Namecheap Vs GoDaddy Vs Google | Who is best domain provider? | Kas Andz

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hey there so this is cassia today from Cass ins marketing group and today I wanted to kind of run over the different domains kind of the top three that I've found for getting domains for purchasing them for whether it's called email whether you're saying for new business a new domain wherever it may be what are the best domains and why and how do they all function differently based upon what you're after right are you after for the cheapest price when you're getting a new domain and emails set up or are you after the easiest kind of access and use will the simplest UI essentially and are you looking kind of for the faster through either as well so the free domains that we're gonna kind of go into today are GoDaddy which is very common domain known throughout you know UK and really globally then we've got Namecheap which is a very similar thing again it just provides domain hosting typical stuff right and then we have Google domains which is actually kind of relatively more on the newer side compared to these guys over here but Google as always will be a big player so we'll start off with GoDaddy now GoDaddy is actually a really good domain in itself not domain sorry provider in itself it is quite good but out of the free I find it to be the worst now you may say pay cash why do you not like GoDaddy as much it's good in terms of getting the cheapest price potentially but and it's a big bar there UI when you're trying to purchase a domain is very long and extended there's multiple continual upsells to try and kind of get to spend more money which I find not only slows you down but it kind of slowly increases your costs however on a price point on this example domain which I've been looking at it's the cheapest right so this is the domain that I actually wanted to buy a while ago but I didn't go ahead with it it's power potion com and now if we compare the same domain - let's say Namecheap Namecheap provides a only slightly higher price actually funnily enough compared to GoDaddy for the year for the first initial piece but the renewal is actually less than off the price of GoDaddy so in this particular case Namecheap actually wins on price and also prefer name chips you iover GoDaddy's it's just a lot of simpler it's a lot of cleaner the sale process is a lot easier they don't kind of keep pushing you to keep buying and then if we then look at the same domain on Google it's the highest both for the initial kind of investment as well as on a yearly basis but there are benefits to Google so if we go between go and mainship so Namecheap I would rank as almost number two in terms of it has the best price in this case Naro and it is one of the easier ones understand with loads of added bonuses they provide when you try and purchase domain but by far I found that Google domains are the best the quickest and the easiest and this is because of a few reasons one generally sometimes Google domains will actually have a lower price by far than any other provider I know I once looked for a dominant GoDaddy where it was around 300 pounds but when I looked in Google domains it was only 10 pound for the year so it was a lot cheaper for for that particular domain on Google itself now the other reason why I have a massive preference to Google is not the fact that it's obviously attached to you Google kind is easier to use etc but also the fact that and that's where when you do this the fact that when you purchase a domain it's the easiest to get an email setup going straight away so if you're a cold email specialist for example when you use Google domains it makes your life a lot easier because as soon as you purchase that domain one you don't need to verify I believe dkm settings all sorry you don't need to wait four to three days to verify and migrate dkm settings which is a particular kind of record that you have to setup with your domain provider which checks if you're the one actually sending the emails out right it's domain key I don't member the other part that shows you double check here while we're on the line became meaning let's see what it gives us so essentially domainkeys identified mail it's email authentication method it's it's really important if you're sending out emails regardless if it's calling more not that you had this setup because this can mean that some of your emails can actually go to the spam folder or can create potential security risks but again by far the easiest to use has always been in my opinion Google domains so let's just run an example of how we would get a domain and Google domains just so you can see the simplicity of it now a typical purchase piece is only like two screens right you click purchase you kind of go ahead and check out and that's it you loose you check out and it pretty much done it's literally that simple and easy unlike the others where they can tell the upsell you now if we look at my domain let me just pick one of my example as a random one let's see so let's use join check event right as an example now the UI is by far the easiest to use again also phones all that normal stuff is very easy to set up but what I find really great is that I can set up I can go here and set up an email instantly for this domain where I'll let you take me free to four minutes to get gee sweet setup this is especially important as well when if you're using a if you're trying to set up a G suite for clients for example they often ask you to verify phone number and it's very tedious to get a new phone number every time you want to get a GC account a new fresh one going for a domain so this just turns the entire process from being something around let's say the three or four day mark maybe two days where you have to wait for things to migrate and propagate to let you being a 5-10 minute process from purchase of a domain to G suite set up we can then begin to warm up your email account regardless if it's for use for newsletters if you're an e-commerce store or if you're doing outreach if you're maybe in the BTB sauce space there's variations of this but by far Google domains has got the simplest use now what Google domains doesn't do it it doesn't provide specialist that Namecheap dance for example so not only do they do typical kind of domains and hosting and all that good stuff which kind of becomes on the one package but they also do specialist wordpress pieces here and components and other usual stuff and the best thing about Namecheap is they often have offers going on so this can these tend to vary to be honest of you I wonder if I could find them now that's just google it name cheap deals name cheap very very very often have deals plumbers there we go which are way below market value of other stuff that you might be looking at in this case you know up to a six percent off for the first year VPNs WordPress all that usual good stuff and yeah so these these are my kind of reviews of the top free sites to get domains whether it's for e-commerce for cold email Google domains is the easiest quickest and also kind of has the highest infrastructure or the strongest simple structure so to speak when it comes to just directly linking to your DC email account so this is being cast guys if you have any questions do let me know and yeah have a great day bye-bye
Channel: Kas Andz
Views: 2,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Namecheap VS GoDaddy Vs Google, Kas Andz, namecheap vs godaddy, godaddy vs namecheap, namecheap promo code, namecheap hosting, cheap domain, namecheap wordpress, namecheap ssl, namecheap, godaddy, google, namecheap domain, godaddy domain, is namecheap good, buy domain, hosting, domain, best domain provider, google domains vs namecheap, google domains vs godaddy, google domains review, best domain registrar, domain registrar
Id: jC579GD7OdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 48sec (468 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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