clip and i select this   i can go back up to the speed and do freeze frame  and it's automatically going to pause that clip   so if we zoom here into the timeline notice this  section from here to here it's super fast it's got   the bunny and then it gives me a visual saying  hey it's stopping it's frozen in time and then   it picks back up to go faster and what's cool  is i have these little sliders across the top   in each one where i can make this one  even faster or i can stretch this one   out to make it slower and this is where you can  kind of have these special effects where you   going really really fast and then you slow down  and you go really really fast and then you slow   down so you can change kind of the speed ramp of  all of these these clips so that's how you would   do that and there's other options across the top  too in the menu bar to do uh instant replay and   rewind and it kind of does the same kind of thing  for you but automatically instead of manually of   what we just did other options here we have the  ability to do a voiceover so we can click on this   record our own voice into our video project click  the red button here and it's going to count down so we could say hey this is the audio from  our arizona now this is a background and we   found an awesome awesome ginormous cactus  and here it is and then it shows us cactus   so then i can stop and i have this audio here and  notice what it did here it automatically lowered   the background audio for me automatically  because i have this other audio on top   that is because in the top audio here i have the  lower volume of other clips to a certain level so   notice if i drag this to the bottom or to the left  notice it's adjusting the waves below there if i   increase it it's now lowering it even more so it  gives that nice effect where if we play this back   we have the audio that's going to be really  loud and it's going to automatically die down i can increase that and when it's done it's going  to automatically fade up and that's how that concept works as well and with  any of these clips i can click and hold and drag   and manipulate the audio for it if i want to move  this around i can do that and automatically goes   with it it's really kind of helpful so at this  point we've kind of created our project we've   added titles audio transitions backgrounds the  next thing to do is share this video so the way   that we do that is in the top right and we have  a few different choices email save current frame   export file or go to youtube and facebook some of  these i highly recommend others i don't recommend   to do at all so let's just look at these choices  and see what they do and pros and cons to them   first off let's start with save current frame save  current frame is only going to give you a picture   of where your play head is at in your project  so if we click right here in our project   and we come up to the share and do save current  frame we'll just say house we're going to save it   right to the desktop and choose save so notice in  the top right it's going to show me the progress   that it's saving it that goes away and it says hey  this share was successful i can click on show it's   going to open up the finder and now i have this  jpeg image of the house and it's only saving that   current frame it's not saving any video it's  just a photo the other options are email now   email is tricky because you only have a certain  amount of size that you can put into an email   i really don't recommend this ever because  honestly if you put all the hard work into   creating a video you want the person viewing it  to see the best video possible and when you're   in an email you only have the you can only fit so  much in there you know it's like trying to stick   a book inside an envelope and put that in the mail  it's not they're not going to send that they're   going to look at you and say well number one it  doesn't fit so go get a box here same same kind   of concept you can't put these large videos into  an email and still preserve the high quality of   it so notice here the resolution we can change it  but notice here it gives me a warning saying well   this probably isn't going to work for you and that  gives you an estimated file size of 76 megabytes   and the estimated time of this video so don't  even do it because you're not going to be able   to get a nice quality video into an into an email  just don't don't do that take that away apple   don't like it so the next option is youtube  and facebook what this does is it kind of   just gives you a simple choice of the resolution  of what you want and what's typically accepted   based off of the requirements for video uploads to  facebook or youtube you pretty much can choose the   resolution and that's it so either standard def  or or you know i have a 4k option here because   the video footage that i shot from my drone was  4k so you have the ability here i always say   go with the highest quality you have that  camera you did that for a reason why not take   full advantage of it just know that it takes up an  enormous amount of space the higher quality you go   the more space it takes up for example this here  is 404 megabytes if i drop it down to the smallest   it goes down to 21 megabytes so 21 gallon bucket  versus a 400 gallon bucket big difference between   those two files so keep that in mind when i click  next here it would just export it out as a movie   and it would go to my desktop or documents  wherever it may be and then i can log into   facebook youtube upload that video to those  online platforms so that option isn't too bad   the last option that i typically use is export  file what this allows you to do is you have a   little bit more options and flexibility you can  just export the video and audio or maybe you just   want to export the audio again you can choose the  resolution you can choose these quality settings   which allow you to change the bits per second and  what that does is the more bits per second the   more information in that video the larger the file  size so if you want the best high quality there is   notice this same video is now 1.2 gigabytes  it tripled in size from that last file   from facebook or youtube that we're going to do  and i'm only at 1080 if i do 4k now i go up to   4.78 gigabytes so a ginormous difference because  i'm doing the best quality that there is so just   know that you have a little bit more control when  you're exporting as a file and you still end up   with that that file on your computer to upload  to wherever you're going to go but just know   you have more choices going this route and again  you can come up to the top for any of these files   and we can say arizona video whatever you want  to call it and that would be the name of this   video now for time purposes we've this has been  a long video i i hope you like it but you know   we're almost done hang in there so here let's just  drop it down to one of the lowest actually let's   export this out we're going to go back to youtube  we're going to go to small we're going to do next   we'll title this title arizona we'll do next it's  going to say word you want to save it to we'll   save it to the desktop do save and then again in  the top right it's going to show us this export   the progress of it and when it's all done  it'll notify us give that little notification   and we'll take a look at this video once it's  all done now i have gotten questions as far as   you have this long project are you able to export  a portion of it or do you have to export the whole   entire thing and you kind of have to export the  whole entire thing i've not found a way to export   just a portion and so there are some limitations  with that and that's where people outgrow imovie   and essentially go up to something like final  cut which is what i primarily use and notice   when you're exporting it can take a long time so  here this is saying it's going to take 18 minutes   to roughly export this minute and 20 if we look  here in the center minute and 20 seconds a video   it's going to take almost 20 minutes to export  so this is where video takes a lot of time   uh it and it really comes down to your computer  your computer can only do so much and that's why   people spend a lot of money on better computers  with more processing power so that it can do this   a lot faster so now i got the notification the  share was successful i'll click show it's going   to take me to the desktop where that video was  saved and here it is if i press this space bar   i can now see that the video a little  bit better where it's not so choppy   but notice how small it is because  we exported out as a low resolution so and here's where it died down the audio again you kind of get the idea there is that's  that's pretty much the process and then with this   video you can do whatever you want upload it send  it and that's the easiest way so if i go back to   imovie now if i click on projects in the top  left this is going to have me again save it   which we actually never did we never titled  this project so we're going to do arizona   test just arizona test we'll click ok and now it  shows us this project here so again we have our   media in the top left this takes us right back to  where we were before if we click on projects it's   going to show us all of the projects that we've  created as projects start to build up you have a   search functionality up here so you can quickly  find them you can also choose to only show you   you know the most five recent or modified within x  amount of time or projects from specific libraries   so for example if i click on arizona here it's  only showing me the projects that are in the   arizona imovie library nothing else if i go to  vacations it's now going to get rid of that other   project and only show me what's in here so i have  that ability or i can just say all projects and   now here's everything when you have your projects  here you also have the ability to click on the   option below and i have these choices to rename  the project delete it duplicate it if i double   click on this project it's just going to open  it back up and leave me where i was last at so   that's that's that's that's i think that's a  good starting point for imovie uh it gives you   a little overview of the entire process from  start to finish there's a lot of potential   with the software it's not as robust as final  cut or obviously adobe premiere but it's a good   starting point for those that want to do a little  bit more with your videos or even your photos and   turn it into more of a video so with that being  said thank you so much for watching i hope you   enjoyed if you liked what you saw click the little  like button for that for the video if you want to   watch more hit that subscribe button tap that  little bell and we'll see you next time you
Channel: Joel Feld
Views: 4,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apple, tutorial, ios, osx, operating system, edit, icloud, learn, Photos, iMovie, iLife, Finder, Mac Basics, Apple tutorials, Apple Beginners, Getting started with my mac, FCPX, Getting started with iMovie, how to use imovie, imovie on a mac, how to import video, how to import from my camera, exporting video in imovie, video editing, imovie overview, how to edit in imovie, apple effects in imovie, imovie events, imovie libraries, imovie organization, imovie projects, imovie trailers
Id: A3DbQu8ps6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 41sec (3461 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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